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57.14% Gravity: A Naruto SI Fic / Chapter 8: Higher

Chương 8: Higher

Taku's voice boomed through the outskirts of Training Ground Ten as the two classes of fourth-years awaited eagerly. "Remember, you have two hours to acquire your opponent's scroll! Breaking any of the rules will mean immediate removal and a failing grade on this portion of your exams. You have ten minutes to prepare, starting now."

Kinjo ran into the training ground before his teammates, thundering to his team's giant scroll and supplies. He reached the area first and rifled through the bags.

One hundred rubber kunai, one hundred rubber shuriken, several spools of ninja wire, half a dozen shovels, and five Sealing Scrolls.

"So, how do we divide this up?" Kinjo muttered as he ran his fingers through the tools.

"I'll divide it up! You stand there and watch." An older, blue-haired boy named Yuji shouted as he arrived at the scene and waved Kinjo away. Some kids looked at him sympathetically, but most of them shuffled away from him as he stared at them. His silent demeanor made him seem more pitiful, as evident by his classmates' sympathetic whispers.

"They're fighting again..."

"He is the youngest one in our class, though..."

"He shouldn't be that mean to him..."

Kinjo shrugged and backed away towards the woods as his teammates argued over their roles and equipment. HIs pockets had sizeable bulges due to twenty kunai and shurikens, along with a spool of ninja wire and a Sealing Scroll. He walked up a nearby tree with ease and looked around the arena from the topmost branch.

Training Ground Ten was the ideal training ground for training Leaf shinobi. The diameter of the area was approximately ten kilometers, with nothing but trees in sight. Most of them were of equal height, except for a few tall trees that stood out like landmarks on the horizon. The sun was high in the sky, providing plenty of shade for the ground below. From what Kinjo could discern, there weren't any clearings or bodies of water in the vicinity. They would have to fight carefully and stealthily to win.

A voice called out to him from below. "Hey, Kinjo! What are you doing up there?"

"Just checking the surroundings," Kinjo yelled back as he flipped off the branch and landed on the ground. "Are there any clan kids in the other class?"

Shin scratched his nose as he munched on his melon bread. "Huh? Oh, clan kids? There's that super annoying Nara girl. I don't know anybody else that's from a clan."

"A Nara Clan member… That's going to be troubling. Shin, how about we set off on our own?"

"I was going to sit and read until the end." Shin sat in front of a nearby tree and pulled out a novel. "My brother said that you can get a passing grade by showing off a bit toward the end, so that's what I'm going to do."

Kinjo hopped onto the tree trunk and stood above him. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, don't you want to win?"

"Not really."

"Come on, it'll be fun! I need someone to watch my back too."

"Nope," Shin answered, swallowing an entire melon bread whole.

"I'll get you a whole bag of the Suzuki jerky just for you."

He rose to his feet and stuffed the bag of bread in his pocket. "You should've said that in the first place!"

"The bribe was my last resort," Kinjo said with a smirk. "What did you get?"

Shin pulled out the supplies he received from Yuji: three kunai and a shuriken. "He told me that I sucked and I should just defend our scroll."

"Well, this will be a good way to prove him wrong. We'll get creative and beat the other team on our own. Let's go!"

Looking back, Kinjo saw his teammates digging holes and setting traps with the shovels and ninja wire. Some students were missing, undoubtedly moving ahead to blitz into enemy territory and steal the scroll.

They jumped through the forest using the tree branches and found an endless painted line separating the two sides. Kinjo dragged Shin into a sizeable bush and whispered. "Make a clone and have it sit on the tree branch. We don't want to get knocked out the moment it starts."

"Bunshin no Jutsu." The copies of Shin and Kinjo hopped onto a nearby tree while the users distanced themselves from the line. From what they could see, none of their classmates or opponents were in the area.

"We'll wait a few minutes for our teammates to rush in and distract them. While they're distracted, we'll pick off anybody that strays to our side and move up." Kinjo pointed towards the west, where towering walls surrounded the training ground. "From there, we'll stick to the outer edges of the walls and make a beeline straight for their scroll."

"How are we going to get their scroll?"

"I have a plan for that, I think."

"I should've stayed behind and read my book…."

Kinjo patted Shin's back. "Too late for that."

