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82.6% The Spark of Change (Teen Wolf) / Chapter 19: The Ascendance Part One

Chương 19: The Ascendance Part One

AN;I'm here! Did y'all miss me? Well, I've got good news. Y'all are getting extra long chapters today and a fucking DOUBLE UPDATE. That's right! Your read that right!

Y'all have been fantastic with the comments and support so I decided to finish the entire ascendance in one go. I hope y'all like it 💙💙💙 leave the comments and check out the rest of the series if you please. All installments can be read independently!

OH! did y'all know our girl recently entered the MCU?! Hell, yeah, I'm pumped for that.

DISCORD! https://discord.gg/xhMmy34a



Slowly, silently, people had started to arrive. Most came in cars, parking along the long drive of the ruins of Hale House. But, some had come on foot appearing in between one moment and the next from the shadows or trees. Each new arrival had Derek drawing closer, our group consisting of Madam Angelique's family, Danny's family, Couch, and our pack representatives nervously banding together against the unknowns. I do my best to keep my face calm, drawing strength from the warm fur pressed against my side as I take note of the wary eyes, stiff shoulders, and clenched fists. The new sensation, the buzzing in my fingers and warmth behind my ribs, magic, my fucking magic, seems to pulse in response to the dangerous atmosphere.

Don't mess up. Breathe. Ohmygod, this is so fucking awseome- No! Focus, Stiles.

Every person here had taken a risk, a massive one by coming. By word of mouth, we'd spread the word of a new Guardian appearing in Beacon Hills, one calling a meeting, but this could just as easily have been a trap by hunters or god knows what else. The people that would take the risk either trusted their informants very much, we're desperate enough to come regardless, or strong enough to feel confidant in their survival in an instance of this actually having been a trap. Despite it being early summer, a beautiful 70° F, the air is suffocatingly thick with tension.

There is a rustleinh to the left, and every eye in the clearing, now something like 50 pairs, turns to focus on it. Much to my relief, a tug on one of my bonds reveals the new arrival. Oh, thank god, she's back!

I would've relaxed if not for the way my eyes, trained by my cop dad, hadn't caught the way so many hands moved towards concealed weapons, or the way several eyes seem to flash for the briefest moment.

Like some kind of nature goddess, Layla steps out of the tree line. Eyes and hair blazing like liquid light and fluttering unnaturally, she strolls forward, steps long and swaying, but not the least bit rushed. Her face is impassive, but that's not particularly unusual for her. The distant look in her eyes, however, is something she had only seemed to gain after the Bite. Her tattoos, all streaks of starlight today, peaked out from deep green fabric with silver beaded flowers. If the flower crown on her head didn't give her away as the Guardian, if the roaring magic that even I was starting to be able to sense hadn't made it obvious, then the way flowers seem to sprout under each of her steps would have.

"Welcome." Layla's never been particularly loud. Her voice is high pitched, something she hates because she thinks it always makes her sound like a child. But now, her quiet, soft voice seems to carry easily across the clearing. "I'm Layla. I know the decision to come here must not have been easy, but I thank you nonetheless."

Suhel floates above her, and unlike my packmate, nothing about him is emotionless. The nemeton is fucking beaming, something a bit disturbing about the wildness, the glee of it. Blooms and blossoms continue to ripple in their wake as my friend continues, voice unbelievably steady. "This territory has been empty for too long. The nemeton nearly died."

Gasps ring out, and I tear my eyes from Layla long enough to take in the way every face seems to twist and pale in horror. It seems like everyone knows how Very Bad that is.

"My awakening has stabilized the situation, and the nemeton gets stronger each day, but I won't lie to you. I cannot promise you peace in my realm." Huh? I blink, confused. "I can't promise you that no harm will come to you or that I'll make no mistakes."

Layla shrugs as I start to have an internal crisis, reaching to tug anxiously as our bond. Woman, what the fuck?! You're supposed to be convincing them to stay and be your minions, not chase 'em off! Layla continues to leisurely walk, hands pinching her skirt just the tiniest bit, looking as though she had not a care in the world with so many potential threats nearby, but I know her. The way her fingers are clenched in the fabric is merely a way of hiding her stress.

"However," She says, her chin raising and shoulders straightening, something hardening in her gaze as I feel determination flow out of her, something fierce, protective, and so uniquely Layla that my breath catches from the beauty of it. "I do have a few promises for those of you who decide to make my realm your home and me, your queen." She breathes in deeply, almost shakily, the first and only crack in her mask yet. "I promise,- No, I vow that I will protect you with all my power and strength. I vow to sacrifice my own flesh and blood in place of yours. I vow to give you a place among me and mine, shielded from the mundane, a place where your traditions and abilities are respected…. a place to belong. And I vow that those under my rule and in my care will be treated fairly and given justice and a voice."

