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<<Coms Speaking>>




I felt my mind was hazy and my vision blurred as I was forcefully returned and when it felt like it was forever, I managed to recover my hearing and heard the familiar voice of the humming of cars around my ears and the honking sound of cars.

As I began to regain my bearing the very first thing I saw was the concrete floor itself. As I grabbed my head feeling headage I looked around and immediately knew that I had finally found myself back to where I started but this time it was morning from how the sun shone on me and heat scorching all over..

I calmed myself by letting out a huge sigh and began taking a deep breath to inhale the fresh air in this place. And I can't help but unconsciously smile feeling the warmth of the sun.

..I am finally back home.

It felt really long time I had been there. The fresh air, the lively hood of the street, the loud humming of cars.

I can't help but let out a small tear of drop the moment I felt the familiar home I used to know.

But my moment of resting was short-lived as a bunch of blue screens suddenly popped out in front of me scaring me suddenly.

[Calculating Reward...]

"Eh?" I was perplex

[...Calculation complete conclude the mission has exceeded S Rank ]

That day I did not know that the money I received was not even half of the reward... that day I only received money from destroying an enemy unit, not the mission types or the contribution that I have completed...

Immediately various Blue screens begin to pop out one and another and I carefully read each and one of them.

The Battle Of Yokohama, The Battle Of Sadogashima, and The Battle of Korea.

And my phone suddenly rang with a notification I checked the reward and I saw it.

There were millions upon millions of rewards I received from the system on each blue screen and when I checked the grand total of the money on the [System] I stared at it in disbelief 

Not before I noticed my phone received a notification from the bank on my account that I received a total of $6.000.050.

Without thinking anything else I raise my arms up in the skies with excitement and scream "Fuckkk yeah!!" and I begin to dance not caring about anything else.

But it seemed my actions attracted certain people surrounding me.

"Mom! There's a weird person dancing over there!" the kid exclaimed, grabbing their mother's arm in fear.

"Ah, just ignore him. There are all sorts of people these days. Let's get some ice cream," the mother replied reassuringly to their kid as they pulled them away.

Once I stopped dancing I began to notice that I was gazed at by other people who stared at me weirdly but were calm enough not to point me out from among the crowd.



I feel embarrassed as I slowly realize everyone's eyes are on me, and I try to escape the crowd as soon as I feel the mood has passed.


After arriving home, I entered the familiar rooms and fell onto the bed, my mind and thoughts instantly drained the moment I touched the bed.

I had been here for 35 days - in that hellhole. I had never experienced such stress or terror before, fighting something so alien to this world. Every day, I feared the possibility of dying.

I had always planned to leave that world soon. I was scared every day, and I didn't want to die in such a terrifying way being eaten alive by one of that thing.

But I keep telling myself, you can do it. Just one more day until my recovery and I can head back home to treat my little sister's bills, and I will finally be a free man.

But with this... it's finally over.

As I lay down gazing upon the roof something stood out from all the blue screens that I just received a moment ago, it said that I had received a reward.

No no, not money but TSF and Pilot as the reward. And it was not just any ordinary TSF and pilot, it was the Valkyries Squadron, alongside the famous Type-97 Fubuki the frequently used.

And among these talented Surface Pilots, Shirogane Takeru the Main protagonist of Muv Luv was also included in the reward.

...I can't believe that I received Shirogane Takeru one of the most powerful Surface Pilots who can annihilate the entire battalion by himself with only a sword. And I just got him?

And I even check Shirogane Takeru's cost if I have any plans to buy him. And it cost around $780.000 Dollar.

And his level holy crap...

He was Level 77 with an insane level of stats on all sides, he was already comparable to most Strongest Pilot I know and I have not mentioned his Traits which are already powerful themselves.


TSF Proficiency: Proficient (+20% accuracy and evasion) - As Takeru gains experience and adapts to piloting TSFs, his combat skills improve significantly.

TSF Adaptation: High (+30% endurance) - Regular TSF training enhances Takeru's stamina and resilience in combat.

Strategic Thinking: Skilled (+20% tactical effectiveness) - Through combat experience and learning from skilled pilots, Takeru becomes more adept at devising and executing battle strategies.

Determination: High (+30% emotional stability) - As he faces numerous challenges and overcomes them, Takeru develops a strong resolve, allowing him to remain focused and composed during battles.

Comradeship: Strong (+20% teamwork bonuses) - As Takeru forms deeper bonds with his comrades, their synergy in combat improves, resulting in better coordination and support on the battlefield.

