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Chương 13: Chapter 12: Giving Thanks

Hey guys! Sorry for such a late update.

I was reviewing this chapter due to the huge importance I placed upon it...

Starting next week we'll be back with constant action, but this chapter is too significant for me to cut out since it will shape the mindset of so many future interactions and plots, fueling the idea behind so many important events.

I know some of you may be upset about this, but this chapter is meant to define so many things.

One important facet that can be seen in DC and Marvel, but is mostly ignored, is faith.

I strive to stand by what's already been made known about these characters, and this is how I do it.

Faith is important in both DC and Marvel, but I feel like it's more prevalent in DC with so many parts of it's history and lore relating to historical events containing religious ideals and characters.

Because of all this, I won't tell anyone NOT to take this seriously.

Please, be as serious as you feel the need to be and tell me if there are any mistakes present. I will be coming back to this chapter often alongside the previous ones in order to fix it if necessary because that's just how important it is.

Also, after careful consideration and reviewing the storyline planned, I've come to another important decision.

Chapter 9 is going to be retconned.

I had a plan involving showing the scale or magnitude of the ES powers, but I've realized that I don't need the Omniverse to do that.

I can still have Ben include aspects from other works of fiction without knowing about their existence.

Plus, like most said, it really was an info dump and didn't add much into the story.

Luckily I haven't included it in any of the future chapters. (Sweat wipe.)

Avoided a bullet there.

I might just post two chapters next week to make up for it, but I don't know yet.

Now, a shoutout to my new patrons @Charlie Puente-Duany and @Michael Thomas!

Your support means the world to me.

For my loyal patrons... the chapter will be posted later tonight since I'm really busy right now. It took me forever to make time and just post this one here! I ask for your patience.

Everyone else, please enjoy!


Date: November 22, 2007

Location: Upper Northeast Edge Outskirts of Gotham City, New Jersey, Wayne Manor

Time: 8:42 P.M.


Another holiday that a startlingly obvious majority of people in Gotham fail to see the reason for celebrating.

You'd think that even the most oblivious would understand with the direct hint included in the name, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately, Wayne Manor was one of the majority.

The home hasn't been big on holidays or sharing joy ever since the day Thomas and Martha Wayne died, with the manor's butler having been the lone resident while Bruce Wayne was off into the world.

Things didn't change even when the master of the place returned, putting himself deep into work as Batman and patrolling every holiday against the behest of Alfred who wished to celebrate.

But today, a new scene was unfolding.

A rabbit could be seen darting underneath the dining table in retreat from a black doberman that was barking in rage while chasing it, the canine's ears being replaced with antlers and its nose shining red like a neon light.

That shine brightened every time he barked in rage too.

"Brutus!" shouted Dick as he chased after the cerberus. "Get back here!"

Wyle would look back at the two every few seconds and snicker before giving them the slip again and again.

"Wyle! You won't get Alfred's cooking if this continues." Dick warned in protest. "And at least change the prank!"

Ben, Bruce, and Giovanni were sitting at the living area facing the dining table, the kitchen across from them at an angle clear for viewing the opening and closing doors, faux servants walking in and out to set up dinner.

Glimpses of the only two women present inside the manor could be seen every few seconds in there too.

Everyone was forced to follow Alfred's strict orders as he tried to get them working in an organized manner.

But there was one other surprise guest that made his appearance today, seated alongside Giovanni.

Kent Nelson. Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth.

Also technically known as Ben's grand-mentor.

When asked whether he would like to come over with everyone to Wayne Manor to partake in the holiday together, Giovanni had questioned if it was alright to bring his teacher with him since he was practically family in all but blood.

Bruce was vehemently against inviting anyone over at all.

But then again, it was expected with his track record.

His paranoia was on a bigger high than usual due to his wariness of Calendar Man, an annoying foe who loved to make use of the holiday seasons to terrorize the people of Gotham with his serial killings.

Even though he was currently locked away in Arkham Asylum, Bruce always prepared himself to deal with the man should he somehow escape.

Unfortunately, the rest of the manor's residents were determined not to let that be a factor that had sway over their enjoyment.

As such, Ben used his privileges to visit the Asylum and install a high-tech force field device that only he was capable of disabling inside the man's cell just for the day.

So with all of the proper steps being taken, Bruce had no more reasons to object when everyone else unanimously rejected his rejection.

"Shouldn't you bring your familiars under control?" Giovanni questioned, watching in rapid frames how a fire started on the dining table, fizzled out, then turned into a mini forest.

"The family decided who would be wrangling each of them for the day by playing a game of Mario Kart." Ben responded, a purr coming from Kenzo in his lap as he gently caressed and combed it's fur. "As you can see, I ended up winning first place."

"Father won second and chose Brutus, while Dick ended up with Wyle." Ben glanced at Bruce. "For whatever reason father doesn't reign in Brutus now, you must ask him."

Giovanni and Kent looked at each other strangely for a moment, turning to the man of the house together.

"Dick made a comment when only Wyle was left, thinking I wouldn't overhear him." Bruce answered impassively, already prepared for their question. "He said I was lazy for choosing Brutus and complained under his breath about how I was the grown-up of the two of us. I decided to stay right here and make myself comfortable while proving him right."

He glanced at the magicians intensely. "Today, he walks in my shoes."

An explosion went off right after his words finished, the dining table and chairs splintering apart.

The shards paused in midair before they could fly too far, everything reorganizing and fixing themselves just a few second later.

No further comment on the subject was made.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong but shouldn't first place be exempt from the duty with second to fourth deciding?" Kent eventually questioned the game.

"Alfred's words were, and I quote, 'If I have to take care of one of these miscreants and rascals, then we'll be ordering takeout this season.'." Ben mimicked as accurately as possible.

"Why do you think he's working so hard in the kitchen?" Ben added, Bruce sighing as well.

Kent started laughing while Giovanni was dumbfounded.

"Well, it's pretty obvious he had that planned the whole time should he have been the one to lose." spoke the older gentleman in between chuckles.

"Oh, we know that, believe me." Ben responded as Bruce nodded his head.

Giovanni turned his attention and began looking at Brutus, thinking intently about something before he made his thoughts known the next moment.

"Is there some reason behind why the Jackalope performed such a prank?" he asked.

