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Chương 52: Vol-07 Ch 2 – Summer Festival

Part 1

──In a certain high-class restaurant.

It's a well-known restaurant that celebrities, presidents of various companies, and politicians visit, and it's not a place that ordinary people can often get into. In such a place, Miu was eating somewhat uncomfortably.

"──Miu. You know what we're going to talk about today, don't you?"


A middle-aged man with a well-developed face that resembled Miu's in some way, was eating across from the model with a stern expression on his face. The man in front of her was Miu's father and the reason for Miu's tension.

"Then, it will be quick. A marriage proposal has been arranged for you. The other party is a young man who runs several entertainment facilities overseas, including a large casino. Recently, he's been trying to start a new business with the money he's gained from running the casinos. After hearing his story in detail, I feel that he has a very promising future. He will be a good fit for our family."


It might be suitable for you, but it's not for our family. Although Miu felt this way about her father's words, she did not say it out loud.

Miu's father was the president of one of Japan's largest companies, and Miu was actually the president's daughter. However, instead of following her father's ideas and joining his company, Miu jumped into the entertainment industry and became a very famous model.


"…I'm sorry. I'm still working as a model──."

"Don't tell me you're turning this down for some silly show business?"


Being pierced by her father's sharp gaze, Miu tensed up. In fact, she wanted to make him apologize for calling her modeling job a waste of time right now. However, she couldn't control her body's response, which was a subconscious reflex ingrained in her for years, and she could only remain silent.

Miu's father spoke to her as if he was talking to a poorly taught daughter.

"Miu. I approved your entertainment activities because I believe it will lead to an enhancement of our company's image. But apart from that, you have also promised to help our company grow if there is an opportunity to do so."


"Don't tell me you've forgotten that?"

Miu, who was once again being looked at sharply, held her tongue again.

"Well, this is for your own good, too. I don't know about modeling or whatever, but your future is secure if you work for me instead of being in the unstable and unpredictable world of entertainment. Why can't you understand that?"

"…You don't know how I feel about being a model."

"I don't know. And I'm not even interested in that."


"No matter what you say, I intend to proceed with this marriage proposal."


Miu turned her face down in frustration at her father's words. Her father let out a sigh of exasperation at the sight of her.

"Good grief… what's wrong with you… if you marry someone I introduce you to; your future will be secure…"

"…I'm not looking for that…"

"──Miu. Don't disappoint me too much."


Miu's body tensed up at the sound of her father's cold voice.

"You lack awareness as a member of the Midou family. For the sake of the development of the Midou family and for your future, this marriage is very important."

"…Even so, I…"

Miu said this in a faint voice as if she was squeezing it out, but then she thought of a strange idea.

"W-well then… If I can bring a man who can make father feel more at ease, then you will cancel the marriage proposal, won't you?"



Miu stared at her father with a serious expression. But her father's expression was cold as if he knew that it was impossible.

"I've told you many times that this marriage is for your future and will greatly affect the development of the Midou family. However, if you can bring a similar… no, an even better partner, I will have no complaints."

"Well then…!"

"Well, I don't think you can. I have some knowledge of your social circle. There has never been a man in your life that you have gotten to know personally, has there? I don't expect you to be able to bring someone who can meet those requirements out of the blue at all."

After saying that much, her father resumed his meal. It was as if he had nothing more to say, and Miu couldn't say anything else either.


Just when I was getting used to training with Iris-san, I was told by Master Usagi and Iris-san that today would be a day off, as I had been doing a lot of training recently. However, since I was ready to train again today, I was puzzled by the sudden break.

What should I do…? I've already finished my summer vacation homework early so that I can hang out with Kaori and the others before, and since I have a break from my usual training, I might as well stop doing voluntary training as well to rest my body.

I groaned for a while, but then an idea occurred to me.

"That's right! Now that I have a day off, let's go for a walk on Earth after a long while!"



Night and Akatsuki squealed cheerfully at my words. Then, Ouma-san, who was lying down in the room, opened one eye.

"Are you going out?"