I gape as Layla finally reaches our huddled group, looking out at the newcomers for the first time as she pauses. "This is what I offer you."

In that moment, my heart swells with adoration for her, the desire to press my lips to hers once more nearly making me dizzy. It is always times like this where she feels so far beyond me that I desperately want to reach out to her. But I am a coward. Too scared to risk rejection from one of the people I love most, too scared to damage the bond between us, to scared to be a burden-

And just like always, it's Layla that reminds me how much of an idiot I am because no matter how far beyond me she might seem, it means nothing in the face of how we feel for one another. Layla, as easy as breathing, reaches out and slips her fingers into mine, gently pulling me along as she walks along once again, her other hand tangled in Derek's fur, pressed to her other side. Before us, the ground begins to tremble, Suhel's giggles filling the air. Stone begins to split the earth, rising up, form twisting and creating a throne, intricately carved with creatures of myth and magic, vines, moss, and flowers growing rapidly around it.

Our backs to the crowd, I catch the way my best friend's lips twitch at me, forming the words "dramatic bitch" as she tilts her head towards the cackling tree spirit and I only barely choke back my laughter as Layla settles down, her magic pressing against mine through our skin. Our Alpha is at her other side, his massive head high above hers despite him sitting on the ground by her feet. Bengals clinking together in a gentle chime, she smiles, almost gently, for the first time. "Stay or go. The choice is yours."


OhmygodohmygodfuckFUCKFUCK- Ruthlessly, I crush the internal screaming and panicing. Now that I had said what I needed to, I could feel the eyes boring into me, the swirling awefearnervousskepticalhopeworry from the dozens of strangers standing in front of me. I want to hide and sink into the background and tuck myself into my pack, but I can't. This is my responsibility, even if it makes my skin crawl.

Before things can get awkward a farmilliar cackle, rich and warm rings out. "Well said, your majesty! You lot! Don't stand there like scarecrows, we have vows to take!"

I huff a laugh as Madam Angelique saunters over, her son and daughter in law at her heels and I feel a spike from Mama Mel, one of suprise but happiness and even relief. I feel the same replicated in Aunt Angelique's son.

My pack has gathered around me, Stiles and Derek at my sides, flanked by Papa Sheriff and Scotty, Mama Mel tucked directly between them and behind my bougie ass chair. The rest of our alleys are the first to heed the old woman's call, Coach and Danny's family plopping down on a nearby table.

The Hoodoo High Priestess kneels, her family, no, her tribe, following her. "Your highness, we wish to take our vows."

I blink, managing to keep my face still despite my confusion, but Suhel pipes up, his translucent form coming to sit on the ground in front of me next to Derek, his silver hair pulling in my lap as he tilts back his head to look at me. "The mambo took vows of residency when you met, not one's to aid you or to defend the territory in any manner."

Shit, I think emphatically, because guessing by their auras, neither Derek, Stiles, or I had caught that mistake on our part. It could've been really bad if it had been somebody other than Aunt Angie. No one needed to give more than an oath of residency to stay in the territory, but the tribal matriarch had been helping us far beyond that for a while, and it wasn't exactly a good idea to rely on her for that if she wasn't actually bound to us. I catch my emissary's eye, and relax, knowing he'll be on the lookout for those kinds of blunders from now on.

I nod, and the priestess starts, voice rich and raspy. "Oh Guardian, I offer you my support and guidance to your reign in good faith."

I smile, appreciating the short and sweet words. There were no specific wording needed, nothing required. The Vowed would give what they wanted. The impotent part is the "good faith" portion. I had to make sure that whatever Vow was given, it was one that couldn't be undermined later in a way that would result in them being able to turn on me. Even though Aunt Angie's Vow was vague, if she acted outside of good faith, I would know and be able to bring retribution down on her as an Oathbreaker. Obviously, I'm not worried about her in particular, but this is the general principle behind magic oaths, and the retribution for those that break them is both swift and vicious.

Aunt Angie 's daughter in law who runs the bakery with her gives practically the same Vow, but her son offers medicine and healing as well. At my curiosity, it's Mama Mel that steps forward to explain. "Dr. Ashanti works with me at the hospital. It will be wonderful to have someone else there in case somebody supernatural needs help."