"Don't think too much about it." Ben waved him off, Kenzo meowing in distress cause of the lost warmth. "There are some channels that usually have Christmas shows airing even before this month. I was surfing through the TV before bed when I found one airing Rudolph."

Needless to say, of the trio, Wyle took the greatest liking to it

"Probably had something to do with his deer and antelope side." Kent realized.

"Yes. We're lucky he didn't pull out any of the tricks he learned from binging 'Looney Tunes' and 'Tom and Jerry'." Ben answered.

-Not to mention if he goes full-on Bugs Bunny.- ESAMAL sighed in relief.

Kent laughed even harder at that, Giovanni embarrassed at thinking so deeply about Wyle's now plainly ridiculous actions.

A few months ago at the manor, it was as if a fire was lit under the entire Zatara family's butts thanks to an incredible display that Ben put on for them.

He merged Deadshot's skills with some of his abilities to create his own attuned magical spells with the use of emotionally-powered colored bullets.

That was also the first time he ran into Kent who was visiting the family at the time.

And when the Sorcerer Supreme voices out his approval of your magical skill, you know you're doing something right.

Everyone seemed to finally gain a glimpse of the enthusiasm Ben held for magic and his passion for improvement, sparking the same thing within them.

Every time he came over to practice, the family started to put their full focus into watching his actions carefully, either all together or in pairs.

Whenever Wyle came over with him, they'd examine his actions closely due to Kent's previous affirmation of the Jackalope's skill in manipulating illusions, the man having showered the hybrid with unbridled praise in reaching close to the peak of what was capable in a branch of magic.

So alongside his familiars, the family examined Ben's every step, discovering something they never noticed before.

He was extremely meticulous and repetitive in what he did, almost boringly so.

In training, he would incessantly perform the same movements and spells over and over again, endlessly like a robot.

If not that, he would take out the Traveler's Guide and start printing spells onto it again and again.

At first, they found such a practice impossible to do, inhuman in a way they didn't understand.

But then came the shock.

They noticed how he would master a low-level spell to the point where he could purposely choose whether he needed to use an incantation for it in just a few days.

Such efficiency was unheard of, even for an up-and-coming genius like Zatanna who was studying magic much earlier.

But his results spoke for the methods used, making the family feel like they would ever be able to achieve something like that.

Then, on the last day of the month of June, they witnessed a never-before-seen spectacle.

Ben put on a magical show, using different spells and attacks he learned throughout the entire month to exhibit his mastery, a display outshining anything Giovanni himself believed he had performed in his career as a stage magician.

They hounded him extensively that day, happy at the show yet confused as to what had him change his monotone routine.

"That's been my usual routine for a while now, it's probably just the first time you're seeing it." Ben's glowing amber-orange irises stuck with the trio.

"In martial arts, you have to go through the same stances and forms until it becomes a form of muscle memory that will have you moving on instinct. It's a test of pure determination, willpower, patience, and focus."

"But the end result when you have it all down is an exquisite and beautiful dance that enraptures the eyes and has people wanting to do the same."

"Magic to me is similar. The study on the subject as well as magical practice is all hard physical and mental work, but the end result is a wonderful performance that will leave you reeling in delight for your entire life at the memory."

"So, I spend the whole month doing the same consistent motions for spells, honing my willpower and determination, before rinsing and repeating with a new spell when I have the previous one down."

"Then on the last day, I use the spells I learned in that time to put on the best performance I can in order to remind myself of the beauty of my work."

"Finally, keep the cycle moving."

His answer resonated with them on a deeper level than ever before, marking the moment when the spark that was previously born became a raging fire, the entire family moving in unison to begin drilling themselves hard.

They began to seek more of Ben's advice on certain things, even asking for lessons on hand-to-hand combat.

Giovanni remembered feeling embarrassed at the boy's work ethic, not even putting anymore time practicing himself.

He only taught the kid and his daughter what he knew and had them hit the books on their own, before going on with his day working and fighting crime.

Sindella had come to him with the same mindset.

"That boy has worked harder in these last few months practicing and training than I have in my entire lifetime." she had spoken with fascination. "Watching him at work makes me feel just as alive, if not more, than when I first supported you in fighting crime or witnessed your magic performances."

Thanks to their hard work and constant determination in improving, good news came swiftly one day in August.

Ben had examined Sindella and Zatanna closely one day when the trio was practicing, Giovanni having been forced to rush home and enjoy a celebratory dinner with everyone after getting a call in the middle of his fight with some bank robbers.

"You're completely cured." Ben had declared when he finished looking over Sindella. "You've managed to gain initial control of the spiritual energy emanating from you like your daughter."

"Congratulations on finding a new outlook on life and convincing yourself to go on."

The man could only faintly recall passing out together in his wife and daughter's arms later that night with all of them crying tears of relief.

Giovanni came back into focus at that joyful memory, just in time to witness Dick being blasted by a beam from between Wyle's antlers, turning him into a Rottweiler puppy.

Dick paused to look over his new form, an angry look crossing his face.

"That's it!" he shouted. "I'm calling out the big guns. Kenzo! Get your brothers!"

If only he knew that his angry face looked extremely cute to the 4 men sitting in the living room, his words coming out in short barks.

Thankfully, Kenzo understood him in that state as he looked up at Ben and meowed, jumping off his lap and arrogantly strutting towards the other two familiars.

"Is there a reason they seem to be on guard against him?" Kent raised a brow, looking at how Wyle and Brutus stopped chasing each other and tensely focused on the cat.

"They've settled their hierarchy over these last couple of months since Kenzo arrived. Apparently, they can't affect him much with the power at their disposal, hence why they're forced to bow to his whims often." Ben explained.

"What manner of magical creature is he?" questioned Kent, having only met the liger for the first time.

Ben realized his mistake, having not mentioned Kenzo's species to his mentor either.

"He is a liger with both parents being mythical creatures." he said to their absolute shock.

"Impossible! Such a creature would usually end up dead as the world wouldn't allow the continued existence of a powerful being like it." Kent explained.

"I really hate that word." Ben managed to have annoyance briefly flicker across his features. "Nothing in this world is impossible, just less likely to occur at certain moments. Although, I am aware of why you would think so."

"Whoever sent Kenzo told me that they saved his life, which I concluded to mean that they saved him from the world's wrath." he explained. "That would further mean that they are of an extreme level of power themselves."