"I see. Well, I don't think it's going to be a disaster, but be careful."


"I've felt the presence of Evil before, even here on Earth. Since the worlds are connected through that door, it's not surprising that anything can happen."

When I went to visit Kaori's vacation house, I met the Evil Beast in the place where we did the test of courage, and it seemed that Ouma-san had sensed the presence of it while he was in this house. As always, he's amazing…

"What about you, Yuti?"

"Stand by. I'll stay home. I haven't finished my homework yet."

"I-is that so?"

I smiled bitterly when I saw Yuti struggling with her summer vacation homework spread out on the table. Not only did she need to study for junior high school, but she also needed to catch up on the material from elementary school in order to keep up with her classes, so she needed to study more than others. It was a lot of work, but I'm always willing to help if she encountered any problems or didn't understand something in her studies.

We went out for a walk, leaving Yuti and Ouma-san to take care of things.

"It's been a while since we took a walk like this."



While Night wore a collar and a leash, Akatsuki didn't have anything on him. The reason was that Akatsuki didn't like it. Akatsuki was often at his own pace and did not do anything dangerous, and he listened to me, so I've left him as is for now.


As I was walking leisurely along the walking course, I noticed a bulletin board in the town. There was an advertisement for a summer festival to be held tomorrow night.

"A summer festival…? I talked about going with everyone when we came back from Kaori's vacation house… but what should I do?"

Unfortunately, I don't have a smartphone, so I don't have a way to get in touch with everyone.

…I guess I should just go ahead and buy some new appliances and stuff for the house. Wasn't it impossible to sign up for a smartphone without parental consent? If that's the case, I would like to avoid getting one…

Even though it was my day off, I felt depressed because I remembered something I didn't like.


"Hmm? What's wrong?"

I noticed that Night was staring in a certain direction. When I turned my gaze in the same direction, I saw Miu-san sitting on the riverside of our walking course, staring at the river in a gloomy mood.

She looks like she's lost in thought… Did something happen to her?

Fortunately, there weren't many people around, and no one seemed to have noticed her, so I called out to her.


"Eh…? Oh, Yuuya-san!"

When Miu-san recognized me, she raised her voice in surprise.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yes! Ah… I'm sorry that the president of my office forced you to do that before…"

"N-no! Please don't worry about it. I think it was a good advertisement for our school…"

Yes, the president of the agency which Miu-san belonged to had asked me to cover the ball game of the Ousei Academy the other day.

"What's wrong? You looked like you had something on your mind…"

"Oh, haha… I'm sorry, I showed my embarrassing side."

"Oh no! Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing serious…"

Miu-san was on the verge of saying something, but she shook her head once and looked at the river again.

"…Yes, that's right. As Yuuya-san said, I was in trouble…"

"Oh, u-um, it's late now, but you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Fufufu. Certainly, it's a little late. But it's okay. Would you mind listening for a moment?"


As I slowly sat down next to Miu-san, she stared at the river and began to talk in whispers.

"To tell you the truth… I think I might not be able to continue working as a model."


My eyes widened at her unexpected words. After all, Miu-san was an extremely popular model. She's been on the cover of many magazines, and there's not a day that went by that I don't see her in some advertisements on the street.

If I might add, I didn't think the president of the agency to which Miu-san belongs would let her go so easily. Was there some kind of trouble with her work?

As if to answer my question, Miu-san continued.

"Of course, it's not that I want to do this. It's just that my family doesn't think I should continue working…"

"Your family…"

Miu-san's words brought my parents' faces to my mind again, but I quickly shook my head to dismiss the thought.

"I love my job as a model. I love modeling, and I don't want to quit. But it's not a world where I can continue to work while there's friction with my family."

I didn't know much about the entertainment industry, so I couldn't say for sure, but I'm sure the problems she was facing were pretty complicated. Besides, I've never met Miu-san's parents, so I couldn't say anything about them, and I shouldn't get involved in their family affairs.

I couldn't say a word to Miu-san, who struggled with her thoughts and itching to say something. Miu-san laughed, looking a little refreshed.

