Sammy looked at them with a smile. "Sorry none of us were able to greet you earlier," he said, doing the standard casual salute of Xeno.
Naturally, even before Bart's party left Iron Valley, Gill sent a letter to Alterra that their old friend Bart was coming and he was bringing another half-orc with him.
Everyone was so busy though so no one met them before now. So busy, in fact, that everyone thought someone else told Gochi of who was coming, which was one of the causes of the previous debacle.
Bart shook his own bad mood due to the news and greeted him with a smile. "So… this is your home?" He remembered when they were struggling to find a place just a few months ago. Now, they helped build such a thing. It was unbelievable.
"Yep. Nice, huh?" Sammy said with a proud smirk. "Sorry the others are unavailable; everyone's preparing for what's to come."
"Let us guide you, and let's discuss some business along the way," he said. Bart nodded.
Half-orc reunion next! REALLY!
Come on come on!