Alright. Notebook and pen? Check. Solosis and myself fed? Check. Took a dump out in the rain and getting completely soaked again? Check. Cabin secured? Well, to the best of my abilities.
It's been two nights and one day since Solosis hatched, and this storm will not let up. It's crazy to me that all that rain didn't already cause landslides or flood the coastline. But it's the pokemon world. A multi-limbed worm in a red shell can change the weather and hurl boulders with its thoughts here. But I digress.
Let's go over my future plans after writing down all the world building I did when I wrote the fanfic I was thrown into by that lady. Huh, never asked for a name...
Also, didn't really mourn my own death. I did kinda accept this whole dying and being thrown into a fictional world rather quickly, now that I think about it.
No matter. Clearly, that lady had free reign to do whatever to me, yet she put me in a story I originally wrote as half a self insert and made it so I had everything I could ask for. Except for proper food, I guess. Nothing really for me to complain about.
Alright, let's start with history. My 'handler' mentioned I'll be here around a full poke-year before canon would start. So, most of those psychotic criminal organizations are still building up power, abducting and brainwashing kids with impunity.
The war between Sinnoh and the coalition is a good while away. And so is the death of Team Galactic's leader Cyrus, who managed to piss off Palkia enough for it to appear in Sinnoh and almost devastate the whole region with a stomp of its foot.
I should not move anywhere close to there before I know that Cyrus was stopped or after the disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis had run their course.
The league is still mourning the death of their Champion Red, and corruption is about to run rampant behind the scenes when everyone gets away with almost anything. I could give an anonymous heads-up to Oak, maybe warn the future champions and a few gym leaders? I'll have to think about the consequences first. Especially if I have no background to shield me. No, even if I have any sort of background in this world. The lady didn't say anything about that sadly, but I'll assume this body appeared out of nowhere until I learn otherwise.
Ho-oh is still sleeping somewhere, same as Lugia. Neither of which I want to particularly meet. In my story, they were a little homicidal and slowly vented their frustrations with Team Rocket's actions on the entire human populace. Celebi, however, will be around Ilex Forest, and I will very likely meet it if I want to live in the Evergreen Meadow as the atlas called it.
There's plenty of smaller tidbits I could list, but it would be too hard for me to gain something from these small things. I'll just write down as much as I remember and keep the info with me in this notebook. Apparently, the written language in this world is English, so I'll just write everything in my mother tongue, and nobody will figure it out even if they find the notebook. Even if the languages have many similarities. I should encrypt the names, though, just to be sure.
Let's talk Pokemon then. There's no levels, and technically no limit to how strong a pokemon can grow. They'll reach bottlenecks in strength that they can break during life and death battles or just by age alone. Most of these bottlenecks are the same for any pokemon of the same species talent rarely affects these bottlenecks. Evolutions are affected, though. They are not always at the same level of strength.
So, talent is important, though it is nothing you could measure in tiers, stages, or colors. And nothing that can't be overcome with dedication. Even in the games, a level 100 Butterfree could potentially sweep the team of an Elite Four member, all while Caterpie is among the weakest pokemon of them all.
Though to be sure, the oldest most powerful Butterfree in this world would still get swatted out of the air like a bothersome fly by any of the pseudo-legendary pokemon who received the same training.
Meaning the only thing that really hinders how strong a pokemon could get are the limits of its species, mostly concerning typing energy. Sure, there are outliers and even regional variants of Pokemon that can learn to wield a type of energy it normally shouldn't, but some limits cannot be overcome, even with training.
For example, bug, dragon, or dark type moves; Solosis will never be able to learn them no matter how hard she tries. Unless she's that one outlier like that one Pikachu tribe that learned Surf and got access to water type energy.
However, if she has a talent for grass moves, there's no limit to what she could learn from Energy Ball to Solar Beam or Razor Leaf. Vine Whip, however, might be hard because Solosis does not have vines. Before evolving to Reuniclus, my pokemon also won't be able to learn Thunder Punch, even if it can learn Thunder or other electric type moves.