"…I'm sorry for talking about this to an unrelated Yuuya-san…"

"Oh no! I'm not…"

"No. I like my job. I just wanted someone to hear that I love my work and that it's something I can be proud of… My father denied… me that."

I was at a loss for words when Miu-san smiled sadly at me.

Suddenly, Miu-san stood up and stretched as hard as she could.

"Hmm! It's been a while since I went for a walk, but I was able to meet Yuuya-san like this, and more importantly, Yuuya-san listened to me. It's a good idea to take a walk. I've been a little depressed lately…"

When I saw Miu-san acting cheerfully to hide the mood she was in earlier, my mouth naturally moved.



"Do you have time tomorrow?"

"Eh? Oh, you mean tomorrow? I don't have any work tomorrow, so I do have time…"

"I heard there's a summer festival near here tomorrow. It might take your mind off things a bit…"

"Eh? T-t-t-t-that will be… a d-d-date."

The second half of her words were too small to be heard, but I continued.

"Of course, as long as you're okay with me…"

"N-no! It's okay! There's no problem!"

For a moment, I was pressured by Miu-san, who seemed more excited than I expected, but then I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad… then let's meet here tomorrow at 6 pm."


That's how I ended up going with Miu-san to the summer festival tomorrow.

Part 2

"…No, Isn't that too careless of me? I…"

The next day. I started my preparations early so that I wouldn't be late for my appointment with Miu-san, but once again, I felt that I had been too careless in inviting her.

The festival we were going to was not as large as the one held in the city. However, it was still a big one, and I didn't need to think about what would happen if Miu-san, a very famous person, showed up at such a place.

The biggest problem of all was that I was too mismatched to her. In fact, I'm so out of proportion that it's almost laughable. Is everything okay? Me…

"Uwaaahh… I'm suddenly getting anxious…"


As I held my head in my hands, Night barked in concern and put one foot on my leg to comfort me. Thank you, Night. But I wanted to make Miu-san feel better, even if just a little. When I thought of that, my mouth was moving naturally…

However, when I thought about it more calmly, I realized that even if I wanted to cheer her up, it would be a bit too far-fetched to believe that going to a festival with me might cheer her up. I don't know why I didn't realize that at the time.

"Well, it's time to go!"

As I was thinking about this and that, the appointed time was fast approaching, and I hurriedly left the house.

Night and Akatsuki were staying at home today. Of course, Ouma-san and Yuti, who hadn't finished her homework yet, said she would concentrate on that. Homework was important, but I think it's okay to go out with friends.

Since it was a summer festival, most people on the street were wearing yukata, but I was dressed in a normal outfit.

As you probably expected, I didn't own any yukata or anything like that, so it couldn't be helped, but I had chosen to wear clothes that were as decent as possible so that I won't embarrass Miu-san when I walk next to her…

As I approached the appointed place, the streets became more and more crowded. And I felt that the people around me were a little buzzed.

Yes, Miu-san was standing quietly at the appointed spot.

──She was dressed in a yukata. I was stunned, but Miu-san noticed my appearance and smiled.

"Ah, Yuuya-san!"

"Eh, ah, yes!"

When I replied, my body tensed up. Miu-san walked towards me with a curious expression on her face.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"N-no! That… I didn't expect to see you in a yukata…"

"Oh… u-um, is it… weird?"

"Weird? No, of course not! It looks perfect on you!"

"R-really? It's just that… you're a little close…"

"Eh? A-aah! I-I'm sorry!"

Miu-san asked if her yukata was weird, so I got closer than I should have… It's really a bit of carelessness.

"I-it's not that I don't like it… it's just that I was a little embarrassed…"


When I was working as a model, I was able to stay in close contact without much difficulty, but now that Miu-san's cheeks were dyed red, I felt awkward. I-it's embarrassing…!

As we were both feeling awkward, I noticed that the buzz around us was getting louder.

"H-hey, that's…"

"Ah, yeah. That's Miu-chan, the model… right?"

