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76.94% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 463: Blatant Disrespect

Chương 463: Blatant Disrespect

Earth Land, Ishgar, Era. 


March 15, x786. 


Half an hour after he entered the waiting room, Alfonzo, who had been resting peacefully, heard the sound of knocking coming from the door. And with the sound, he slowly opened his eyes. At the same time, the door was opened, and a male voice spoke. 


"Alfonzo Marcus, the Council has gathered in the meeting room and awaits your arrival." The male voice, a Rune Knight, said as he opened the door. 


Without a word, Alfonzo stood from the couch and stepped towards the door. Then, once he stepped through it, he silently followed the Rune Knight to his destination. 


'I'm surprised they didn't send Lahar or Mest to escort me this time.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 


["Maybe they didn't want you to be too comfortable with your escort."] Bedlam surmised. ["You know, to see how you react in a situation like this."] 


["What the hell are you talking about?"] Riot asked in an annoyed tone. ["He's only following some nobody down the hall. What kinda reaction could he have?"] 


'Take it easy, Riot.' Alfonzo said without changing his facial expression. 'Bedlam's not wrong. Being alone in unfamiliar territory while not knowing anyone around you can be stressful, or so I hear.' 


Instead of replying, Riot simply grunted in annoyance. 


'Anyway, this is the first time I've felt so many strong magic power signatures in one place before.' Alfonzo said mentally. 'But not a single one of them is stronger than Gildarts.' 


["Yeah, and if he wasn't a walking natural disaster, he would have been added to the Ten Wizard Saints a long time ago."] Bedlam added. ["But he can't be bothered enough to not destroy everything he touches."] 


'More important than that…' Alfonzo continued. 'I feel a bunch of familiar magic power signatures, too. And the one that stands out among them the most is Master Unohana's.' 


["Yeah, that woman is at least as strong as Gramps."] Riot said. ["And that's just her base power. Just imagine what she would be like if she used her [Bankai]." 


["Yeah, the landscape of Ishgar's most powerful wizards would look a whole lot different."] Bedlam added. ["She's definitely stronger than Gildarts when going all out. And Gildarts is definitely stronger than that traitor if he goes all out."] 


'She probably doesn't wanna give away too much about her power while she's on our continent, though.' Alfonzo mused. 'Unfortunately, because of the [Soul Armaments], everyone in Fairy Tail, and probably most of Ishgar know that her power would multiply if she used her [Shikai]. They still don't' know about her [Bankai], though. So, she still has some level of secrecy.' 


"We have arrived." The Rune Knight said as he stopped in front of a set of double doors. 


Receiving a nod in response, the Rune Knight pushed the door open and gestured for Alfonzo to enter. 


Following the gesture, Alfonzo stepped into the meeting hall. And as he did, he let his eyes scan all the familiar and unfamiliar faces. And when he recognized God Serena, his eyes widened slightly. Though, there was no other visible change in his expression. 


'So, he did come.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'Good. Now I can put that traitor in his place. Even though his [Historia] was the one that fought Gildarts in the canon, I'm pretty sure I read a tweet or something that said that Gildarts would have been stronger than God Serena even if he had been at his full strength. He just wouldn't have been able to one shot him.' 


["Yeah, and thanks to the gravity chambers and the Automail you made for him, Gildarts should be nearly one and a half times as strong as he was at the end of the base series."] Bedlam said with a devious smile on his face. ["And since you can keep up with Gildarts for as long as you have magic power left…"] 


["Things aren't gonna end well for that arrogant, traitorous cock sucker if things go the way you want them to."] Riot said, picking up from where Bedlam left off. 


Then, Alfonzo and his [Armament Spirits] all chuckled sinisterly. Though, Alfonzo's was kept internal. 


At that moment, Alfonzo arrived in the center of the meeting room with all eyes on him. Then, he took a deep breath to settle his emotions. 


'Oh, Ur and Shizuka aren't in here.' Alfonzo thought as he exhaled his breath. 'Well, I guess that makes sense. Neither of them is a member of the Magic Council, after all.' 


"Alfonzo Marcus here to answer the Council's summons." Alfonzo said in a sonorous voice with his back straight. 


"Thank you for making the trip, Alfonzo." Gran Doma, the chairman of the Magic Council replied in an even tone. "We know the trip from Akane Beach is not a short one." 


Nodding in response, Alfonzo waited for the Magic Council's side to continue. 