TMs are a great way to introduce wielding another 'element' to a pokemon, but training is still necessary even then. Exposure to unfamiliar type energy also helps, which is why I'm going for a rather full typing coverage with the pokemon I'll try to raise myself. Even if I turn out to be special, which I will write about later.
Among the things I like most about this whole thing in combination to getting a Solosis is the move Heal Pulse. The semi-signature move of the Chansey line and Audino is theoretically learnable by all psychic pokemon.
In the games, the Solosis line was not among the pokemon that could learn it, however, with their own ability Regenerator and the normal type move Recover, it should be possible to have it learn the move. It will be a real life-saver, especially early on while treading in foreign lands.
And, while all classic moves from the games exist, a highly trained pokemon should still be able to use the typing energy as is to influence its surroundings with ease. Which is not only a way for a pokemon to learn new moves it also diversifies tactics during battle and is a great way to train a pokemon.
Ah yes, abilities. In the games, there were some truly busted abilities a pokemon could have. In my world, I nerfed most of them, however I enabled pokemon to have more than one, even all they could potentially have. Including the hidden one. Some take time to manifest, others can even be trained to be stronger.
So Shedinja's wonder guard that made them immune to anything that isn't super effective doesn't exist, not fully. They still take a lot less damage from non-super effective moves, but not 0. Shedinja don't die from a fire sneeze either however. So even with no stats or systems in this world I can say with certainty, a Shedinja could have more than 1 hp.
Also Magic Guard and Overcoat should work amazingly well together now that I think about it, they are both abilities Solosis should have in addition to the hidden ability Regenerator. I don't doubt the shiny favorite of my handler doesn't have its hidden ability.
Overcoat makes it so a pokemon are protected from weather effects, like sand and hail, and powder moves like Paralysis and Poison Powder. Magic Guard should nullify all non-direct damage, but in my world heavily reduces that kind of damage. That means attacks and effects that don't do damage immediately, like Leech Seed, Stealth Rock and many more. Overcoat and Magic Guard can easily be trained together in unfavorable weather then.
Alright, pokemon and history covered, I should move onto humans in the pokemon world. Divided on the entire planet, I think I wrote something along the line of less than one and a half billion people being alive, despite the landmass of the planet being several times bigger than my original planet. The reason for that should be obvious. Pokemon as a whole tolerate us at best, and we are not the top of the foodchain on this planet. Not by a long shot.
As in the anime, there are special people like aura masters, psychics, and other people with talents, though I wrote it with a little twist. I called it typing affinity. And why are there so many psychics in the anime? Because that is the easiest typing affinity to grow and notice in a person. It's also an inherent trait in humanity, a kind of genetic predisposition. However, except for the two outliers in normal and steel, a human can have an affinity to any typing energy and more than one, too.
It can be inborn, but it can also be acquired with bonds to pokemon. This is also why a lot of people only train pokemon of a particular type. Not that most are aware that they are subconsciously influenced to make that decision.
For example, bonding to a pokemon with psychic energy 'unlocks' or raises your psychic affinity, which in turn buffs your own psychic powers as well as your insight in training yourself and your psychic pokemon, and through your bond, it increases the talent of your pokemon. It's a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, a positive feedback loop of sorts. It is, however, not a widely known fact. Even bonds are treated as myths by the masses.
What did I write about aura then? I didn't want to make it too much like a cultivation novel, so I attributed it some skills that help in training oneself and other pokemon, as well as calling it a form of life type energy that was the rarest of them all. Barely any pokemon, most of which are fighting-type pokemon with an affinity for a calm mind, ever learn an aura move and it is the least common affinity a human can be born with.
My MC had the affinity for aura, but only learned of it late into the story and never really explored it before I procrastinated long enough to stop my interest in keeping the story going.
I won't hold out much hope for having an aura affinity, though a strong psychic affinity would be cool. Especially with Solosis on my team.
Let's talk professions and future aspirations.