"She's wearing a yukata, so I knew she was waiting for someone in private, not at work, but…"

"She's got a hell of a good-looking guy there…"

"It's not like Miu-chan being an idol matters, nor does she belong to an agency that prohibits romance, right? Then, it's okay, isn't it?"

"Even if I understand it in my head, I can't keep up with my emotions… It's just that they are so innocent… they haven't even touched hands with each other yet, have they?"

""Are they junior high schoolers?""

I don't know; we're standing out more than I expected!

"Miu-san! Let's move from here for now!"


We quickly made our way to the festival site, feeling slightly awkward.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

When we arrived at the festival site, Miu-san's eyes lit up. The festival site had many food stalls along the river, and the fireworks were scheduled to start around 7 pm.

Then suddenly, Miu-san smiled a little sadly.

"…Before I started working as a model, I never had the chance to come to a festival like this. So it's kind of strange to be able to enjoy a festival like this…"

"…This is actually the first time I've been to a festival, too."

"Really? If it's Yuuya-san, I thought you would have come with your girlfriend…"

"No, no, no, I never had a girlfriend."

Miu-san's words made me smile bitterly. I don't have a girlfriend… It's too impossible for me to have a girlfriend.

And I didn't remember ever coming to a festival with my parents. Grandpa traveled all over the world, and now that I think about it, I'd never participated in a normal event with him like this. There's nothing I can do about it now, but I wish I could have gone out with my grandpa more when he was still alive…

When I was a little bit sad, Miu-san turned her head down as if she was thinking about something.

"I see… Yuuya-san, you don't have a girlfriend, huh…?"


"Oh, no! It's nothing!"

If Miu-san says so, then it must be nothing.

When we were both excited about our first festival, we noticed that the surroundings were buzzing again.

"H-hey, that's…!"

"No way, it's Miu-chan!"

"More importantly, that guy with her is the male model who was being talked about before… isn't he?"

"…Are we attracting attention again?"

"R-right. Well, let's not worry about it and just enjoy ourselves, shall we?"


I'm worried about the stares around us, but we can't do anything about it if we care too much, so we decided just to enjoy the festival.

"Wow… there are so many different food stalls!"

"Yes, there are. Oh, would you like to eat something? There's a shaved ice shop there…"

"Let's try it!"

I immediately lined up at the shaved ice shop I saw and ordered some.

"It's been a long time since I've had shaved ice."

"You can't have shaved ice unless you have a chance like this."

We took a break from the stall and ate the shaved ice we had bought.

"Did you get the blue Hawaii flavor, Yuuya-san?"

"Yes, and Miu-san has the strawberry flavor, right?"

"Yes! …Speaking of which, I heard that shaved ice syrup actually tastes the same."

"Eh, is that true?"

"Apparently, the base flavor is the same, but just by changing the scent or color, it tastes different."


If that's true, then it must be an illusion of the brain(?). Human beings are mysterious.

As I stared at the shaved ice in my hands, Miu-san chuckled.

"There are two flavors, so why don't we give them a try?"


"Yes, aaahhn."


I felt my body tense up at Miu-san's sudden action.


"Here, eat quickly, or it will melt."

"Eh, ah, yes!"

When she said it would melt, I almost reflexively dipped my mouth into the straw-like spoon that Miu-san held out to me.

Then Miu-san asked me happily.

"How is it? Do you feel the same taste?"

"…..I can't taste it at all."


Miu-san's mouth twitched in frustration at my answer.

No, I was too nervous to taste it! Is it just me? Am I worrying too much?

"Can I try it too?"


Aside from my anguish, Miu-san put the shaved ice that I was scooping up directly into her mouth.



Then, after moving her mouth to taste it for a while, she stuck out her tongue.

"…I'm sorry, I couldn't figure it out either."

Miu-san's tongue was reddish, as was her cheek.

Part 3

After resting, we went around the festival again. Not only me, but it seemed that Miu-san was embarrassed when we were feeding the shaved ice to each other, and the atmosphere remained awkward for a while.