Oh, that's why she was so happy to see him. "it is a relief to have you, Doctor. We will be in your care."

Each Vow is completed by them dropping a single drop of blood into my palm where it vanishes on my runes. Rather than offering my blood in return, I instead feel my magic flare, brushing against theirs, something I didn't really notice I'd done when I had taken Aunt Angie's Vow that day in the bakery. Then comes the flood of power, each Vow seemingly flowing through me and into Suhel, strengthening and cleansing him.

As I turn back to the hesitantly sitting people at the tables, pushing away the soul shaking feeling, I realize I should probably make introductions. "This is Melissa McCall. She's a nurse at the hospital and pack. Next to her is her son, Scott, and Sheriff Noah Stilinski." Fuck, I should have introduced Stiles and Derek first, goddamnit- "This is our Alpha, Derek Hale," I note the reactions in the crowd at the name, but continue on. "And this is our Emissary, Stiles Stilinski, a mage." I can't help the smirk on my face when Stiles's abilities receive nearly as much awe as Derek's name.

There is a moment of silence before a deep chuckle rings out and a man stands up. "May I approach, Little Queen?"

Derek stiffens at the stranger, getting to his feet, but I sense no malice so I tilt my head in a nod. The sun bounces off of blonde hair and tan skin as he walks, hands tucked leisurely into a sharp suit, and I get the impression of power and confidence, but also something strange. Whoever this person is, he is ancient and had fought and killed for ages and still came out on top. The man is here because he is confident he could survive a trap and for good reason. Even though I sense nothing close to malice, I need to be careful because he is lethal.

The man kneels, and I could feel hope and satisfaction from his. "Your majesty. Emissary," he greets, before turning to Derek, all amusement and mischief. "Fluffy."

I snort, taken of guard even if Derek snarls, irritated. I huff, giving the man a look, but he just laughs. "Appologies, my Queen, but I'm a vampire. I can't go being friendly to werewolves, it ruins my street cred."

I can't help it, I laugh. The man is handsome and charming, and from everything I can feel, very much a badass. I get the feeling that he's trustworthy as well, and that is a very good sign for our little territory. Stiles speaks for the first time, leaning forward in thinly veiled excitement. "Is it true, then? Are vampires and werewolves natural enemies?"

The vampire, who only looked about 30, shook his head, something about him softening from the razor sharp humor from earlier. "No, just a bit of a misconception. You see, every nemeton has historically chosen some group of supernaturals to guard it, be it a clan or coven or pack. There were a couple rather notorious incidents of a vampire coven and werewolf pack going to war for the honor of it. As a result, it's a bit of a long running joke."

I frown as Derek shifts uncomfortably, pressing even closer as he starts to get anxious. "And do you plan to go to war against Alpha Hale for the position of protector of this territory?"

The air chills as the man stares thoughtfully, tension climbing with every passing moment. Then he huffs a soft laugh, something incredibly gentle now in his aura solidifying my perception of him as a kind person. "No, Child, fear not. I would, however, like to work with your alpha and pack to protect your realm. It has been awhile since my children, my coven have had a safe home where they might find friends that understand them, and I believe that you, Guardian, may be able to offer us that." His smile is soft as he bows his head a bit, this time to Derek as well, and the warmth from his aura reminds me a lot of Papa Sheriff in Dad Mode.

One look at Suhel's smiling face and I accept a coven of vampires, and a few dhampirs, (half vampire, half humans), into my realm. Instinctively, I offer my hand to the vampire named Ezra, unconcerned when he carefully sinks his fangs into my wrist, a sensation I can barely feel even as my pack shuffles nervously, Papa Sheriff cursing under his break in surprise. Poor Derek just bares his teeth in displeasure.

Then, Ezra bites his own wrist, offering me the bloody flesh. It should gross me out, or at least make me hesitant, but I can't feel anything but rightness, like I'm doing something that must be done. I press my lips to the vampire's wrist, not worried about turning into a vampire since I'm already a guardian, drinking a gulp of sweet blood before pulling away, licking my lips. The rush of power, of an entire coven 20 strong being added to my realm, makes me dizzy for a moment, this sensation far stronger than anything I've ever felt. Trying to disguise the way my breath rattles in my chest, I blink at the old vampire. "Hmm, not gonna lie, you're pretty delicious."

Ezra's eyes, red now, go wide before he lets out a booming laugh. I hear Scott snickering as Stiles nudges me in the side, whisper-yelling at me. "Layla! That's low key rude in vampire culture!"