A loud whistle pierced through the forest, and Taku's voice rumbled once more. "Begin!"

Three figures from their side crossed the line in a blur. One of them turned around and stuck his tongue out at the clones, exposing Yuji's face to the hidden pair.

"Guess he wants to take all the credit himself," Kinjo remarked as the trio moved deeper into enemy territory.

"You're trying to do the same thing."

"Because I knew the other kids were going to do something like that. Watch; a few people in their class are going to try the same thing."

They only had to wait a few minutes before eight students materialized on the tree branches and attacked the clones. The group looked around when "Kinjo" and "Shin" disappeared while one of the girls shouted orders to the others. "They're probably around here somewhere, spread out! We can't risk them attacking us from behind!"

"That's the Nara," Shin mentioned as the leader of the group, a raven-haired girl with intense brown eyes, passed their hiding spot. "What do you think happened to Yuji and the others?"

"They probably got pummeled to the ground. If this group met theirs, then they were outnumbered three to one."

"We should try to escape then, right?"

"Nah, they've split up, and I have an idea. Here's what we're going to do…."


Nara Chiaki's eyes darted around as she looked for her target. Her three "squadmates" were behind her, supporting her actions and watching her flank. She gritted her teeth as she passed a familiar tree with her opponents nowhere in sight.

When they crossed the line, she saw him. The moment she saw who was in the tree, her vision tunneled onto him.


She had seen him several times during the year. He was usually with Shinsuke in class and an Uchiha girl during lunch. A quiet, isolated kid from a civilian family with no previous shinobi training. Yet, in months, he had uprooted her from the top of the fourth years and established his position as the top dog.

When he first joined her grade, Chiaki heard rumors of how he was smart but bad to average at everything else. She had worried when she heard how Kinjo joined their grade while being three years younger, but it seemed as though she was panicking over nothing.

After all, she was the best. Maybe not the best in taijutsu, but the best in everything else.

Then Kinjo improved rapidly. Throughout the school year, he became stronger, faster, and smarter. By New Year's Day, he had left her in the dust and was climbing even higher.

No matter what she did, she couldn't catch up to him.

Chiaki couldn't accept it.

Compared to the other members of the Nara Clan, she lacked intelligence. Her grades for classes involving textbooks were mediocre, which led her to redouble her efforts in training. After three years, it paid off, and she earned the top spot in her class.

A Nara only learned the basic Shadow Possession Jutsu unless they showed exemplary skill and rank. It was a heavily meritocratic clan, which only passed down its most potent techniques to qualified individuals. And since she was from an orphan of a minor family within the clan, she would need to prove her worth to qualify.

She needed to be the best, to prove that she was as competent and determined as her parents were. Especially after what they had sacrificed.

"We should just go," One of the boys with her suggested. "There's only two of them."

She stopped on a tree branch and answered. "Go find the others and get the scroll with them. I'll be fine with Sato and Yuko."

After he left, Chiaki glanced around to look for a red figure in the forest. She leaped back as a kunai sailed by her and bounced off the trunk.

In one step, she and her teammates were hiding behind trees, peeking from cover. Her fists tightened as she strangled a kunai.

She loosened a scroll from her belt and whipped it out, sticking it onto the tree in front of her. Chiaki motioned with her hand, scrambling to a new set of trees as she jerked her vision through every tree nearby.

When she clasped her hands together, the Sealing Scroll activated.

The scroll released a rabbit that scurried away, shaking a nearby bush and making noise.

A kunai hit the rabbit dead on. She smirked and turned as it fell onto the ground.

"There!" Chiaki flicked two shurikens and pushed her teammates to move forward. While they rushed head-on, she jumped onto a nearby tree and circled around. Her heart beat faster as she zoomed, an image of her victory playing in her mind.

From above, she saw Kinjo and his friend exchange a flurry of kicks and punches with her teammates. Her target grappled Sato and slammed him to the ground, pinning his arm behind him as Shinsuke boxed Yuko away from him. She winced as Sato yelled in pain and cursed Kinjo.

Chiaki landed on the ground behind them and placed her right hand above her left. "Shadow Imitation Jutsu."

It would only take a second for her to win the fight. The rules stated that she couldn't use any jutsu outside the basic three, but this was her chance to reclaim her title.