There's no way in hell I want to be a selfless hero, and living the nomad life of a pokemon champion trainer doesn't really appeal to me. I want a place I can call home, something truly mine. Sadly, gym leader is not an option either, because without interference I could become a puppet to some higher ups who somehow get a hold of a weakness of mine.
That's probably also why my mind immediately zeroed in on Evergreen Meadow when I saw it in the atlas. There's no way I'm suffering boredom in an office job in this world full of adventure and mystery. So no big city life.
It wouldn't work anyway because when I manage to hatch all my eggs and raise nine pokemon while trying to live off of having sold the fortune I found in those two containers, I would run out of money way too quickly.
Small towns could also work as a base of operations, but even with a psychic pokemon and a possible psychic affinity I don't think I could peacefully sleep in a town where people have little balls hidden away with biological weapons of mass destruction in them.
I didn't write a horror fanfic, but still a lot of fucked up things happened on the journey of my MC. Which means they could happen to me. I don't need a Haunter to pop out of a town's forgotten graveyard and eat my nightmares randomly.
So farmer or breeder, maybe both and definitely away from society before I raised pokemon strong enough to feel safe. And both professions would enable me to have enough resources to feed and train a strong team of pokemon to defend myself and mine.
I have the books on flora, I have knowledge on a few recipes that pokemon should like if my influence on this world is to be believed and I have a possible ground and two grass pokemon I could potentially bond to lined up. It's a pipe dream to have all three affinities for psychic, ground and grass, but if I do have all three I could become a farming deity.
Are there any pokemon I would particularly want that could make my life easier if I want to grow trees, crops and berries? Sunkern and its evolved form Sunflora in particular are a great start.
Trapinch could help with the fields, sure, but I think I'd rather want something like a Rhyhorn that could help with towing heavy loads, too. The Aron line maybe?I'm probably closer to Larvitar territory? Or the Drilbur line? I don't think the sunny meadow will be a nice place to raise a Swinub into a Mamoswine.
A Gastradon would probably be great, but they don't live in shallow rivers or at the coast normally. The Mudkip line, now that I think about it would probably be amazing in more ways than one if we're talking ground type coverage for a farm. For the same reason I'd probably appreciate having a Quagsire.
Alright, for grass mons I could probably do with a little variety. Sadly, pokemon from Unova and Sinnoh are going to be hard to come by if I don't get extremely lucky again. So no Turtwig line, no Cottonee line and even the Gogoat and Cherubi lines are going to be impossible to get short term.
Speaking of Cottonee, what about the Mareep line? Would I ever want to make my own clothes? Probably not. But a Mareep or two would still be nice. Not only for the generator, but also because I remember my MC having a deluxe Flaaffy head plume pillow that was heavenly. Who hates a comfortable sleep?
Thinking about it, I'll probably be able to see swarms of the Hoppip line easily. They are literally pollen come to live and who better to pollinate my precious crops and trees. Honestly, I think if possible I should even find a few Oddish and Paras, just to be on the safe side. The guide book for edible plants did have a few highly nutritious mushrooms listed after all. And who better to help them grow than a living mushroom.
Living with Beedrills sounds like a horrible experience, but Combee is apparently rather docile if unprovoked. Always loved honey, so maybe I'll look into that.
Do I want to rear fowl or bovines? I didn't eat much meat in my last life, so I could probably do without. But I probably want a few Miltanks anyway. Milk is the drink of the gods, and why settle for less than the supposed most delicious and nutritious milk possible.
Good thing I know where to find some Miltank other than routes 38 and 39 near the port city of Olivine in Johto. Because all around Goldenrod City, the biggest port city of Johto south of Olivine City and north of Ilex Forest, my destination, is a true haven for normal type pokemon. It's also the reason why Whitney, who should probably be starting her career as a gym leader right about now, is famed for her normal type pokemon. Same as her uncle Milton, who retired from the gym leader life to open up a Miltank farm. If I don't find any wild Miltank, maybe I can buy some from him?
