The group of strangers had arrived at the gates of our isolated community, seeking refuge after hearing about our triumph against a titan. At first, we were wary of allowing outsiders into our closely-knit community, but upon meeting them, we discovered they possessed a multitude of skills that could benefit our group.
The newcomers included a doctor who could tend to injuries and illnesses, a construction worker who could add onto our bunker or build new ones when the time came, a blacksmith with expertise in crafting weapons and armor, and a botanist who could assist in more efficient crop growth. Their willingness to contribute to our cause was evident, and we could not ignore the potential advantages their skills could bring.
After careful consideration and discussion, we welcomed them into our community, showing them around our well-prepared bunker and the resources we had accumulated. They were impressed with our organization and dedication to survival in the harsh world outside.
Within the next 2 months, the new members settled in seamlessly and quickly put their skills to use. The doctor set up a medical clinic within our community, while the blacksmith began forging new weapons and armor for our defense out of the titan material we had collected, and With the botanist's help, we set up a hydroponic garden to sustain our food supply year-round. Also our the construction worker made 1 additional rooms for our bunker one was a freezing room for our titan meat, and the other was a storage room for our valuables and resources.
Our community grew stronger and more resilient with the addition of these skilled members. We now had more people to defend our bunker, and were equipped with a broader range of abilities to help us survive in the dangerous world around us.
Eventually we gathered around the communal table for one of our last meals of titan's meat because the armadillo titan was eaten by a group of bat titans, we knew we had a long way to go if we wanted our planet back.
"every victory against the titans and each new member who joins our cause brings us one step closer to reclaiming our planet, But to do this we have to strategise for our next move against the titans."
I stated
"well what if we make a trap in the canyon a few miles away." Anna suggested, everyone started debating if it was a good idea but eventually everyone came to an agreement. after a bit more deliberating we had a plan.
Step 1. We would set up a tripwire for a titan with some rope we found to make the titan titan fall
Step 2. We would make sure we had something heavy to keep the titan down so we thought of using a Boulder that we would push off the edge onto the titan.
Step 3. After this we would all start opening fire in its head and neck, we knew this would be the easiest way to kill the huge terrifying beast after our fight with the armaladillo
But first we had to find a titan worth killing based on what resources we were lacking. But what we didn't know at the time was that this plannwouldnt be used for a long time. Although we would go after a titan mabey not to kill it.