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33.33% Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami / Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chương 17: Chapter 17

In the chuunin and jonin lounge, Naruto went and formally shook hands with everyone he came across, introducing himself time and time again without even a dip in his enthusiasm. Most returned that enthusiasm with bright smiles and warm welcomes, though a few remained indifferent, seeming sceptical that one of his age would already be chuunin. It was hardly the first time that a talented individual, especially those close to the Kage of their respective nations, received special treatment and was fast tracked past the minimum age of the Ethics pact but all would be fine if he laid low for a year until he was 18. It wasn't like it was obvious that he was younger than 18 at first glance.

Doubt and scepticism wasn't something Naruto was unused to. He'd show his worth eventually.

Kakashi looked on in curiosity, thinking of how much Naruto seemed to resemble Minato. He looked almost exactly like him but with shorter hair and a more tanned complexion. Other than that, it was like he was the son of Minato and Kushina…but that simply wasn't possible. He saw the baby when he was buried. He confirmed his death. Besides, he didn't remember seeing whisker marks on the baby…nor had the baby been named before his early departure from this world…but the similarities were there…

Kakashi kept his thoughts to himself, but made a note to question Hiruzen about it. He had drifted away from Lady Kushina ever since his sensei's death and he'd missed speaking with her, and now he was uncomfortable to start doing so.

Hopefully, whoever this new kid was, he wouldn't be too much trouble…


"Hm…" Naruto muttered, looking at the bounty board. His mother had gone home first, apparently busy with a project of hers that she wanted to keep secret from him.

"Yo, Naruto-kun!" Guy said as he approached him.

"Hm? Oh! Hey there, Guy-san," Naruto responded.

"Umu" Guy said, "Now that you've been around for a bit and people know who you are now, what are you planning on doing?"

Naruto thought for a moment then he shrugged. "I'm really not sure. Perhaps I'm going to start with some D or C-ranks to take it easy. Did you need something from me in particular?"

"Hai," Guy said enthusiastically, "I was hoping that if you have the time, I'd like to introduce you to my team that I've just recently recruited. Perhaps seeing someone of similar age make it to chuunin will provide them with the necessary motivation to IGNITE THEIR FLAMES OF YOUTH!"

Naruto sweat-dropped. "I–I don't mind, I guess."


Naruto had already gotten used to this…boisterousness because it was like he was dealing with another Lee.

…or was Lee just another Guy?

Naruto shuddered at the idea of green spandex-wearing ninjas duplicating until the end of time.

What Naruto didn't know was that there was more to this harmless request than he thought…






The two master and disciple hugged in greeting.

Naruto felt his heart almost stop at the sight of his old friends again.

Lee was at the forefront of the group, now in Guy's arms. Then there was TenTen and Neji.

Neji…he still had that scowl on his face as if telling the world that he was perpetually pissed off. He had reason to, as Naruto discovered, but he wondered that with his absence in this universe, would there be anyone to help the bitter Hyuuga with his problems.

Naruto could only hope that this world's Neji would come into the same understanding as the one in his world had…If he didn't then Naruto would try his best to help him once more. Even if it meant beating some sense into him…literally. Besides, Naruto had something to say about that caged bird seal. He needed to speak to his mother about it at some point, with her being the primary seal master of Konoha. It was an atrocious use of fuinjutsu.

Naruto waved his hand in greeting. "Hey there! How's everyone doing?"

He received a wave back from TenTen, a side eye from Neji, and an enthusiastic, "Good Morning! Are you another Youthful follower of guy-sensei?" from Lee.

Naruto chuckled. "Not quite, but I have nothing but respect for him, and from what I see, you'll fill his shoes quite nicely in the future."

"Wh-what A YOUTHFUL RESPONSE!" Lee exclaimed.

Guy chuckled, grinning and showing off his pearly white teeth. "Let me introduce you. Team Guy, this is Hagoromo Naruto, a newly promoted Chuunin amongst our ranks."

"A-a Chuunin?!" Lee and Tenten exclaimed. Neji just scowled.

"A-amazing," Lee said, "You barely look older than us!"

Naruto chuckled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I got a bit lucky, if you can look at it that way. I've been put through quite the ringer. You guys will catch up sooner than you realise. "

"Hooooo," Lee channelled, "how Youthful Naruto-san!"

Naruto waved his hand. "You can just call me Naruto or Naruto-kun. We're practically the same age after all."

Lee nodded enthusiastically. "Well then Naruto-kun, if you don't mind, may I ask for a friendly spar?"

"That's actually what I brought him here for," Guy jumped in, "To see if he can give some inspiration by trading pointers with you all."

Naruto raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I see, so that's what this is all about. Testing what I'm made of, are we?"

Guy chuckled awkwardly. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about, Naruto-kun. This is a fresh genin team of which I'd like to test through you."

