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74.54% Superman (Marvel+DC) / Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Chương 39: Chapter 39

Prime Minster Winston Churchill and the British Delegation arrived so the proceedings could begin. The three Allied leaders all got together for a photo which included their military leaders and advisors. A few photos were snapped with Clark and Taskforce Vanguard and Clark could tell that some members of the Russian delegation weren't exactly comfortable with the makeup of the team. Clark could tell that he most of all was under a microscope. While the Russians were their allies, he and most of everyone else in the higherups knew that they weren't going to stand idle. The US had a super soldier, and they would want one of their own.

The day's proceedings went on with various matters and important discussions had between the three leaders. It was going to be the first day of three if there were no problems or deadlocks had which hopefully, there wouldn't be. Despite the tensions between the East and West, all three leaders knew that if they wanted to win this war that they needed to work with each other instead of against one another. Despite Clark's and his team's performance during the war, they couldn't end it singlehandedly which President Roosevelt stressed. His incredible abilities are what allowed the British and American forces to quickly take Sicily and Italy from the Germans, but that kind of momentum couldn't maintain forever. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill informed Stalin about Hydra's resurgence and the various new weapon programs that the Germans were working on. They were sparse on a few details that some military higher ups felt would be bad if the Russians found out like how one of the weapon projects was some kind of serum that turned men into hulking giants with strength to match the Superman. They didn't want Stalin and the Russians to get any ideas but warned them nonetheless using other weapons like advanced tanks and a new kind of chemical gas weapon. They bought it.

Stalin and the Russians understood and would prepare accordingly along with sharing any potential intel they had. Granted, how much they would share was anyone's guess. The proceedings ended for the first day and tomorrow would be more which would also include a dinner party to celebrate Churchill's birthday. When they were done, the President wanted to speak with Clark alone but rather than do it in a stuffy room they took a walk to a nearby park. The Secret Service and Taskforce Vanguard were on perimeter watch while Clark walked with the President who was being pushed by his aid.

"How do you think the proceedings went, Captain?" President Roosevelt asked him.

"Fairly well, Mr. President. It's clear that everyone has the same overall goal in ending this war so the age-old proverb of the enemy of my enemy is my friend seems to hold up. The question is now for how long." Clark answered.

"I agree and so do many others. One of the things we can agree with is that if we win this war the face of Europe won't be the same as it once was." President Roosevelt stated, and Clark agreed with him. "Stalin and the Russians are our allies and their efforts in keeping the Germans occupies can't be understated but they're not the best allies. Many don't buy their invasion of Poland in 1939 as a preemptive measure to keep the Germans back after they invaded and neither do I. Shortly after that he began forcing his way into Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Latveria, and Finland. Stalin's carving himself out an empire and the only reason he stopped was because Germany invaded. It's clear to everyone that if he pushes the German's eastern offensive, he'll take all that territory by force. Churchill and I put forth the motion if that should occur that those nations be freed but he brushed it off."

"To the victors go the spoils it would seem. Mr. President, it would seem the only way to prevent that would be to cut Stalin off to those areas before he gets the chance." Clark suggested.

"I agree. Normally, I would say that's a tall order, but you've managed to do a lot in the past few months, Captain that many would think impossible. What do you think?" Roosevelt wondered.

"Well, I understand that opening up a western front is important. Liberating France is important but with the northern Borders in Italy secured we could attempt to head north as well. Give the Germans more than one front to defend. It could also lessen the defensives put on a possible invasion into France if we were to invade via Austria. Going north and east could give us a route to Poland. The weapons facilities there concern me." Clark admitted.

"I read the report. Hard to believe all of that was happening under our nose the entire time. And I'm sure that many would agree with you and like nothing more than to beat the Soviets there but then the question would be logistics. From what I understand we ran into problems like that in Italy. You could push the Germans out of Italy, but it took the army time to catch up. I'm not downplaying the importance of your actions or how much they've helped but while you may be super the rest of us are not." Roosevelt said to him.

"With all due respect, Mr. President, that name was Howard Stark, not me." Clark told him.

"Understood. Still, it is quite fitting." President Roosevelt pointed out and Clark just shrugged. "Any information regarding the assassin who attempted to kill General De Gaulle?"

"Yes, sir but it wasn't easy. From what MI6 reported the assassin didn't give over any information willingly. Even under interrogation he said nothing, but his tattoo was telling. He's an assassin from the Ten Rings." Clark answered.

"I'm unfamiliar with the name." Roosevelt said.