"Now, I'm sure you are curious to know why we summoned you here." Gran Doma continued. "And the reason is simple, we wish to celebrate the strength you have shown over the years." 


Reaching that point, Gran Doma listed all the feats Alfonzo had accomplished since his career as a wizard began. And considering the fact that Alfonzo was only a month and three weeks shy of his twenty-first birthday, the list was quite long. 


"And most recently, you even defeated Jura Neekis, the eighth seat of the Ten Wizard Saints in frontal combat, a fact Jura admitted to himself." Gran Doma continued. "And the only way we could think to celebrate the strength of body, magic, and mind you have shown, is to appoint you, Alfonzo Marcus, to the position of one of Ishgar's ten most powerful wizards, the Ten Wizard Saints." 


As Gran Doma made his announcement, the gathered Councilors began to applaud. Meanwhile, Alfonzo only took in the Councilors' reactions. 


'So, they really did it, huh?' Alfonzo mused without changing his expression. 'Well, I kind of expected this. But I wasn't a hundred percent sure. But since it happened, and that guy is here, I'll try to provoke him into accepting my challenge.' 


Before Alfonzo could put his plan into motion, however, an arrogant male voice cut through the applause. 


"I don't agree with this." God Serena said, surprising most of those present. 


Meanwhile, the other three Gods of Ishgar only looked him with an expression that said: "As expected." 


"You have an issue with this appointment, God serena?" Gran Doma asked, also expecting God Serena's objection. 


"That's right." God Serena replied in a self-important tone. "Although Jura Neekis, the eighth seat of the Saints says that he was defeated by this kid, no one was present to witness it." 


Putting mor emphasis on "eighth seat," everyone in attendance was able to hear the disdain god Serena held for Jura's position. 


In fact, God Serena held contempt for every wizard on Ishgar who held a position lower than the Four Gods of Ishgar. And he never kept that fact a secret. 


"Then, are you suggesting that we take back the appointment?" Makarov asked, clearly annoyed that one of his favorite children's accomplishments were being dismissed so casually. 


"Perhaps." God Serena replied while glancing at Makarov out of the corner of his eye. 


'I'll let you live a while longer, Old Man.' God Serena thought, annoyed that someone of Makarov's station was questioning him. 'But when Emperor Spriggan comes for what he wants, I'll make sure to personally take your head and present it in front of His Majesty.' 


"I only believe in what I've seen with my own eyes, after all." God Serena continued after returning his gaze back to Alfonzo. Though, it was clear that he was not making eye contact with the younger wizard. 


'Yo, this mother fucker isn't even looking me in the eye while shitting on everything I've done.' Alfonzo muttered to himself internally. 'And because of that, I'm gonna fuck him up on principal.' 


"Then what do you suggest?" Ritsu, who was also a member of the Magic Council, asked in a gentle tone with a gentle smile. 


As Ritsu was not a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, God Serena did not even deem her worthy of a glance. 


"I suggest that his power and potential be tested." God Serena replied. "And I suggest that I be the one to test it." 


Hearing that, most of the councilors in attendance opened their eyes wide in shock. The exceptions being the other three Gods of Ishgar, and everyone who knew Alfonzo personally and had witnessed his full power. 


On top of that, all those who knew Alfonzo could tell that he was boiling in rage just under the surface. As such a proud person, there was no way he would not be. 


'If he's anything like a member of the Fairy Tail I know…' Warrod thought to himself. '… there's no way he'll take an insult like this lying down.' 


Meanwhile, the tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. Eventually, however, the tense silence was broken. 


"And what do you think of this proposal, Alfonzo Marcus?" Gran Doma asked. 


Immediately, all eyes in the room fell on Alfonzo, whose eyes were narrowed as he stared at God Serena. And with their attention focused on him, all the other members of the council could also see that Alfonzo had been enraged, as well. 


'Something tells me he's under orders to test me.' Alfonzo said to himself. Though, the anger he was feeling was genuine. 'And you know what? I like it. Now I have the perfect justification to kick his ass.' 


Despite those thoughts, Alfonzo scoffed at Gran Doma's question. 


"This is ridiculous." Alfonzo replied disdainfully. "You all called me here without telling me why. Then, you declare me a member of the Ten Wizard Saints. Then, just because one person, who claims he can't be bothered with the business of the Magic Council, questions that decision, I need to be tested? What a joke. You think I need your title to prove my strength? Hmph! You know what? You can keep your title."" 


