Tải xuống ứng dụng

After the Battle For Guangzhou


<<Coms Speaking>>



"For the first time in 70 Years, an attack on China's land has been confirmed."

"12.000 People are currently injured, and 6.000 are confirmed dead"

"The China government began blaming the United States as there was possible proof that the United States was involved in the attack"

After that, I turned off the TV. In a single day after the Battle For Guanzho, the news immediately snooped in after hearing the whole port was attacked not by ordinary terrorists but by a military aircraft designed to destroy its target.

For the last day, every single piece of news has only talked about unknown aircraft that have been attacking recently.

But the question remains... why were there military vehicles and aircraft waiting for us?

..I should just forget about it and besides I have finished my mission of going there

I even managed to receive around 880.000 Dollars worth of money. Not too shabby considering it was my first real-time operation against a factory even though the extra AA weaponry was unexpected.

I am even more glad that I did not even need to go all out against them since the enemy aircraft did not even stand against our best pilot, and besides any nation would get spooked out by my ability to shoot 640 missiles or drop an unguided Bomb of over a hundred. 

And with that much missile, I could raze the whole city to the ground, or maybe even cripple a single country's military. Man, this Ace Combat System is truly scary now that I think about it.

Honestly doing these kinds of jobs is not that bad and the pay is a lot better than most of the work around me. If I keep doing this to other major cities, I can easily earn millions of dollars in just a week.

But the cost of destroying a city is not a good idea so I dumb that idea out immediately

As I lay back on the sofa, basking in a moment of relaxation with my eyes shut, a sudden noise jolted me back to reality. I opened my eyes to find the TV, which had been silent just moments ago, now flickering to life once more.

Turning my attention toward the scene, I discovered the culprit was my sister seated beside me. Before I could say to her, my curiosity was piqued by the unfolding news on the screen.

"-The United States has denied any involvement in the destruction that is happening in China and has even proposed to send one the Enterprise that is currently docked at Pearl Harbor to be sent around the China Sea for patrol."

The live switch to open sea land where we can see one carrier escorted by 4 cruisers beside It. 

"The Enterprise eh?"

Not gonna lie, I kind of want to test the United States in battle to see its best pilot and ship capabilities. Maybe next time If I have the time I will do a little combat against them.

"Brother," my sister's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I turned to look at her, finding her eyes fixed on the TV screen beside mine.

After a moment, her attention shifted back to me. "I... am worried, brother. Not only did an unknown aircraft appear recently, but there was also a terrorist attack in Japan."

I raise an eyebrow, puzzled by her sudden anxiety. It's unlike her to fret over events happening continents away. "Your point?"

"I... have a feeling this year will get worse and worse from now on."

Worse? That's... rare for her to say that.

But I guess what she said is true, since the attacks in Japan and the appearance of the unknown aircraft in Alabama, a significant portion of the US military has been deployed throughout the United States to ease citizens' worries.

However despite these effort tension are at all-time high between China and the United State since the recent event, it got soo bad that most of the school are on day off.

I appreciate her concern but...

"It's fine~," I said trying to treasure her, and brought my arms around her shoulder to ease her worry "We have the best military in the world you should be more worried about school"

"..Yeah you are right." She pushes my arms away 

Just as I was about to continue our conversation, I remembered, "Oh, by the way, how did your test—"

Before I could finish my sentence, she bolted off, launching into a sprint. Without a moment's hesitation, I took off after her, determined to catch up and continue our conversation.


"But still... I thought we attacked with the least amount of people there considering it was nighttime right? how did it manage to reach 12,000 people injured?"

After catching Elana and giving her a strict punishment, I decided to take a walk alongside the rest of the pilots including Cipher and Trigger.

"The government must have exaggerated it for propaganda reasons. It's pretty rare to get attacked you know?" Cipher said. 

"Yeah, I guess that's true," I replied, though a lingering unease remained in the back of my mind.

But it was very strange... an electronic company possesses military vehicles? I have no idea how it got there and even Galaxy was even surprised as well.

