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63.12% Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage! / Chapter 101: Chapter 101: In the Mind of A Traitor

Chương 101: Chapter 101: In the Mind of A Traitor

"So…is anyone else wondering why all of us are here?" Toru asked.

Toru, Kirishima, Aoyama, and Yonda, were all in a car, being driven by none other than All Might himself in his skinny form.

You're here to escort me around the city, while I go sightseeing. Yonda told them. You know this already.

"Yeah but it's a bit weird that all three of us were called for this," Toru noted. "Feels a bit like overkill."

"Don't worry about it young Hagakure. Young Midoriya is probably just very concerned about her safety, you know how paranoid he can get." Yagi said dismissively.

Of course, All Might knew that was not the case. No this wasn't an ordinary drive, but rather it was a police investigation.

After Yonda had told Izuku that Aoyama was giving information to All for One about U.A, and Izuku gave that information to the police, several things happened in quick succession.

First that put Yonda through several honesty tests, which revealed that she was in fact being totally truthful about Aoyama.

They also discovered that she drugged Aoyama and maliciously used her quirk on him, which normally would have gotten her in some legal trouble, however they were more than willing to overlook that.

Second was that they needed to figure out what their next course of action was.

Izuku had wanted to take Aoyama out of his house for obvious reasons, however, the police and U.A. advised against that, as they didn't know the exact situation, and it was possible taking any obvious or drastic actions could end very badly.

So instead they'd just keep very, very close watch of him. Giving him tasks that would keep him within view of the cameras at all times.

Once that was decided, they then needed to find a way to make sure that Aoyama was 100% the traitor. Because while Yonda's evidence was pretty damning, it was also legally unusable, and it was still possible that she was wrong.

And that's where today's events would come into play.


Suddenly a car impacted them from behind, causing them to jut forward.

"Ah what the heck!" Toru shouted, having been startled by the sudden collision.

Just in time. All Might thought.


After parking on the side of the road, All Might, Yonda, and the students came out of their car, as well as the people from the car that hit them. An old man and woman.

Or at least that's what they looked like. In actuality, the woman was a policewoman, and the man was none other than detective Naomasa, both of them in disguise.

"Oh my, I'm so, so sorry!" The old woman apologized frantically to All Might. "I'm not as alert as I used to be and so I accidentally made such a horrible mistake!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it, looks like your car took more damage than mine." All Might said, reciting the script that they'd come up with. "Perhaps it's time you put those driving skills to rest."

While All Might and the undercover officer went through their scripted dialogue, Naomasa made his move on Aoyama who was standing by the students.

"My my what a strapping young man you are!" Naomasa said, to Aoyama, acting like a kindly old man. "Why, you could be a hero with a body like that!"

"Ah! Well kind Monsieur, I actually happen to be a hero in training!" Aoyama said,

"Yeah, we all are!" Toru explained cheerfully.

"Ohh is that right?" Naomasa responded in his old man voice, giving them all a kindly smile. "Well, it's nice to know such nice young lads and ladies will be protecting us in the future. Some people looking to get into the hero business get wrapped up with some dangerous folks. Some might call em villains. I'm sure none of you would ever work with people like that right?"

"No way!" Toru said immediately.

"Yeah, that's super unmanly!" Kirishima said.

"...Of course not!" Aoyama paused for a moment, trying to hide his nervousness. "Someone such as myself would never associate with dirty criminals!"


And there it was, the damning proof that Aoyama was working for or with, if not All for One, some kind of villain. It was almost definitely All for One based on Yonda's statements although they had no proof of that at the moment.

Either way, at the very least, they had enough proof to launch a full investigation, although it would still have to be kept a secret. If they played their cards right, then they might be able to use this against All for One.

They'd gotten what they were there for, it was time to go.

Naomasa reached into his pocket and pressed a button, that was hidden in there.

This would cause a small vibration in the pocket of the female officer, signaling that they were done here, as well as contact Izuku, to tell him to move to the next stage.

"Ah, well it looks like we're done here kids!" All Might told them, as the officer went back to her car. "Everything's been sorted out we-"

And right on cue, All Might's phone buzzed, showing he got a text from Izuku.

"Oh, looks like there's been a change of plans." All Might told them. "Young Midoriya wants us to come back. He wants to take Yonda to the park himself, and Young Uraraka will be escorting them."

"Really? We just left?" Toru said, wearing a confused expression that no one could see.

"Don't worry about it." All Might told them.

Honestly, felt a bit bad keeping 1A in the dark about their being a traitor in their mix…but it was necessary to make sure Aoyama didn't find out.

But he had a feeling it was only going to get harder from here.


"Why are we going to a police station?" Ochaco asked.

It was now about an hour later, and now Izuku, Yonda, and Ochaco were all riding in All Might's car, heading towards the police station.

"Don't worry about it," Izuku told her.

Something was wrong. Ochaco could tell. Both Izuku and All Might looked tense. Nervous. Like Something terrible either had happened or was going to.

Just sit tight Ochaco, it will be taken care of. In contrast to both of them, Yonda looked completely calm. Which honestly didn't make Ochaco feel any better, if she learned one thing about Yonda is that she did not like feeling valuable or like she didn't have some kind of control over the situation, so her being calm meant very little.

