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Chương 100: Anti-Torune

Naturally… it wasn't Susanoo. Whoever thought it was, please realize the fact that Shino doesn't have the Uchiha bloodline. Even if he does, he hasn't even cultivated a Sharingan, let alone a Susanoo.

On the other hand, if one veered their thoughts towards the signature abilities of the Aburame clan, and allow their discerning thoughts to touch upon the bug that had a similar purple hue…

Thump. Thump. Thump. In a harrowing moment, the colossal creature's heavy steps reverberated through the forest, its towering presence stepping out from the shroud of hazy smoke, revealing a heart-pounding marvel – a monstrous yet attractive visage, similar to a sci-fi mecha.

Its exterior was adorned with a mesmerizing purple sheen, glinting as if it was formed from metal, but a closer observation unsettled the very core of Torune's being because he noticed the surface pulsating like a writhing mass of squirming life, a creepy revelation betraying the reality of the unknown biological compounds forming its body.

As the creature's glowing golden eyes fixated on Torune, its massive hand effortlessly clearing the path by pushing aside trees, a bead of sweat rolled down Torune's face, his mind racing to find a strategy against this formidable opponent.

Noticing its slow speed, Torune's thoughts churned. With his nimble agility, there is still a chance he could pose a threat to slower adversaries like giant frogs, snakes, or insects, but…

Torune sensed the sheer magnitude of nano-sized insects residing on this creature, and it sent shivers down Torune's spine.

Previously, the rinkaichu he controlled completely outclassed the clones of Shino. Now, Karma was on the enemy team, ready to bring down his nexus. His once-superior numbers of rinkaichu were now dwarfed by the enemy's horde, capable of decimating his forces with ease in a head-on confrontation.

And that was only on the surface. His senses couldn't penetrate the creature's outer carapace, but Torune could vaguely sense a myriad of unfathomable horror hidden within.

If faced with any other ninja, Torune would have effortlessly employed his deceitful methods, dominating them with his cunning or perhaps even engaging them in direct combat using his formidable physical abilities and lethal rinkaichu.

Alas, the adversary confronting him now defied all expectations, surpassing the boundaries of his imagination, as if purposefully crafted to counteract his very essence, his rinkaichu.

With no intelligence on the enemy and lacking the capabilities for a direct confrontation, it was difficult to come up with a strategy to deal with the enemy, unless he had enough time.

Shrouded in ignorance about the enemy's abilities and bereft of the necessary strength to engage in a direct clash, devising a viable strategy to overcome this formidable foe seemed an insurmountable challenge, unless there was abundant time, granting him the precious opportunity to test the enemy.

Despite Torune's desire for more time to strategize against this formidable adversary, fate offered him no reprieve.

Like a shrewd tactician, his adversary possessed an uncanny grasp of the unyielding doctrine that forbade granting respite to his opponent, preventing its opponent from unraveling its own vulnerabilities and any chance of a counterattack.

The familiar buzz of insects reverberated in Torune's ears, prompting his narrowed eyes to focus on the explosive purple mist billowing forth from the colossal enemy.

Naturally, Torune recognized the deadly nature of this fog because it was one of the common tactics in his own combat kit, but compared to his own, the enemy had raised the danger to the next level.

Gushing endlessly from its source, the mist swiftly enveloped the interior of the purple flame barrier, encroaching upon Torune's position with relentless determination.

Reacting swiftly, Torune retreated while unfurling his scroll, summoning additional corpses and hurling them forward. The released rinkaichu joined forces to form a barrier, a desperate attempt to stall the enemy's advance.

Simultaneously, another swarm of bugs charged at the purple flame barrier, sacrificing themselves to drain even the smallest traces of chakra from the protective shield. Torune clung to the hope of a prolonged stalemate, aware that the barrier users had limited chakra reserves that would eventually dwindle.

However, the towering adversary allowed no respite. Concealed within the suffocating purple fog, the giant's hand abruptly pierced through Torune's barrier, hurtling towards him with astounding speed!

Dodging the assault posed no challenge for Torune, a seasoned jonin. Yet, the true dilemma lay in the aftermath of the attack.

BOOM! A tempestuous gust erupted as the colossal fist crashed into the ground, creating a deep crater and causing the purple flame barrier to waver momentarily. However, the barrier, intricate and resilient, withstood the onslaught.

Regrettably, Torune's rinkaichu barrier and the bugs assailing the purple flame barrier fared far worse, easily dispersed and devoured by the insatiable enemy concealed within the purple mist.

Torune's only recourse was to hastily construct a smaller barrier, employing the bugs within his own body to push back the encroaching fog, if only to buy himself a fleeting respite.

Yet, the ceaseless emanation of purple mist from the giant's form foretold Torune's impending doom.

While Torune possessed the antidote for his own rinkaichu's poison, its efficacy against the enemy's poison remained uncertain.

Moreover, even if the antidote proved effective, Torune questioned whether he could outlast his adversary. The relentless swarm of bugs alone had the potential to consume him entirely with their numbers alone. There wasn't even a need to poison him to death.

As the giant's hand retreated, receding into the hazy depths of the purple mist and disappearing from view, the battlefield returned to an eerie stillness.

However, the mounting pressure on Torune persisted - a continuous attrition of his bug population, a draining of his dwindling chakra reserves, and the realization that his temporary respite could not withstand the raw power arrayed against him.