Kent paled at that thought but got a hold of himself quickly.

A being like the one spoken by Ben wouldn't do such a thing without a reason or without knowing of the possible consequences beforehand.

"So what is his parentage?" asked Giovanni in curiosity, Kent becoming intrigued once again, his previous thoughts dashed.

"While I do not know which one was the mother or father, his tiger side was a Baihu, and the other a Nemean Lion."

Kent's eyes actually managed to bulge out of their sockets, with Giovanni's mouth hanging open slightly as well.

"Yes, I felt the same way as you." Ben's pupils glowed dark blue. "Father had a small heart attack at the Nemean Lion, before passing out upon further study on what a Baihu was."

As eyes began turning to him for confirmation, Bruce's face remained completely stoic as he responded in a simple and calm manner.

"He's over-exaggerating."

…They couldn't tell if he was lying or not dammit! It seemed like he had that poker face his entire life.

Kenzo continued walking forward confidently, barely coming out of his cat form in order to put himself around Brutus' current height.

Since he grew a lot more in the last half a year, the feline was banned alongside the canine from unleashing his true form in the manor since they were equally big and eye-catching. They'd have to go to the Batcave if they wanted to let loose.

Wyle was the only one who could relax wherever and whenever.

Speaking of the Jackalope, he signaled the start of the mini familiar's faceoff by throwing a beam from his horns…

…Only for it to bounce off Kenzo's skin.

Wyle suddenly remembered the simple truth.

He messed up.

Other than physically, his fellow familiar also had a form of invulnerability when it came to magic under a certain threshold.

Brutus' hair stood on end as he darted out of the room, Wyle jumping onto his back and holding on for dear life as he started growling at the hound.

*Chit Chit* (Get us out of here! That cat's going to chew me up and spit me out like a hairball!)

Brutus ignored him in favor of trying to run with full focus.

Yet before they could even get that far, air picked up inside the room as Kenzo appeared in front of the two.

*Meow* (Nice try, but better luck next time.)

As Kenzo began to dish out what was quickly becoming a normal daily dose of discipline, Giovanni and Kent watched the series of events in fascination.

"Incredible. I now see why these hybrids are usually destroyed during and before birth." Kent admitted.

"The two mythical bloodlines are constantly strengthening and evolving within his body, boosting the already existing powers within each one of them, or giving birth to completely new abilities as a result." he further explained his observations in awe, studying the magic surrounding the cat.

"I had come to a similar conclusion, but I couldn't tell the detail behind it, for that you have my thanks." Ben affirmed the man's words with a compliment. "Your wisdom and magical insight are something I look forward to attaining one day."

Giovanni just waved him off, taking discreet glances at Ben when he wasn't looking.

'There's something more fascinating here, to be honest.'

He didn't get a good look before when he met Ben for the first time, but now he was certain.

There was a strange tint to the magic surrounding him, one he couldn't fully grasp as of yet.

Unknown to the older magician, Bruce noticed the man's subtle glances as his eyes narrowed slightly in response.

"I do not know much about Baihu, but from my understanding, it is the guardian of the west and metal element correct?" Giovanni rhtymically tapped his cane. "How is this one capable of using wind? I'm sure that even the Nemean Lion has no relation with the element."

Bruce for his part was listening to the whole conversation intently, piecing details and information together to better understand this new "magical" language they were speaking.

He still couldn't get used to this side of the world.

"It's the perfect example of what Mr. Nelson just explained on how he is giving birth to completely new abilities." Ben highlighted for him. "However, I don't think that it could just come from thin air."

"I believe that his wind manipulation abilities are either from a more recessive strain, or the main ability he was born with." Ben watched as Kenzo masterfully moved in bursts of speeds, circling his brothers. "His other abilities such as invulnerability and metal manipulation were granted to him by default of his lineage."

"Plus there's the fact that he is still essentially a newborn, therefore we do not yet have a preliminary understanding of his full capabilities like with Brutus or Wyle." Ben thoroughly reminded to the two's lightened eyes. "Wyle seems to be much older than the two, though I don't know by how much exactly, while Brutus seems to be close to becoming an adult."

"I've never thought of it like that." Kent cross-references some things in his head. "Now that you mentioned it, I have indeed noticed how some magical creatures have certain abilities that can be differentiated from their species. In fact, some of them even wielded abilities they were previously theorized to never be able to have as they went against their nature."

"While I know almost nothing about magic, I know that the same thing was thought about humans at first." Bruce shook his head. "The fact of the matter is that some of us go against our own natures every single day, regardless of whether or not it was by choice."

Kent was stunned at that while Ben and Giovanni nodded their heads in agreement.

That kind of sight is normal in hero work. A person changes due to having to adapt to the world around them.

And more often than not, the change isn't always a good thing.

"I must've spent too much with Nabu if I forgot such a thing." the older gentleman chuckled. "You're absolutely correct."

"Now that I thought about it, I wanted to ask to see more of your magic when we get a chance, Benjamin." Kent changed the subject. "I wanted to analyze and record the properties behind it for a copy of the Tower's library. With your permission of course." he added at the end.


Everyone turned to face Bruce in surprise while Ben's eyes lit up in a mixture of gold and amber-yellow.

When Ben had acquired-


-ACQUIRED Deadshot's shooting capabilities, he surprisingly managed to get excited enough to forget something essential.

His father's no guns rule.

Everyone in the hero community knows about Batman's stance on using firearms, respecting the man greatly for it.

Yet, his own son completely forgot.

He already taught him and Dick all about firearms in order to properly deal with gangsters, thugs, and enemies who use them.

But he forbid the two from ever touching them.

So imagine his reaction walking into the Batcave one day and finding his son switching between them, trying to find one he was most comfortable with.

Enraged was putting it lightly.

Bruce dragged Ben to the sparring arena and didn't let up on him for the whole day…

…beating him consistently.

Ben's win streak went up in smoke faster than expected, his father thoroughly thrashing any and all accumulated pride out of him.

ESAMAL was enjoying himself the whole time too, not bothering to have reminded or pointed out Ben's forgetfulness, having expected to witness the sight.

-I told you, man.- he reiterated. -Your dad is straight-up terrifying.-

Now, no one knew how to disperse the awkward atmosphere present, causing it to linger.


