"That was too easy," Eve frowned as she thought about what the Baron had shared with her. Everything felt too smooth, too uncomplicated. Someone who had been hiding from an organization, pretending to be bad just to avoid suspicion, would not be influenced that easily.
There had to be another restriction in place, another kind of magic that sealed the Baron's memories in case of interrogation. Was it all a trap?
She bit her lower lip, pondering recent events. The only common thread seemed to be Drakmor and the chaos enveloping the region.
"Were you able to get any new information from the Lycan and the Human Empire?" Eve asked Trinity. There was something suspicious going on.
"The Beast Tide ruined two cities. The beasts attacked the humans until they started attacking each other, leaving the cities in ruins. This — it all came as a surprise. No prior warnings, no signs of an upcoming Beast Tide."
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