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83.33% Steven Universe: What's your favorite color? / Chapter 10: 10. A gem of a welcome

Chương 10: 10. A gem of a welcome

Since my new discovery about myself, I have become a frequent visitor to the ocean floor and have already become acquainted with many fish and underwater species. Especially with their flavour, fried fish, I just love it! But not the point. It all came down to the fact that I started to walk on the bottom very often and enjoy the views.

Underwater, it was also much more comfortable to practice..... it was no use. Underwater, all inertia just disappeared and I could do nothing to my surroundings. The water enveloped my body .like a film, and slowed down all my movements, as if many pounds of weights were hung on me, with several weights on my hump.

I loved being underwater, I devote quite a lot of time to it now. Between work, training and doing nothing, I sink into the abyss and enjoy the utter silence and sometimes the darkness. I don't sleep, but the sun is very infuriating at times, especially in the morning, and since the sun's rays don't reach the seabed, there I could sit quietly and think without being distracted.

And I should probably start by saying what new things I've learned about myself. Well.... "crunch", let's get started.

First things first, let's start with the fact that my body can withstand extreme stresses underwater. I would dive to the deepest depth I could, and sit there for a few hours before descending lower.

I tried not to get too carried away, so that I could then get out of the bottom and go to work. So I didn't go too deep. Although I do want to know what's at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, now I want to find out!

Now, normally, the lower one goes down to the bottom, the more useless a spacesuit and an oxygen tank are. Because the external pressure starts to...pressurise both you and the tank. And when the oxygen is compressed, it turns into liquid and becomes either a drug or I house, which is the same for humans.

Well, since my body can withstand the pressure and I don't need oxygen, I calmly sink even lower. But I didn't go over the edge of the submarine. Because after that. It will be very difficult to come back and I don't want to miss work. I really need the money now.

"But still, how beautiful it is underwater." - I looked around at the sea reef I was sitting on. - "The ocean is slowly becoming a huge dump, so there aren't many places left in the world with clean bottoms and beautiful water. So you have to be able to enjoy it while you can. Well, my opportunity is coming to an end.

I got up from the reef and headed for the surface. I didn't have a watch to keep track of how much time had passed since I'd descended. The sun was just as difficult to track, as there were no rays. There's only one thing to do, mentally counting down.

"That's all right, I'll save up and be able to afford a waterproof watch. Then I'll have no trouble knowing the time. "As long as it doesn't break when I get lower and lower.

Having enjoyed the solitude and silence, it was time to return to the human world to do another quiet and peaceful shift. How I love my job!


"How I hate my job! No, I love it, but I hate those who get in my way! ".

My job was to quietly water the cars and clean them. It's an easy job, it's not dusty. It takes a few minutes, and then you sit back and relax until the next customer. It would have been like that today too, if it hadn't been for one thing:....

One big, straightforward, peace-breaking but who brought someone else with them!

And if the one I just mentioned has appeared in your mind and you're thinking along the same lines as I am, I congratulate you. It means you and I are on the same wavelength, which I really like.

-that this time....Steven. - I'm just saying his name because I'm so sick of him. - If you're in trouble again... -...

-No! -No. I just came by to check up on you. - it sounded so lame that he realized it himself. - OK, OK, my friends wanted to talk to you....

"Friends"? That's what he calls them.... interesting. I really assumed they were keeping him as pets."-I grinned and continued leafing through the book, still looking for sickness.

-Tell your, 'friends' that I have neither the desire nor the time to communicate with them. Especially desire, underline that. I have nothing to talk about, with them, literally. What am I supposed to talk about, with some weirdo that doesn't look human at all? It's gonna be really weird and uncomfortable and pointless. So tell them that, and fuck off to you.


-You know we're right in front of you, right?

-Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to talk to you. - I took the book away from my face and looked at them. - What do you want, you can't see, you're distracting the man from his work.

This kid, brought all his gem friends with him, right to my place of work! Gran knows them, so he stood in the distance, minding his own business, doing nothing. So you can't expect any help from him.

-Em, I'm sorry, but you....

- I forgive. - I looked at Pearl. -I forgive you all your sins, debts, oaths and sinful actions, amen! Now you can get out.

-You just....arrrrgh!" she clenched her hands into a fist and with a slow sigh, she calmed down. - It's okay, it's okay. He's only human, only, human.

-We need answers. - the giant, Garnet, stepped forward. - And without them, we won't leave.

She crossed her arms and locked eyes with me..... I can't see her eyes because of her glasses. So I can only guess.

-Look, I don't know what you want from me, but you're not getting it anyway. - I stood up and put the book down. - I'm sorry, but my mother taught me not to talk to strangers, so, bye!

"She also taught me how to carry her liquor bottles, as well as certain packets of cigarettes. That's all right, I taught her something too, hehe."

-Wait. - Pomegranate put her arm out and blocked my path. - We need answers. Do you want us to pester you all day or leave when we get what we want?

-Mmmmmm....- I scratched my chin.

"The offer seems like a good deal, but the way she offered it... makes me want to stick something between her eyes. But still, as much as I admit it, she's right. I don't want to lose my peace of mind over them."

