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Chương 4: Chapter 4 Blue World Again

Chapter 4 Blue World Again

Open blue skies stretched as far as the eye could see, complemented by an endless expanse of blue ocean. The world was immersed in shades of blue, but amidst this serene backdrop, three distinct figures stood out in their own respective regions. Despite their individuality, these figures chose to stay close to one another, highlighting their desire for proximity.

Each figure appeared to be surrounded by a radiant orange sphere, embraced by a large vine that grew out from the ocean. The vines and spheres resembled nurturing embryos. However, observing the pulsations on the vines would reveal that their purpose was quite different.

Contrary to a mother nourishing her fetus, these three figures seemed to be engaged in actions that fed the world and the ocean through the sphere and vine. Their postures varied, but they emanated an aura of peace and contentment, expressing their profound love for this world, akin to a new mother's love for her child.

Approaching closer, one would notice that their bodies did not resemble those of humans. In comparison to the vast world, their bodies seemed small, but their true size might not comfortably fit on the Jianhu Continent. These three beings belonged to a primordial race unseen on this planet for countless eons. Amongst all the primordial creatures of their race, these three stood as the strongest.

They were the absolute, grand, and majestic true Dragons.

Their names were Qi Long, Tian Long, and Wu Long.

Their power was so immense that their very names held sway over the world. Uttering their names to curse someone would cause that person to lose years from their life, while praising someone using their names would extend their lifespan.

However, the greed of mankind knows no fear or consequence.

These three brothers had been together since before mortals existed, never leaving each other's side. Yet, curiosity and interest permeated every creature's nature.

The three often assumed human forms and roamed the Earth. They did so for countless years, causing many mortals to forget their true identities. Their legends faded into myths and they were lost to history. However, there were creatures who lived on, never forgetting them. These beings belonged to a race as ancient as the dragons themselves—they were called devils.

Cruel and merciless, they derived pleasure from the suffering of others. Their king had fought the brothers multiple times, never achieving victory and eventually retreating into hiding. But he harbored a thirst for revenge.

The eldest of the brothers, Qi Long, fell in love with the princess of a small kingdom. In turn, she was captivated by his heavenly charm. Qi Long's benevolent and generous nature had earned him a favorable reputation within the kingdom, and the ruler granted permission for the two to marry. The entire kingdom rejoiced at the union, but amidst the joyous atmosphere, there was one person who not only coveted the beautiful princess but also coveted the kingdom itself—Xie Maling.

Xie Maling served as the prime minister of the country, hiding his evil deeds behind a cunning smile.

The three dragons were incredibly powerful, but the hearts of men were an abyss that no one could see through. Xie Maling tried everything he could to end the young and handsome prince-consort. He poisoned his meals, had armies attack him, and even attempted to have his brother kidnapped, but nothing worked.

One day, a strange creature approached him. The creature was so terrifying that Xie Maling lost his voice. Its devilish face was etched with grotesque features—an elongated, lipless mouth filled with jagged, razor-sharp teeth that twisted and contorted in unnatural ways. Its long, bony fingers ended in wickedly curved talons capable of rending flesh with ease. Its presence exuded an otherworldly essence, evoking a sense of impending doom.

A voice as wicked as its appearance left its lipless mouth, "My master sends his regards." The devil handed him a piece of paper and left his office in a small flame. The letter described how the three brothers were not human, and Xuán Meng, the king of the devils, had found a method to bring them to their knees.

Elated after years of failure, Xie Maling was ready to do anything to obtain what he wanted. His instructions were simple: bring the pregnant princess to the mountain range behind the kingdom and wait there.

Now all he needed to do was wait until the princess was alone. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long. The three brothers, filled with joy at the prospect of a new family member, decided to venture out of their home to find the treasures they had hidden throughout their lives, showcasing their jubilation.

Each brother specialized in a different field—Qi in Qi cultivation, Tian in body cultivation, and Wu in martial cultivation. Thus, each of their treasures was unique and located in different areas.

Qi was initially reluctant to leave his wife for a few days, but she reassured him that it was too early for the baby to come, and her father would be there to take care of her. Reassured, he left.

The day after he left, the wicked minister acted. He sedated the princess and took her to the silent and cold mountain. As the wicked man arrived with the princess, the King of the Devils approached him.

Xuánmèng, a devil nearly fifteen feet tall, was even more terrifying than his minions. His red skin seemed to be on fire, with long claws capable of slicing through any stone. He had four dark, bat-like wings, and the edges of each wing were sharp like blades. Large horns on his head resembled a crown, displaying his birthright to rule over all the wicked and evil in this world.

The moment Xuánmèng appeared, he crushed the head of the foolish human. To him, all beings were pawns to be used or enemies to be killed. He thought this pawn had done well, but he was unpleasant to look at, so he naturally killed him.

As the princess was about to fall, the air solidified and held onto her. Xuan Meng looked at his closest pawn and said one word, "Attack."

The devils descended upon the small kingdom, killing everyone. The three brothers, united in front of the broken castle, felt pain for the first time in their hearts. Amidst the destruction, they found four life forms—Xuán Meng, his right-hand, the princess, and her father—standing there, surrounded by the corpses of every citizen in the country. The mountain of corpses would leave a common person hopeless and defeated. The brothers felt another emotion: regret, followed by the emotions that would never leave them—helplessness.

