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10% HP: Skin-Deep Comedy / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
HP: Skin-Deep Comedy HP: Skin-Deep Comedy original

HP: Skin-Deep Comedy

Tác giả: 0DarkWolf0

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

How can I be so bored ?

As I walked down the road towards my parents' house, I pondered upon my all too common problem. I was returning from the gym after a pretty intense session of sweating my ass off for no other reason than to teach myself discipline. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind as they say. Not that he had any idea of who 'they' was supposed to be.

Well, that and to stop wanking too.

Bored men and overexposure too women on medias make them horny. Who would have thought?

Maybe it made women horny too? Not that I had any idea since I am a guy and women were strange creatures that half the time made no sense and the other made just too much.

I am going on a tangent again, aren't I? I sighed; the troubles of starved minds truly knew no respite.

So, I went to the gym discipline myself after realizing that to society, I was depressed for years since my early teenage years to today. Not that those bastards knew anything of what they talked about, especially the doctors that declared me as such and just gave me drugs that killed any motivation I had and left me stoned out of my mind.

Really there is something to be said about our society when it gave people drugs when they didn't understand what was happening to them. All so that they'll be good little drones.

Huh, that was my inner cynic coming out again. I wondered where he went.

Just went to sleep, little cub. I needed a break from watching our miserable life.

There was something to be said about the sheer vitriol my mind could assault me with and I am sure it isn't anything good.

Please, as if anybody wouldn't be horrified by what you thought about over the years. Truly, you can imagine such wretched things even I am impressed. They would be more concerned of you than any little voice in your head.

Aaaaand now I remember why the last month was so peaceful, such good fortune couldn't last could it? It was very pleasant to not have all little bad things jump at you because a voice couldn't help but comment on it.

I merely point the reality of things to you, it isn't my fault humans as a whole are a terrible species, plus I have to amuse myself somehow. Our life is dreadfully dull, after all.

I sighed again, well it's better than to be alone.

We are always alone little cub, now and forever more. You merely choose to ignore it.

I snorted. He really had to twist that knife, huh.

I paused.

He wasn't wrong, was he?

20 years old, still in university, no real bonds to speak of and no money.

As I resumed my walk, I contemplate my situation. My parents aren't bad people, far from it in fact. They were just... distant. Never could connect with me really although they did their best to provide for me, this I knew. Especially when they fought because my sister asked them for money again. It wasn't like we were poor but when you have a big family Christmas, birthdays and the like tended to accumulate. Especially when you have one brother and three sisters of whom two had two children and another three. And that's not counting Aunts, cousins and the like.

Besides, as the littlest brother I tended to be either forgotten or picked upon. Which would be more worrying if my brother or one of my sisters didn't bring me on their crazy stunts. Really, who would bring their six years old baby brother to race in the countryside in their crappy car. Even if I enjoyed it at the time.

And my friends... Well, it's better to forget about that problem.

So! Me, a twenty years old with no real prospect apart from a crappy 9 to 5, no friends and a dysfunctional family that prefers to pretend everything is alright than to face their problems.

You aren't facing them either.

You know as well as I do that won't go anywhere. Remember last time?

If I needed an answer, then the silence said everything that was needed.

Of course, that's when I heard the sounds of a rapidly-losing-control car which was barrelling towards me.

Panic briefly settled in before being pushed to the side in favour of-move you idiot!

So, I threw myself to the side, scrapping my hands on the concrete but surprisingly fine. I looked where the car went to see it going on its side and crashing in a store.


As I busied myself thanking my luck or my stupidly sharp reflexes-I'm not picky- I heard the honking of a car so I turned my head to find it going full speed towards me.

I could see the horror slowly twisting the driver's face as he realized he wouldn't be able to stop in time and I could only say one thing in the face of my imminent death.



And then my whole existence turned to a blurring mess of colours, wind and pain until I felt my head crack on something.

I felt myself floating weightlessly in the void with not even a body to move, barely knowing what was happening. It was just like I was waking up, just between sleeping and not, half formed thoughts moving from one to the next without any sense.

Sometimes I could hear words, sometimes I couldn't. Forms were moving rapidly and slowly. I could hear people. Loud, quiet, women, men, boys. Laughing, crying, screaming. All in confusing mess that made sense and none.

