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43.75% Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage! / Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Grimm Thoughts

Chương 70: Chapter 70: Grimm Thoughts

There was a bit of chaos at the house after the latest assassination attempt, but given how little Izuku was injured, he was able to quickly calm the kids and his mother by saying that he would be staying at the house more, and keeping the Ageis on full time.

Well, this made them calm down...for the most part. Most of the kids had gone into high alert, determined to defend their home if need be.

However, Yami had a different approach to this, Grimm creation of course.

So, the next day, Yami decided to get together a think group, consisting of Fu, Kiba, Kioku, Kei, and Shiruku.

The six of them gathered in Yami's room, sitting in a circle, with Yami himself having a notepad on his lap, ready to write down ideas.

"Alright well if everyone is here, then let's begin!" Kiba said, wanting to start as soon as possible.

"Not yet," Yami said. "One more."

"Someone else is coming?" Shiruku asked. "Who? I don't recall anyone else agreeing to meet us here."

Knock Knock.

"Come in!" Yami said, hoping that it was who he thought it was.

Izuku opened the door and peeked his head in. "Yami, your friend is here."

The door opened up further, and Amai stepped inside. "Hi Yami! Your house is big!"

Yami nodded. "Amai."

"Well, I'll leave you all to...whatever you doing here. Have fun kids." Izuku said, before taking his leave.

With Izuku gone, Amai decided it was time to introduce herself. "Hello there! I'm Amai Nigai. I…"

Suddenly Amai stopped, as she spotted Kiba, and started staring at her in shock.

"Wait, is that...is that Lady Kiba!?" Amai gasped.

"Ah, so you've heard of me?" Kiba asked pridefully, sticking her chest out and crossing her arms, and you could almost visibly see her ego swell.

"Of course I have! I only discovered you recently, but I'm a huge fan!" Amai said, her eyes full of excitement, as she rushed over to Kiba. "I love your gaming videos! They're so much fun to watch while I do homework, although sometimes I get so distracted by them that I forget about my homework and end up getting in trouble!"

"Well of course you would get distracted! I am far more interesting than any homework." Kiba smirked, getting up to meet Amai face to face. "It is always good to meet a servant of mine. Know that your admiration is most appreciated. As is you taking care of my dear brother."

"Oh no, Lady Kiba! It was no issue at all! In fact, he was the one taking care of me!" Amai said, blushing slightly as the excitement was getting to her. "Um, if you don't mind, c-could we play games together!?"

"Why of course. It is my duty to indulge such a loyal servant after all." Kiba said haughtily. "Just no that I won't go easy on you my dear servant. I am a kind queen, but not a merciful one."

"I don't intend on losing! Even if it's to Lady Kiba!" Amai said with a surprising amount of determination.

"Ahem." Fu fake coughed, getting both their attentions. "Ladies, can we do what we came here to do, please?"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to be a distraction." Amai apologized.

"I was just greeting a fan, jeez." Kiba huffed, before sitting back down.

Fu rolled his eyes, before turning to Amai. "You must be Yami's friend he made that day when he went to the city, nice to finally meet you."

"Hello, new friend! I'm Kei" Kei waved at her with a big grin on her face.

"Shiruku. A pleasure," Shiruku said giving a nod.

"Hmph. Kioku" Kioku didn't look at her, not wanting to scowl at Yami's friend.

"I'm Fu by the way. Now please take a seat. You can sit next to Yami." Fu told her.

"Alright." Amai quickly got over and sat next to Yami on the floor. "So, Yami said we'd be coming up with Grimm ideas."

"That's right, we need to increase the security of the house, so, any ideas?" Fu asked.

"I have a few!" Kiba said. "So I was thinking, one issue is that the Grimm we have patrolling are far too slow! So I was thinking, what if we made something faster! Like a Saber Tooth Tiger!"

Yami tilted his head, not knowing what that was.

"Here let me show you," Fu said, taking out his phone and pulling up an image, before showing it to Yami.

Yami took a good look at the picture, before jotting some things down on his notepad.

"Alright next?" Fu said, wanting to keep things moving.

"I have one!" Shiruku said. "I was thinking of something more versatile! Like bats with razor-sharp claws and teeth. They won't be threatening on their own, but a whole swarm of them can be deadly! And they'd be small so they can go in places the bigger Grimm can't. In the skies, on the trees, in caves. And they'd be really loud too, so if they saw an intruder they can alert the Seers!"

"Oh, that's an amazing idea!" Kei said, giving Shiruku a round of applause.

"Excellent sister! A bat Grimm is a wonderful idea!" Kiba praised.