Naruto snickered. "No, I get it. It's tradition to feel out the new guy. I'm sure it's not just you watching this then?"

Naruto glanced around and sure enough, he could detect shadows tailing him. He raised his bandaged hand and waved.

Before long, three Jonin popped out of the cover of trees.

Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai stepped forwards.

"I sort of expected more spectators," Naruto said.

"Oh don't worry," Asuma chuckled, "The three of us are enough to verify your skills."

Naruto rolled his eyes but smiled. "I feel like a prized pig."

"You might as well be, chibi," Kakashi said, nose in his smutty books.

Naruto's eyebrows twitched. "Chibi? You're not even taller than me, dattebayo!"

Kakashi said nothing in response.

Naruto's eyebrows twitched once more before he turned back to the genin group. "...Fine, I might as well get some good practice in."

"Yosh!" Guy said, "Which one do you wish to fight first, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto looked at him quizzically. "Why not all of them?"

There was silence at that.

Neji was the first to break it, "Just because you're chuunin doesn't mean you can handle us all at once."

Naruto raised an eyebrow just in the way that he knew would aggravate the prodigious Hyuga. "Oh? You're all just genin, aren't you? It shouldn't really be a problem."

Neji gritted his teeth and the adults of the group all looked at each other, knowing what Naruto was doing. Tenten and Lee looked at each other, unsure.

Naruto only smirked at seeing them aggravated. Psychological warfare was important for a shinobi, any words that could be said to throw off their opponent's game was an advantage ninja's can exploit in exposed combat. Naruto's provocation was a mere teasing remark as compared to the torrent of far worse things he could have said.

"Well, if you say so Naruto-kun," Guy said, "although I must warn you that my group is considered prodigious in terms of strength."

Naruto waved his concerns away. "Don't worry about it, Guy-san, I'll take it easy on your genins."

Neji was about to bust a gasket at being looked down upon.

"I welcome the youthful banter, Naruto-kun!" Lee said, before taking a stance, "but we outnumber you, and thus it's unfair to go all at once."

Naruto shook his head. "Trust me, I am rarely out-numbered."

Lee and Tenten looked confused at that, Neji just ignored it.

"Can we get started?" Neji sneered.

With that, Guy stepped back, acting as the mediator. "Are you ready, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto smiled and nodded.

"And my team, are you ready?"

All three of Team Guy nodded.

"Then start!"

Lee rushed in, ever headstrong whilst Neji and Tenten chose to stay back and observe.

They had completely thrown their numbers advantage out the window because of their pride.

Good thing for them, Naruto was generous in not immediately dismantling Lee and wanted to see what each was made of at this point in time.

Three shadow clones appeared silently and rushed at each of them, One engaging in Taijutsu with Lee whilst the other chased after Tenten, who fled into the trees.

Neji, as confident in himself as he was, held his ground.

One would think that guy's team would easily dispatch the clones considering that all it took to dispel them was a single strike.

But a single strike Naruto did not give.

Not to Lee's speed. Not to Neji's juuken. Not to Tenten's shurikens and weapons.

The original Naruto was sitting back. He observed them as they fought his clones to the best of their abilities. Lee still had his weights on, Neji was utilising his clan techniques flawlessly and Tenten's aim was impeccable…but they were only barely better than their alternate counterparts at 13. It was understandable as fresh genin graduates but compared to how strong they were during the war in his world, it was no comparison. It made him think about how this Kage Summit Ethics pact had come about such that it took all villages to raise the graduation age to 18.

Neji scowled. His strikes were simply not landing. It was as if this person knew all of his moves, all of his habits and all of his techniques.

He would not have this.

"Eight Trigrams Palms! Revolving Heaven!"

He spun as the Naruto clone came in for a leg sweep, what he didn't expect though was for a hand to burst out from the ground and grab his ankle.

Naruto's favourite misdirection trick, even the old man had fallen for it. There were always more clones than he allowed them to see.

Before he knew it, Neji was embedded into the earth below and the leg sweep of the other clone landed directly on his chin instead of the previously intended target of his feet. Neji was immediately knocked out cold.

Tenten proved even less successful as the clone battered away all her shuriken with a kunai before landing a kick to her midsection and dropping her like a puppet with its strings cut.

Lee lasted the longest of the bunch, his Taijutsu technique sharp and defence tight.

"You got weighted bands on?" Naruto's clone asked. "You can take them off you know."

"H–How did you–" Lee had stopped himself as he watched Naruto's other clones lay down his unconscious teammates in the vicinity. He was positively shocked. Then understanding that he needed to go all out, he looked at Guy for permission.

Guy nodded.

"Yosh!" Lee said, jumped up and away, making distance from Naruto's clone but was proved needless when it just popped out of existence.