But as time passed, I could see a light slowly getting stronger, like the end of a tunnel or a star that was approaching.

And then I woke up ten years younger to a floating blue screen.

[Welcome traveler!]

Go figure.

I looked around my room, seeing the familiar yet not furniture. It looks worn but maintained, they were probably older than I have been alive. My two lives...

Well, that's the mother of all surprises there.

I had reincarnated, as my new or not so new memories suggested. I was now Ethan Shaw this time, born just before the 22nd of December 1978 and dumped in an orphanage on Christmas.

I snorted. What a gift.

And today was my birthday, ten whole years since I was reborn and my past life's memories returned- well maybe not returned. After all, it was more like a half-conscious state just like dreaming where my body acted without any prompt yet had done things exactly like I would have. Which in of itself made me want to ask many questions.

[Welcome traveler!]

And there was that too.

A blue screen hovering before me like an innocent puppy...

"Either I'm crazy or the world is.", I sighed.

'Well, here goes nothing.' I clicked on the screen and flinched as another appeared with a resounding FFVIII winning sound.

[Congratulations! You managed to retain your sense of identity even through death, meaning you get to keep your memories! You lucky dog you!]

"Hmm, can't say you're wrong about that screen." Really, 'lucky dog'? Well, I've always liked dogs so that's not the worst turn of phrase.

[As a result, you get to play the 'Game of Life', where everything in your life is quantified yet is still extremely life-like. Watch numbers go up! Get that dopamine hit! Monkey brain go brr!]

What a curious thing, this Game of Life. I hadn't ever thought something like this ever possible, at least in my lifetime however the sheer implications...

[Now go forward, don't look back and find your path. There will be many obstacles before you but do not despair, as long as you will it you will find your way. Go forth and Live!]

I blinked. "'Go forth and live' huh..." Sounds like something I can get behind. I hadn't really lived before, had I? Well better now than never.

I could feel a smile grace my lips. How long had it been since I genuinely smiled? Far too long. I have lost much but maybe it is for the best. Yes, I died just when I was trying to get my life in order and push forward but so what? I was alive again despite all odds, there would be time to grieve for what once was and what could have been but now, I should plan.

This time I would grasp happiness.

[Name: Ethan Shaw

Title: Traveler

Class: Pending

MP: 100


How simplistic and unusual. Not what I expected yet I don't know what I expected to be honest. I'll go through this in a descending order, never has led me wrong before.

'Name' is pretty straightforward, and I couldn't make something appear, no matter how much I tapped or willed it so. Perhaps it'll change going forward, after all it's bad design if your game doesn't get updates.

[Traveler: A title given only to those who managed to survive the process of reincarnation with an intact or somewhat intact ego. Truly only the most powerful or stubborn can accomplish this improbable act.

-Strengthened soul-]

Strengthened soul, is it? I don't feel anything but perhaps down the line it will prove useful. It couldn't be anything other than beneficial right?

...I'm gonna eat my words someday, I just know it.

[Class: Your current class! The staple of any self-respecting RPGs and the source of your power going forward. Get your classes, level them up, receive stats and receives skills upon every other level for first tier classes! Rinse and repeat for godlike power! Or perhaps you would prefer to kick back and relax? The choice is yours.]

How interesting, I can have different classes and receive skills upon certain cap for each tier. But what about growth per level? Is there a skill limit? A level limit? For each question answered many more appear, it is as frustrating as it is exhilarating. I'll leave the class choice for later.

I can't do anything about 'MP' although it should be my mana points. I can't tell if it is a lot or not but I will assume it isn't.

[Stats: Now we get to the interesting part! Here you can view your characteristics, each have their own value that will affect you in different ways. You have strength, agility, dexterity, perception, intelligence, wisdom and charisma. Each have their own bonuses depending on the situation and will influence other stats! For example, no matter how much you invest in strength heavy classes, if you don't follow that with a bit of charisma and agility, you'll just be a big, heavy and ugly mug! Who would like that! You certainly won't be bagging any chicks that's for sure... And good luck using smartphones with your big ass fingers if you don't have any dexterity.

Note: 10 is the average of the human species, however, be aware that even if you have the same strength as an average adult your age limits that strength until your prime/adulthood.

You cannot gain stats by training.]