"It has a lot of uses. I'm surprised we didn't think of it before now." Fu added.

"Hmmm." Yami nodded in approval as he jotted the idea down.

"Oh, my turn!" Kei jumped in. "So, I was thinking we could do a snake!"

Fu had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "We already have a snake Grimm, it's in the vents."

"Eh?" Amai looked up around the room, now knowing that there was just a snake Grimm crawling around in the walls.

"No, not like that one! I was thinking more like a snake dragon! A sea serpent dragon!" Kei clarified. "That breaths lasers!"

"Can we make something that breaths lasers?" Kioku asked.

Yami shrugged. "Maybe. We can try."

"Actually the idea of a sea serpent is quite exciting!" Kiba said with a huge grin. "Something that guards the lakes of our forest is an excellent idea! But we should make it fly as well! We don't want someone escaping it by just getting away from the water do we?"

"Oh, good idea! A flying sea snake!" Kei happily agreed.

"Something that can guard the lakes and the skies, nice one Kei." Fu praised.

"Leave it to Kei to come up with another version of a snake." Kioku added. "But now it's my turn! And I have a special idea!"

Kioku then took out a piece of folded paper from her pocket, and unfolded it, revealing a rather well done drawling, of a small Grimm creature, looking like a mix of a scorpion and a fish, but instead of a stinger, it had three bared blades for a tail. "This is a Sulfer Fish! It's a lot like what Shiruku came up with! They're super tiny, and can't do much by themselves, but a lot of them can really make someone suffer! They have barbed blades on their tails, and they can get really, really hot! Hot enough to burn someone really bad! And if they're all together they can combine and turn into a big monster and swallow up all the people who want to hurt daddy!"

"Um...that sounds like it would really hurt someone," Amai noted, taken aback by Kioku's enthusiasm.

"I know right!" Kioku said, looking at her with stary eyes.

Everyone gave her strange looks, except Yami who just jotted everything down.

"I apologize for her, she has...issues," Fu explained.

"Hey!" Kioku glared at him, offended by his statement.

"Alright, does anyone else have an idea?" Fu asked the room.

There was a small pause before suddenly, a piece of paper suddenly appeared in the center of the circle.

"What was that?" Amai asked, surprised by this, as most people would be.

"Of that was Mu!" Kei explained, before waving. "Hi Mu! He's super shy, so he doesn't like to show himself very often."

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Fu told her, before picking up the paper. "Let's see what he dropped."

He unfolded the paper, and inside was a short message. "What about something that can go through the trees? Like a ghost?"

"Can we make a Ghost?" Shiruku asked. "What are the limits of what Yami's quirk can make?"

Yami shrugged again, as he wrote it down. "I don't know. With lots of negativity. I can do almost anything...except one thing."

"What's that?" Amai asked, curious as to what could possibly be the limit of Yami's insane quirk.

"Can't create life, or make Grimm smart," Yami explained. "Tried. Can't do it."

"Really? Don't Grimm have brains and stuff?" Amai asked curiously.

"Grimm brain much worse than human brain. Can only take orders, can't do anything smart." Yami clarified.

"Hmmm. If only we could put a human brain inside a Grimm." Amai thought aloud. "But where would we get a brain?"

There was a small moment of silence before everyone except Amai looked at Fu.

Fu sighed, as he realized what would soon happen to him.

"Eh?" Amai was confused. "Why is everyone looking at Fu?"

Kiba and Shiruku got up, and walked over to Fu, staring down at him with a gleam in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Fu just sat there and accepted his fate.

"Hey what are you doing?" Amai said as she watched the process begin.

"Turn around Amai," Fu told her as the girls took hold of his head. "You don't want to see what's gonna happen next."

Kei grabbed Amai and turned her around, and once the blonde hear the sound of flesh being pieces and bones being broken, as well as other unsavory things, she was glad she wasn't looking.

A Grimm showing.

Izuku, class 1A, and Inko were all sitting in chairs that were located in an opening in the forest, one by one of the lakes in that forest, all of them waiting there for...something.

"Alright, I think everyone is here," Izuku said, looking around making sure everyone was present.

"Yeah, why are we here?" Jiro asked.

"Well Yami wanted to show off some new Grimm that, and ask for approval to use them for house security and utility," Izuku explained. "And since your all temporary house staff, I figured you should be here to see this as well."

"I see! Keeping staff informed of new development is a very important thing! Well done Midoriya!" Iida praised.

"I can't wait to see what kind of cool things Yami makes now!" Mina said.