Xuán had one demand: they must kill everyone. He did not specify who "everyone" was, but he didn't have to. The brothers clenched their fists so tightly that they bled, but they did not move.

Xuán knew they didn't trust him, but to prove that this was not a negotiation, he killed the king.

Xuán said, "You kill, or I will. I still have two hostages."

Their blood ran cold. The three brothers disappeared from the spot instantly.

Loud, malicious laughter echoed in the ruins of the small kingdom, following the brothers wherever they went.

In a few months, the world ended.

After a few months, they returned. Having killed all manner of man and beast, they closed their eyes and killed. Their hearts were broken, and they looked like walking shells upon their return.

It was as if time had stopped for them. Xuán hadn't moved, nor did the princess. The two changes were her enlarged stomach and the absence of fire in the ruins of the castle.

Xuán, seeing the various colors of blood on the three brothers, laughed his malignant laugh. His figure started to become ethereal, and he disappeared. The princess awoke after months, kept alive by the devil's energy. Even Xuán himself knew that if he heard her speak, he might have killed her out of habit. Thus, he kept her in a sedated state.

The three brothers fell to their knees, and for the first time in their lives, they cried. Seeing her husband and her brothers fall, the princess panicked and ran up to them. She had questions about the kingdom being in ruins, but her family took priority. And then, as she hugged her husband and rubbed the heads of her two brothers. It was then she saw it—from the corners of her eyes. The mountain of corpses. And in front of the mountain lay her father's lifeless body. Decay was already forming on all the corpses, and if she had been in her senses earlier, she should have been able to smell the rotted corpses.

The princess started to cry, but her voice didn't. "Husband and my brothers, get up. There is work to be done."

She was heartbroken as well, but she needed to be strong for her remaining family. Though her arms were weak, her heart was much more powerful than anything. She ordered her family to burn the corpses to prevent the spread of plague. While Xuán was present, no animal or even insect would dare to come close. Then she asked them to destroy and remove all the debris and build a small shack where they could live.

Afterward, she instructed them to tell her what had happened. Like children, they cried and cried, and she cried twice as much. They didn't know how many tears dragons could produce, but they were surely close to their limit. The princess listened and then said, "Thank you, sorry, and I forgive you."

These three phrases were so different, yet they were exactly what they needed. The tears flowed again, but they were finally able to find closure in the aftermath of their cries.

And life continued. The dragons were relieved to find that they had been unsuccessful in their task of killing everything. More and more people gathered, and the child was born and named Shen Long. Finally, enough people were joined together that they believed they could be called a tiny village.

The princess asked what they should call the village. Qi laughed and replied, "It can only be called one name, based on the person who held me and my brothers together and the person who led us to have a peaceful life again. Chuilong."

Chuilong smiled happily, and all the villagers cheered. But then Wu said, "I completely agree, but let's focus on having an easy time. Let's leave the management of the village to someone else."

Tian supplemented, "Whoever rules should pay respect to our family; otherwise, they cannot lead. I do not want our descendants to ever be disrespected."

Qi shook his head, but when he saw his wife's determined look, he agreed. And so, the village was named Chuilong Village, and the chief would be chosen based on a vote.

Each head of the village would be required to swear an oath of absolute loyalty to the Long family members. The three brothers utilized their powers and names in the creation of the village and the oath.

Thousands of years passed, and Qi Long used his own lifespan to extend the life of his mortal wife. In return, his brothers, Tian Long and Wu Long, sacrificed their own lifespans to extend Qi Long's. However, Chui was the first to depart from this world. He laid his beloved wife to rest on a hill to the west of the village, overlooking the community she had helped build. After her passing, Qi Long remained there, patiently waiting for the day when he would be reunited with his wife. With their own life spans nearly depleted, his brothers joined him, and together, they awaited their final moments while seated upon the hill. Eventually, their physical forms merged with the earth, becoming one with the soil.

Millions of years later, the three souls found themselves entering an empty world. Transformed into mindless souls devoid of personality, they still held onto their strong desire to protect their family. Recognizing this unwavering love, the world embraced them fully, creating a sphere to harness their power and a vine to channel it to their descendant.

Xi Long, now grown, stepped foot into the Blue world for the first time since he was ten. Its beauty remained as enchanting as ever, evoking a smile from him as he gazed upon the surroundings. Although he couldn't quite pinpoint the reason, he felt an indescribable sense of comfort and familiarity here. His attention was drawn to the distant colors, which appeared closer than during his previous visit, although he wondered if it was merely a trick of his memory. Overwhelmed by curiosity this time, he attempted to run towards them, only to find his legs failing him...

Xi Long regained consciousness in his room. Once again, he found himself in the same position as before, with his head resting on his mother's lap and his father's hand gently holding his. He let out a sigh and remarked, "They never change, do they? But seriously, I need to stop fainting."

Aarthurs_Pen Aarthurs_Pen

A slightly different tone in this chapter, but I am still happy about how it turned out. I think a little bit of sadness will make the happy times even more sweet. But please tell me if there was anything I could have improved on within this chapter. Also as always thank you so much for reading it. Please add it to your library if you like it. This not only lets you know when this super random author releases chapters but also helps me a lot. And please give this book some love by using Powerstones. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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