With that out of the way, is living on a farm and raising pokemon the only thing I'll do then? Since becoming a league trainer isn't in the stars for me, I could do research which would probably be kinda easy. I'm no Arceus, but I did create, mold and define some of the natural laws that govern this world. A regional professor is a very respected position in this world. And with sufficient academical acclaim professors are above league influence. It's worth some further consideration.
It would also be a sort of bond to my brother, not the professor part. Though if I choose to be a farmer and do research on pokemon nutrition, crops, and berries and stuff - that sounds like something my older brother would have appreciated.
I'm somehow not mourning even my own death and it feels like I moved on instantly, but I think it would be nice to do something that would remind me of him.
I still need a background though, especially if I want to do research. I rifled through the pockets of the clothes I arrived in and found nothing. No phone, no wallet, no ID. If I popped out of nowhere, I need some way to gain a believable background.
Hmm, Professor Elm, the pokemon professor of the Johto region with a focus on breeding research could help with that. According to what I wrote, he's a little gullible and resides in New Bark Town, the first town I'll likely reach if I cross Tohjo mountain to get to Johto.
Alright, that sounds like a good enough plan. I mean, I'll have to first survive the trip and Professor Elm being gullible is nice on paper, but I'm no actor. It's a 50/50 if he will help me. If I'm even allowed to meet him.
Maybe I can bribe him with one of the four working TM? Machine, not disks. Or maybe I'll wow him with the definition on egg groups for breeding. He'll likely have some if not most of the data, but I'm sure it isn't public knowledge and reading through the bulba-wiki in preparation for the novel I wrote gave me plenty of knowledge on that topic. If that doesn't convince him to sponsor me, nothing will.
Alright, I think for now that were all the serious topics.
Soooo, I don't particularly want to die alone... again. Concerning women, do I want to go for someone in particular? I already had Whitney in mind earlier, she would be kinda close enough in Goldenrod City compared to my destination.
Cynthia, Sinnoh's champion is certainly a contender. As a teen playing the game, I always thought she was way hotter than she had any right to be as a character in a pokemon game.
I could stop Courtney from becoming a Team Magma admin in Hoenn. I wrote a bit of a backstory for her in my novel after all, so I know where to find her. Well, most likely find her. If she is anything like I wrote, her personality is quite to my liking. It's why I considered her as a love interest for my MC and gave her so much screen time at the time.
I also have enough reason to go to Unova with all my immediate pokemon being from that region, so will I try to woo Gym Leader Elesa? I'll have to check how old she actually is before I plan anything drastic.
Same is true for Misty, she shouldn't be a gym leader just yet, which she became right out of school according to my story. So, too young at the moment. The early style of the pokemon anime did her no favors, but she should be very pretty and is definitely talented.
Ugh, even if I wanted to, window shopping a waifu won't work. I'll have to live with them so we need to get to know each other first, and there's no telling if they would even want to be with me, so let's be a little more realistic.
And who knows, maybe I will find a cutie immediately. Johto is home to the Officer Jenny clan after all. No idea why I never bothered to write a more comprehensive reason on why the Jennys and the Joys existed as they did. Jennys being incorruptible and Joys being altruistic is a great plot device after all.
Well, I did write that those names are a family name of sorts and they have actual names that aren't Jenny and Joy, too. Never bothered to explain why all the female offspring in the family looked almost identical and why they all wanted to be in the same profession though. Wow, lazy writing...
Even though he couldn't see it, Pete was sure the sun was about to set, and his second night in the cabin would start soon. The storm had still not stopped. To prepare for the night, Pete stepped out and took a leak.
When he came back and made himself comfortable on the bed with Solosis, Pete started to hear noises other than the storm from outside.
But what made him even more apprehensive than the noise was the light coming from outside. It was fire, he was sure of it. And what human would run around with a lit torch in this heavy rain? Nobody would. It was a pokemon then, it had to be. And if they had flames on their body permantly and they survived this rain, they were bound to be strong.
Something scratched the door with a weak cry Pete couldn't fully make out because of the rain. The scratch, however, came from something hard. Claws, horns, or maybe hooves?