Rapid Learning: Exceptional (+30% adaptability) - Takeru possesses a unique ability to quickly grasp and adapt to new TSF technologies and tactics, enhancing his combat effectiveness.

Technical Expertise: Skilled (+20% proficiency in TSF maintenance) - Over time, Takeru gains hands-on experience and knowledge in maintaining and optimizing TSF performance.


Like Holy fuck...it was overpowering, Is this truly the true power of the Main Character? The trait alone is already one of the best things I have seen.

I was given 11 pilots, each with an insane amount of level of around 40-60 which is almost similar.

Not as good as the protagonist itself, but it was already good enough to make most pilots tremble in fear if I unite these guys against someone else.

So the only conclusion I can make after analyzing the reward it gives me is that if I manage to complete most of the objectives the reward will increase and if I do a good job on the mission I will receive bonuses like TSF and Surface Pilot before.

Also, this was surprising to me but I received another amazing trip, from now on I can buy all Pilot and TSF from Muv Luv Universe for only half the price!


Just by cutting the price by half I bought an even more powerful Plane, vehicles and so much more and saved me more money.

That means if I keep completing all the objectives and win more missions, I would receive even more legendary characters, and strongest Fighters and even become much stronger than before. Maybe even uniting the whole planet of Earth is now possible



...Yeah right. What's the point of becoming the strongest?

To cause destruction upon my enemy?

To earn so much money that makes Elon Musk jealous? 

To Conquer the whole world and become the very first Empire?

Or maybe having the fame that makes even Albert Einstein look small?

And why would I do that?

I already completed my objective and that is having enough money to pay the medical bills. The very reason I came here in the first place.

Unless I have a death wish to continue the mission and leave my sister alone again which I won't ever do. I doubt I would do that again unless there is an emergency of needing more money which I doubt consider I have $6 Million dollars, $6M! I am not that greedy and I want to earn so much money that I break my own or even another country's economy by inflation.

Besides, the debt is only a 1/100 was needed. So I can save the rest of it for future need

...But what should I do now that I have this much money? Never thought I was going to reach this far and earn this much money in just 35 days.

Maybe I do something that I have never done before like go to the most expensive Disneyland, watch movies, and party a lot without caring for a single expense.

Not a bad idea to start and After that? Who knows maybe even buying another house and one of the most expensive cars for a little surprise to my sister.

Of course, since I have a lot of money this time I have to buy the most expensive house out there.

As I relaxed on the bed and felt tiredness taking over me, I felt a vibration from my pocket. Recognize that It was a call. I quickly picked it up while still having my face on the pillow "Yeah who is this?"

"It's me" I quickly got my daze off and stood up the moment I heard her voice.

It's Big sister Madison.

She was one of the kind neighbors who had been taking care of me and my sister whenever I was in trouble.

I have given her my contact since she was my neighbor. But for all my time spent with her, she never called me even once since I gave her my number. 

So the only conclusion is something went wrong for her to call me.

"What's wrong?"


I quickly strike him across the face and lob him up into the air, causing him to crash into the ceiling and fall painfully onto the floor. Groaning, he lies there in agony

With my fist tightly clenched, I turned to the doctor with fury, angry that he tried to dismiss my sister due to the outstanding medical bill. Thankful that Nurse Madison alerted me to her situation, I rushed to the hospital as soon as possible.

My sister watching from the hospital bed can't help but have a look of worry "Brother, you don't realize how dangerous what you did was. You could have killed him"

Not if I can't help it! "Madison!" I call her out

Madio glanced at me still in a state of shock seeing the doctor fly up to the roof "Y-yeah..?"

I pull out my wallet and pull out the familiar Bank Card I have and give it to her "Here's the card for paying the medical bills both for my sister and...." I glare at the doctor on the ground who is still sleeping peacefully on the ground "The scum on my feet."

"How did you..." she looked at the card she had in disbelief before shaking her head and looking at me seriously. "Alright, I will go and prepare the receipt, but you should go with me to the counter to confirm the bill."

"Alright" before looking back at my Sister Elena one last time "I'll be back so wait a little okay."

All my sister did was nod at me before I quickly left her alone in that room to pay the medical bill and finish the operation as soon as possible so my sister can get well.


"...Idiot." She mutters to herself as her brother leaves the room.

After making sure no one was in the room, she put away the phone she had been hiding behind her back and closed the GoFundMe apps that she had been secretly gathering for the medical bill.

She already had the money to pay the bill and was just about to pay the bill. Only to see her brother ruin it by paying for it.

While her brother does know about the internet, he is still oblivious about taking advantage of it.