In fact, the rinkaichu were truly difficult to deal with, almost overpowered even, enough to even allow Torune to hold off a large portion of the Allied Shinobi alone during the Fourth Ninja World War, including the original Shino and Naruto in his Nine-tailed Chakra Mode.

But… when faced with its own kind in an unfair match where he is completely outclassed, and also mixed with rinkaichu-resistant bugs, his rinkaichu proved feeble and futile, essentially useless except to resist the erosion of the enemy's overwhelming amount of bugs.

Now, Torune was rendered helpless except for a futile struggle to erode the purple flame barrier.

With his back facing the unforgiving wall, Torune's sweat-drenched face betrayed his unwavering determination, yet the oppressive silence hung heavy in the air, a foreboding sign of imminent peril.

Amidst the stillness, a subtle shift disturbed the purple mist, causing Torune's senses to heighten with alarm.

Suddenly, a tumultuous force surged from all directions, engulfing him in a suffocating onslaught!

"Nani?!" Torune's voice echoed in shocked disbelief as he looked forward, witnessing the towering walls of iridescent purple closing in on him, their relentless advance resembling the gaping maw of a predatory coffin, ready to devour its prey.

In a fleeting moment, Torune recognized the source of the insurmountable walls - the colossal creature hovering just inches above the ground, its silent flight explaining the absence of sound during its approach.

But that was not all; to his astonishment, it possessed a hollow interior, defying all expectations. After all, its heavy footsteps implied a different conclusion, but it seemed that sound was a hoax, and he had been misled.

Though Torune's instincts screamed for action, time betrayed him. It was too late now, there was no room for evasion.

With a resounding rumble, the encroaching jaws and enclosing walls afforded him no escape, snapping shut and ensnaring him within an inescapable physical barrier, plunging him into a realm of darkness and uncertainty.

Within the suffocating darkness, enveloped by his loyal swarm of bugs, Torune's chakra abruptly stagnated, as if a seal had been maliciously affixed, drawing a deep frown upon his face, his helplessness laid bare.

Despite his entrapment within the creature's clutches, the relentless onslaught of bugs against his faltering barrier showed no mercy. To compound his despair, strange appendages punctured his bug barrier sporadically, their sinister intent to breach his defenses and penetrate his vulnerable body.

Evading a few with nimble precision, severing them with his tanto and consuming others with his obedient insects, his desperate efforts proved in vain as he eventually succumbed to their onslaught, feeling an unknown concoction injecting into his veins.

Undeterred, Torune fought back with every ounce of desperation, unleashing his ninjutsu in a valiant attempt to break free from his confining prison. Alas, his endeavors were futile, met with resolute resistance.

Even if his repressed chakra allowed him to harness his ninjutsu, the walls of his confinement showed no signs of yielding. They were like a sentient entity, adeptly deciding whether to weaken him or endure his attacks head-on.

His attempts to sever the walls with his tanto proved fruitless as the blade became ensnared and absorbed, while the walls regenerated with unnerving swiftness, as if mocking his futile struggle. On the other hand, his punches met an impervious barrier that remained indifferent to his defiance.

Not only that, the walls itself seemed to have immunity to his nano-insects!

As time wore on, Torune felt his body succumbing to an agonizing ache, an insidious fever gnawing at his weary form. The source of his sudden affliction eluded his comprehension, yet he attributed it to the malicious machinations of his formidable brother.

Accepting the inevitable outcome, he resigned himself to his thorough defeat. With his vision dimming, his voice echoed through the encompassing darkness, a fragile rasp escaping his lips, "Cough... It appears my worries were indeed for naught. Shino is strong enough to protect himself..."

"Ha… Target Torune had been captured successfully. Ha… my dear, please give the command on… ha…" With an air of suspense hanging in each gasp, Karina relayed her report to Shino, her words shrouded in mystery and anticipation.

Seated in his lair, Shino reclined with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity, his hand delicately supporting Karina's waist as she leaned against his chest, while his other hand eagerly delved into the mysterious depths of her revelations, unearthing secrets like precious gems from his messy pile of treasure to reward her for her exceptional performance, all the while his gaze remained fixated on the holographic display of the unconscious Torune.

"Now, what do you want me to do with you?"

"Ha... K-Karina wants to... hee!" Karina's words hung in the air, eager to express her desires, only to be abruptly interrupted by a gasp that escaped her lips, a surprised tremor coursing through her body.

Shino, composed and collected, calmly clarified, "Hold on, Karina. I wasn't asking about you, but about Torune."

"Ha... him…" Displeasure tainted Karina's pouty face, a rosy hue accentuating her features, as she leaned in closer, her tongue grazing Shino's neck, entreating him in a pleading tone, "Please, don't worry about that man. Just let me..."

However, her plea was abruptly halted as a tantalizing sensation stirred within her, teasingly retreating and leaving her craving more.

Frustrated, Karina implored Shino, "Please, my dear, ha… don't tease me anymore. Ha… just finish faster… ha… There's something else you need to pay attention to..."

Shino, intrigued, inquired about the matter at hand. "Oh? What else could be more important?"

Karina pulls up a holographic screen, displaying a first-person view of someone engaged in combat with ninjas in a forest, but the screen is suddenly obscured by flames, accompanied by a symphony of painful screams as the flames licked the screen.

Raising an eyebrow, Shino questioned in an intrigued tone, "Is this our Tobey clone? But he seems to be having a tough time. What's going on?"

With a flurry of gasps punctuating the room, Karina relayed the unsettling report, "Haha… It appears... he... that his teammate... wants to kill him."

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