Another Naruto landed nearby via shinshin.

"You're very good at your style," Naruto complimented, "Your sensei must be proud."

Lee paused in removing his orange leg sleeves and looked like he was about to cry. "Th–thank you, Naruto-san!"

Naruto chuckled. "Now are you going to fight, or are we just gonna stand around here all day?"

Lee finished taking the weights off, carefully putting them aside instead of dropping it theatrically like he did in the chuunin exams.

Then he blurred forwards, kicking Naruto's head in.

Naruto popped.

'That wasn't the original?! But why did he pop the other clone then?!'

It was yet another misdirection play.

"First real shadow clone pop of the day," Naruto said from elsewhere, "that's not bad at all."

Then he made more.

A lot more.

"Let's see how much you can handle."

Dozens, if not nearly a hundred Naruto clones rushed Lee, working in tandem to occasionally land shots whilst Lee did his best to dispel them all. He did a decent job in that regard, even though Naruto was taking it easy on him.

Just not decent enough.

Sooner than later, despite Lee's blazing speed, a clone got close enough to grab one of his limbs, as did another, then another then another, and one final one lined up a shot that sent Lee to the realm of dreams.

In the end, all three of Might Guy's students laid in a heap.

"How's that for ya?" Naruto asked, glancing at the Jonin who were staring at him, wide–eyed. "Up for another spar?"

"Ho! Very impressive, Naruto-kun! It seems that we need not worry about your capabilities considering how easily you handled my team. It's a shame that they still need to work on their teamwork though…" Guy said meekly after receiving the side-eye from Kakashi.

"And you even still have enough to keep going! How youthful!" Guy continued, "then, don't mind if I do, Naruto-kun."

He shunshin'ed and landed a distance in front of Naruto. The other three Jonin leaned in close in anticipation. Unlike Guy's students, Guy himself was no one to mess with, being one of the strongest Jonins the village has to offer.

Naruto smiled, getting into a proper stance, excited to receive a challenge this time. Guy was no one to mess around with. "Whenever you're ready, Guy-san."

Guy needed no further encouragement. With speed incomparable to that of Lee's, Naruto almost had his head kicked off from his shoulders. Luckily for Naruto, he quickly adjusted to match Guy's speed.

They engaged in a Taijutsu battle, with Naruto using his unique style whilst Guy was using the Gouken. Naruto took a few punches to the face in the engagement trying to get a read onto Guy's habits. It was similar yet slightly different from Lee, having more precision, more feints, more power, more speed…but Naruto had dealt with his fair share of Taijutsu experts before, Madara being one of them.

Naruto grabbed an oncoming fist and followed with an uppercut. Guy, who fully expected the fist to at least break past Naruto's guard, was surprised it stopped when it landed in Naruto's palm. He felt like he was hitting an immovable board of iron. The resulting uppercut was consequently only half dodged and still it wobbled him.

"W-wow," Guy said, taking a leap backwards. "That's some power you have there, young man."

Naruto grinned guiltily. "Heh. Thanks, Guy-san. I'm still getting the hang of it."

"How youthful!" Guy said before taking up the Goken stance again. "Let's take this up a notch, shall we?"

His speed had doubled, then doubled again, then doubled again. Soon he was going almost too fast for the eye to see.

Fortunately for Naruto though, his eyes were far from normal. It processed things faster than any other regular eye could…but being able to see the attacks coming and countering them were two separate things.

Naruto dodged some of Guy's attacks, blocked some, took some with his face…but he was learning, gaining knowledge on Guy's moves. Though Guy was not considered the foremost expert in Taijutsu for nothing. Everytime Naruto thought he figured out a sequence of habits and patterns, Guy switched it up completely, throwing away those patterns to create new ones.

Even still, Naruto, slowly but surely, took less hits, dodged more strikes, and countered more precisely.

Then Guy became even faster, battering him from all sides.

In the wind, Naruto heard: "Gate of opening!"

Naruto knew exactly how formidable Might Guy was, considering that after opening the Eight gates, he was able to overwhelm even Madara who had become the Ten-tails jinchuuriki at the time, albeit only for a moment.

But while Naruto had never been known for his speed, no one could match him in durability. He'd outlast anybody.

…and Guy could see that. With every punch Guy landed, he saw that Naruto's legs weren't even buckling. Every kick he got through was met with grunts upon impact but no outright cries of pain. It was like fighting someone who did not feel…like fighting a mountain that did not move.

He needed to end this before it became a battle of attrition as even with the stamina he built from years upon years of dedication, he was unsure that he would be the last man standing should the match stretch out.

And so, he went for one of his favourite moves.

A kick landed on Naruto's chest and he found himself in the air.