Her brother is truly an idiot, Hmph.

If she had let your dear sister she would have paid it.

But I guess that's just what makes him better. She remembers the smile upon seeing her, the feeling of seeing her fine and still continuing to live for his sake. And the look of worry.


Red cheeks formed around her cheeks, and she shook her head.

Her head is at it again, honestly, it's all her brother's fault that she is like this.

He had been taking care of her for so long that the only thing on her mind was his face.

If only her parent was still alive, she would have been a normal sister like she was supposed to be.

Curse her for her luck. Her cheeks began to redden even more, and her face was in a daze. Until she shakes her head thinking about it again. Idiot, Idiot, Idiot.


The very next day the operation went well and my sister stabilized her health, the dumb doctor also got fired from the hospital because my Sister decided it was enough and reported it to the internet for corruption.

It did not take long for the whole internet to side with her and soon he is facing several lawsuits and could be facing a heavy fine and facing 3 years in jail.

And that only includes my sister's crime, he could have scammed other people's money before, so police began investigating.

It seems my sister has been asking for advice from the internet on how to deal with this situation and she as

I am so happy. My sister has grown well, and have learned my way of solving a problem. And I am absolutely sure that our parents are proud of us, even now I can feel our parents give us a thumbs up at this very moment.

The very next day my sister was finally discharged after one last check and I left the god-forsaken hospital. Nurse Madison suggested extending our stay for a few more days to ensure my sister's post-operation recovery, but I declined, concerned about the escalating medical bills.

Besides I don't like staying here even for a few seconds. It's just screaming trouble and it just continues to damper my mood thinking that this whole medical bill was the reason I risked my life from the start.

"Thank you for all the time and care you've provided, Nurse Madison." I bowed down, and my sister, who is currently in a wheelchair, joined me.

Madison responded with a gentle smile, tilting her head to the right. "It's nothing. I'm glad to see both of you safe."

With that, my sister and I made our way out of the hospital, Nurse Madison waving at us from a distance.


After we arrived at our home, We decided to celebrate my sister's health by ordering a large amount of Fast food and putting it on the table in the middle of the Dining Room.

There was a variety of Fast Food like Pizza, Burger, French fries, some Coca-Cola and so many more.

The Table was full of cholesterol food.

As I gaze down upon the food on the table I feel like I want to cry. it's been a long time since I have eaten some fried rice- I mean French fries. Fuck.

Bah, Blame those Japanese people for feeding me their Japanese food all the time. All the time I spent there was just eating rice, rice, and MORE rice...

I have never eaten so much rice that I actually began to like rice...

Scary... Without me knowing those people have been converting me to Japanese with only food. Good thing I left that world quickly. Who knows what will happen if I have to stay there too long?

As I had my eye on the food I looked at my sister's to see her reaction and see her eyes were sparkling seeing the amount of food on the table drool began to drop from her mouth.

I let out a small smile "Today I know you just discharged from the hospital and as a Big Brother I should have provided you with healthy food"

"But today I am going to make sure your cholesterol is high to celebrate it! So be prepared"

"Thank you, brother!" She brought her arms around me for a small hug before looking around the table with a drool on her face, her gaze stopped "Brother I did not know you liked Japanese food."

Huh? I looked at where she had her gaze and saw that it was indeed Japanese food not only Sushi it was Bento, Onigiri, and a bunch more Japanese food lay around.

..Did I just buy that much Japanese food without even realizing it?

Man, that's scary.


Funds: $10,450,050

Pilot: Alina Blackburn (Trigger), Cipher.

Aircraft: X-02 Wyvern, Su-34 

Surface Pilot: Shriogane Takeru (New), Isumi Michiru (New), Sakaki Chizuru, Yoroi Mikoto (New), Tamase Miki (New), Hayase Mitsuki (New), Mitsurugi Meiya (New), Ayamine Kei (New), Munakata Misae (New), Kazama Touko (New), Suzumiya Akane (New), Kashiwagi Haruko (New).

Mech: 12 x Type-97 Fubuki (New)




We survived another year, and it has been a long time since I continued writing around 1.5 years which is kind of long not gonna lie. Already wrote 2 Fanfic in a single year and uploaded 100.000 words into Webnovel, reaching 1K favorites, making my first money since I opened Patreon back in June, and now this...

So many things sure happened...Thank you for joining me along the way, Oh yeah do you like that I am now adding Inventory? Some of you keep asking what kind of money or stuff he has so I added it for convenience's sake.

Anyway thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a comment and review and if you want to support me go to my patreon~


With that said see you all next week bye.

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