Ochaco thought for a minute, looking at the people around her, and came up with something. "Does this have something to do with that super-secret piece of information Yonda found out?"

"You told her!?" All Might gave Izuku a shocked look for a moment, before remembering where he was and looking back at the road.

"No, I just told her that Yonda found out something important," Izuku told him. "Nothing more."

"So it is about that," Ochaco said, taking All Might's reaction as a confirmation.

"Yes, but as I told you earlier, we can't tell you about it." Izuku reiterated. "We needed to bring you here to make the cover story believable, but you won't be getting involved with it."

"Ok, if it's so dangerous then why is Yonda still involved?" Ochaco asked. "I get that she was the one who found out whatever it was, but is it necessary for her to still be involved in whatever this was."

Izuku sighed. He wished he could do that. He really wished he could just leave Yonda out of this. But the girl tended to get involved even when she wasn't wanted. And since Aoyama wasn't leaving their house, Yonda could always get more info out of him. And as long as Yonda could get useful info, she was useful to this case.

Of course, Izuku couldn't tell her that so instead he had to respond with. "It's complicated. Please believe me when I say that I wish I could tell you but I just can't."

Izuku turned around to look her in the eyes, and the two stared at each other for a while, Ochaco taking in the sincerity in Izuku's eyes.

"Ok." Ochaco leaned back, letting out all of the tension she'd been holding onto. "I trust you."

"Thank you. Really, thank you so much." Izuku said, giving her a relieved smile.

"Well, we're here," Yagi said, as he parked outside the station. "Alright, let's get this over with."


"Alright, now that everyone is here, I believe it is time to start," Nezu said.

Currently, Izuku and Yonda were inside of a small police meeting room, alongside detective Naomasa, All Might(in buff form now) Aizawa, and Nezu.

Nezu was at the front of the room, with a chalkboard behind him.

"We now have confirmation that Aoyama is at the very least, working with a villain," Naomasa said. "And given Yonda's statements, we're almost certain that it's All for One. Meaning that All for One is in fact, not dead."

All Might clenched his fist in the back. How could I have such a mistake? How could I have been so naive? I shouldn't have just smashed his head. I should have kept punching until there was nothing left!

As he was thinking that, Yonda smiled. She'd always known All Might wasn't as pure as the propaganda would lead you to believe. Even he had to have violent, angry thoughts. Even he thought about doing some less than noble things.

Because purity was a thing that could only exist in children. And even then it was extremely rare.

It was nice to get that confirmation.

"From what Yonda has told us, he's been giving information about U.A. to All for One," Nezu said, before turning to Yonda. "Ms. Yonda, do have anything else you'd like to share with us?"

Of course. Yonda said, her face lighting up as she finally got to show the fruits of her labor. Well first off, I'm almost 100% sure that he's an unwilling traitor.

"As in he's being forced?" Aizawa asked, making sure to think his question as well as ask it out loud so everyone could hear the conversation.

You can tell by the tone of his thoughts. When I catch him thinking about being the traitor, he sounds deeply upset. Like he's being forced to do something he absolutely does not want to do. When he thinks about his classmates, he never sounds angry with them, or like he despises them secretly, or like he doesn't care about them at all. I have caught him thinking sadly about them like he did or is doing something to hurt them. And whenever he thinks about being a future hero, or a student of U.A. or a hero student in general, I can detect this underlying sense of shame and guilt. All this points to him being forced into giving up information.

Very good Ms. Yonda! Nezu praised her. Using a person's tone to detect hidden meanings is a very smart use of your quirk. However I do hope you haven't still been influencing his emotions with those candies, otherwise, we can't be certain this information is accurate.

Yonda shook her head. Father has kept those candies far out of my reach. Literally, he keeps them on a tall shelf I am physically incapable of reaching.

Very good. Nezu nodded.

"But that begs the question, how is he being forced? Aizawa asked.

My guess would be his parents. Yonda added. Whenever he thinks of them, he thinks such kind things, but in such a sad, and even fearful tone. Like they're in danger. My guess is that All for One is threatening them, saying he'll kill them if Aoyama doesn't cooperate.

She's 8 and yet she's already a more efficient investigator than some of our own officers. Naomasa thought.

Thank you. Yonda said to Naomasa giving him a bright smile, causing Naomasa to jump a bit as he forgot she could hear him for a second.

"Interesting. I think I have a theory as to how this all started." Nezu said. "You see as I was doing research on Aoyama, I found something interesting. Aoyama was reportedly a very late bloomer. After months of his quirk not appearing, he was taken to the doctors, where he was diagnosed as quirkless."

Izuku's eyes went wide. Quirkless?!

"His parents had multiple tests done afterward, and their call came out the same. Everything pointed to Aoyama being quirkless." Nezu continued. "Until a little over a year later, when suddenly Aoyama had Navel Laser. What's more, I can't find any trace of a quirk similar to Navel Laser in his family tree, and Aoyama's quirk is incompatible with his body."

