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SS 2: Tasty Chicken? Nai wa...

As soon as I got sent to this world, I realized something was terribly wrong. I was a spider. I saw my brothers and sisters eating each other.

Not just that, but my mother was eating her children. I booked it and ran away as fast as I could.

What is this battle royal? Become the last one standing?

No! How could I possibly survive such a thing? I ran to safety and not even a little while later, I came across a body. Along the way I say footsteps. Humans! I might now be not only a spider but also a monster but I can still make a great pet!

I'm not a bad spider, tee-hee!

The tunnel opened up and in my sight was a spider with multiple slash marks on the floor.

Dear brother or sister, I pray to never meet the human that did this to you. AH! Would people do this to me? Maybe looking for humans is a bad idea...

I searched for another direction to go in, not wanting to go back to my cannibalistic mother and siblings. The humans went in the right direction it seems. Now there's only one left. As I turned though, I had something coming out of my rear. Thread?

Was this coming from me? Uwaaa! How embarrassing!

Oh right! I'm a spider, I can use webs! Am I gonna be one of those edgy assassins that take off heads with a slight movement of a finger? Maybe I'll dye my hair white and wear red contact lenses and shout cool things like Cutting Thread Cage or Murderous Eye Basket!

Hoho~ how intriguing.

I lack the skill set, the edginess, and the hair to do so though...

I don't really want to kill humans too but I guess in this situation, it's survival of the fittest. If they attack first, I'll attack back.

However, me saying it like that gives the impression I'm stronger than them and I can tell for sure. I'M WEAK!

I ran faster just now than in my past life! I used to get tired from running 100 meters in 23 seconds! I somehow got into an advanced school but nobody told me I had to stay on an island!

I shouldn't have pulled 2 all-nighters on the cruise just because the game systems in my room were interesting! I should have listened to Satou-san and Shinohara-san when they told me to sleep...

Fear not though! I got plenty of sleep on the island!


The floor was uncomfortable and I wasn't even a necessarily picky person but at least I was able to read my book.

I don't know who brought this book to the island but whoever did, you have my gratitude.

Moving on from the island, we had a weird exam with animals, a relatively normal sports festival, a Sheet shuffle or something, and then somebody was expelled.

I can't recall their name...

There was a field trip and something called Mixed training camp happened. Training montages were not as fun as I hoped, and the only good thing about that place was the baths.

Near after that, we fought Class A I think, and then the year ended. On the first day of my becoming the second year, I died. Wait, maybe I am still alive but I am dreaming or my soul is here?

Am I the real me?

Why am I starting these conspiracies?

"I think therefore I am," is my new motto! I think I'm a spider monster so I am a spider monster, even if I am disturbed by that thought!

If this is another world anyways, where's my cheat skill? Do I have appraisal?

Appraisal skill that would help me figure it out...

" Currently you have 100 skill points.

The skill 『Appraisal LV1』 can be acquired by spending 100 skill points.

Do you want to acquire it? "

For real!?

A mechanical voice completely devoid of emotion suddenly echoed in my mind.

Kinda reminds me of that boy who sits behind me...

I'm hearing voices in my head first of all. Secondly, "skills" really do exist here.Obviously, there's no such skill system on Earth, and I've never heard anyvoices announcing things in my head before now.

So does that absolutely mean this isn't Earth? Probably, yeah.I guess that gives my "I'm a monster" theory a lot more weight.

I'm definitely a monster then!

Being a monster in a parallel world seems like a recipe for death, but let'snot think about that. Nope, nope, nope!

More importantly, it's really real.

The Appraisal skill actually does exist! Woo-hoo! Now we're talking! Finally, this is starting to feel like a properfantasy reincarnation story!

Obviously, my answer is, "YES!"

" 『Appraisal LV1』acquired. Remaining skill points: 0."

Got it! Now let's appraise this wall!




Am I hearing well?


Appraisal-san is useless! You betrayed me! I don't care if you're level one, give me a cool description like saying this is a dungeon, or where I am! What good is knowing a wall is a wall going to do?

Exasperated at my failed skill and scared to do any more exploring, I decided to set up my base of operations!

I shot webs on all three entrances, weaving them near perfectly. Was this my natural instinct, similar to how I could run perfectly despite having 6 extra limbs?

I finished the walls and started making myself a house.

Welcome to my crib y'all!

Just as I finished, I suddenly grew dizzy and fell over. I was hungry. But there's no food except for...

That day, I ate my sibling while retching from the taste. I gained 2 titles but I was proud of neither.

What's taboo in the first place? Whatever I do, I have to make sure to never level it, that's for sure. Its name is painted in red and it gives me really bad vibes.

It's like opening a door and seeing or hearing people say Redrum. Why in the world would you pretend everything is okay?!