If she broke the rules to win, so be it.

A cry from Shinsuke made Kinjo whip his head around toward her. He jumped off Sato as Yuko kicked her opponent away and punched at Kinjo's head.

Her shadow hurtled toward him, making her sweat.

She saw Kinjo's hand signs in slow motion. Tiger, boar, ox.

He was trying to escape, but it was too late; her shadow reached his.

Her grin threatened to split her face as Yuko's fist collided with his forehead, knocking him to the ground.

Then he disappeared into a cloud of smoke, his body replaced by a log.

"What?" Chiaki dashed away and scanned her surroundings. "How?"

"If you practice enough, you can use a jutsu without using all the hand signs. I just needed three for Kawarimi."

Something pounded the top of her head, sending her sprawling. As her vision wobbled, Chiaki saw a grinning kid with a red hoodie and green shorts standing upside down on a tree branch. "You shouldn't cheat."

Chiaki tried to retort but lost consciousness as Kinjo jumped down and smacked her temples.


Kinjo smirked as a desperate kick tickled his hair. His opponent had a limp arm and lashed out with his other arm. Dodging the feeble punch, Kinjo punched his stomach and tripped his legs when he keeled over. An elbow to the back of the head finished him off as he slumped onto the ground quietly.

"That wasn't how this was supposed to go, Kinjo. You told me that all I would need to do is sit and look pretty while your grand plan would do the trick."

"I said it was Plan A. Plan B was to beat them up if that failed." Kinjo walked up to a nearby tree and pulled down the Sealing Scroll hidden underneath one of the branches. When he activated it, a pile of rocks dropped to the ground. He collected the ninja wire on the roots of the tree and kicked a patchy part of the ground that revealed a small hole.

"So you messed up."

He motioned to the unconscious Nara girl and the unfamiliar boy with a graceful bow. "The results speak for themselves."

"Ok, then why did we tie her up?" Shin nudged his stubby chin at the only conscious member of the group. She was tied up in ninja wire and looked at the boys with widened eyes.

"Because my plan to get to their scroll revolves around her."

"For bait?"

"Something like that." Kinjo walked up to the girl and sat down beside her. "What's your name?"


"Here's the deal, Yuko. If you tell me any useful information about the defenses around the scroll, then I'll let you rest here next to your teammates. You'll still be tied up, but we'll come to get you later, I promise."

"And if I don't?" Her voice quivered.

Kinjo tapped the dull kunai on his palm while he inspected her thoroughly, his mouth twisting into a vicious grin. He threw the weapon into a nearby tree, and it embedded itself with a loud crack. After pulling out another one, he pointed it at her face. "Then I'll need to send you to sleep."

She peeked at her fallen teammates and widened her eyes as Kinjo threw a kunai right past her ear. "I'll tell you everything! There are pit traps all around the scroll and some booby traps on the trees nearby. The password is orange, yellow, and gray. It's what Chiaki made up to stop anyone from trying to get the scroll with the Transformation Jutsu!"

"That's all I needed to know, thanks. Sorry about… you know."

"It's ok. Thanks for not beating me up."

After tying up the other two, they made their way to the wall to begin their attack...


"Help! Guys, help!"

Yuko stumbled toward the students guarding the scroll and rolled around. Her body was bound by wire, turning her into a cocoon that cut deeply into her arms and legs. Her screams rattled the forest, startling her teammates.

"Yuko!" A boy ran up to her and pulled on the wire. "Where's Chiaki and the others?"

A girl ran up to them and blocked him with a scowl. "Hold up, Ken. It might not be her."

"The password is orange, yellow, gray. It's really me." Yuko whispered frantically.

Ken pushed the girl away and untangled her, showing her a reassuring smile. "It's definitely her. What happened out there?"

"They attacked us out of nowhere and ambushed us! Their entire class is coming!"


Four shurikens zipped toward the group, striking the two near Yuko in the head. They fell onto the ground in a heap while Yuko shook the remaining wire off her. She dived to the ground with a smirk. "We're under attack!"

"Their entire class is here!"

"Quick! Fire back!"

Another flurry of shurikens and kunai convinced a pair out in the open to plunge for cover. The students behind cover began to toss kunai and shuriken in the general direction of their attackers. Yuko saw a few of the kids move around on the sides, attempting to flank their opponents.

