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14.28% Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Explanations & Going Deeper

Chương 7: Chapter 6: Explanations & Going Deeper


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael

"Italicized text" : Telepathy.

// // : W System announcement

Sorry for the late chapter everyone, had a lot of work to take care of today, so I only had the freedom to start writing this evening WAT.


Location: Great Elroe Labyrinth

Dante POV

After setting up the party I decided to start explaining as much as I could about the Game system and how it would allow for her to gain skills faster while also allowing her to grow beyond the limits of the W System. "Hah, if I had this earlier, I could have gotten more skills by now. Must my isekai life be so unfair as well?!" She projects in annoyance. "Well, I don't think we were reincarnated the same way, otherwise you would probably have had more than just Idaten to boost you in this life." I tell her as she has my memories of my time in the HoR (Hub of Reincarnation).

"Yeah, no shit we weren't reincarnated the same way. All I remember before waking up as a spider was being in literature class then a big, bright flash of light hit me, then there was pain and I woke up as a spider. I didn't see a single ikemen in the middle of that." She tells me with her annoyance growing. "Okay, calm down, from what you've told me, there's a chance that someone released a bomb or something with a great amount of energy in your classroom, seeing as there was a flash of light then pain." I tell her and she calms down before thinking of any reason that a bomb or anything of the sort would be used on high-school students. "I don't know why all this happened but I'm not going to let it bring me down, especially now that I've got an actual friend to help me with it." She said trying to psych herself up.

"Well, I've explained as much of the Game System as I remember, now it's time to explain what I know of the W System. First is the skills. I'm not sure if you have noticed, but every skill that can be gotten in the W System is a skill for combat, physical or mental improvement and nothing else. No lifestyle skills or miscellaneous skills are available in the W System which makes me think that this world may have someone behind the creation of the system that isn't all too pleasant or benevolent. Secondly, the leveling up. Unlike my Game System which can give out EXP from quests, the W System gives EXP from killing other beings and imprints the skills and titles on the souls of the beings increasing the MA energy those souls have. As for what MA energy is, it is basically the life energy of this world. So any questions before I continue?" I ask after explaining.

"Yeah, why do you think that MA energy is being implanted into souls?" She asks with a leg on her chin. "I'm not entirely sure about this, but I believe that the energy gathered in the living beings on this planet during their lifetime is sent into the planet upon their demise and if they were killed by another living being that being absorbs a fraction of that energy as EXP. The proof I have are the few monsters I've killed so far. I observed the energy split before it was absorbed by me with the split part going towards the ground." I explain what happened when I used Dynakinesis to kill one of the wolf monsters.

"I see. So what do we do now?" She asks. "For now, we try and raise our resistances as high as possible, and possibly help you increase your Regen skills, which will mean a lot of damage and pain. So, you ready?" I ask her with a small smirk to which she sighs. "No, but it's not like I can let that stop me now." She says resolutely. Before I begin, I use Dynakinesis to ignite some thread to gain Pyrokinesis and drain the energy from it, freezing it, which gives me Cryokinesis. I tell Raphael to synthesize them making Thermokinesis which gets subsumed by Dynakinesis. I use Dynakinesis to melt the ice to water and control the water gaining Hydrokinesis which is synthesized by Raphael with Aerokinesis to give me Atmokinesis, which is one of the most broken powers one can get.

[Notice. The skills 'Cryokinesis' and 'Pyrokinesis' have been synthesized to create skill 'Thermokinesis']

[Thermokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely raise and lower both your internal and external temperatures and control the kinetic energy of atoms.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

At higher levels, user can create hot ice and cold flames.

At MAX level user can turn their body into either fire or ice.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. The skill 'Thermokinesis' has been subsumed into the skill 'Dynakinesis'.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence water molecules has created the skill 'Hydrokinesis'.]

[Hydrokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely control and manipulate water molecules.

At MAX level, user can turn their body into water.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. The skills 'Aerokinesis' and 'Hydrokinesis' have been synthesized to create the skill 'Atmokinesis'.]

[Atmokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely control and manipulate the atmosphere around you, regardless of its composition.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

At MAX level, user can create an atmosphere even in the vacuum of space.

Consumes no resources.]

I read through the notifications, and even with my emotion control, I almost let out a squeal of shock at the sheer power I had at my disposal. I calmed myself down and turned to Shiraori to explain again what was about to happen to be sure that she won't get cold feet. "Okay, I'm going to be subjecting you to a lot of pain and damage to help you increase your resistances as well as myself, although it will be far shorter for me. So, grit your fangs and get ready because we're going to be here for a while." I say this while controlling a fireball in my hand. She nodded and said without even the slightest bit of fear, "Bring it on."

For the next few hours I subjected her to the worst that every element could offer after giving myself immunity to all of them, while stimulating her healing to work faster causing her HP Regen to level up multiple times. When I was sure that she had gotten Suffering Nullification to eliminate pain, I started bringing the remainder of the monsters from the tunnel so she could use her fangs and level up her Deadly Poison Fang. I also made sure to get all physical resistance skills to immunity level, so we were now basically immune to most damage that was possible in the Labyrinth. I also helped her with her Detection skill and developing her Parallel Thinking skill which she got after I helped her keep up her Detection for almost one hour.

In the midst of all this, she asked if she could use her skills to see if she could work them to their limits to which I agreed. So right now, we're both possessing endgame level defense skills despite being weak in stats which means that we both only really need to go and level up. "This was pretty crazy, wasn't it?" I ask her while she pants in exhaustion. "Yeah, it was. But you, you crazy bastard, you made it possible. Immunity to all elements at such a low level. If anyone else told me this was possible, I wouldn't have even paid them any attention." She says panting in-between sentences causing me to chuckle for a bit before we stand up.

"Well, we've done our preparations, now it's time we check the results."  I say immediately activating Analytical Appraisal on her then viewing my own status.

[Name: Shiraori

Level: 8

Gender: Female

Attribute: Darkness, Light, Earth, Air, Lightning, Life, Water, Fire.

Race: Small Taratect (Transcendent) — Evolution possible.

Protection: Crest of Transcendence.

Soul Stage: Elevated — High

HP: 4,500/7,000

MP: 9,400/9,400

SP: 1,230/11,300

STR: 72

DEX: 183

VIT: 75

INT: 87

WIS: 80

LUK: 36

Background: A diminutive member of the Taratect species that has achieved transcendence. It has a reincarnated soul and is subordinate to you.

Emotions: Exhaustion. Resolve. Excitement.

Skills: [Utility Thread LV 7], [HP Ultra Fast Recovery LV 4], [Appraisal LV 10], [Five Senses Enhancement LV 4], [Precise Magic Power Operation LV 5] [Deadly Poison Fang LV 9], [Poison Nullification], [Suffering Nullification], [Physical Nullification], [Fear Nullification], [Heat Nullification], [Flood Nullification], [Terrain Nullification], [Freeze Nullification ], [Holy Light Nullification], [Black Nullification], [Bolt Nullification], [Heresy Super-Resistance LV 5], [Detection LV 3], [Acid Nullification], [Heavy Nullification ], [Idaten LV 6], [Thought Acceleration LV 7], [Parallel Thinking LV 4], [High-Speed Processing LV 6], [Cooperation LV 2], [Heresy Magic LV 1] ]

Seeing how far she has come in the little while that we have been here really makes me happy and excited for the chaos we will wreak in the Labyrinth. I turn to view my status, and my goodness have I done some stuff.


Name: Dante Isvalt

Class: The Gamer

Level: 7 Next LV: 53.23%

Title(s): None

Race: High Human

Soul Stage: Ascendant—Low

HP: 1,870,000/1,870,000 (46,750/sec)

EP: 21,800,000/21,800,000/sec)

STR: 935 <+0>

VIT: 935 <+0>

DEX: 935 <+0>

INT: 1090 <+0>

WIS: 87 <+0>

LUK: 85 <+0>

CHR: 85 <+0>

Elemental Affinity

Earth 100 Life 100

Air 100 Lightning 100

Water 100 Ice 100

Fire 100 Darkness 100

Light 100

SP: 73

Currency: 5,800

(A/N: Only new skills, items and achievements will be shown. Skills shown earlier in this chapter are not included.)