Right now Galaxy is investigating further and will report to me later once it is over.

"Affirmative. Designation unit Galaxy is currently investigating further information on the last battle"

I looked to the source and saw a floating tennis ball floating up in the air spoke to me.

This little floating ball up in the air is Luxian, a little pet that was a complete set with the X-02 Wvyren. Since there was AI inside I thought it would be funny if it could be my personal helper AI.

But I was not expecting it to follow me. It's a little cute considering it is just a ball-size tennis with a camera in the middle that will follow me anywhere.

"I see... then tell Galaxy to find more information regarding the last battle as fast as possible."

"Affirmative." it begins to float away leaving us behind

How adorable.

"Anyways that's not important!" my attention was shifted and taken away as Alina grabbed my sleeve and looked at me with a frown "Captain gave me an actual challenge! The fight before was so boring!" Then she shakes my body back and forth making me dizzy

Another battle? Does she seriously consider that after our last battle? Just how much power-hungry is she?

As I try to find an excuse I notice the signboard that is put on top of the building and I can't help but smirk. So I look back at Alina and answer her question "S-sure yo-you want a battle? I will give it to you."

"R-really?" She releases my sleeve and looks at me in expectation.

"Y-yeah, and you know what? let's do that next week!"

"Horaayy! No take back alright?" She immodestly bolted off leaving me behind

Taking the chance of Alina gone Cipher stands beside me and asks "So.. we are going for another battle?" 

"Yep, and actually I also can't help but curios as well." I point at the signboard above the building so Cipher looks as well and hums in understand

The signboard shows two lightsabbers clash with each other, the first one is red the other is green colour.

We are going to space, aka Star Wars. 


On another location near the Guanzo port, Located on the Company Red Dragoon were 4 men inside the room

And one of them was the leader of the red dragon himself Ding Xuenxiang.

"What the hell do you mean our shipment was intercepted by military aircraft?!" Xuen's voice echoes through the room as he slams his fist onto the table, sending a shiver down the spines of his two henchmen standing before him, visibly trembling with fear.

"R-right, if I may speak, sir," one of them stammers, clearly shaken. "While we were guarding the port and preparing for the shipment just like you ordered, we heard loud explosions in the distance."

"We initially thought it was an accident and try to get contact with some help" the other henchman adds, his voice trembling. "But then there was another explosion, and suddenly, the whole port was ablaze. Before we knew it, the whole port was blown to bits, and we realized we were under attack."

"Why didn't you call for help?!" Xuen's rage intensifies, his eyes burning with fury. "You could have at least contacted the police or someone!"

"W-we t-try but for some reason there was no connection! A-and the m-moment we call for help a-and even use the v-vehicles that was plan to sell j-just t-to fight by the time we notice all of it have been destroyed! P-please y-you have to believe u-us!"

Fuming with anger, Xuen clenches his fists, his knuckles turning white with tension.

His advisor steps forward, handing Xuen the photos provided by the henchmen. "We've confirmed that there were three aircraft involved," he says, his tone grave. "One appears to be an F-22A Raptor, another matches the type that attacked Tokyo, and the third is still under investigation."

"F-22A Raptor? Are you telling me that the United States is involved in this battle?"


After a moment of contemplation, Xuen's expression hardens as he turns his attention back to the trembling henchmen. "We can't afford for our investors to catch wind of this!" he declares, his voice sharp and authoritative. "Get the media to bury anything linking our company to the incident," he orders, punctuating his command with a forceful slam of his hand on the table. "And get that port situation sorted out immediately!"

"Y-yes, sir!" The two henchmen scurry out of the room, leaving the advisor behind to continue the discussion.

"Sir, while our usual tactic of withholding information from the public has proven effective in the past, I fear it may not suffice this time. The entire world is focused on us, making it nearly impossible to conceal the truth."

"...I'm aware of that, but we have no choice unless we want to risk losing investor confidence," Xuenxiang responds, locking eyes with his advisor. "What's the status of the ports?"