Wait, hooves, in the game route 27 had Ponyta spawns, no? Should he open the door for a flaming horse, then? It could control its flames to not burn what it shouldn't apparently, and the Ponyta line was rather tame all things considered. They certainly weren't born assholes like Zangoose or any of the snake pokemon.
Pete moved to the window next to the door to take a look. The pokemon wouldn't stop trying to enter anytime soon, so he made no real effort to hide, only enough to quickly move away from the pokemon's line of sight if needed.
What he saw was a little out of his expectation. He saw a towering Rapidash with shoulders about as high as Pete was tall next to a Ponyta that barely reached his waist. First impression for Pete? A young foal with its parent.
"Hey Rapidash, I'll let you in to hide from the storm, but can you promise me you won't try to hurt me and my pokemon and that your baby can control its flames enough to not burn down this cabin?"
Pete's loud voice instantly made the tired looking Rapidash look to him in the window. It didn't even take a second to deliberate the question and immediately nodded its head with a desperate gaze.
"Alright, I'll trust you for now. Please don't make me regret it," Pete shouted as he moved the chair that blocked the door and opened it.
"Give me a second, I think the tent in my bag should be fireproof and a better sleeping place for you and your young than the dusty floor."
Pete moved to the desk where he had piled up his bags. By now, there were 'only' six in the room. One of them held nothing but the other four empty ones, and the other five held content based on a category Pete made up. Food, precious items, survival, poke gear, and lastly, the biggest of the bags held materials.
Food is self-explanatory. Precious items included the evolutionary items, among other things. Survival held the tent he just mentioned, the generator and other related things. Poke gear was for poke balls and potions he managed to salvage. Materials included everything from firewood, serviceable crates, and soon also seeds and maybe even entire saplings that he can transplant.
"This here on the bed is my girl Solosis. She only hatched a little over a day ago," Pete introduced as he placed the tent tarp with holes in it on the floor. He hoped the motherly instincts in the Rapidash would be the final tipping point if needed that would dissuade the Rapidash from killing him in his sleep.
Solosis did a bit of training earlier, floating around and lifting things with telekinesis, so she was a bit tired. She didn't bother floating over to the two fiery horse pokemon and only did something akin to a nod from inside her skinsack.
'Now that I think about it, I don't suppose she can make noises? Her mouth is behind that skin and submerged in the fluid, so how could her sounds travel and be more than muffled mumbling?'
As answer, Pete heard an almost sad 'Solosis' ring out in his mind as confirmation.
'Oh, hey girl. Can you tell the gender of our guests? Especially the Rapidash, I don't want to call it something wrong,' Pete asked in his mind while looking toward Solosis with a smile.
Some emotions and vague imagery came to his mind, and he interpreted it as 'big girl, small boy', so Pete was likely looking at a mother with her son. Good to know.
"Hey Rapidash. I know you just came out of the heavy rain, and as a fire pokemon, you probably have seen enough water for a while. But even you should probably drink something clean to stay healthy. Look at the bucket over there filling up. You can drink from that," Pete softly advised as the tall Rapidash fussed over the exhausted Ponyta whose mane was barely flickers and embers. The second Pete was done laying down the tent the Ponyta was already lying on its belly with his head between his two front legs.
Rapidash heard Pete and saw the truth behind his words. However, the Ponyta already lost enough power and would probably enjoy a hot drink compared to a cold one. So Rapidash nudged the bucket closer to her weak offspring and heated the water with some embers. With another nudge, this time to her child's behind, the weakened fiery horse started drinking in big gulps.
When he was done shortly after, Rapidash drank the rest and nudged the now empty bucket back to its original place so it could keep collecting rainwater from the leaky roof.
"Thanks, you're quite the smart one, aren't you? I was just about to ask Solosis to move the bucket back," Pete praised with a smile from his seated position on the bed.
With a neigh that somehow incorporated a syllable of its species' name, Rapidash accepted the praise and laid down close to her offspring to keep him warm.