Yuko suddenly sprung up from her position and skipped over the pitfall traps. She snatched the scroll while laughing, zooming up a tree before the others realized what was happening. As she scampered away, she flashed the v-sign at her teammates.

It wasn't until she and Shin were clear from the area that "she" finally dropped her Transformation Jutsu.

"That was your plan?" Shin shouted angrily. They looked back and saw the group finally understanding the trickery and chasing after them.

"A damn good one at that!" Kinjo whooped as a kunai whizzed by them. "Now run!"

They raced through the forest and toward the dividing line. Another pair of kunai zipped by them, missing Kinjo by inches. Shin glared at him as he threw a shuriken at one of their pursuers, hitting them dead on. "Are you sure it's a good plan?"

"It is!"

Just then, Shin cried out as a kunai struck his back and slipped from his tree branch. Kinjo grasped Shin's arm and pulled him up, a shuriken slapping his knee. He winced as he hopped away, placing more weight onto his other leg and leaning on Shin.

A dozen people were chasing them, both on the branches and on the ground.

"Maybe it wasn't the best plan," Kinjo admitted.

A loud cry made him turn his head. He witnessed one of the pursuers fall into a pitfall trap and disappear from sight. Another tripped on seemingly nothing and tumbled off a tree branch. Yet another was hit by several kunai and shuriken that dropped from a branch nearby.

"Our teammates," Kinjo commended, saluting a tree nearby as they neared their goal. "They trapped the entire place. Must've been to delay the other team if they got the scroll."

"Was this part of your plan?"

"Nope, but it works."


The sound of children cheering and running around permeated the air as Kinjo stepped through the gates of the Academy. Dozens of parents milled around in the courtyard, waiting for their children under the warm spring sun. Kinjo's parents were nowhere in sight per usual, but Izumi was by his side as they walked past the swing set and toward their usual place.

"Time flew by really quickly," Kinjo mentioned as he kicked a rock and sent it rocketing into the sky. He swore he saw a star flash for a moment before it faded away. "Can't believe the school year is already finished."

Both of them looked the same as they did when they first started at the Academy, though they had grown a few inches since.

"Yeah, but we'll be back at the Academy in a month!" Izumi cheered. "And this time, I'll be among the fourth years! By next year, we'll be classmates again."

She had passed her final exams with flying colors and requested an advancement into a higher class. Her request was approved after a special test prepared by the instructors, though she was still a year behind Kinjo.

Meanwhile, Kinjo had also aced his exams and finished at the top of his class. He and Shin managed to capture the scroll, leading to his class' victory and him earning full marks for his "remarkable use of taijutsu, ninjutsu, and creative thinking."

On the flip side, Chiaki and Yuji looked battered and sore from their loss. Chiaki looked incredibly pissed at him when he walked out of the training ground while Yuji was grumbling about Kinjo's age.

"Which means we're going to study hard over the break. You can read my notes and my old textbooks so you can ace your classes again next year."

Izumi dropped her shoulders and frowned. "Aww… I don't want to study over the break."

"Well, if you want to skip another year and graduate with me, then you'll need to."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It's like eating lettuce." She turned to him abruptly and looked back at the Academy. "Do you think Itachi is going to graduate with perfect scores?"

He snorted. "Is that even a question?"

Since today was the last day of the school year, the graduation exams were being held. Itachi had consistently maintained perfect scores throughout the year, so Kinjo wasn't fretting over his friend.

"Guess not. Do you think we should throw a party for him to celebrate?"

"We tried that on his birthday, and he hated it. Maybe we should just congratulate him normally," Kinjo replied.

An impassive Itachi frozen stiff while being showered by confetti was a terrifying memory that stubbornly refused to leave his mind.

"Maybe I should get Itachi a card."

It had been months since she blushed at the mere mention of his name. While she was still jumpy around him, Izumi could converse with Itachi normally. Kinjo made sure he was "busy" several times a month to let the two have some alone time together. Unfortunately, they only hung out a few times while he was gone since Itachi preferred to train by himself while Izumi spent the time studying.

That didn't mean he stopped trying with a few suggestions here and there.

"Sure, sure." Kinjo shrugged. "I got him a book. He needs a better hobby than training and deadpanning."