"Shit. My bad- um, I apologize, Lord Ezra," I stutter out, but the man just shakes his head, thoroughly amused, reaching out to par my knee.

"Fear not, little queen, your blood is the nectar of the gods." With a wink, the man gets to his feet, strutting back to his seat. He snaps his finger and a burly man appears from where he was hidden in the trees, startling a few people though I had known he was there. The two sit back down just as a cry rings out.

What the hell. Was that- I squint, unable to see where everyone seems to have turned their attention. Suhel, who had begun to float above me, tuts a bit at me. Leaning down, he wraps his arms around my neck. "Silly Guardian, if you cannot see with your eyes, see with your magic."

In between one moment and the next, my perspective shifts. Rather than seeing, it's like I can feel everything from the way heads are turned to the way each heart in the clearing beats. Immediately, it's too much, and I push back, the finer movements and details blurring out of focus again. Magical radar? Echolocation? Fuck, that's cool, but my head hurts like a bitch!

The sensation wasn't entirely unfamiliar. I think I might has been subconsciously using it to an extent, but not like this. This was something else entirely.

"Um, may I approach, your… highness?" An uncertain, shaky voice calls out, bringing me back to the moment.

"Come forth," I call out, feeling the shocked, incredulous stares from those seated across the clearing. I feel a standing figure, a young man pick something up in each hand and warily approach. I tilt my head, trying to focus on my sixth sense. Is that- oh fuck, it's a damn baby!

As soon as he gets within appropriate distance, the man kneels, setting the car seat with the freaking baby down as he begins to ramble. "This isn't my baby! I'm not crazy to, like, risk taking a baby to a potentially dgerous place, but I kinda didn't have a choice-"

I raise a hand, oddly endeared because this guy was like a slightly older, more innocent Stiles. "So,… did you kidnap the baby?"

"NO!" He pauses, "Well, I don't think so? I-" he shudders, and I sit up straight feeling the fear from him, and the exhaustion and unhappiness from the baby. I get up, Derek on my heels as I walk a few feet to touch the man, a magic user, on the shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. What's your name?" I ask, hoping my smile is comforting.

"Um, Hao Xìngyùn."

"Hao?" He nods. "What happened?"

"So, um, my family practices Chinese Omniyodou. My- my dad, our patriarch, passed recently, leaving me as head and protector of the clan. I, um, I heard the rumors that a new Guradian was born and came to check it out on my own since I didn't want to endanger any of my clan mates. We are mostly children and old people." I nod, crouching and taking his hand in mine. "An-anyway, I, um, stopped at a gas station and one of my shiki, a contracted spirit, sensed a supernatural battle." Oh, shit, that's cool. "I got there and saw some hunters. They-"

He chokes a bit, and I wait patiently for him to gather himself. I catch sight of scared brown eyes, and some smudges that might be blood, and it tugs at my stupid bleeding heart. "They had attacked the baby's dad, some kind of shifter. He killed them, but… he wasn't making it." I shut my eyes, feeling the world press down on my shoulders. Hao didn't have to say it for me to know that the man was probably on his way to seek shelter from the new guardian. It wasn't my fault, I could acknowledge that. There wasn't really a way for me to know about every supernatural death across hundreds of miles of territory, at least not yet, but it was still painful. "When I showed him my magic, he begged me to take the kid. The hunters that attacked him had apparently been chasing him across the country, the rest of their family already killed, so I took the baby, it's bag, and ran. I know this could have been a trap, but…"

I inhale, knowing that I had to be very careful if I didn't want to further traumatize Hao, who looked to be just barely older than Derek. Squeezing his hands again, I speak. "There was nothing else you could have done." He slumps, eyes teary, and my heart aches for the senselessness of it all, even as I have to control the rage, some of it from the pack.

I turn to the baby, pausing when I sense the magic protecting it. Hao pipes up, "I put some protection charms up, just in case I needed to grab him and run."

I grin, hoping Hao decides to stay. He seemed like a good sort. He tugs off a little paper, removing the magic, and I push back the blanket to reveal a tiny, scared baby, tiny whimpers that were more heartbreaking than wailing would have been and blazing gold shifter eyes.

My instincts are yelling at me, so I give in, unbuckling the kid and pulling him against my chest where the whimpers turn into tiny sobs. Suhel sweeps in, startling me as he presses close, peering over my shoulder at the baby. "The child needs to be bonded if you want it to survive the night."

