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The Thunderclaw Griffin

Sunlight streamed through the dense canopy, dappling the forest floor where we treaded. The air thrummed with unseen life, the chirps and rustles a constant hum against the backdrop of oppressive humidity. Compared to the sleek, silent Shadow Seekers she'd faced before, navigating this wild environment was a whole new beast for Rachel.

Taking the lead, I drew on my experience in the Amarion Rainforest. Every step I took was deliberate, ensuring silent movement and minimal exposure. The Thunderclaw Griffin, with its keen eyesight, could easily spot us if we weren't cautious. Its perch - a high, rocky cave mouth - offered the perfect vantage point.

But nervousness wasn't an option. After all, I had the best 4-circle light mage at my side. Our strategy unfolded in stages. First, we'd silently eliminate any weak 3-star beasts that dared cross our path, clearing the undergrowth and minimizing distractions.Once we neared the Griffin's potential line of sight, I turned to Rachel, my voice low. "Alright, time for your magic. First, a quick scan to pinpoint the exact location of the beast. Then, a light cloak to mask our approach until we get closer."

Lucifer may not have tackled this specific mission in <<Saga of the Divine Swordsman>>, but he did sight it while doing his other mission, which is why I knew where the Griffin typically nested. Still, Rachel's magic to confirm its location and then cloak us with an invisibility shield would be a game-changer.

Light swirled around Rachel as she wove her magic, her Gift humming with focused energy. Her eyes squeezed shut for a moment, then snapped open, brighter than usual. "The Griffin's in its nest," she whispered, a relieved smile playing on her lips.

With a flick of her wrist, Rachel cloaked us in an invisibility shield. Our movements within the foliage became soundless, shadows against the dappled sunlight. I complemented her effort by whispering an incantation, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves that masked any tell-tale sounds of our approach.

We crept forward, a silent, coordinated unit. The air grew cooler as we ascended towards the cave mouth, the ground littered with volcanic rock. Our senses were on high alert, the silence broken only by the pounding of our hearts.

Reaching the base of the crag, we found ourselves hidden in a shadowy crevice. A sliver of the cave entrance was visible, and from within, a faint orange glow emanated. The Griffin must be guarding something precious in its nest.We locked eyes, a silent conversation passing between us. The real challenge was about to begin. How would we lure the Griffin out of its den and into a vulnerable position?

A tense silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the rhythmic drip of water somewhere deep within the cave. The faint orange glow intensified, pulsing like a beating heart. The Griffin was definitely guarding something valuable, and that something was most likely the key to their success.

We needed a plan, something to draw the majestic beast out of its well-defended position. Rachel, ever the strategist, crouched beside me, her brow furrowed in concentration."We could try mimicking the call of its mate," she suggested, her voice barely a whisper.

I considered this for a moment, shaking my head. Luring a creature like this with a fabricated sound was risky at best.A different solution flickered in my mind, a plan that played to both our strengths. "What if we used light magic to create an illusion?" I suggested.

Rachel's eyes lit up. "An illusion outside the cave, perhaps something that resembles prey the Griffin would find enticing? But wouldn't that break the invisibility cloak?"

"Not necessarily," I replied, a grin tugging at my lips. "You could focus the illusion just beyond the cave entrance, keeping us hidden while still piquing the Griffin's curiosity."

A thoughtful expression settled on Rachel's face. "It's risky, but it could work. Let's try it."We huddled closer, whispering the final details of the plan. With a deep breath, Rachel focused her magic. Light swirled around her fingertips, then shot forward, solidifying into the shimmering image of a plump, flightless rodent – a known delicacy for griffins.

The illusion hovered just outside the cave entrance, tantalizingly close to the Griffin's nest. Silence stretched, broken only by the pounding of our hearts. Would the beast fall for the deception?

The silence stretched, taut as a bowstring. The faint orange glow pulsed from within the cave, a hypnotic counterpoint to the growing shadows of the forest. Every rustle of leaves, every chirp of an unseen bird, sent jolts of nervous anticipation through us.

Then, it twitched. A flicker of movement from within the cave entrance. A powerful talon materialized, grasping at the rocky ledge, followed by another. The mighty Thunderclaw Griffin emerged, its crimson plumage shimmering in the fading light. Its piercing gaze scanned the surroundings, searching for the source of the unseen creature.

"Now!" I hissed, adrenaline surging through me.Rachel's invisibility cloak dissolved with a faint shimmer as we burst from our hiding place. We were a coordinated unit, a practiced dance of attack honed through countless training sessions.

The Griffin erupted from the cave, a crimson blur against the darkening sky. This wasn't a time for hesitation. It was now or never.

With a battle cry that echoed through the trees, I unleashed my God Flash. Mana crackled around me, forming crackling tendrils of lightning that danced along the blade of my sword and surged through my body. In a heartbeat, I transformed into a living bolt of lightning, launching myself towards the unsuspecting beast.My strike was a blur of silver and fury. The Griffin, caught off guard by the speed and ferocity of the attack, barely had time to react. My blade tore through its soft underbelly, leaving a gaping wound that spewed crimson feathers and a guttural screech.

This wasn't just any attack. I'd pushed my God Flash further than ever before, pouring every ounce of power into that single, decisive blow. The effect was devastating. The mighty Griffin, a creature that could shrug off most assaults, was brought to its knees, its powerful body wracked with pain and the threat of imminent death.

The Griffin reeled from the impact, its enraged squawk cut short by a strangled gasp. It quickly used its wings, launching us both high in the air. I dug my fingers into its flesh to hang tight as it thrashed in the air, desperately trying to dislodge me from its side. The wind howled in my ears, and the ground rushed closer with each desperate flap of its massive wings.

Rachel, ever the quick thinker, didn't miss this golden opportunity. A torrent of white-hot light erupted from her fingertips, bathing the Griffin in its blinding brilliance. The already disoriented beast screeched again, momentarily blinded and confused.

This was my chance to finish it. With a final surge of strength, I ripped my blade free from the wound, the crimson ichor staining the polished steel. Twisting in mid-air, I aimed for the Griffin's neck, the most vulnerable point on a flying creature.

Time seemed to slow down. The world blurred into a kaleidoscope of feathers, sky, and the desperate struggle for survival. My blade found its mark, a clean slice through the thick flesh and bone. A deafening roar filled the air, cut short as the Griffin's powerful body went limp.

We plummeted towards the forest floor below, a tangled mess of limbs and feathers. Bracing for impact, I channeled a burst of magic, creating a shimmering shield around us just before we slammed into the thick canopy of leaves.

The impact sent a jolt of pain through my body, the air knocked from my lungs. Disoriented, I disentangled myself from the unmoving Griffin, landing heavily on a thick branch. Coughing, I looked up to see Rachel floating gracefully beside me, a concerned look on her face.

"Are you alright?" she called out, her voice barely audible above the ringing in my ears.

"Yeah," I gasped, wiping blood from my forehead. "Just a few bruises. You did good with the light magic."

A relieved smile spread across Rachel's face. Together, we climbed down from the tree, approaching the fallen Griffin with a mix of caution and grim satisfaction. The beast lay still, its once-proud eyes glazed over.

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