-Saved by the literal bell.-

Nodding his head to everyone present, Ben stood to his feet. "I'll get that."

"Are you expecting someone else?" Kent turned to Bruce, sharing a confused look with Giovanni.

All he received in response was a sigh.

Ben opened the door without missing a beat, being met with the sight of a grinning Selina and a woman in a wheelchair sporting a more demure smile.

"Took you long enough." Selina huffed, pulling her coat tighter to stave off the frigid chill in the air. "It's not even winter, yet Gotham makes it feel like Antarctica even at this time of year."

Ben agreed with her, knowing how on the dot she was without even realizing it.

Maybe it was because of the atmosphere, but Gotham could be extra scorching during the hotter seasons and frigid in the colder ones.

Ben believed that it could also stem from the curse or spell over Gotham, but he still had no evidence, stuck on his studies of the phenomenon since he was starting to realize that it was way too sophisticated for him to wrap his head around at the moment.

"I apologize." Ben greeted calmly. "You should know how big this manor can be. It's a walk to get anywhere."

"You need to work on your 'hellos'." Selina lightly jabbed. "With how strange you looked because of your face staying the same, I didn't feel the energy necessary to make me feel more welcome. Your pupils didn't even light up this time."

Ignoring the crazy cat lady for a moment, Ben turned his attention to the woman in the wheelchair as his pupils lit up in various shades of blue, aquamarine, amethyst, and purple all into one.

Selina noticed his silent "eye-opening" comeback, giving him a stink eye for it.

"Maggie." he spoke softly. "I am so happy to have your presence here."

"I'm thankful to be here." Maggie smiled slightly, her emotions bubbling positively around her. "Thank you for inviting me, and everything in general."

"I obviously planned to return the favor for all that you've done, but it's kind of hard to do that when it feels more like you helping me out more." she finished.

"It's Thanksgiving." Ben waved her off. "We shouldn't be thinking about paying back this or that. Just being grateful for everything."

Magdalene Kyle, Selina's sister, suffered terribly at the hands of the late Roman Sionis, losing the love of her life while being irrevocably scarred mentally.

Ever since Ben made it a habit to visit Selina, she confided in him how she started doing the same with her sister, asking him to tag along one day.

Had anyone compared the Magdalene he met from back then to now, they wouldn't have been able to believe their eyes.

Ben ushered his two guests down the manor halls, making some small talk with them.

The ongoing conversation in the living room paused at their arrival, Giovani's eyes widening as he took a discreet glance at Bruce.

"Selina, Maggie. I welcome you to the manor." Bruce calmly received them, ignoring what was an obvious gaze to his trained senses.

Although, his own gaze remained on Selina longer, something the thief seemed to notice as she scowled at him while jabbing her thumb into his chest.

"Yeah. Not like it's my first time being back here in a couple of years." she snarkily commented. "It only took your son inviting me, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers."

Ben took one look at Bruce's emotions and automatically saw his apprehension.

'Let's not get involved in this lion's den.' he decided.

The owner of said den was obvious enough.

Sharing a look with Maggie as he went behind her wheelchair, Ben saw her amusement towards Bruce's predicament as well.

Ben slowly guided her away from the antsy couple, moving towards Giovanni and Kent who had resumed conversing among themselves in hushed tones on the couch.

"Are you telling me that's Catwoman?" Kent turned towards Ben in amazement when he rejoined them. "I didn't know your dad had it in him kid."

Even if the man mainly focused on the events and people of interest in the magical world, the "normal" world was starting to become "magical" in its own right.

So, he was keeping as many tabs as possible on ANY person of interest, big or small.

"It's a work in progress." Ben shrugged in response. "I personally felt that they were good for each other since day one, but they have a lot to work out together for it to have a chance. So, who am I to judge?"

"You and me both. I wouldn't say no to the man getting a spitfire of his own like my Inza." Kent barked.

Ben politely ignored that comment, not wanting to open up that particular can of worms.

He's come to realize that the guy wanted everyone to have a "spitfire" of their own.

"I am familiar with Ms. Kyle, but I have no recollection of you Madame." Giovanni politely turned towards Maggie. "May I know your name?"

Ben startled when Maggie's emotions spiked more than usual, a slight blush creeping up onto her face.

Goes to show how much she's improved since his visits with Selina...

'Careful Maggie.' the thought came to Ben unintentionally. 'He's married.'

-That, my friend, was a low-blow.-

"My name is Magdalene Burton-Kyle, Selina's sister." she introduced herself, motioning towards her wheelchair. "Obviously, you wouldn't have known about me due to my… ill health keeping me away."

"Oh." she realized. "You can call me Maggie by the way."

Giovanni got out of his seat in order to give her a bow. "It's an honor to meet you, Mrs. Burton."


'Oh no.' Ben also realized the slip-up he couldn't have seen coming as he quickly got onto his knees in response to Maggie who suddenly started shaking and seizing in slight terror.

"It's alright Maggie." he took her head in his hands, speaking comforting words. "You're here. It's all in your head. There's no one to hurt you."

Ben started cradling her, whispering sweet words in her ear while using his emotional powers to try and project a field of gentleness and recognition outside of his body.

Selina's obvious plan in his visits to her sister was to have him assist in treating her, trying to fix up her broken psyche.

At first, it was hard manipulating emotions in an outside manner, or ones that weren't his own.

His visits with Maggie are what helped him slowly learn, granting him greater motivation for training on that front.

He didn't know what it was, but seeing her improve faster with his aid...

It made him feel sorry, having never thought that a person could end up being so broken.

How he was able to feel sorry was still up for debate.

Selina sprinted across the room when she noticed what was going on.

"What happened? she worriedly holding her sister's hands.

"I-I apologize." Giovanni stammered slightly. "It was not my intention for this to occur. I was merely introducing myse-"

Ben interrupted the man before he could panic anymore.

Even though he was projecting an outward appearance of calm, he could tell that his mentor was genuinely afraid of being the source of Maggie's pain.

"Don't worry." Ben interrupted the man before he could further panic. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Ben really hadn't expected Maggie to mention her married name since she never had before.

'Is she improving more than I predicted?' he wondered.

Depending on the how or why, he didn't know what to make of the outcome.

Before Giovanni could say anything, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Bruce shaking his head at him.