-....mmmmmmmmm, okay. -I snapped my fingers. - Tell me what you want, then get the hell out of here.

-Uh, uh, me first! - Amethyst stepped forward. - How did you do that big thing?! Even the three of us would have had to work a little harder to win.

-It's easy..... I'm just strong. - I shrugged it off. -Natural gift, so to speak.

"Thought so, they're interested in me." - I glanced at them from the corner of my eye. - "I shouldn't have gone into helping the kid then, now I've attracted powers I know nothing about. Need to steer the conversation somewhere else, can't have them asking tricky questions for me."

-Natural gift? I don't believe you! - Amethyst frowned her lips. -Let's check it out!

She looked around before finding some sort of wooden box. She put her hand on it, pulled back the sleeve of her jumper, exposing her skin, and turned to me and smiled cheekily.

-Come on, I want to check it out!

-Amethyst, are you out of your mind?! - Pearl approached her. - You could hurt him! Don't you remember how fragile human bodies are?!

-Amethyst, that's for nothing. -Garnet also intervened. - We're here to get answers, not to harm. Your games won't do you any good.

-Oh, come on! I don't think he minds. Look, there he is, smiling. - she pointed at me with her other hand.

Realizing that I was really smiling, I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and tried to calm down. I'm not allowed to show my....intolerance.

"Right into a trap, what an unexpected opportunity." -I squeezed my hand behind my back. - "I'll be able to compare my powers, with theirs and find out how strong they are as well as how similar our powers are. That's just, perfect! I think in case I fail, a few broken bones would be a good price to pay for important information."

-Ahem!" I took my hand away and shrugged my shoulders. - Why not? I think I'd have no problem taking down someone like her.

-Ha-ha-ha, and you've got a lot of confidence. - Amethyst smiled crookedly. - Come on, prove it with action!

-Yeah no problem! - I rolled up my sleeve and walked over to her. - But what happens if I win?

-А? - she tilted her head.

-Naturally I wouldn't potentially hurt myself without getting something in return. - I folded my arms in a house. - If I win, I want you to get off my back, at least for today.

-That's not going to happen..... but still, what if you lose? - she leaned forward, excitement playing in her eyes.

"That's it! Gotcha! ".

-If I lose, I'll tell you anything you want. - I put my hand on the box. - And maybe I won't even lie in the process. So, what's the deal?

Amethyst looked at her friends. Though Pearl expressed her doubts about it, she agreed, nodding. Garnet did nothing but lean against the wall, ready to step in at any moment if anything went wrong.



She clapped me in the palm of her hand and we held hands, ready for the match.

-We need a referee. - I turned to.....Steven, ugh. - Kid, will you take over?

-You're kidding, of course I'll be the referee! - he ran up to us and stood on the side. - So... I don't know what to do.

-Just announce the rules and shout to start the match. - Amethyst looked at him and then switched to me. - So, ready to crunch a few bones?

-Ha! Don't strain yourself, prune!

We squeezed each other's hands at the same time, using force, even though the match hadn't started yet. I'm beginning, just a little, to like this Amethyst.

-So...kha, kha, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are gathered to...

-Hurry up, I couldn't stand here all day. - I snapped at Steven. - Speed up the introduction to the rules.

-All right, all right, you don't understand my soul. - he shook his head. -

Anyway, no kicking, no spitting at each other, no blowing in each other's eyes, and no setting up the match in any way. Are you ready?





Our hands immediately started moving and straining. We started shafting each other, for all we had.....too much, she was doing it mostly. I, on the other hand, tried to study her strength and just held her hand, waiting for her to exhaust...

"Wow! That bitch has a temper! I try to use all my strength, but she still shifts my hand little by little." - I looked at my sinking arm. - "You could say our strengths are almost equal. But it's a regular arm wrestling match, you can't know everything here. I just wish I could make her angry somehow. Get her to hit me hard, I want to know the strength of her punch."

While I had the opportunity, I also tried to get a better look at her. In our last two encounters, I only skimmed over her superficially and didn't look her over. But now, the opportunity was there.

"If you look closely, her skin is not purple, but purple. Her stone is spread right between her breasts, almost similar to what I have, but still in its infancy." - I tensed slightly and began to suppress her. - "Her skin, it's soft and silky, but it's also cold. She's not ice, but I can't feel the warmth in her. It's like there's a walking corpse in front of me, not a living thing. Her eyes, they have a blue hue and a little purple in them."

-Come on! Give it up already! - Amethyst clenched her jaw and kept pushing. - You just can't beat me!

-Do you think so? - I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. - Well, let's see!

This time, it was me who started pushing. Because I was holding the bar, Amethyst had used all her strength beforehand, so she had almost nothing left. I, on the other hand, still had plenty of strength.

-So?! How do you taste the approaching taste of defeat?! -There was a smirk on my face. - Looks like you're going home tonight with nothing.

-You're dreaming!

She also got back in line and started giving it to me. We were like the hand of a clock stuck in one place. First me, then her, me, her, me, her and so on. We got so caught up in the match that we overlooked one thing.


The box beneath us, wasn't as strong as we were.