"What?" I snap, making Hao jump, but both Stiles and Derek are already there, alarmed as the only other two who can hear or see the nemeton.

Suhel humms, not particularly emotional about the situation, and I'm abruptly reminded that my friend is thousands of years old and at all human. It's a disorienting and unsettling feeling, and I make a note to process it later. "The baby has lost all its packbonds, and his father was the last one. As a shifter child, it will be extremely damaging. He is weakening quickly, even if his kind do not need bonds quite as much as wolf shifters do."

I hiss, turning to Derek, locking my eyes with his ruby ones. He doesn't hesitate, just nods. Stiles quickly starts explaining to the pack, and really, everyone else as I start undressing the baby, removing the bloody onesie that breaks my heart. Derek sidles closer on his belly.

"You're too big to get your mouth around his shoulder and neck. Is his side fine?" Derek nods, and I lift the child to Derek's parted jaw.

"Um-" Hao squeaks, And I can't really blame him since it looks like Derek is literally trying to eat a baby. If things weren't so dire, I'd probably laugh.

"The alpha won't hurt him," I murmur, smiling at nervous wolf eyes, and I feel Derek's resolve swell as he sends his affection at me, dipping his head to close his teeth around the kid who couldn't be much more than a year old.

I feel the new pack bond form, catching my breath at the feeling of it. It still feels like a beta bond like Scott, but there is a unique edge to it, something that instantly identifies it as a child in need of protection. I do my best to push safety and comfort into that tentative little thread connecting us, and the reaction is immediate. The child begins to cry, not because he's scared, but seemingly out of relief. If anything, his silence felt like a bad sign. Like a small animal in the wild trying to hide.

I gather the baby, who's name is apparently Ignacio, and see only tiny scratches where Derek's teeth were, just enough to draw a hint of blood. "Okay. Mama Mel, Dr. Ashanti, take the baby inside and get him clean and checked over. The water is running, so it should be fine, but if it's cold-"

"I can warm it," Dr. Ashanti confirms, already jogging over. I hand the literal hoodoo doctor the baby, and Scott goes inside with them as a guard, taking the diaper bag.

I get to my feet, tugging the poor Onmyouji with me. Stiles brushes his hand over my bare back, soothing my mounting worry. "What's the plan?"

I wince. "Orphans in the territory are traditionally the responsibility of the Guardian, at least until they can be found a permanent home."

Papa Sheriff groans, "Oh hell kid. I get it, I really do. You have responsibilities. But, you're 15," I ignore the shocked exclamations from the peanut gallery. "You can't go adopting baby werewolves."

"Firstly, Baby Iggy is a werebear," I correct. "Secondly, he literally has to be pack or it will kill him, so we have to keep him until he's a bit older or we find someone to adopt him." I point out.

"So," I can feel the mischief vibrating out of Stiles and that alone tells me how much chaos his next words are going to bring. "Are we faking a teen pregnancy or–"

I laugh, highly amused and grateful for him always trying to break the tension. Biting my eyelashes, I bump my hip into his. "Wanna be my baby daddy?"

He gasps theatrically, hands going to his chest. "I thought you'd never ask!"

"No!" Papa Sheriff yelps even as Derek growls, one massive paw coming up to cover his eyes, showing his clear embarrassment. The interaction seems to have finally killed the last of the tension in the clearing as several people start openly laughing, and I grin.

"You and Mel do have a fostering license for emergencies," I sing-song to my pseudo father who just sighs, nodding his head in exasperation. "Look, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but we have an entire pack to help out."

"Child, I dare say you will have more than just that!" Granny Angie calls out as she and her daughter in law volunteer to help, as well as Danny's family.

"We'll make it work," I tell him, and finally he caves. Really, it's not like we had another option to begin with.

Sitting back down on my throne, I turn back to Hao. "The sheriff will take some information about the crime scene from you, just so we can make sure the bodies and father gets taken care of properly. Do you plan to give your vows today?"

Hao hesitates. "I think I would like very much to be a part of your realm, your majesty. But, I have to talk to my clan elders first."

I smile, nodding in understanding. "The offer stands. I would be grateful to have someone like you joining my people."

The words probably sound a bit too flowery, but I mean them sincerely, and I guess he can tell based on the beaming smile he gives me before bowing and heading back to his seat.

"Who's next?" I call out.


Raat_Ki_Rani Raat_Ki_Rani

Well? How was it!? Most of the creatures people requested to see will be in the next chapter, which will be out within a few hours. See y’all soon!

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