While the magician was calming down and following Ben's advice, Kent moved up and muttered some words under his breath, tapping his cane's handle lightly on Maggie's head.

She immediately stopped shaking in place, becoming calm once again as her breath slowly evened out.

Selina looked at this in surprise.

"Thank you." she expressed softly to the man's nod.

"What kind of spell was that?" Ben's irises turned ivory.

If it was a spell related to emotions, goes without saying that he wanted it.

-Easy there Nemo. You've already found a lot.- ESAMAL teased.

"Just a little trick. I can teach it to you at a later time." the old man chuckled as he deflected the question.

Maggie regained her bearings quickly and began apologizing in slight embarrassment at her outburst, with Giovanni and the rest reassuring her that it was all right.

"If you don't mind me poking my nose a little bit, I'd like to know what happened." Kent amiably shared, raising his hand and continuing before he could be interrupted. "You don't have to explain if it makes you uncomfortable, but I've learned in my life that just getting things off your chest to others can make a world of difference."

Maggie looked like she was about to descend into a shaking mess again before she shook her head. "I would like to pass for now if that's alright."

Kent sighed at that, but just nodded his head, respecting her decision.

-Can't say I blame her.-

'Not now.'

The conversation took a different turn at this point, everyone trying to talk about more positive subjects in order to lift Maggie's mood back up and get the little episode off her mind.

The sound of a cat meowing resounded halfway through.

"Isis!" Selina gasped. "I'm sorry baby I forgot." she took off her coat, the head of a small black cat popping out of the inside pocket it was nestled in.

A sudden squeal cut through the air as a blur ran up to Selina with Kenzo in her hands, greeting the woman in front of her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you! Who's this little cutey?" Zatanna questioned with slight stars in her eyes.

While they were getting acquainted, Ben took a look towards the left and found his other two familiars on the ground severely beaten and tired from the aftermath of the liger's lesson.

Dick was also back to normal, picking up Wyle and helping carry him back to the living room area, Brutus left all alone on the ground.

"What?" Dick noticed the accusing stares sent his way. "He's too heavy." he replied defensively.

Zatanna seemed to take pity on the poor cerberus, interrupting her conversation with Selina to wave her hand in his direction.


Brutus floated off the ground and moved towards the group, landing in Ben's waiting arms as he tiredly barked to the girl in thanks.

"Daughter." Giovanni sighed in exhaustion.

"What?" Zatanna responded in confusion at her father's tone, noticing his glances at Selina and Maggie after a couple of more moments.

She widened her eyes as she looked at the confusion and shock on Maggie's face while Selina was more amused.

"Oh!" she started fumbling for a reply. "Th-that was… I … uh…"

Her father's looks only increased in their intensity as Dick tried stifling a laugh at her plight.

After a couple more moments, she eventually gave up.

"Magic!" she performed some jazz hands, smoke popping up in her surroundings. "Ta-Dah!"

Giovanni face palmed as Dick erupted into full-blown laughter, Kent guffawing alongside him.

"Your lucky that we both signed that contract thingy." Selina finally decided to give the poor girl a break. "Although Maggie is new to this, she still knows more than the average person."

Giovanni took his daughter aside in order to start berating her on the responsibility of where and when magic should be used.

Brutus was in the midst of receiving pats from his beloved master in short calming intervals, his head laying in Ben's lap with the rest of his tired body splayed out on the couch next to him.

"Hey Selina." Dick finally managed to greet the woman, Wyle chittering in his arms as he did the same, the forgotten cat included in his greeting.

Isis only returned a lazy meow.

"Hey there little birdy." Selina purred, Dick blushing slightly. "Hope you've been behaving."

'He's still too easily embarrassed by her.' Ben thought. 'Hopefully, he doesn't get taken advantage of by that in the field.'

-You expect too much. Can't you just relax for a moment?- ESAMAL complained.

Ben quickly realized the truth behind his partner's words as he shook his head trying to clear the work thoughts that kept popping up in his head.

Wouldn't be good to think about the job 24/7.

One Batman was enough.

As Dick and Zatanna were properly introduced to Maggie and started talking with the group, Zatanna became shocked at what she learned from her father a moment later.

"Wait… You're Catwoman!?" she shouted in disbelief, becoming defensive. "What's a criminal like you even doing here?"

An awkward silence greeted her words, everyone glancing at each other and not knowing how to respond.

"I like her." Selina chuckled, a grin on her part.

Dick had no way to answer that question as even though he was cool with her now, he still thought that she was a criminal.

Giovanni was the most embarrassed, however, as he pulled his daughter aside and began speaking with her in hushed tones once more, berating her for her actions.

"She has a point you know." Bruce took the opportunity to speak suddenly.

"You know why it didn't work out the first time." he hinted, probably about their earlier private discussion. "Are you going to change now?"

"While I don't know what you spoke about exactly..." Ben cut in before an angry Selina could start shooting off. "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it has something to do with certain occupational interests."

Their emotional shifts were all the answer he needed.

"While I agree that theft is a crime…" Ben took a look at his father. "...it doesn't always involve something physical."

Selina looked calm, but her emotions told him she was scared of his next possible words.

"Last time I checked, regardless of the intentions behind it, vigilantism is still considered a crime that falls under many different kinds of laws." Ben pointed out. "Especially when you copy digital information from a secure server under such claims. It's still considered a form of theft and espionage unless given permission."

The word "paranoid" and the hero "Batman" are closely linked together. Bruce is constantly scouring information from servers across the globe in order to stay in the loop of known criminal interactions.

The man even made hacking LexCorp a hobby, doing so often in order to make sure Lex Luthor doesn't just smuggle random inventions or some kryptonite he isn't aware of.

In fact, regardless of the charter the Justice League currently has, most of the heroes at the start of their careers were still considered criminals.

Some are still even under constant threat of being branded such.

'All it takes is one slip-up.' Ben reminded himself.

Everyone in the room reacted differently to his words.

Dick looked thoughtful, something Ben would've never associated with his brother a while ago, while Kent and Maggie thought the situation was slightly funny and were trying their best not to show it.

Selina plainly laughed in Bruce's face while the man ignored her.

"You know why I do those things." Bruce replied to his son. "The mission comes first."

"But I didn't question your motives, I only outlined our actions to be criminal in nature as well." Ben tilted his head a bit. "I understand killing to be a line not to cross, but the saying is that all sins are equal."