[Physical Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from physical attacks]

[Elemental Immunity (Passive)LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from elemental attacks]

[Training (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[Teaching others a skill you possess.

At MAX level, teaching skills can be done almost instantly]

[Dismantling (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique used to take every possible resource from the bodies of your enemies.

At MAX level, live enemies can be dismantled.]

[Equipment]: Weapon — Yasetsu, Offhand — Power Deagle


[Wolf Fang (20)]:

[Rank — Common

Type — Crafting Item

The fang gotten from a wolf monster.

Used for alchemy and druid magic.]

[Good Mowajitz Leather (15)]:

[Rank — Common

Type — Crafting Item

The skin of a deer monster, treated to perfection.]

[Bat Fang (30)]:

[Rank — Common

Type — Crafting Item

The fang gotten from a bat monster.

Used for alchemy and druid magic.]


1.#New# One is the Loneliest Number — Make a Party for the first time (Reward: Random Weapon Box (2) — Common-Heroic)

2.#New# Skilled Learner — Learn 25 skills (Reward: +15 SP)

3.#New# Greater Improvement — Max out 25 skills (Reward: +15 to all stats)

4.#New# Skillvolution II — Evolve 5 skills (Reward: Random Item Box — Legendary)

[Notice. Random Weapon Box has given out 'Yasetsu' and 'Power Deagle' items]

[Yasetsu — Rank: Heroic]:

[A katana forged by the hands of a skilled blacksmith and infused with the essence of blood.

Increases sword attack damage by 50%.

[Skill: Bloody Blade]: Uses the blood of enemies to increase striking range. No cooldown.

Consumes enemy blood to repair itself if damaged.]

*Image here*

[Power Deagle — Rank: Uncommon]:

[A Desert Eagle handgun that can channel energy to make its bullets stronger or to be used as bullets.

Increases ranged attack damage by 40%]

*Image here*

After the inspection I told her that I would kill the monsters and dismantle them for more crafting materials before we leave, which I did for all the remaining monsters using Telekinesis.

[You have leveled up (x2)]

We finally step out of the nest to explore the Labyrinth and kill any monsters in we meet as they are going to be hostile, except maybe the Taratects. Upon leaving we happen upon an Finjicote which Shiraori uses her Kumorningstar to hit and kill by applying the Cutting and Impact attributes to her webs. I turn to the side after detecting a few Elroe Randanels that I shoot in the head in quick succession ending their lives.

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[Combat Mastery (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Increases all damage by 500%.

Increases critical damage from all sources by 1000%.

Increases critical chance for all attacks by 50%]

We continue moving and hear steps behind us. We both react and see an Elroe Peckatot stomping towards us. I pull out Yasetsu from my Inventory and head for it's body while Shiraori jumps to aim for its head. Using Godspeed Flicker I slash through its torso a few times while Shiraori uses her threads to create a spear that she tosses through its head. We see some frogs some distance away but don't bother with them as they are too far to reach us at the pace we're moving at.

We continue moving and eventually come across a monster we have no resistances against, the Elroe Basilisk. It uses to Petrification Gaze the instant it notices us. This of course, grants me Petrification Nullification while Shiraori gain Petrification Resistance. "Hey, let's not kill it outright. I'll use my Biokinesis to copy its Petrification Gaze so that I can help you build up resistance." I tell her while heading towards the Basilisk. I cut off it's limbs with Yasetsu and stab its tail to the ground, keeping it from moving. I copy the Petrification Gaze and nod to her to finish it off. We continue killing some monsters for the rest of the day getting her to Max level for her Small Taratect evolution.

We eventually reach another tunnel we can use for a nest and setup camp there before I help her get her Petrification Resistance to Nullification and she evolves. Today was a good day.

Chapter end.

BasedDragonLord BasedDragonLord

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Sorry, for the late chapter, had a lot of stuff to attend to before I was free to write. Please, enjoy and have a nice day

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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