That was my first day. Now ever since then, I've been lazing around, playing with my threads to increase my skill level. I've also been catching food in my webs. Saying that frogs taste like chicken? Who made that up?! Not only did it spit acid at me, but It also tasted terrible!

I've eaten a few at this rate but I really want some quality meat! I don't care if the meat is from a fast food place, I want a burger or some chicken tenders!

It was as if god listened to my thoughts.

That very day, nearly moments later, I got a signal something was caught in my web.

I hurriedly peered out the window and saw a rat, a dead frog, and is that what I think it is?!

A chicken!

It was bigger than me! I need that big juicy chicken meat!

I later found out it was male so I supposed I need that big juicy coc- no, what kinda plot is that?


Whatever it is, It doesn't sound right.

Anyways, I saw a chicken. I really wanted to eat it but for verification, I appraised it.


It is a chicken! It broke down the thread wall but maybe if I catch it off guard... I retreated back into my thread house and a minute later, I scurried out, climbing the wall above me.

I shot a web directly down at the chicken but it flapped its wings and it missed!

Curses, let me have good-tasting food!

I shot another web, but it missed once again and hit the rat instead.

Wait, why was a rat with a chicken? I ran away back into my house after realizing coming triumphant against this chicken would be near impossible. Is this one of those many bosses?

I stayed in my shelter, hoping it wouldn't try stepping in. If it did, I might successfully trap it here. No! Come on in chicken! If it walks in and flaps its wings to get unstuck, it'll be fully trapped in this! While it would cost me my house, that's a small price for a quality meal, right?

However, the chicken remained standing outside, not moving a single step. I thought chickens were gullible and dumb creatures. Why'd it choose to be smart when I need it to be dumb?!

All of a sudden, a voice appeared in my head in a similar way that the voice of the heavens did. It wasn't monotone but with emotion and it even sounded somewhat familiar.

[Hi Spider, did you reincarnate?]

How did she know?! Is she one of those omniscient characters? Wait, isn't this telepathy? Trying to say something in return,


Ah, I forgot that if my social skill was a stat it'd be a zero! Is the little to no talking in school coming to bite me back?

[Oh, nice! I did as well! I am Karuizawa Kei, I used to go to ANHS. Who are you?]

She's that gyaru! The super social one! I'm not sure whether I should be happy I'm able to talk to someone with good communication skills or the opposite but seriously wasn't she in my class? Were there more of my classmates in this world or was it only her? Oh, I need to respond!

(Wakaba Hiiro. I think. Kumoko's better...)

Goodness, I really am a bottom-tier character.

[I'm the rat and the chicken is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka]

Wait the chicken is reincarnated too? Pffft, it's the emotionless person too!

I shouldn't be laughing at that though...

(It wasn't a food offering?)

I was deeply upset that the chicken was reincarnated. Morals tell me I shouldn't have tried to eat him but my taste buds say otherwise.

[Eh? No not at all.]

She was silent for a few seconds, peering at Ayanokoji-san probably talking to him. Did they find each other before they found me, but from the way she acted, it's almost like she liked him...


He was that playboy!

He held Horikita-san's face close to his and said really nice things to the Class C Bluehair-san during the island as well! He probably tried conquering Karuizawa-san's heart too! I should stay away, he'll target me next!

[Can we stay with you for a bit Kumoko? We'll help out and get food!]

Food eh?

Hehehe, work for me peasants.

If I'm being serious though, I would be safer and more comforted if I knew I was in less danger. Ayanokoji-san might not be a playboy but even if he was, I still might be safer.

He almost appears to be a semi-boss monster despite his appearance. I could tell he could dispatch frogs easily at least.



I debated if this would be the best answer but even if it wasn't I can't really force them to leave.

It was the same day, just ten minutes later and Ayanokoji-san went to one of the sides and started doing something. While I ignored it at first I heard something crash a little. Oi, what are you doing?!

I looked out the window and saw a steaming hole in the cave wall. Hey hey?! Did he just do magic?

Teach me Ayanokoji-sensei, teach me!

I would ask him that but my little interactive skills held me back. I settled just for watching instead.

He shot little bullets, water, and lightning. He even grew a flower from the floor for whatever reason. He's quite mysterious.

After he stopped, he peer over at me and waved his wings before flying.

Apparently, chickens can fly in this world.

Minutes after his departure, my threads made a noise, signaling someone was on my left.

I looked at what was caught on the web and was baffled to see a human?!

A man carrying some round object is struggling furiously in my webbing.

He's wearing the kind of clothes you'd expect on an adventurer in afantasy world.Maybe that occupation really exists here.

Wh-what should I do though?This guy's all bloody. Is he okay?

Ah, he noticed me and looks panicked.Seriously, what am I supposed to do here?