"What book?'

"Tale of the Utterly Gusty Shinobi. I think he'll like the main character."

"Never heard of it."

Kinjo sighed. "You don't read anything but your textbooks."

"I do! I read a lot of books," Izumi insisted.

"Picture books don't count."


They were still bickering as they reached the entrance of the district. Before the pair could step through, they were interrupted by the loud sound of a person clearing their throat.

"You two are as loud as ever," Itachi grumbled as he hopped off the roof of the gate.

Izumi flinched as he landed near her and pointed the finger at him. "How did you get here before us?"

"I didn't even need to take the graduation test; they gave me full marks based on my past performance. The official ceremony for the graduates is tomorrow," Itachi answered nonchalantly, his hand brushing over his Konoha headband. "You should've asked to graduate this year, Kinjo. You would've passed."

Kinjo shrugged. "Still need to work on my taijutsu a bit and work out the kinks with my ninjutsu."

"You can do that with a jonin instructor."

"Better safe than sorry. There's a war going on."

"Hey! I can pass too!" Izumi interjected.

"He's covered sixth-year material with me. You haven't." Itachi said.

She frowned as she pierced the ground with her foot, creating a sizeable hole. "Favoritism."

"More like you were already cramming three years of learning."

"Let's not argue when we're supposed to be celebrating today." Kinjo pulled out his gift and handed it to Itachi. "Congrats on graduating, Itachi."

He accepted the gift with a ghost of a smile. "Thanks."

"I'll get you something later," Izumi mumbled. "I thought I had some time."

"A picture book?" Itachi wondered.

"I don't read picture books!"

Recently, Itachi had been joking slightly more and displaying a bit more emotion during their conversations. Whether it was due to him and Itachi hanging out with one another regularly, he didn't know.

Kinjo grinned as the two quarreled, though his face went slack when a vaguely familiar man approached them.

The man had long, shoulder-length brown hair and the same eyes as Itachi. He was dressed in a dark blue open-front apron with the Konoha Military Police Force symbol under his flak vest. As he looked at the group, his stern glare was accented by the creases on his face.

He had never met the man personally but had heard stories about him from Itachi and Izumi. All he knew was that Uchiha Fugaku was a strict man that took his job as the head of the Uchiha Clan and the Military Police very seriously.

"Itachi." He gave a curt nod to his son and scanned Kinjo and Izumi. "I see you are with your… friends."

"Father," Itachi answered with a respectful bow. "You already know Izumi. He's Kinjo."

Kinjo bowed deeply and hung his head. "It's an honor, sir."

"It is nice meeting you. However, I am here on important business, so forgive me if I ignore you for a few minutes."

Fugaku walked past him and patted his son's shoulders. "I've been told your results. Well done."

If he weren't stone-faced serious, the scene would've been touching. Unfortunately, Kinjo was forced to inscribe another moment of the infamous impassive Uchiha into his mind.

"Thank you, father." Itachi smiled.

"Our family will have a personal celebration later tonight, so return home by six."

"Of course."

Fugaku looked at Izumi, who stiffened under his gaze. "I heard from Itachi that you're improving quickly, Izumi."

"I am, Uchiha-sama," She stammered.

"You have come a long way from failing the training of the elders. Perhaps you will be a Genin next year. If you do, we will have three bright shinobi leading our clan one day." Fugaku's gaze shifted to Kinjo. "Itachi has mentioned how you nearly matched his score on the entrance exam and how you are at the top of your class, despite being from a civilian family. That is quite… admirable."

"Itachi has helped me much," Kinjo replied.

"Still, it is good to see him making friends with exceptional people his age."

Itachi cut into the conversation by waving his hand at Kinjo. "He's talented in his own right, father. He can use the fireball already."

"Truly?" Fugaku raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. Who taught you the jutsu?"

"A friend," Kinjo answered, avoiding eye contact with Itachi.

Surprisingly, Fugaku chuckled. "I see. While our clan created the jutsu, more than a few non-Uchiha shinobi can use it in Konoha. After all, we are in the Land of Fire."

"Father has a Fire affinity like you, Kinjo. He is one of the best fire users in Konoha," Itachi mentioned with pride.