"So were many. Not much is known about them, but the tattoo has been seen on political dissidents, extremists and assassins over the past several decades. No one knows who they are or what they want but they seem to be either terrorists or assassins for hire." Clark explained. "Still, we're not sure why General De Gaulle was targeted though it could be German hired assassin to put the French Forces into disarray. At least that's what Colonel Phillips thinks though without additional information it's just a theory."

"One that makes the most sense." President Roosevelt agreed.

"General De Gaulle's security has been tightened and MI6 is plugging the leak that could have led to the assassin knowing his location and putting a bomb under his car. Tighter security measures have been placed all around." Clark assured him.

"Well, I feel as safe as possible with you here, Captain. Thank you again for joining us. I understand that you and your team are busy, but many believe that your very presence here will ensure that these days of meetings will go without any issue or problem." President Roosevelt told him. "And you and your team being present will hopefully have some beneficial social changes and questions raised. The untraditional makeup and performance of Taskforce Vanguard is already getting many talking. I've spoken with General Eisenhower, and we've pushed up the deployment of our colored divisions to join the European theater. I would have liked for full integration but with everything that's going on even that seemed too much."

"It's a start, Mr. President and that's all that matters." Clark assured him.

"And you'll be happy to know it's not just in the military but at home as well. I've been speaking with a Senator Jack Jennings. He claims to know you." President Roosevelt said.

"He does, sir. He knew my father. He's a good man." Clark replied and smiled, thinking back on his childhood when he would spend time with his father and when Jack would come and visit. "I don't have the greatest experience with politicians, but Jack Jennings is the exception. He's someone who uses his position to help people. Not just his supporters but those that don't have a voice for themselves and no one to stand up for them. My father used to say that someone in a position of power has the responsibility to all, not just a few."

President Roosevelt smiled when he heard that. "Your father sounds like a wiseman."

"He was, Mr. President." Clark said but gave the President a nod of ease. "It's ok, Mr. President, you didn't know. It happened when I was 17 but he was a good man. Everything I know and do is because of him and I just hope that I'm making him proud."

"I think you are, son. Any father would be proud of what you're doing, not just the fighting and combat but elsewhere. Not many men would stand up for what they believe in like you did, Captain. That day in Washington showed me your true strength of character. Strength of character that I wish I could see in many others and those that share it you have inspired to speak up when they normally wouldn't. That in itself is something to be proud of as well." Roosevelt said to him. "You know, my old school master, Mr. Peabody, taught us that the trend of civilization is forever upward, and I believe that now more than ever."

"I honestly hope that's true, Mr. President. After everything I've seen…I'm honestly not sure if up is what we can hope for."

"I think it is. He's been a great influence throughout my entire life—Dr. Peabody. He once said, To believe is to be strong. Doubt cramps energy. Belief is power." Roosevelt said.

"My feelings about belief tend to change. I was very antireligious when I was young, but I guess exposure to danger can change that. No matter what I've been through or what I think…I've found myself asking God for special protection but not for myself. For my team…for my family and friends…and for all the strength he can give me to help me do everything I can to end this war sooner, even if just by a day." Clark admitted.

"A reluctant believer?" Roosevelt asked.

"I guess. But one thing I'm sure of, whether you believe or disbelieve, it is a move of evil to take away hope."

"Where one man can take away hope, another can be its symbol or two in this instance. Captain Rogers has been Americas hope and while I'm of a similar mind in my opinions of Senator Brandt like you and Colonel Phillips, it's because of him that we've managed to keep the hope burning strong in the US." President Roosevelt said. "I caught one of his shows when they came to Washington. I kept a low profile to not cause a ruckus. The music, the dancing, the spectacle, Senator Brandt is many things but one of them is clever. As mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, and wives receive letters of the death of their loved ones overseas, these shows give us hope that this war will end soon. I'm glad that Captain Rogers is helping in the war. I could tell that's where he wanted to be."

"He's doing all right, Mr. President. With his help, we can hopefully end this much sooner." Clark replied.

"Good but he's not the only symbol of hope for America." President Roosevelt's aid handed Clark a comic book. Clark was caught off guard by what he held in his hands. It read, Action Comics #1, The Superman. There was a comic book image of the Superman, holding up a car above his head after saving it from crashing into a rock. The title read Superman, but the costume definitely wasn't the same as the one Clark wore as it was more basic. Just a blue suit, red boots, and red underwear with a red cape but it had his S-symbol and diamond shield. "This has been making a big splash recently among the newsstands. It's first issue sold out in two days."