However, the nervousness gradually disappeared, and we were able to enjoy the games…

"Ah, target shooting!"

Miu-san found a target shooting stall and ran over to it. There were a variety of prizes on display, including candy, air guns, and dolls.

"Oh, that stuffed animal is so cute!"

Miu-san pointed to a huge stuffed cat.

A man who seemed to be the owner of the stall approached us.

"Oh, what a beautiful Nee-chan. You must be a real challenger to aim at that."

"Is that one of the prizes?"

"Of course. Everything you see here is a prize; as long as you can knock it down, you get it. How about it? Do you want to try?"


Miu-san replied happily, paid the money, and decided to play the target shooting.



The stuffed animal that Miu-san wanted was a big target, and although she didn't miss the target, it didn't budge no matter how many bullets hit it. Well, I guess that's natural. The bigger the target, the heavier it is, and it's very difficult to drop it with a toy gun and cork bullets.

In the end, Miu-san used all her bullets on the stuffed animal, but the stuffed animal did not move at all.


"That's too bad. You'll have to try again when you feel like it."

"As expected, it's difficult."

Miu-san came back to me with a bitter smile.

…Today, I invited Miu-san to have fun with me.


"Miu-san, please wait a moment."


"Mister, please let me try it once."

"Oh, now the boyfriend is the challenger?"

"N-no, he's not my boyfriend…"

The tease from the target shooting's stall owner made both Miu-san and I blush as we remembered the shaved ice event earlier, but I regained my composure, and after paying the stall owner and receiving the bullets, I headed for the table closest to the stuffed animal Miu-san wanted.

"Does this brother want to try for that stuffed animal as well? Well, I can see that you want to show off to your girlfriend───."

I could tell that the target shooting's stall owner was saying something, but I was focused on the stuffed animal. Then I activated my skill [Weakness Detection] on the stuffed animal.

Some parts of the stuffed animal seemed to glow. These glowing areas were probably the stuffed animal's weak points. The only question was whether the power of the cork would be enough to drop it…

I looked at the other prizes as I focused on dropping the stuffed animal again. And then, as if the skill of [Weakness Detection] was showing me the way to get rid of the stuffed animal, shining spots appeared on other prizes.

In this case…

I set my sights on the small box of candy next to the stuffed animal.

"Huh? B-brother. The stuffed animal is over there──."

I heard the stall owner was saying something, but I didn't hesitate to fire the gun in that direction.

The bullets I fired flew exactly where I aimed. The small box of candy that was hit by the bullet spun and flew away at an incredible speed, hitting another prize nearby.

The other prize was a slightly larger box-shaped prize compared to the previous one. The small box almost falls off the shelf, but in the process, it hits another prize. That prize was a large air gun that was placed in a perfect balance. When the air gun fell, the impact shook the entire table on which the prize was placed, and the stuffed animal I was aiming for fell off.



"Mister… this means I got it, right?"

He was frozen in surprise, and when I asked him that, he nodded his head repeatedly. That's good then.

After receiving the stuffed animal as a prize from the stall owner again, there were still some bullets left, but I ended the game at this point and handed the stuffed animal to Miu-san.

"Here it is."

"Eh? B-but, it was Yuuya-san who obtained it…"

"I obtained it for you, Miu-san. So please take it."

"Yuuya-san… Yes, thank you!"

Miu-san then received the stuffed animal and smiled. Yes, it was worth taking it just for this.

And then the target shooting's owner who was watching us came in to make fun of us.

"Hyu! I'm so happy for you, Nee-chan! It's a present from your boyfriend!"

"A-as I said, I'm not her boyfriend!"

If such a misunderstanding spreads, it might affect Miu-san's work.


As I desperately tried to clear up the misunderstanding, I didn't notice that Miu-san was thinking about something.

Then, by winning the large stuffed animal, I attracted the attention of the people around, and once again, people gathered around us. Sensing that I would be stuck in this situation, I immediately suggested Miu-san.

"T-that's right! Miu-san, let's go see the fireworks now!"