Immediately, a number of the Councilors grew irritated over Alfonzo's words. However, those that knew him narrowed their eyes. 


'This isn't like him.' Makarov thought to himself. 'For all the years I've known him, I've never seen him be so blatantly disrespectful in a public setting, no matter how angry he was. So, I can only wonder… what's he up to?' 


While Ritsu was thinking the same thing, her sight did not linger on Alfonzo for long. Instead, it shifted back to God Serena. And when it did, she was just in time to see him frown minutely. 


'So, this was all an act to fight Alfonzo.' Ritsu thought to herself. 'But why? What would he get out of this? If he were to win, it would be expected from the number one of the Ten Wizard Saints. But if he were to lose, his reputation would be ruined.' 


A moment later, Ritsu narrowed her eyes as a realization hit her. 


'There was a time when a rumor was circulating around the continent that had Alfonzo's mother been alive, she would have been able to defeat God Serena. Does he perhaps want to take out his frustration from those times on her son?' 


Though Ritsu's thoughts could not have been further from the truth, the rumor she mentioned was true. However, it did not last long. Because comparing the living and the dead was pointless in a strength-based society like the wizarding world of Ishgar. 


"Just as I thought." God Serena said, trying to keep the annoyance out of his tone. Then, he continued in a tone filled with provocation. "He wasn't ready for a responsibility like this." 


"Think what you want." Alfonzo replied dismissively. "But why should I even care? On top of that, if I accept, I'm the only one with something to lose. Yet, you can challenge me with nothing but your worthless reputation on the line. And let's be real, someone like you, who looks at everyone with your nose pointed at the sky, couldn't care less what anyone else thought of you, right?" 


Expecting Alfonzo to take the bait, God Sereena, along with all the other members of the Magic Council were taken aback when Alfonzo returned his own words of provocation. 


"So, unless you plan to put your title as the number one of the Ten Wizard Saints on the line while 'testing' me, don't' bother insulting me any further. I've been away from home for two and a half months and I miss my wife, fiancées, and girlfriends. And I wanna go home." 


Once again, the members of the Magic council were taken aback. At the same time, God Serena was brimming with anger at the blatant disrespect. Meanwhile, Makarov finally understood what Alfonzo was after. 


'Now that I think about it, Ur told me something about Alfonzo saying something about challenging God Serena for his title.' Makarov mused. 'I think it was around the time of that trial last year. To think, he was serious, though.' 


"Who do you think you are?" God Serena bellow angrily. "You should be grateful that someone such as I, am willing to test your strength and potential." 


"Like I already said, I don't' need anyone's affirmation to know that I'm among the strong." Alfonzo replied. "So, if you don't intend on meeting me halfway, I have no use for the title you, oh so graciously, wish to bestow on me after 'testing my strength and potential.' 


With that, God Serena could no longer bear Alfonzo's insolence. As a result, he let his magic power wash over the entire meeting room. And while most of the members of the Council were finding it hard to breath under the pressure, there were a few who were completely unaffected by God Serena's power. 


And those who were unbothered, excluding Makarov and Ritsu, were surprised to see that Alfonzo was among their number. 


"Or maybe, you don't have the confidence to beat a kid like me, huh, 'God' Serena?" Alfonzo asked in a mocking tone while adding extra emphasis to the word, God. 


"I've had enough of your mockery!" God Serena shouted angrily. "I will accept your challenge. And you will see the difference between someone like you and I. And by the end, the result will be that you will no longer be considered for a position among the continent's strongest." 


Then, while spreading his arms wide as he stood from his seat, God Serena continued in a tone that was clearly seeking to draw everyone's attention. 


"And while I'm at it, I will beat the concept of showing humility in front of your betters into you!" 


While most of the Council's gazes were drawn to god Serena during his last statement, and God Serena was never actually looking directly at Alfonzo in the first place, that only left a few, namely, Makarov, Gran Doma, Ritsu, Draculus, Wolfheim, and Warrod, to see the expression on Alfonzo's face. 


And when they did, the four who were unfamiliar with Alfonzo's personality were thoroughly confused. Meanwhile, Makarov and Ritsu, who had each spent some time around the young man, wore expressions that said: "As expected." 


And the reason for those reactions was simple. Currently, Alfonzo's angry expression had been replaced by a vicious smile. A smile that promised both pain and humiliation to god Serena. 

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

Shout out to my new Patr3on!

James Taylor

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