"Just as long as we don't have to fight any of them! I'm fine with it!" Mineta added.

"It is rather interesting how many capabilities his quirk has," Momo noted. "It's not simply just power, but also utility. It's potentially the most dangerous quirk here."

"It's scary alright." Kaminari agreed. "Kid has an army."

"Everyone please take your seats!" Kiba said, running out of the woods. "The presentation is about to begin!"

"Right," Izuku said, before sitting down with everyone else.

After a few moments, Fu, Shiruku, Kiba, Amai, Kioku, Kei, and Yami all walked into the clearing and looked at their audience.

"Thank you for coming everyone! For today's Grimm presentation!" Kiba announced.

"After the terrible incident that happened yesterday, we decided we needed new Grimm, to better protect the house!" Shiruku explained. "And so we all had a brainstorming session! And we created the creatures you see before you!"

"Starting up! We have the Sabyr!" Kiba said. "A creation I gave the idea for!"

Then from the trees, a Grimm Saber Tooth Tiger ran out, leaping into the clearing for everyone to see.

"Oh wow, that thing is terrifying!" Mina said with a bit more cheer than you'd expect.

"This creature was made to be quick! And move through the forest faster than any other grounded Grimm!" Kioku explained. "No one escapes!"

"It can also climb trees," Fu added. "And it's ordered to retreat and get back up if it feels it can't take someone down on its own."

"It'll chase intruders down until they get Ti-gyerd!" Kei punned.

"So its primary use is finding intruders! An excellent idea on your part! Well done children!" Iida said, giving applause.

"Good job lady K!" Toru shouted. "It's fierce as well! Just like you! Oh and you too Yami!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Kiba said, taking in the praise.

"Moving on," Fu said, not wanting Kiba's head to get much bigger. "Shiruku your up next."

"Right!" Shiruku then clapped her hands, before holding her hand up.

Then a small bat-like Grimm flew out, and then perched on Shiruku's finger.

"This has been named, a Ravager," Shiruku said. "It can fly around, and it's small enough to even fly through the forest, or in caves."

"It'll drive anyone who comes here looking for trouble, batty!" Kei snickered.

"Yeah but...it's kinda tiny isn't it?" Kaminari asked. "Not really sure if the name, Ravager fits here."

Shiruku did not look impressed with Kaminari's statement and then gave Yami a look. "Why don't we show him how these things truly function."

Yami nodded, before looking at Kaminari. "Ravagers. Swarm him."

And then, suddenly, Ravagers flew out from all sides of the clearing and swarmed Kaminari.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! I take it back! I take it back!" Kaminari jumped out of his seat and started running around panicking, as the small Grimm kept menacing him.

"Kids," Izuku said giving them a warning glare.

"Sorry, dad," Yami said, before giving his next order. "Stop, and retreat."

The Ravagers ceased their swarming, and went back into the forest, with one of them going to Yami, and landing on its head.

"As you can see, just because they're small, does not mean they aren't deadly!" Kiba explained. "In numbers, they're a terrifying wave of razor-sharp claws and teeth!"

"Lastly, they have one last function," Fu explained. They have an extremely loud scream, that can be heard for very long distances. So if they spot an intruder, it's almost guaranteed that we or the other Grimm will be alerted. We won't show this now, because Ms. Jiro would most likely be in great pain if we did."

"Thanks for thinking of me kids." Jiro gave them thumbs up, really glad that at least one of them was thoughtful enough to know not to do this. "I really, really appreciate it."

Fu nodded. "Moving on, Kei I believe your Grimm is next."

"Right right!" Kei bounced on her heels, excited to reveal the Grimm she helped create.

She hopped over to the edge of the lake. "You can come out now! We don't want this to drag-on!"

Just a moment later, something erupted out of the water.

What came out, was a massive serpent head, and a bit of its body.

It looked like your classic Chinese, snake-like dragon, mustache, and everything. Only in Yami's colors.

It was by far the most massive Grimm that they had been shown today, was one of the more massive ones in general, as even just the upper half of its body towered over all of them.

"I was wrong! I'm not fine with this!" Mineta shouted as he and Kaminari held each other, shaking in fear.

"Oh, dear." Into almost fainted, this having been the first time she had seen such a massive Grimm.

"Did it need to be that big?" Shinso asked.

"Oh wow...that's something." Ochaco gave a nervous laugh.

Izuku at this point was completely desensitized to Grimm and how they could look, and looking at this purely from a uses standpoint. "So this is supposed to guard the lakes then."

"For the most part. This is called the Sea Feilong!" Kiba announced. "But despite its name, it's not limited to just the water! Kei, would do the honors?"