"Y-you're right!"

After getting Miu-san's approval, we quickly moved to a place where we could get a good view of the fireworks, away from the crowds. However, at this time of the night, everywhere was packed with people; even at our destination, there were many people.

However, the fireworks were set off in the sky, so it's not impossible to see them.



"…It's amazing."

We shouted in admiration as we watched the fireworks being displayed. The colorful fireworks looked great in the night sky, and with the loud sound and vibration of the fireworks, they resonated well in our eyes and our hearts.

…I've never had the chance to see the fireworks like this before. Of course, I knew that there were fireworks displays and festivals, but I had never had the time to enjoy them before.

As I stared at the fireworks, I spoke to Miu-san next to me.

"Miu-san. I don't know how much I can help you with your problems. But if you're having a hard time, you can always invite me to have some fun like this to take your mind off things."


As I stared at the fireworks for a while, I suddenly felt a tug on the hem of my clothes. When I looked in that direction, I noticed that Miu-san was looking at me as if she had made up her mind about something.

"Miu-san? What's wrong?"

"…Um, Yuuya-san…"


"I… with me…. Will you go out with me?" (T/n: Tsukiattekuremasen ka.)


The sound of the fireworks launched felt like it was too far away.


"Geez… Yuuya, you should be more concerned about me."

When Yuuya enjoyed the festival with Miu, Ouma, who was unable to go out on Earth, was lying down in the house, looking somewhat sulky.

At the sight of Ouma, Yuti, who was doing her homework in the same living room, looked up.

"Compromise. Ouma-san, you are an unbelievable existence on this Earth. That's why you can't go out there carelessly."

"I know that, too! Yes, it's really annoying that my body feels this… inconvenient."



Night was confused by Ouma's unfaithfulness. Akatsuki was lying on his belly, looking uninterested.

"Eeei, it's boring, it's boring! I'm too bored!"

Ouma was rolling around like a spoiled child, but then he suddenly remembered something and stood up.

"…That's right. I think there's still a place in this house where I'm not bored!"

"Question. Where?"

"The warehouse!"

When Ouma said that, Yuti immediately understood where Ouma was referring to. The warehouse was the room where Yuuya's grandfather kept his collection of items, including the Door to Another World.

"Agreed. But, is it okay to enter without permission?"

"Hmm. It's up to me how I spend my time in this house. He should be grateful that I don't walk around outside on this Earth."

"Confused. As for that, well…"

"And I'm also a member of Yuuya's family. So, there's nothing wrong with spending time as I please in this house, is there?"

" …Whatever. Just make sure Yuuya doesn't get mad at you."

Realizing that it was useless to say anything to Ouma, Yuti resumed her homework. Ouma snorted at her.

"Hmph. Even if you don't tell me, I've thought of that."


However, Night thought that it would be bad if something happened while Yuuya was away, so he turned his head to Ouma in confusion. Then Ouma let out a sigh.

"Sigh… You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to blow up this house or do anything crazy like that. I'm just going to spend a little time exploring that warehouse."


That's obvious! Night barked as if to say that.

"…Fufufu. That room is so creepy that it makes even me flinch."

The warehouse was swirling with a dense and impossible torrent of power that even Ouma, the Genesis Dragon, could barely figure out.

Ouma decided to move to the warehouse.

"I don't know why Yuuya can't feel anything when he sees this room. Is he a big deal, or is he just dull…"

He immediately looked around and began to rummage through the items that were placed there.

"As I thought, this place is interesting. There are many things that even I don't know what they are… No. There aren't the only things I don't understand!"

As Ouma said, everything in the warehouse was unknown to him.

"This is… a coffin? Although it is in the shape of a human being… it is a very luxurious coffin."

The first thing he touched was a golden coffin that looked as if it contained an Egyptian pharaoh.

"Mmm… It's strange. There is no sign of it opening at all. It's certainly locked with a magical device, but it's built with a magic system that even I don't know… and it would be difficult to open by force. Of course, if I were to go all out, I'd probably be able to do it, but if I did, I'd probably end up blowing up this house as well…"

Ouma quietly gave up on opening the coffin.