"We're a little low on food ourselves, but these treats here are very filling and apparently good to eat for all types of pokemon. Care for one? I have one for your Ponyta, too, once you're sure they aren't harmful," Pete offered cautiously with a treat on his outstretched hand.
Rapidash, in turn, looked at Pete, then his hand, and moved her head closer to sniff the treat. Her breath was very warm, hot even, yet somehow not scorching Pete mused. The mother carefully picked up the treat and ate it carefully, making sure that she would taste any possible poison if needed.
"Care for another? Then one for your boy?"
Rapidash ate a second treat, this time a little less reserved, and carefully closed her eyes to feel her body. It took a few minutes where she looked toward Solosis, possibly 'talking' via telepathy, until Rapidash decided to give one of the treats to Ponyta. Sleepily, Ponyta ate the treat and immediately put his head down when he was done swallowing, likely falling asleep instantly.
"Okay, I'll let you rest now. I'm still going to read a little before sleeping myself. Uh, please don't rummage through those bags over at the desk, not sure how durable they are. And uh, the firestone next to the three eggs here in the case? Not sure how enticing it is to you as a fire pokemon, but please don't fully use up its energy while I'm not looking?"
Pete wasn't sure about this. He did write that pokemon could use these evolution stones to empower their affinity. But how much and how fast was the drain on such a stone? There was no way for him to know that, nobody knew for sure. Species with singular typing usually drained matching stones faster. But it didn't come with a percentage meter or something like that, and he had no fire affinity himself, so he couldn't feel out how powerful the stone was.
Done with his deliberation, Pete looked toward the two eggs he put next to the fire stone for warmth to make them hatch faster. He decided on the two Minccino and the Sunkern eggs. Both Pokemon are surely the weaker among his choices, but they would therefore also hatch faster. Perchance.
Also, while he wouldn't stay in this dusty cabin much longer, the Minccinos would greatly help with keeping his surroundings clean. Their pokedex entry, even for the evolved form Cinccino, explained that this pokemon used its tail and later its scarf to keep itself and its immediate environment clean. And Pete himself was a rather clean person. A clean person in desperate need of a toothbrush. First things first, if the weather allows it, he would probably look for a sort of toothbrush alternative among the twigs of the surrounding trees.
Pete studied the book on edible plants a little longer before he decided he would go to sleep. He put the book on the nightstand, nodded toward Rapidash, who observed his movements and turned off the flashlight.
Solosis found a more comfortable position this time, more comfortable for her anyway, and laid down right next to Pete's head. Between him and the firestone, effectively monopolizing the stone's and Pete's heat for herself. It didn't matter much, Pete fell asleep very fast anyway.
When Pete woke up, he noticed the room was way warmer than last night. He wasn't flooding his sleeping bag with sweat just yet, especially because it was the luxurious kind that controlled the temperature a little, but the difference was still noticeable.
Of course, Pete quickly remembered his two fiery guests, so he didn't have to wonder for long from where the extra warmth came from. Nothing smelled burned either, so Pete calmed down quickly.
Pete sat up and Rapidash immediately opened her tired eyes to observe the movements. Which was astonishing intuition and survival instincts on her part because his sleeping bag made pretty much no sound at all.
"Hey, good morning, big girl," Pete softly greeted so as to not wake up the two young pokemon who were still asleep in the room.
Still not sensing any form of hostility from the human, Rapidash relaxed and curled her head back toward her son, helping him stay as toasty as possible for a nice recovery.
And what a recovery it was. The foal was still very much asleep, but already, it looked amazingly energized. His mane was pretty much fully recovered to what Pete assumed was its regular volume, luster, and form.
Done marveling the horse pokemon, Pete pulled his attention to the window. The sun was just starting to rise above the horizon, and Pete noted with delight that he saw this world's sun for the very first time. It was still raining lightly, but the storm was definitely over.
'Which means I'll have to get going, too. I don't know if Team Rocket could get here quickly or not. Sure, Teleport could work, but the pokemon would had to have been here first and that's a lot of coincidences,' Pete mused as he began to take stock of everything he wanted to keep with him.