"That is a flattering statement, but Lord Third is much better than I am with fire. However… perhaps, I could give you some advice."

Kinjo looked up. "You would, sir?"

"I have some time before I need to return to my post, and I have advised young Izumi plenty of times, so yes."

The group moved to an empty training ground next to the practice range. Unlike Kinjo's personal training ground, this place contained a few isolated trees and bushes. The grass was patchy and dry, while a large pond sat near the entrance. The charred remains of several trees and bushes produced a pleasant smell of smoked wood chips.

"Use the Great Fireball," Fugaku ordered as he crossed his arms in anticipation.

He instantly obeyed, running through the hand signs and opening his mouth. "Great Fireball Jutsu!"

His fireball was the size of a giant medicine ball and engulfed the center of the pond in a fiery spiral. Unlike his first attempt, he kept up the jutsu for almost ten seconds before cutting it off.

It was still a work in progress, but he could make and maintain an actual fireball.

Izumi clapped while Itachi smiled. Meanwhile, Fugaku let out a low grunt. "It's smaller than Itachi's fireball but impressive nonetheless. Do you know any other Fire jutsu?"

Kinjo nodded. "A few."

"Then focus on those. The most dangerous Fire user is one that has mastered basic Fire jutsu and employs them effectively. You are still young, so instead of trying to expand your repertoire, think of ways to enhance the power of your current jutsu. What is Shinobi Rule number twenty-two?"

"A shinobi must always use all resources available to them."

"All resources. What can strengthen the intensity or power of fire?"

He recognized what the man was saying. Kinjo had come to the same conclusions while training with his Fire jutsu, but his words reaffirmed them. "Oil, gunpowder, sawdust."

"Things that you can acquire easily or even produce with chakra." Fugaku clapped his hand together and breathed out several giant fireballs onto the pond.

Kinjo shielded his eyes from the bright mini-suns that rose above the water's surface. The sudden rush of heat was as if he had opened a door to a sauna, making him gape at the intensity of the jutsu. He breathed in and smelled the heavy scent of oil, a welcoming yet repugnant smell.

When Fugaku was finished, the water in the pond was gone. Only a torrent of steam rising from the barren earth remained.

"Itachi, if you will."

"Water Wave Jutsu," Itachi acknowledged, spewing a wave of water and refilling the pond.

Fugaku continued his lecture. "Fire is considered one of the weaker elements due to its inflexibility. It can rarely be used defensively, hence its reputation as an offense-only nature. Water counters fire, and even skilled Fire users will struggle against a competent Water user.

"That is why you must get creative and use whatever you have at your disposal to tip the balance in your favor. There is no such thing as "playing fair" when you are in a fight for your life.

"That does not mean you ignore defense. I recommend you begin looking for a way to balance your offense and defense. There are plenty of ways to do this, whether it is through armor, summons, weapons, or even other nature jutsu. Remember my words as you train."

"Or maybe something that can boost my Fire jutsu and provide defense at the same time…." Kinjo noted.

"Oh? I'm sure a talented child like yourself has many excellent ideas."

A nagging thought gnawed at his mind. Was Fugaku giving him advice out of the goodness of his heart? Or was there some other ulterior motive related to the potential Uchiha Rebellion? After all, if the Uchiha Clan rebelled, they would need assistance from other shinobi within Konoha…

He kicked those assumptions out of his head. It wouldn't happen, not when he was here. If he had to help Shisui use his Mangekyo Sharingan to brainwash the coup conspirators to prevent the Massacre, he would.

"Thank you, sir." Kinjo bowed his head again. "I learned much."

"Now, before I leave, are you two going to the graduation ceremony tomorrow?"

Kinjo shook his head while Izumi nodded fervently. "I have to help my family at the store tomorrow. Sorry, Itachi."

"It's fine. You already gave me a gift; that's more than I could ask for," Itachi answered as he waved the book in his hand.

As much as Kinjo wanted to attend Itachi's graduation ceremony, he knew Danzo would be there. And it was far too early to make his presence known to the head of Root. After all, surprise was an essential tool for a shinobi.

Even if Danzo knew who he was, it was better for Kinjo to not interact with him and give anything away by accident.

Calamity was approaching quicker than he liked, but he still had time. In that time, he would prepare for the worst.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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