-Shit! -I was just warming up!

Just as I was starting to take the lead in our confrontation, the crate beneath us snapped! It cracked in half, flopping our hands into splinters and sharp planks. We let go of each other's hands to get out of it.

-Is there no other crate or barrel anywhere? - I looked around. - I don't want to stop at the point where I almost won.

-Did you win? Ha! -She waved her hair. - I almost had you if it wasn't for the box!

-I think, or....-I took a breath after which I turned to her and pinched my nose. - Yes, it does. It reeks of enormous conceit and hubris. Sounds like someone needs to know how to lose.

-Me?! -Don't know how to lose?! - she pointed at herself, stunned. - You're just the one who won't admit that I made you!

-Look at this. - I turned to the others and pointed my hand at her. - There it is, a display of self-inspired confidence.

-Yes I you....- Amethyst had already reached out her hand for the stone when Garnet's hand stopped her. -Garnet?!

-It was a fair match. Victory is victory, defeat is defeat. Neither of you won, let's call it a draw.

-Oh, man! I hate a draw. - she kicked a rock in the road and folded her hands in her pockets. - Getting a draw was worse than losing.

-Yes, yes, keep dreaming of victory, Dovey. - I also put my hands in my pocket and smirked.

-Grenade! He's going for it! - she started complaining to big momma.

-Amethyst, calm down. You... -She looked at me. - ...don't tease her. She's very sensitive about it.


-Okay, no problem. - I shrugged it off. - And since none of us won, what are we gonna do?

-.... I have an idea. - she adjusted her glasses. - You answer one question for us. After that, we'll leave. The terms of both parties, to be agreed.

-.... okay. -I sighed. - One question, just one. Any more than that, I won't answer.

'And wish the answer to that question, was the truth, not a pre-conceived lie. I'm not going to reveal it to you, bloody rock! ".

-One question. - She raised her finger. - Who are you?

-You know, it's a very fuzzy question that can be answered in different ways. Can you be more specific?

-Who, you. - she pointed at me. - Are you human or....

-Oh, of course I'm human!

"I'm not sure about that myself. But as long as I consider myself human, in some ways."

-Why wouldn't I be? I was certainly born with a better and stronger body than the rest of you, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of .... alien! - I waved my arms in the air. - 'I was born human, I'm human and I'll die human!

"About the latter, I'm still not sure."

-But you have defeated the gemstone! - Pearl stepped forward and pointed at me. - 'Ordinary people aren't capable of doing that!

-GODY GOD! Are you serious? - I ran my hand over my face. -This thing had a huge gem right in its throat, unconcealed! And if that wasn't the monster's weak spot, what else could it be? Haven't you played video games? It's elementary!

They turned to Stephen and he nodded in agreement. Apparently they don't play video games.

-It's simple logic and human chuckle-I rolled my eyes. - Tie the creature up, keep it from breathing, lure it out of the water, swat it away, it's not ingenious! Simple and straightforward plan.

-But, you.... - she held up a finger.

-Simple man. Like all seven billion on this planet. - I shook my head. - Is that it? Are you satisfied? I don't know what you're imagining, but you can discard it. Because it's all bullshit!

-.... - they've stopped talking and looked at each other.

-Thanks for the answer. We needed it.

Without saying anything else Garnet went somewhere, most likely to their base. Pearl and Amethyst followed her, glancing at me one last time. Steven waved me off and followed them.

I was alone again, in my workplace in complete peace of mind that today, I would not be harassed again.


-Will we really just leave him? He's definitely hiding something, we need to find out more! We don't have enough information! - Pearl asked the obvious question.

-Don't panic like that, I don't see what the problem is. - Amethyst shrugged. -He's a cool asshole, but he's still human. We've seen a lot of those, at least remember that giant from Greece, Hercules if I'm not mistaken?

-Don't compare a mere human and a gem experiment to humans. - Pearl snorted. - He only managed to kill a couple of infected gems before he broke down. And afterwards, he was sung in legends, a genetic weapon! I fear that this boy, may be a descendant of those experiments, which worries me greatly. I still remember how they acted on the battlefield. Horrible, fierce, disgusting!

-I don't think we need to worry about him. - Pomegranate had her say. - I saw no threat in him. He's only stronger than most, he's no threat to Stephen or the others. There's no need to make a big deal out of nothing.

-.... Since you said so, I can calm my nerves a bit. - Pearl exhaled and smiled. - But the way he had done Amethyst was a joy to behold.

-Hey! Are you blind?! It was me, almost beating him. If it wasn't for the stupid box!

-Whatever you say, whatever you say. - Pearl patted her on the shoulder. -Sometimes you just don't know how to lose.

-I don't know how to lose?! Come on, think back to when we were playing...

-They will, won't they? - Stephen said to Garnet.

-Yes. -But it's so much better. Than if they were afraid of something that wouldn't happen. - she ran her hand through his hair. - Let's go home, I don't like this town hustle.

The gems left. Without finding out what they needed to know. Each side hadn't gained too much advantage today. Only Isaac knew how much the information he received today could help him.

Only he...

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Cài đặt hiển thị



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