A/N: Would like to take this chance to send my love to the Alterans who sent votes, golden tickets (some even sent large bulks, huhuhu thank you), and gifts!
The story has been in a decline the past few months, and your support gives me sooo much encouragement. Love you, Alterans!
The couple went home very late that night, and they decided to have a proper rest with the children that night. The two babies slept peacefully (and adorably) on their father's chest, and Althea's head rested on his broad shoulder.
Garan felt extremely warm, surrounded by his family like this. The depression of the possible deaths and the upcoming war dissipated a bit.
The Elders scheduled the war to happen within 7 days. This was because there would be the element of surprise but, knowing Fargo and the others, a lot of people would be dying in between. The longer they took, the more civilians would suffer.
Someday guys, someday!
Come on come on! https://discord.gg/8fhaSMG2xq