"Yes!" Kei shouted with excitement, before turning to the Sea Feilong. "Now! Fly! Be free!"

Suddenly the armor on the Feilong's back shifted, and wings sprouted out of its back before it took to the sky.

"RAHHHHH!" The Grimm roared, as it flew gracefully in the air.

Meanwhile, everyone was looking at it with wide eyes, surprised that this thing could now freaking fly.

"Well...at least it's versatile," Izuku said.

"Why, Why did it need to fly," Mineta whispered in fear.

"Welp, at least we don't have to fight it," Jiro said.

"Yeah, imagine trying to fight a flying snake." Sero laughed nervously. "What else does it do? Breath fire?"

"Nope! It's a bit more...electrifying!" Kei giggled.

"Eh?" Responded the entire class.

Yami snapped his fingers, and the Feilong looked upwards and opened its huge maw.

Then, an orb of electricity charged in its mouth, crackling with energy, before it shot out as a beam of electricity into the sky.

"This seems like overkill," Tsu noted.

"I mean, it's useful," Izuku said. "Although I don't see us needing all too many of these. Maybe just one."

"Man I feel bad for the villain that attacks this place," Sato said to himself.

"But next we have my idea!" Kioku said. "Come out little fishies!"

Then, from the ground, dozens of Sulfer Fish popped out the ground, all crawling in front of the audience.

"Oh, I don't like," Toru whispered. "I don't like that at all."

"Are their tails heated?" Todoroki asked.

"And barbed?" Momo added with concern.

"Yup!" Kioku said. "These are super-duper hot! Meaning they can tear through people's skin and flesh like butter! And make it hurt too!"

"Well, that's concerning," Tsu stated bluntly.

I really, really need to get her to a therapist. Izuku thought.

"Oh god, that's so disturbing." Sato cringed as he thought about those things crawling on him, stabbing him with superheated tails.

"What a way to go," Kaminari said as he imagined the same thing.

"Oh! And they can do one more thing!" Kioku said, before clapping her hands. "Now! Transform!"

On cue, suddenly all the Sulfer Fish started to huddle together, grouping up until they were an amorphous mass of black and white.

Eventually, this mass took shape, like a giant tube-like beast, with a huge gaping maw.

"Why do these have to get scarier!?" Mineta shouted. "Why? Why was this necessary?"

"It's really cool though, in a messed up way," Mina said.

To be fair all the other kids aside from Kioku, Fu, and Yami seemed at least somewhat disturbed by this thing, with Amai actively moving behind Yami.

"Moving on," Fu said. "We have two more. The second to last is something Mu came up with actually."

"Mu...who was that again?" Kaminari whispered to Jiro.

"It's the ghost kid we haven't seen," Jiro told him while rolling her eyes.

"Really? This should be interesting." Izuku said.

"Come out," Yami ordered.





The forest shook, as massive footsteps could be heard getting closer to all of them.

"Oh, what abomination are they sending here now?" Sero asked.

"Whatever it is, it's huge! And dense too. It sounds like walking boulders." Jiro said.

"You could say that! Because this next Grimm really, rocks!" Kei joked. "It's the after-life of the party! Introducing!"


Coming into the clearing, was a massive golem, made almost purely of stone. With the only exception being the Grimm bone mask.

The creature was separated into five parts. The body, two arms, and two legs. And the parts weren't connected to each other, rather they seemed to be connected by some invisible force.

"Interesting," Izuku said, slightly confused. "I didn't think you could make Grimm like...this."

"Oh, the rocks are part of the Grimm. They are merely an armor!" Kiba explained. "This is its true form."

Suddenly, the mask flew out of the golem, and what came out was a ghost-like Grimm.

The boulders fell to the ground, and the Grimm floated down. Showing off its ghostly body.

"This is called a Geist," Fu explained. "It's like a ghost. It can fly, turn intangible, and possess objects. Not people though. Only objects."

"Hmmm. This could also be pretty useful." Izuku muttered. "Have to praise Mu later when I can find him."

"Now, we have something very, very special!" Kiba said with glee. "The brainchild of Amai, Fu, and Yami!"

Amai blushed. "Awww, I didn't do much."

"Not true. You gave us idea." Yami told her. "You helped. You did good."

Yami lightly patted her on the back, causing her to blush even more.

Kei giggled. "Brainchild! Good one sis!"

"Wait what? No!" Kiba shouted out in horror as she realized she just gave a Kei-level pun. "I-I didn't-"

"Introducing The Hound!" Kioku said.

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