"Even if not as great as killing, theft, and other little crimes or terrible deeds corrupt in different ways, some slower than others. I found this especially true in the case of magic recently."

Forgetting about the magical aspects being mentioned at the moment since he still doesn't understand it, Bruce came to the realization of the other point Ben was trying to highlight.

Just like how he makes concessions for his mission, why can't he make concessions for Selina?

Just like how the world made concessions for the Justice League, why can't he do the same?

Ben knows that his father understood the problems Selina has when dealing with her tendencies, but the man never truly understood how hard it was for her.

If Bruce is constantly questioning his mind and motives to keep himself stable, constantly refusing to cross a line that he knows would corrupt him in a way, why doesn't he do the same for Selina?

'Is she even "corrupted"?' Bruce's mind whispered to him.

The final image of his parents on that fateful night came to haunt Bruce's mind as usual.

'I guess some ghosts just don't pass on.' he realized as he looked at Selina.

Selina had a slight smile as she got out of her seat to sit next to Ben, beaming down at him and ruffling his hair.

Brutus grunted in her direction at the movement, before trying to make himself more comfortable in his master's lap and sleep.

"Thanks, kid." she said, Zatanna and Giovanni finally rejoining them a moment later with Kenzo still in the girl's arms.

As they sat back down in their position on one of the couches, the liger jumped out of the young sorceress' arms and jogged over to Isis who was playing with Wyle near the fireplace.

"So, how much longer till dinner is ready?" Dick looked at Zatanna hopefully, his rumbling stomach indicating just how much he wished to gorge himself at the moment.

'Good change of subject.' thought Ben.

-He learned from the best.- ESAMAL agreed.

"Well, everything is pretty much ready." Zatanna only answered after sending a remorseful look a the sisters, Selina waving her off with a grin. "We're just waiting for the turkey to finish up."

Dick began salivating slightly, hiding his embarrassing reaction as best as he can.

Enough for the magical and slightly ill guests not to notice of course. Ben just looked at him with dark blue in his eyes while Bruce ignored him for a moment to continue a bit with his introspection.

-I so want to see what Alfred is going to do when you tell him later.- ESAMAL excitedly reminded.

'More etiquette classes. What else?' Ben assured him.

"It seems that the little birdie hasn't had his fill of breadcrumbs for the day." Selina teased as well.

Dick just blushed for what seemed like the tenth time today.

After a couple of more minutes with them discussing a few hilarious topics, telling a few jokes, and even catching up on important events, Sindella walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Thanks for waiting everyone." she motioned towards the table. "Dinner will be served right now if we can all go to our seats."

As everyone got up and began taking their seats, a deluge of butlers and maids started exiting the kitchen in droves, plate after plate of food thudding on the furnished wood in even spaces.

"Thank you once again for bringing over a few faux servants to help out." Ben politely spoke to the Zatara's.

"It's no problem, my boy." Giovanni gave a similarly polite, but dismissive nod.

"I thought they could only exist inside your manor?" Dick wondered.

"No." Zatanna shook her head. "The bodies are created through magical materials, meaning if we had enough, they would be endless. The manor is only responsible for pouring ambient atmospheric magic inside the prepared puppet bodies and ordering them around for us. They can technically be used anywhere up until they run out of juice, otherwise, they'll become inert and remain that way until recharged."

Everyone had finally managed to take their seats at the table at this point, with Bruce sitting at one end of the table's head.

Maggie sat on his left with Ben sitting next to her in case she needed help.

"Thank you." she quickly noticed this, smiling. "No matter how many times I say it, I can't appreciate your help enough."

Ben followed in his magical mentor's earlier footsteps, passing on her words with another dismissive nod.

Zatanna sat next to Ben, while Selina was on Bruce's right across from her sister, with Dick seated across from Zatanna and saving space for Alfred between him and Selina.

Kent smiled across from Sindella while Giovanni was sandwiched between his own mentor and wife, facing Bruce from the opposite end of the table.

When everyone had started becoming comfortable in their seats, the doors opened one last time to the sight of Alfred bringing out a platter with a smile on his face, the magnificent view of a tantalizingly honey-brown cooked turkey alongside the incredible scent drawing everyone's attention.

"Oh boy." Dick exclaimed. "This is going to be a great night."

He took the words right out of everyone's mouth.

Alfred set the turkey onto the prepared mini pedestal at the center of the table gracefully taking the seat prepared for him. took his seat between Dick and Selina as he turned to the latter.

"Missus Kyle… Kyle's." he turned to Selina, correcting himself at the sight of Maggie. "It's a pleasure to have you joining us tonight."

"Well, I just came for your cooking to be honest." she smiled and thanked him, a slight glance meeting Bruce's eyes. "That's one thing I can't miss… among other things."

Bruce was going to speak up, pausing at the sight of the Zataras and Kent linking up their hands together, Ben doing the same when Zatanna offered it to him.

As Maggie took Ben's hand and offered one to his father, Ben was stunned as he noticed something.

His father was actually hesitating.

Bruce Wayne, the Batman, NEVER hesitates.

Alfred was the only other one to notice this as he inwardly sighed in sadness at the sight.

"Father, is something wrong?" Ben questioned in a low voice.

At this point, the rest started to notice Bruce was the only one not doing so for some reason.

"I apologize." Giovanni became confused, not having meant to embarrass their host. "I had believed you were Christian as well."

Bruce shook his head. "I… used to be a Catholic, but I don't believe in God anymore."

Nobody knew how to react to that statement, Alfred wilting slightly.

"Awkward." Dick muttered, being heard by all over the silence.

"Perhaps it's ok if we skip this part then." Giovanni conceded, hands drooping back to his sides.

Yet, nobody could make a move for the food anymore, stuck in a weird and inexplicable atmosphere that caused Alfred to get out of his seat and move towards Bruce to speak with him in a low voice.

Maggie took a discreet glance at the next-door Ben, finding him more silent than the rest.

-Just speak your mind.- ESAMAL encouraged him. -He probably just needs to hear a few words from someone to make up his mind. He seems just as confused as everyone else here.-

'And, pray tell, what do I tell him?' Ben questioned in annoyance.

-Like I'd know. Your his son, figure it out.-

-Also, what did we say about unintentional puns?-

'THEY'RE NOT PLANNED!' Ben mentally raged.