Naruto felt the bandages of Guy's forearm wrappings tighten around him, turning him into a cocoon of death.

"Front lotus!" Guy shouted, though was prepared to pull back before Naruto's impact on the ground.

To the other Jonin, they expected that this would end the fight. Very few could stand up to Guy after the first gate, much less one of his signature moves, and the boy was merely a chuunin. It was a miracle he even lasted this long in the first place.

…Then, Naruto released a bit of his chakra.

And the pressure they felt from it was intense.

For just the blip of a microsecond, they felt like they were standing in front of the Hokage.

And just a moment later, it was gone…but it gave Naruto enough juice to enhance his strength.

"Not so fast, Guy-san," Naruto said as he tore through Guy's wrappings by simply forcing his way through and turned to face the stunned Jonin who was in the air, preparing to grab him for the front lotus.

All Guy could see was Naruto's smile as he twirled in the air, landing a spinning hook kick to Guy's face.

The two separated, landing apart from each other.

"In–incredible," Guy got out when he shook off the blow a moment later. "I think that's enough for the spar."

Naruto laughed. "You're incredible, Guy-san. I didn't expect to use my full strength just to escape your first gate. You'd have handed my ass to me if you went past your second gates."

Naruto was lying through his teeth but the Jonin didn't know that, thinking he was admitting his limits. It was certainly a good skill to know where you stand as a chuunin.

"You've heard of my eight gates?" Guy asked.

"Of course!" Naruto replied, "It's as iconic as Kakashi's chidori over there. I'd love to see it in person but hate to be at the end of it."

Guy let out a bellowing laugh. "That's right! You hear that Kakashi! I'm just as famous as you!"

Kakashi feigned to only just look up from his book, despite having watched the match very carefully. "Huh? Did something happen, Guy?"

Naruto chuckled as Guy became downcast.

Naruto smirked and flexed his biceps, "You took it easy on me, Guy-san. If you wanted me in a front lotus, you'd have gotten me in a front lotus if you gave it your all."

"Yeah right! You tore through my bindings as if they were wet toilet paper," Guy retorted, "goodness, the new generation nowadays are terrifying. Isn't that right, Kakkshi?"

Kakashi nodded. "Impressive indeed."

Kurenai, on the other hand, could hardly believe her eyes. As talented as she was, having achieved Jonin only last year at 24 years old, she knew that without her genjutsu, she would have been laid out flat by Guy within a minute. Perhaps 2 minutes with genjutsu allowed, even with her prodigious talent in the art.

Guy was just a monster.

"That kid…" She looked at her friend Asuma.

He nodded. "I can see why my father had taken an interest in him. Kid's strong."

"How wonderfully youthful!" Guy said, filled with so much inspiration from the youthful youngster that he felt the need to go run a few laps. "I am filled with determination! I will use this to run 50 laps around the village using only one arm!"

Naruto could only laugh at Guy's antics.


Later that afternoon, Neji came back to his clan compound and headed straight to the clan training grounds. After he'd woken up, he had been told what had happened from his sensei and he never felt so…humiliated.

'After all that talk, I was overconfident.' He thought.

He released his fury and anger on a training dummy in the clan compounds.

Each strike saw it spinning as Neji released his stress. He knew there were always bigger fish when moving to a new pond in becoming a genin, in truly stepping into the ninja world, but he'd been the biggest fish of his class for his entire life. To have that flipped on its head…he could not help but feel dislike towards the person who made him realise the truth of his strength. "That damned Hagoromo…"

It was at this time Hinata was walking by, hoping to make her way to the usual spot where she meets up with Naruto.

"Hagoromo Naruto…" Neji snarled and at the familiar name, Hinata paused. "I will get you back for the insult."

Another strike, another grunt of anger.

In truth, Neji held no true resentment for this…Naruto. He was an ally of the leaf. Neji was just…angry at his situation. The Hyuga clan genius, the prodigy, the slave of the main branch…had fallen within a few seconds against someone who looked even younger than him. All that showboating. All that pride. Where had it gotten him? "This cursed fate…"

"Neji-niisan," Hinata called out, catching his attention.

"Hinata-sama," Neji addressed, bowing. It was the type of gesture that made Hinata even sadder than she was, and Neji knew it. They both know he wasn't greeting her this way out of respect or love, but out of force and coercion.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but you seem…frustrated," Hinata enquired gently.

Neji scoffed and turned away. "It's none of your business."

Hinata gulped and nodded. "I–I see…"

With Neji's back to her, Hinata couldn't see the real emotions on his face. All his unresolved problems, all his issues, and the intense emotion and rage he was feeling.

"Please leave me alone, Hinata-sama."

He walked away from the troubled expression Hinata gave him.


LostSamurai1974 LostSamurai1974

We're 15 chapters ahead on p-atreon now!

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