"It can't be helped… So, what about this mask?"

The next thing that interested Ouma was a black mask with an eerie smile on it. Overall, it had a miserable, devilish appearance, and it seemed like one would be cursed by wearing it.

"…This mask is outrageous. It has a terrifying amount of magical power in it."

It seemed to be cursed.

"No, wait, this is weird. Why would something like this be left out in the open?"

No matter what he thinks, the mask in front of Ouma's eyes is not something that should be left unattended.


"…If I were to receive the curse from the magical power of this mask, even I would die if I take it lightly."

What a surprise, it seemed that even Ouma could be cursed to death.

The warehouse was also filled with various other things, such as old coins, keys of unknown uses, and old Japanese picture scrolls.

Ouma muttered in exasperation.

"…Isn't it easy to defeat the Evil with just the items that are here? At least, by using the magical power of that mask, it would be over in one shot. Well, first of all, it shouldn't even be touched, so it can't be carried around…"

In fact, some of the items in the warehouse have far more dangerous powers than the cursed mask, but Ouma and Yuuya, they do not have the option to use them without knowing the details.

"Well, I feel the similar powers from other things as well…"

As Ouma was about to say that, he turned his gaze to a certain object.

"…I can't feel any power from this. What is it? This is…"

What Ouma was looking at was a cubic object floating on a pedestal. The cubic object has several blue-white lines running through it, giving it a somewhat mechanical appearance.

The base on which the cube was floating also had a blue glow in the center.

"What is this thing? I don't feel any magic or spell power…"

Ouma approached the object and touched it cautiously.

"U-umu… as I thought, it's a material I don't know… And this pedestal is strange, too. I was thinking maybe it was the wind that was keeping it afloat, but to my surprise, I couldn't feel anything."

Ouma moved his hand through the space between the pedestal and the cubic object to ensure there was nothing there.

"Then… what about this?"

Ouma jumped up and clung to the cube, which was floating in the air.

"O-oh! Can it withstand my weight? Fumu… Then, how about this?"

While clinging to the cube, Ouma poured his magic power into the cube. He wanted to see if the cubic object would react to some kind of magic. Ouma kept pouring his magic into it, but there was no response at all. As a result, the cubic object was filled with an amount of magic so strong that it could wipe out a whole galaxy.

Ouma, who had been clinging to the object for some time and pouring magic into it, eventually let out a sigh.

"Sigh… even after all this, the response is still──."

The moment Ouma was about to say that much, the blue light that was shining in the center of the pedestal suddenly disappeared. Then, when the light faded, the cube object floating in the air fell to the floor.


Ouma was flustered by the cubic object that had fallen to the floor; it was apparent that it was Ouma's fault.

"O-oo-oooi! Why did it suddenly fall? It didn't seem to be a problem at all until now."

Ouma wandered around in front of the cubic object and slapped it with his hand in a panic.

"Eeii, float! Float again! Otherwise… Yuuya will scold me!"

The Genesis Dragon was concerned about being scolded by Yuuya. Although having said that, Ouma was incapable in front of Yuuya.

He desperately took the cubic object to the pedestal and hit it with his hand. But the cubic object did not float.



Suddenly, a blue line of light running across the surface of the cube object shone strongly, and something translucent emerged from the cube object.

"W-what is it? This is…"

The thing that emerged from the cubic object was a so-called hologram, and it looked like a blueprint of some kind. Someone with specialized knowledge or the official owner of the object might have understood what it was, but Ouma had no idea what it was.

"U-umu? What is it? This unfamiliar figure is…"

Ouma tilted his head in front of the blueprint, but after a while, the blueprint disappeared.

"…Good! I didn't see anything! That's it!"

Ouma's final decision was to pretend that he hadn't seen anything at all. Ouma nodded in satisfaction, placed the cube on the pedestal, and walked back to the living room.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C52
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Stone -- Power Stone
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