"It's grim, sir," the advisor replies, slowly flipping through the report provided by the henchmen. "The entire port infrastructure has been severely damaged. Military vehicles, as well as the ships docked there, have been destroyed." He meets Xuenxiang's gaze once more. "Whether we like it or not, those higher up will undoubtedly demand answers about the military vehicles we plan to sell."

"It's just another problem added to my plate," Xuenxiang mutters, rubbing his temples wearily. "For the time being, divert all resources to repairing the port and uncovering the motive behind the attack."

"Understood... but if I may ask, sir," the advisor interjects cautiously.


"What's the strategy here, sir? I... genuinely fail to comprehend why we're shifting our focus from electronics to manufacturing weaponry and military vehicles,"

The company of Red Dragon mainly focused on making electronics and microchips in the last 10 years.

And most of the electronics and microchips buyers were from the military and most of them turned into weapons. In most cases, we ignore the fact that we profit a lot from this but Ding Xuenxiang noticed this fact and took advantage of it and tried to build its own weaponry and sell it for high prices outside the country.

Most of the shareholders were very confused about Ding Xuenxiang but since there was an increase in profit most of them ignored it.

But now that there is possibly an attack from the United States the risk of selling weapons is too high. Which puzzles why his own leader wants to continue selling this weapon.

As Ding Xuenxiang taps the table rhythmically, puffing out smoke, Xuenxiang speaks up. "Do you notice the tension between China and the United States?"

His advisor nods"Both of these countries have had superpowers for many years, and this tension is going to happen whether people want it or not."

Xuenxiang chuckles dryly "You are right but these are hard times today. This time the two country politics begin to point their sword against each other necks and are not holding back"

There was a moment of silence as the advisor thought of what he meant until realization dawned upon him "... are you implying that there going to be a war?"


"Is that why you begin to manufacture military vehicles so suddenly?"

"Yes, but I am not just preparing just any kind of war" He slowly stood up and took a step to look his advisor dead in the eyes "A world war"

The advisor's eyes widen in alarm "...World War sir? I...am sorry sir but I am having a hard time believing your word, sir"

He slowly snuffed out the smoke of the smoke before letting it out to continue "The tension between nations is already reaching a boiling point, after the recent events. And as we speak each country has already begun to accelerate the production of weapons and even military vehicles at an all-time high


"Most citizens won't notice thinking it was just another tension created by two superpowers but this time I can feel it is different since the number of microchips that are being bought is increasing."

"...So you are going to take advantage of it, sir?"

"Yes, while everyone is busy gearing up for war our company will stand at the top of the food chain and finally become the number one company on this planet!"

His gaze then shifted from the room to the view outside. Through the window, a sprawling panorama unfolded, a tableau of military might he had prepared.

Soldiers moved with precision, tanks rumbled, vehicles lined up in formation, and helicopters hovered in the sky as thunder and storm outside

As the world readied itself for the impending conflict, he remained fixated on the unfolding spectacle. In his mind, he believed that, amidst the turmoil, his company would emerge on the top of this soon-new world

A new order.

And he would finally stand at the top of the food chain.



Funds: $6.110.970

Pilot: Alina Blackburn (Trigger), Cipher, Galaxy, Mobius 1.

Aircraft: X-02 Wyvern, Su-34, E-3 Sentry or Awacs, F-22A Raptor.

Surface Pilot: Shriogane Takeru , Isumi Michiru, Sakaki Chizuru, Yoroi Mikoto , Tamase Miki, Hayase Mitsuki, Mitsurugi Meiya, Ayamine Kei , Munakata Misae Kazama Touko, Suzumiya Akane , Kashiwagi Haruko.

Mech: 12 x Type-97 Fubuki 



Sorry for the late upload, I have been busier in real life so I was unable to write any chapter for the past few days.

Also a small announcement, I am going to temporarily stop uploading the chapter... since most of the next chapters are not ready yet.

Give me 2 weeks and I will go back to upload weekly like usual.

Anyways don't don't forget to leave a comment and review, and if you want to support me go to my patreon

patreon.com / Souleye123

With that said see you all next time byee.


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