He took something out just now.Wha—?! It's burning?!The man throws the item he'd produced to the ground, and it startsspouting a crazy fire.Now the man is covered in flames.

What the hell is he doing?!

The fire is spreading to the webbing and burning my net. Did he self-destruct to get rid of my threads or something? Don't commit suicide here! Do it somewhere else!

Now he's rolling on the ground, extinguishing the flameson his body. He was already bloodied to begin with, and now he's scorched, too. Itdoesn't take an expert to see that he probably isn't going to make it.

A minute passed and his movement stopped. Did he die?

The object he was holding sat stationary there, not catching aflame despite being inside the fire. I stepped close and used appraisal on it and as I thought:


In this scenario, I guess the chicken came first and not the egg.

Isn't this quite a large egg though? I kinda want to eat it but I should wait for him to arrive back. Karuizawa-san was watching but quickly looked away after. I'm not as sad as I expected after seeing a dead human now that I think about it. I wonder why.

In the meantime, I tried to focus on fixing both webs.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Small Lesser Taratect LV5 has become LV6"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Spider Thread LV5』 has become 『Spider Thread LV6』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Poison Fang LV3』 has become 『Poison Fang LV4』"

"Skill point gained"

Eh, didn't the Divine Voice say something? I gained a level?! From what?!

Should I ask Karuizawa-san? No, she might think I'm weird since she probably had no clue what I was saying. I decided to finish the entrance the human came through and was about to start working on the other until once again I leveled.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Small Lesser Taratect LV6 has become LV7"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Acid Resistance LV2』 has become 『Acid Resistance LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV2』 has become 『Appraisal LV3』"

"Skill point gained"

Nai wa... What happened?

[Kumoko-san, did you level just now?]

Karuizawa-san's voice popped up in my head. Seriously, how does she know this?!


[Oh, nice! That probably means my skill works for you too! I think Kiyotaka-kun killed something just now...]

Skill? Is it an experience share for parties or something? Brushing over the fact she used his first name, he was killing something?

A few moments later, Ayanokoji-san flew with something in his claws and dropped it.

What the... It was a burnt muscular penguin that was probably triple his size and he left without saying a word.

I know he can't speak but I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.

Soon after, he brought back a dead raptor-looking thing. This continued twice more and finally, he returned with a frog and landed.

Did he just hunt all of this?

I was feeling rather hungry after finishing the web so I tried grabbing his attention.

I stood up, pointing to the raptor and then my mouth, trying to ask if I could eat it. Apparently, he understood and nodded. At least that's what it looked like. Thanks, Ayanokoji-san!

Just finished eating the raptor and decided to make myself more useful. Seeing him hunt made me motivated but also made me feel weak.

I have a large amount of pride it seems.

I stepped out and saw Ayanokoji-san eating a white egg.

What the...

At least cook it! You have fire magic, don't you?!

I should ask him next time, surely they taste good right?

Aw, now I want an omlete.

Walking outside the cave for a bit, I stopped and hid by a rock. There was a centipede right there. I surprised and attacked it, shooting out one of my webs, and successfully trapping it. I then bit it, sinking my teeth in and it died shortly after.

Haha! I can hunt too, see?

Unfair since I ambushed it?

No way, this is a tactic, there's nothing to be ashamed of!

I came across two more while walking and disposed of them both separately. Is this Centipede Haven?

Why am I coming across so many?

Oh? The path is broken?

Doesn't look impassable, though.

The break in the path ahead of me is due to some kind of cliff.In the middle of the interrupted road, I can see a wide, empty space.Have I finally passed out of this narrow maze zone?

If so, what kind of place is next?

Nothing like the spider hell I first camefrom, I hope.

I peek over the edge of the cliff cautiously and used appraisal.

『Elroe Ferct LV2』

『Elroe Ferct LV5』

『Elroe Ferct LV1』

『Elroe Ferct LV4』

『Elroe Ferct LV8』

『Elroe Ferct LV2』

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV3』 has become 『Appraisal LV4』"

Ow ow ow! My head feels like it's splitting! Too much info, Too much info!

It felt like someone decided to hit me over the head with a wooden bat! Ouch!

My headache calmed down soon after but whew, I felt like I was going to faint for a moment.

I guess if you Appraise too much, the excessive informationliterally hurts.It makes sense that that could knock you out.

...Wait. Enough information that I almost lost consciousness?!

Nervously, I peer down over the cliff again.Despite me calling it that, it's only about 1 meter high.

Right below, there's a wide, spacious area but even though its size was vast, the area doesn't actually feel particularly roomy.

That's because it's teeming with centipedes.

What the hell is this?!

My eyes could see a wave of them, crawling over each other and all of their legs moving.