'Definitely one of the buckets, even that ceramic bowl, the flashlight, and the books. But honestly, it feels a little bad to just rob the owner of the cabin like that, especially the TM-CDs. I should leave some luxury balls as compensation. The evolution stones I need. Same is true for the food and the equipment is also necessary for me at this stage. One of the TM is probably a bit much. What if a random passerby comes instead of the owner? Nah, luxury balls it is. They are valuable, sure. But their true worth for a Kanto trainer comes from the fact that they aren't yet sold in Kanto. And it's not like I would ever need the full 100 balls I got from the crates before I had some form of income that would allow me to buy more... right?'
Pete silently got dressed, prepared some carbos infused water for Solosis, who slowly woke up and packed up what he wanted to keep. Rapidash didn't observe him the entire time with her gaze, but her ears were always turned in his direction. And whenever he was in front of her, the flaming unicorn would open her eyes a little to take a look.
Solosis woke up eventually and started to float over to her breakfast drink. The scene of her inflating her skin with the drink and then drinking it to shrink down were still as comical as ever. And a drink was enough for her too this morning.
When Pete offered her half a marble of the poketreat like she ate before, the newborn pokemon shook her head and projected a feeling of fullness into him.
So Pete offered the treat to Rapidash instead, who quickly gulped it down.
"Here, I'll pour some in the bowl for you. Solosis and I will take a look outside. Maybe we'll find some food closeby," Pete whispered so as to not wake the Ponyta. After putting six treats into the ceramic bowl that held a second fire stone on his first night in the cabin, Pete stepped outside with as little sound as he could make and Solosis staying on top of his head.
Pete immediately spotted a few edible plants and spices behind the cabin and Pete was able to use the knowledge he soaked up through his brother in his last life to identify sprigs and offshoots he could cut for his future farm. Even some seeds didn't escape his sight.
Though, he didn't have a knife or scissors, but he did have a luxury nail clipper for the claws of feline pokemon, it worked well enough for anything thinner than big toe and could even cut steel... apparently. And so he used a luxury grooming tool like garden shears.
Just like that, Pete and Solosis spent a pleasant hour outside. They found a few more edible plants and even two different kinds of berries. Just over the hill behind the cabin. Oran berry and Leppa berry. The first aids in recovery, the second restores stamina.
The Oran berry was round and blue in color, and it grew on trees with coral-colored leaves. Fully grown, the trees roughly reached Pete's shoulder, and Pete was lucky enough to find quite a few saplings that apparently shot up during the storm around the bigger Oran berry trees after the heavy rain. Together with Solosis, Pete was able to unearth quite a few of these saplings and quickly put them in his bag. Pete hoped these miracle plants would survive a few weeks like that.
The same was true for the Leppa berries, which reminded him of small-ish apples with yellow bottoms and red tops. They didn't grow on trees but rather bushes with thin thorny brambles and giant, pink leaves. At the end of a branch, five to seven leaves would grow out, and the Leppa berry would grow in the middle of the leaves.
They wouldn't be happy with it, but the book on berries explained that Oran berries were nutritious enough to be the sole source of food for pokemon for a prolonged period of time, so discovering almost fifty ripe Oran berries in addition to the saplings was quite the lucky find.
For himself, Pete found what looked to be this planet's potato but with an orange hue. And quite a few of them too, because a single plant when dug out had over twenty fist sized potatoes on it underground. Four of these plants later, Pete decided this was probably enough. As convenient as the bags were, they didn't come with a stasis enchantment, and he didn't feel like he cleaning out moldy food from a truck sized space.
When he arrived back at his temporary base, Ponyta was still asleep. Rapidash, however, was up now that her son looked to be on a path to full recovery and sniffed the case with the firestone and the eggs on Pete's nightstand.
At first, Pete's mood dropped a little, thinking that the freeloader was absorbing the firestone's energies, but he heard a crack that he had heard before. And it didn't belong to the stone. No, that was the same crack he heard the night Solosis hatched.
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