"Where did this come from?" Clark wondered as he skimmed through it. He read a few of the panels and was intrigued. It seemed to tell the story of Superman though not his complete origin. Just the broad strokes. A young boy raised on a family farm in the Midwest, learning the values of hard and honest work along with what is right and what is wrong from a father who looked a lot like Jonathan. He saw how the young Superman, named Clark Anderson was shown by his father to stand up for what is right and wrong even if others didn't feel the same as well. Standing up to people who discriminated others and with the war crimes and stories being reported out of German-occupied Europe it was fitting. The story continued on as Clark Anderson enlisted in the army when Japan invaded and after an experiment, he became the Superman who began helping others with his powers and being a symbol for change and hope.

"From your friend Senator Jennings. He has some people who were able to get this out into production. It's sold out and has been a big hit but has also gotten its fair share of criticism. Not so many people out there approve of the kind of messages it is trying to push but they're not as vocal if this was pushed in the Senate Chambers. Perhaps to usher in real change, starting small with the future of the country sounds like a reasonable start?" President Roosevelt suggested, indicating he believed much like Clark and Senator Jennings. They wanted real change though the reality was easier said than done. Perhaps the small changes started now could pay off and add on to one another. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

"Sounds like a fine idea, Mr. President." Clark agreed and Roosevelt nodded as the two continued their walk. Both of them had high hopes that what they were doing would really help people and one day it would, but they were unaware of the danger coming their way.

Meanwhile in Yugoslavia…

Residing in shipping warehouse in Yugoslavia was a rather unassuming man. Tall, appeared to be in his mid to late 30s with blue eyes, blonde hair in a buzzcut and wearing a nice black business suit. He appeared mild-mannered and unassuming but beneath that guise was a man far more devious, intelligent, and with a wealth of experience. This man happened to be one of Vandal Savage's associates, assisting him in his endeavors. While not a member of the Nazi Party or the German war effort, he was someone who had a great deal of wealth, influence, and resources. The kind of resources that made Savage's plans a reality and not the nonsensical ravings of a madman. Said resources happened to include a hand in various companies outside of the Reich, even in the United States and they were very good at getting things from one location to another without anyone knowing. For example, getting something from a special lab in German Occupied Poland all the way to Tehran, Iran without the Allies knowing.

Said man was doing some paperwork when a blur of black with a trail of red lightning zipped around his office at incredible speed before appearing right behind him.

"There are more polite ways to enter my office." The man said, standing up and looking at his visitor. Instead of being shocked, afraid, or confused the man greeted him with familiarity. "Hello, Eobard."

"Mr. Darkh." Eobard Thawne smiled. "I trust that everything went according to plan?"

"Of course. Von List's men and Savage's agents were dropped off in Tehran and are situated at one of my warehouses with no one the wiser. And the other transport is heading to Africa as we speak." Darkh replied and Thawne gave him a nod of thanks before putting down a small bag. Darkh opened it up to reveal it was filled with gold coins but not just any coins. They were golden Spanish escudos, golden coins from a 1715 Spanish fleet that was lost at sea in a hurricane. The bag was filled with them and had to be worth several million at the very least.

"Consider that a worthy contribution to you and your Hive." Thawne told him.

"Much appreciated." Darkh replied, putting the coins in his desk for now. "How is Mr. Savage?"

"Busy. His first encounter with Superman did not go as he thought it would. Suffice to say that he is very motivated for the next one and is taking steps." Thawne replied.

"They better be immense steps with all the resources I've heard were needed to build what I shipped to Iran. Millions in research and development and all Von List has is enough material to make eight suits of armor for his ultimate weapons? This does not look good and from what I hear than I doubt anything Savage could do would turn this war around at this point. Hitler's lost." Darkh said and Thawne agreed.

"Of that we're in agreement. My agreement and partnership with Savage, much like yours was not undertaken to help Hitler win the war. Hitler is a moron and even if Superman had never been born or if opportunistic gentlemen such as us were absent, he would still be fated to lose. I don't care about Hitler or his Reich. He's a stain on history but Superman is another matter entirely." Thawne stated.

"Really? I'll admit that his arrival has intrigued me. It goes to show just how much science has come and what could be done to a man if he puts himself through arduous torture." Darkh said.

"He's no mere science experiment, Mr. Darkh and I would not underestimate him. He is something far greater than you could imagine and sometime in the future he will lead others against you. He inspires and leads others to one day tear down Hive and your plans for the future. He becomes someone that rivals gods and will rally others like him to his side…one in particular who does well under his leadership and has vexed me. But if he were to die during the war?" Thawne suggested and Darkh was intrigued. "Then the future is open to change but fate works against me."