That's what unintentional meant right?!?

And somehow, Ben didn't feel that things would be that simple.

After a few more moments when nothing changed, he got up from his seat regardless as he nodded at those who focused on him before he turned to Bruce.

"Father. A moment please." he beckoned towards the nearby balcony.

Bruce got out of his seat without a peep, his son leading the way.

After they gained some privacy on the terrace, Bruce leaned on the railings as Ben hanged back for a moment to look at his father's toned back and broad shoulders.

It struck for a lonely image.

"Do you want to talk to me and change my stances too?" Bruce questioned.

Ben was silent for a moment as he looked at his father's back which hadn't changed at all to look back at him, completely at a loss for once in his life.

"Honestly, I only planned up to the point where I inform you of the obvious." Ben confessed. "Alfred will chew you out later for this."

That didn't seem to be the right thing to say as Bruce continued to remain motionless, Ben just moving forward to lean on the railings alongside him.

"I'm beginning to realize that I'm not as good at emotional interactions like I first thought." Ben stated, Bruce turning to look at him at that reveal. "So I don't know the best thing to say in times like this."

"That's why, forgive me for my bluntness when I ask this, but why do you not believe in God?"

The silence continued to linger.

"It's because of my grandparents." Ben quietly stated.

It's always because of his grandparents...

Bruce tried looking deep into his son's soul, Ben attempting to do the same.

"Do you know what I tried doing when I was younger?" Bruce turned back towards the railings, beholding the distant view of Gotham's lights.


All color seemed to drain from the surroundings right into Ben's rapidly changing eyes as he froze in utter bewilderment.

"Selina knows the reason." Bruce continued, a distant look in his eyes. "I'm still tough with her cause…"

He trailed off for a bit, moving on.

"It was so easy." he admitted, tone normal as if discussing the weather. "Just a gentle slide over the wrist with my father's old razor blade, praying in what was supposed to be my final moments…"

Ben pictured his father on his knees in front of the bed side window, hands clasped together as blood flowed down them, moonlight streaming over him from between the curtains.

"There were two things I set my mind on finding and learning about when I first began my journey into the wider world years ago, but everyone only sees the most obvious one."

The force of every punch, kick, and twist of his hips crammed into one reverberating word.

"Power." Bruce uttered.

"Power in the mind, body, and spirit. Power that would take me to heights no other human could ever reach."

"Power... only became the focus after I failed in finding a meaningful answer to the second objective." his tone turned lost.

Ben took a couple of moments to wrap his head around that and calm himself.

"You sought an answer to faith."

Bruce nodded his head.

"This city... it was built with faith in mind." he clarified. "Gotham's people were supposed to grow up alongside the ways of faith."

"I trained with Chinese masters, asking about the "Tao" and what it was, yet I never received a meaningful answer." Bruce continued in silent acknowledgment, Ben picturing a teenage Bruce having sticks beating down onto his body. "I trained with many beloved Christian tutors, yet they all spoke the same thing."

Bruce glanced up the cloudy skies, blanketing what was a full moon tonight.

" 'God has a plan.' "

"All that time searching for something solid to put my hope and drive in, questions asked and answers paid for…"

"...all of it with nothing to show for."

Ben took the moment when Bruce was quiet, taking in his father's darkened eyes, holding an emotion he couldn't identify.

So he opened his other senses, bearing witness to something that left him completely stunned.

A swirling black, the kind of a deeper shade than what he's ever seen even the Black Light depict.

"One day, I was in the Alaskan Mountains looking for a teacher in another field of study." Bruce reminisced, the young Bruce in Ben's mind now charging onwards against the flow of battering winds and thin air.

"He was a bounty hunter by the name of Willie Doggett." he glanced at Ben. "One of the many men who should have been thanked by you and Dick for inheriting his skills."

"I caught him at the time when we ended up chasing a criminal named Thomas Woodley." he narrated, the young Bruce clasping hands with an older gentleman as they moved forward together.

"Doggett was killed, shot in the head in front of me, while Woodley fell off the mountain top we chased him too."

The young Bruce stood over the older gentleman's motionless body, warmth exiting from the hole in his head to blend with the mountain.

"...Another terrible ending."

Ben looked over his father, an unsettling feeling having managed to worm its way into his closed-off heart.

'He's... just like me.'

He was acting completely calm, as if this was just another part of the life that he was used to.

As if… the death of what was supposed to be an important figure in his life was something normal and expected.

"Suddenly, there I was." Bruce didn't care about Ben's thoughts. "Left buried under the frigid biting snow all alone, having accepted my eventual fate a second time." Bruce continued, slight glances being directed at his upturned palms as his attention was captured by something that only he could see.

"I believed that this was God's revenge against me for all the times I went against him. For when I turned away from him for taking away my parent's lives."

Ben could imagine the thought going through his father's head at the time.

'How did he feel before that bullet ended it all? How did father and mother feel when the same happened?'

"A Zen Buddhist monk named Matsuda told me the death of my parents were the greatest thing in the world to happen to me."

"He always said that I possessed incredible talent." Bruce spoke, his eyes darkening.

"That I was capable of becoming 'God'."

Ben stopped breathing for a moment as an intense feeling suddenly began to rise in the surroundings.

The young Bruce embedded down in the snow now suddenly overlooked the people embedded in the world.

"It made so much sense. If god didn't exist, why don't I become him?"

The man standing over the world waved his hand, erasing every kind of plague and disease, changing voices of agony into joy...

"God is capable of absolutely anything..."

Another wave of his hand granted food to the poor and money to the hungry, erased all crime and sin...

"These thoughts continued to plague me until I was saved by a wandering Native American shaman who took me back to his Inuit tribe."

A man wearing a ceremonial headdress hefted a young body on his shoulders, leaving behind a hand encased in ice.

"And that's when I realized the sign that would lead me to form my faith around a figure." Bruce's voice became intense.

"The tribe I visited was one of the more traditional ones, not following their brother and sister groups in converting to Christianity, staying true to their animalism and shamanistic heritage."

Ben realized where his father was going with this once again, his pupils shining a bright gold-orange hue in disbelief.

"The first thing that registered to my senses in that alleyway after I pried my eyes away from my parents was a bat hovering over by the lamppost."

A child Bruce was petrified, staring up at the sound of flapping, keeping himself entirely motionless.