"You're saying that All for One gave him Navel Laser?" Naomasa asked, taking some notes.

"It's a very distinct possibility. My leading theory is that Aoyama was diagnosed as quirkless, and after seeing their son being treated worse and worse by others because of it, they decided they needed to fix this at any cost. So they used the plentiful resources of the Aoyama family, to contact All for One, and get him a quirk. In exchange, Aoyama would act as a spy for him, otherwise, his parents would be killed." Nezu said, explaining his theory to the room.

"So, Aoyama's not actually a bad person?" Izuku asked, hoping that this was the case. If Aoyama was being forced to spill information it implied he wasn't the type of person to do anything harmful to his kids while he was in his home. At least not of his own accord. And while that didn't completely put his mind at ease, it relaxed him just a little bit.

It's unlikely that he is. Yonda chimed in. From what I've gathered he seems to be a genuinely good person, with a steady moral compass. He was just put in a truly awful situation.

"So, how are we gonna go about this?" Aizawa asked.

"Well, we still won't be confronting Aoyama or his parents directly," Nezu explained. "All for One is not one for loose ends, and if he sees that we've made a move on the Aoyama's he may decide to put an end to their lives. And besides, we may find more use for them. For now, we simply need to monitor the Aoyama family. We'll install cameras and wiretaps in their house, and make sure to bug their phones. We don't make a move on them until All for One has been handled."

"And afterward?" All Might asked.

"That depends. If our assumptions prove correct, and none of this information gets out, then we'll charge his parents for everything." Nezu said. "Aoyama, if we are correct, had no real choice in this situation, out the ultimatum, do what I say or your parents die. It'd be completely unfair for us to actually hold accountable for actions outside of his control."

"Even if that's the case, Aoyama did still feed information to an enemy of the country. The chief is going to object heavily to him getting off scot-free." Naomasa sighed.

"I'm sure he will, and he can feel free to do what he normally does whenever we do something he doesn't agree with," Nezu said. "Lay down, and rollover."

"Yeah, I figured that'd be the case." Naomasa shook his head.

Meanwhile, Izuku was just rubbing his temples. He really didn't want Yonda to witness this abuse of power done by law enforcement for the sake of a greater good, because that would likely only affirm her troublesome mindset.

But also he didn't disagree with what they were doing, so it's not like he could even object to it.

Yonda patted him on the back. It's ok father, nothing that's happening here is something I didn't already expect.

That's kind of the problem. Izuku thought, shaking his head.

"Well then, with that said I think we're all done here," Nezu announced. "Mr. Midoriya, please keep a close eye on Aoyama while he is under your household."

"We apologize for the inconvenience and stress this brings you, and will compensate you as soon as he leaves," Naomasa said.

Ah bribery, another thing he didn't want Yonda around.

You should take the money father, maybe you'll be able to buy Kiba that castle she always wanted. Yonda joked, before flipping through her notepad. Also, we're not quite done here. I have some things you may want to hear. Firstly Officer Fairu was thinking some very inappropriate things about my quote on quote "tiny adorable mouth". So while he is definitely attracted to kids, I can't tell if he's actually done anything illegal yet, so may want to keep an eye on him. Officer Ran is a domestic abuser, Officer Yo is being domestically abused. Officer Kusuri is addicted to meth, and lastly, Officer Reta is having suicidal thoughts.

Oh for fucks sake. Naomasa pinched the bridge of his nose, as he now had a lot, and he meant a LOT more work to do.

Did you come in here LOOKING for this stuff?! Izuku asked her, also completely exasperated.

Of course, I came here looking for problems. This a police station, it's full of problems. Yonda said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Now that was a problematic statement, and not one Izuku was prepared to deal with at the moment.

Naomasa was just shaking his head at how unfortunately true that was.

"I'll leave those issues in your hands Naomasa," Nezu said to the detective.

Naomasa rubbed the sides of his head, as he knew that those cases were going to take up quite a large amount of his time, especially since he didn't have any evidence to start a proper investigation, and had to do his own private(and illegal) investigations himself before he could even get started on tackling these.

Yonda's quirk was extremely useful for finding out that crimes were happening, but it put them in a huge bind legally, as they couldn't use any of her information as evidence of any kind. It was pretty frustrating, to say the least. At least for him.

At the very least Yonda knew the difference between an exaggerated thought that someone might have like "I wanna kill my boss" that didn't mean anything, and the thoughts that actually meant people might be, or are definitely going to or have already committed a crime, or was a victim in some way.

This girl definitely had a bright future with intelligence like that, but she's gonna be in for a headache if she wanted to get into a law enforcement job.

"Well with that said, I think we're done here," Nezu said. "Mr. Midoriya if you could please pick up Ms. Uraraka in the lobby, then you'll be free to head home. We will inform you if there are any urgent changes in the case, while Aoyama is under your roof."

"Thank you." Izuku nodded, getting up, and looking down at Yonda. Let's go home Yonda.

Of course father. Yonda said, taking his hand, as the two left the room.

After waiting for Yonda to get farther away. Nezu thought this. What an interesting girl. I'm very curious to see where her future goes.

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