Oof, that's disgusting. Despite me not being scared of bugs, I feel like I'm gonna be sick.


All of them turned in my direction simultaneously.

What are you all looking at, Mr. and Mrs. Centipedes?

Me? I don't see anything behind me.

C'mon, why would you be interested in little old me for?

I decided to end my comedic skit.

I'd better book it. Fly like the wind! Or run since I can't fly you know?

I turned around and sprintback the way I came.

I heard many footsteps behind me, slamming against the floor.


They're chasing meeeeeeeeeee! Leave me alone, eat something bigger! I'm nowhere near enough food for you all!

I'm sorry I got carried away! Please, let's just call it even!

Of course, even if they heard me, they probably wouldn't listen.

I was running out of stamina and my legs hurt. Leave me be!

I couldn't shake them loose they were moving too fast. Not only that, they were keeping up with my speed which I thought to be fast!

Where am I going? Should I run back to the house or go somewhere else?

There's no guarantee I could lose them so maybe having Ayanokoji-san and Karuizawa-san can help? Wait wait wait, can they even defeat all of these?

I'll die either way but this is no time for thinking harshly, gotta run run run! I'll go to the base since that's my safest option.

My threads were in sight and by the entrance stood Ayanokoji-san.

Huh? How'd he know so fast? We just came in sight but he already looked to be preparing something.

Suddenly Karuizawa-san's voice rang through my ears.

[Kumoko! When I reach one, climb on the ceiling and jump over the web! Starting from 5]

Isn't that too sudden?!


I need to make it!


Ignoring the pain and pushing my legs to full gear, I started accelerating.


I was a meter away from the web.


As soon as she said one, I saw water flying toward me. I followed her instructions and landed behind Ayanokoji-san as the water shot towards the ferects, then I saw a bright light shine behind me along with tons of screeches in my ears.

Did he just shoot lightning at the water? You can do it Ayanokoji-san!

Wait! they're climbing up the sides!

It seemed my worry was unfounded though as he apparently had magic cast beforehand and it shot towards them, limiting their movement on the walls.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Small Lesser Taratect LV7 has become LV8"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Acid Resistance LV3』 has become 『Acid Resistance LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Posion Resistance LV4』 has become 『Posion Resistance LV5』"

"Skill point gained"

Another one?!

Cornered but still determined, they tried breaking my web and it almost looked like they were succeeding!

[Kumoko! Shoot a web towards the middle!]

It seems Karuizawa is rather smart too! I shot it forward and it fortified the wall. Before I severed it, Ayanokoji-san did it for me.

Hey! That came fresh from me, that's both rude and lewd!

Just as I was joking again, he sent fire toward the centipedes burning my webbing with it.

I take back what I said, he was just trying to save me from becoming burnt.

The centipedes caught on fire and were making even more high-pitched shrieks. Most died but some broke through and rushed at him.

He killed one mid-air with his beak and smashed two others with his wing. He continued to remove them from his body but the ones that he didn't remove fell off and died by themselves seconds later.

I wanted to help but thought I might be caught in the crossfire or just get in the way.

Now all of them were dead.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Small Lesser Taratect LV8 has become LV10"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Spider Thread LV6』 has become 『Spider Thread LV8』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Poison Fang LV4』 has become 『Poison Fang LV6』"

"Skill point gained"

2 levels at once?! Isn't this experience skill to OP? Is it not reduced by half? A lot of stuff was just killed so I guess it makes sense.

"Conditions met. Individual, Small Lesser Taratect can evolve"

"There are multiple choices of evolution. Please choose from the following.

Lesser Taratect

Small Taratect"

I can evolve? Isn't that too sudden, what should I do?!

Probably tell them first but let me think.

Did he even need magic? I felt like he could brute force all of them.

He moved without wasting a stroke, almost as if he made his own chicken martial arts in the few days he's been here.

No way, that's impossible.

After he killed the remaining, he stood and thought for a bite and then ran off down the tunnel where I came from.

Was he always that fast?!

He left for 30 seconds and flew back after. He looked at Karuizawa-san at then stared at me as if inspecting my entirety.

Really though, don't look at me like that! I feel like I can get pregnant from that stare!


Karuizawa-san growled at me. Huh? Did I say that out loud?!

I waved my hands in front of me, trying to explain myself but she wouldn't let me.

Trying to change the subject:

(I have to evolve!)

She paused and turned towards Ayanokoji-san and then turned back to me.

[We will keep an eye on you and organize while you evolve]

Huh? They're cleaning up while I'm sleeping after I was the one who caused this mess? While I really wanted to evolve, something about that felt wrong.

I wasn't sure if it was pride or guilt that caused me to move but I moved to help them.

~Author's note~

Hope you liked this, I love writing Kumoko's POV, pretty fun character.

Check out my patreon~!


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