"The fear at that moment due to the sight of that creature overwhelmed my grief at the thought of my parents no longer living." Bruce's fists suddenly clenched tightly, blood being drawn from the palm of his hands.

"But the meaning of that feeling… of that memory… only truly made sense to me when I found that particular tribe's object of belief."

"...they worshipped bats."

Bruce looked deep into his son's eyes, the black around him rippling as if it was alive.

Ben felt "something" washing over his soul at that moment.

"Something" from beyond that blanket of darkness had its attention focused on him.

"Before I became a detective, I also believed that once was chance and twice was a coincidence…"

"Now I know there's always a pattern to be found."

"I left home at the sight of crime, and came back to find even more of it."

"That was the moment I decided to share my terrors with the people who had kept trying to sink this city down even further."

"Criminals will always be a cowardly and superstitious lot, and I will always make use of that."

The image of the godly man standing over the world rippled...

"I remembered back in what should have been my final moments how beautiful the city looked when reflected off the moon."

The young Bruce sitting by the window had his eyes shut tight, opening them at the constant flashing by his window, enraptured by the city lights.

His eyes hardening as he held his aching wrist, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

...the ripple turned and stretched to form two pointed ears at the head, a long black flowing cape from behind...

"I decided to let go of my past fear and dread by sharing them with Gotham's sinners, striking terror into their hearts."

"I finally put away my mind from believing in any deity that my parents could've thought had saved them."

...a symbol slowly began to etch itself onto the figure's chest, turning into the ends two wings...

"...I couldn't see anything that saved them."

...the image dissipated entirely, no sign of his presence having ever existed as the planet continued to spin.

Bruce suddenly sagged in place, the feeling of being watched around Ben slowly vanishing.

Usually, when someone talks about something as life-changing as that, they do it in order to take the things off their chest and lighten up more.

And yet... his father was carrying more pressure than before.

'A part of him died along the way...' the realization his Ben like a freight train. 'Just like me.'

He thought back to all of his father's previous actions, those he witnessed and those he were told of.

His demeanor, his plans, his words…

And without warning, it all clicked into place. All of the smaller actions that previously didn't make sense before becoming clear.

For just a small moment, a part of his father truly believed that Batman was God. That he held the lives of everyone in the palm of his hands.

Until the truth shattered due to one unchangeable fact.

'He already failed before he began...'

To his father, death was no longer a choice he can make. For himself, or anyone.

To his father, every life that that was failed to be saved was another stab to the heart, doing more damage to him than any dagger could ever come close to doing.

'If Batman was no God... then none existed.'

Bruce attempted to turn back to enter the dining room area…

…only to be interrupted by Ben who pulled him into a tight hug without warning.

"Father." Ben voiced as Bruce tensed at the unexpected contact. "The very definition of faith is to have complete and utter trust or confidence in something or someone."

"When we put our faith into that something or someone, it will remain as a pillar or reminder for people to live by."

"Death is the ultimate test of that faith, being the judge that will tell us whether or not our hopes were misplaced."

"But at this moment, it doesn't define who you are."

Ben raised his head from Bruce's shoulder as his lavender and amethyst irises became visible.

"Please, don't ever forget that you are precious. You're a father, a billionaire…"

"You're a human. Not a god."

"You are precious because you are human. There is no need to compare yourself with a being who transcends that concept."


Ben's eyes suddenly became a shade of teal and amber-yellow as he fell to his knees shivering, clutching his father's legs.

"I… a part of my current faith is thanks to you."

His shivering intensified.

"I can't imagine myself going back to a life where I didn't know you."

Tremors racked Bruce's body at those words as he took in the distress he caused for his son.

When haunted by what was failed to be experienced, people sometimes forgot what they have.

Bruce has been cursed to forever know what it's like to lose so much time with the one's he loved, blinding him to the world around him.

He could only remind himself of his fatherly responsibilities through the memories he got to share with his.

A father was not supposed to saddle his children with their burdens...

Especially a child buckling under their own weight.

Bruce dropped to his knees as well, hugging his to his chest as tightly as possible, body shaking in tandem with him.

They remained like that for a unknown amount of time.

"I'm sorry." Bruce suddenly spoke.

Ben stilled, eyes turning gold-orange.

His father… actually apologized...

He may admit his failures, his worries, concerns…

But one of the things Bruce Wayne either rarely or never does is show his regret in any way.

Ben hugged Bruce even tighter.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

Bruce loosened his hold over him as he held his shoulders and pushed him away to face him.

"None of us do."

Bruce rose from the ground, supporting Ben to do the same.

He looked at his son for a moment longer before he turned his attention back at the glimpses he could catch from the window of the current gathering.

Alfred, Dick, and the rest of their guests had resumed chatting harmoniously at some point, three magical beasts and one housecat frolicking at their feet.

"What's your plan for when we go back in?" Ben asked as he noticed his father's glances.

"...I guess I can make an exception just for today." Bruce admitted.

"Does religion have to be permanent?" he suddenly asked. "Or can we have a couple of trial runs?"

"I don't know really." Ben's eyes turned amber-orange. "I haven't studied up on the more obvious religious laws since mother passed."

"Then I guess we'll discover it together." Bruce stated.

Ben nodded his head at that while the amber-orange glow moved to the side a bit, making way for the aquamarine that joined in.

They finally reached the balcony door as Bruce's hand paused on the frame for a moment…

"Thank you for being my son."

…before opening the door and entering.

The aquamarine now made way for gold and amber-orange as Ben lingered behind while Bruce made his way inside.

He took in his father's much more confidently straightened back, powerfully broad shoulders, sharp glances…

All as if the man was ready to carry anything the world laid down for him.

Then, came the abrupt realization.

'Has he ever said thank you before?'


True DC fans will notice what I'm trying to highlight.

Everyone know Batman and how famous he is, but most have this huge misunderstanding that he's a cold-hearted man singlemindedly focused on this mission of justice, picking up child soldiers on the way to aid him.

That isn't true by any stretch of the world.

My MC and Bruce are more alike than people would think, and I will show them what it means when people say 'like father, like son.'

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I accept cash or credit, but the only currency used is comments, power stones, and reviews!

I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the day!


Geo_Ruler Geo_Ruler

"Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost."

- Catherine Pulsifer

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