"I didn't take you for a believer of fate or destiny." Darkh remarked.

"I'm not but they are friends of Superman." Thawne cursed but before he could go on his watch beeped with a red light. "I'm afraid that will be all for today, Mr. Darkh. May we meet again someday."

Thawne then super sped away in a blur of red lightning leaving Darkh with a new interest. Who was this Superman and was he really a threat to his future endeavors? And if he was a threat to Hive…what about the League and the Demon's Head?

Russian Embassy Tehran, Iran

President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Marshall Stalin sat around a round table where they were joined by their advisors to discuss the various matters that needed to be straightened out. Among them were the three super powers agreeing to support the Iranian government with economic assistance as they would assist in the war against Germany while recognizing the independence, sovereignty, and integrity of Iran, agreeing to support Turkey if they entered the war, the support and aid of the Yugoslav Partisans, the Soviet entry into the Pacific front of the war and America's use of Siberian ports for their bombers, possible plans for a post-war Germany, and the beginning talks and idea of an international organization comprising all nation states as a venue for the resolution against common issues and a check against international aggressors. Essentially, a much more in depth and better version of the League of Nations created after the first world war. But one matter that was the driving force for the meetings was the discussion of the western front of the war in what was dubbed as Operation Overlord, the Allied mission to invade mainland Europe via France and relieve pressure on the Eastern Front.

Stalin spoke and when he finished his interpreter spoke. "Your invasion of France should not be delayed. The Red Army is suffering heavy losses. We need the support of a second front in Europe. Marshal Stalin is anxious that Operation Overlord should not be delayed."

"Marshal Stalin must realize that our forces will not be ready until the summer of 1944." Churchill spoke and Stalin's interpreter translated. "That's six month away. The situation might change."

Once Churchill was done, Stalin began speaking and when he was finished the interpreter spoke. "Marshall Stalin is not prepared to discuss any delay."

"There's no question of a delay." President Roosevelt spoke. "The governing factor is the timing put forth by you. Overlord will be launched at the prescribed time."

"This is good." Stalin's interpreter replied.

"It would be unwise, I think to agree now to such a rigid timetable." Churchill stated.

"Marshall Stalin says the British are afraid of fighting. You should not think the Germans are supermen much like Captain Elbert. You cannot win a war without fighting and if we push the advantage now than we can ensure they cannot retaliate." Stalin's interpreter said.

"We are fighting—and fighting fiercely—on land, on the sea, and in the air. The invasion of France is our topmost priority. It will be our stern duty to hurl every sinew of our strength against the Germans." Churchill said and the interpreter translated. "Bloody man."

"Beg pardon?" The interpreter asked.

"Nothing." Churchill cleared his throat and Clark rolled his eyes. He and his team were standing outside the meeting room with the other additional guards and military personnel. It was just pointless political talk, while important, was also so tedious and boring. He saw Lucas nearly nod off at one point if Padma hadn't nudged him from the side. Logan even tried to smoke his cigar inside when everyone gave him a pointed look, so he stopped.

Clark chuckled at that when his hearing picked up something. A very large truck pulled up nearby and he heard a lot of clutter and indecipherable noise that sounded like something mechanical was being built or turning on. Similar sounds to what he's heard in the SSR labs when Howard's busy working on an invention. At first, he dismissed them thinking it could be local scientists but then he heard something else.

"Quiet. Do not make too much noise."

"Sorry. We'll finish setting this up. Keep watch outside. We need a few minutes."

A conversation that wouldn't normally make a blip on Clark's radar except for the fact that they spoke German. "Kal?" Solange called out to him when she saw the serious look on his face.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Lucas asked him.

"Shh…" Clark motioned them to stay quiet while he closed his eyes and focused his hearing. He blocked out all the other excess noise outside. The car engines, mutters of conversations, and shrieks of animals as he homed in one the people from before.

"Hurry up. We don't have much time. We need to strike now before they leave the embassy."

"Kal, what's wrong?" Arthur questioned and by now, even some of the President's Secret Service, British staff, and Soviet Delegation were concerned.

"I think we may have a problem. Arthur, Webb, Solange, Halima, Anna, Lucas, stay here. Protect the President and everyone. Be on alert and stay on comms. Everyone else with me." Clark ordered and they followed his command. Clark led his team away and his sudden departure did cause some concern.



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HarHarMahadev HarHarMahadev

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