"Smartphones won't be coming until another two decades at the very least so I'm good on that." I could feel the wry smile twisting my lips. I don't know who wrote that but they sure like making fun of any dumbass who made that decision. Perhaps it's an inside joke? About a previous user? The thought had merit. Now then let's check my stats.

[Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Perception: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10]

So, I'm currently average across all board? Was it the game's influence? I'm pretty sure I was above average for most of that in my last life but maybe that's arrogance. In any case I certainly won't be average now that I'm back.

Now... time for the good things hehe.

[Classes available: Fighter Magician Rogue]

...That's it?

I could feel my smile crumbling. Truly, woe is me. The fates have it in for me, those bitches.

Well, if I am stuck with the boring choices, time to plan.

Considering the sight before me and the wording of the previous messages I guess those three classes are just the start and will help me unlock other classes further in the game. Kinda like a class tree with requirement for stronger classes, in this case that would be tier II classes.

Fighter, the base of any physical class. That would probably imply brawling, knife fighting and the like. Which while important later down the line, is not necessary right now. I also noted that it didn't say that I couldn't learn skills without leveling up unlike for gaining stats. So that delegates the importance of a physical class until my teens depending on my leveling speed. I gotta get me some abs however those on a ten-year-old would be pretty strange. Conclusion? Not now.

Rogue, not thief I note, the more discrete of the three and perhaps probably my first choice despite my knee-jerk reaction of magic. The reason? I live in an orphanage, food is not good, I need money and perhaps this will open the doors to protect my possessions, no matter how meagre they are currently. I can probably do the same eventually with Magic, but I fear that's probably too much time for me. It will also give me sneaking skills I could use to go out of the orphanage and pickpocket some people. Now that I think about it, it can serve as a testing ground for future class choices.

And now magician, the door to the supernatural and probably the most powerful class tree. So, weak at the start but absurdly strong in the end. It may unlock some magical variant as well. Spellsword, shadowblade, dark knight? All useful and more powerful variants in games usually.

"But I want to throw fireballs..." I totally did not whine, not at all sir. It would be totally unbecoming of me as a British gentle-

Wait British?

"Motherfucker!" So not only did I reincarnate but I am now -shudders- British.

May God forgive me, for I have sinned.

Though it's no fault of my own, I have to own up to it. After all, I may have to act as a pompous prick going forward and there no more pompous prick than British gentlemen. Ugh, the utter depravity I will have to subject myself to makes me want to kill myself.

That accent though...

Don't worry, God never would have accepted us anyway.

Oh? So, you're still here?

Of course I am, you won't get rid of me so easily.

One can hop-"What do you mean he wouldn't have?!" I whispered harshly in a squeaky voice. Dear lord, that's going to be a thing, isn't it?

You're a depraved being even if you've never acted upon your thoughts. God would have casted us in hell the second we died. And yes, the squeaky and childish voice is here for a few years.

No rest for the wicked, eh?

Indeed, now go back to the class thing.

Ah yes, that.

Well, there's only one choice.

[Congratulations you are now a rogue!

The rogue is a versatile character, capable of sneaky combat and nimble tricks. He relies on stealth and dexterity to do dastardly deeds! You wouldn't steal a lady's precious panties, right? You scoundrel! Gives +2 dexterity/+1 perception per level.

You may now choose a skill!

Stealth (Common): You now know how to move discreetly and hide correctly! For a novice at least. This skill encompasses how to move on your feet to generate the least noise possible, how to regulate your breathing and how to go undetected under cursory surveillance. You still have a way to go.

Pickpocket (Common): You may now pickpocket the unsuspecting peon without being caught. Have you any shame? Covers everything from subtle sleight of hand to timing.

Trap making (Common): The prelude to hunting... Pranking! You may now create subtle or not so subtle mechanisms to prank people! These probably won't hurt someone, apart from any self-esteem they may have had that is. Gives knowledge of basic trap making.]

I blinked.

A wall of text... Sarcasm and mocking are going to be a thing too, aren't they?

"Hmm... Maybe it's for the better. Wouldn't want to be a stick in the mud."

So, Tier I classes give three stat points per level. Would it be four or five for tier II? And these skills... Did it hear my wish and give those skills? Or was it just obvious for basic skills? Maybe a bit of both? And their rarities for skills too.

So many questions! So annoying! Ugh I'll just pick stealth for now, can't go anywhere without such a basic skill and if I have to upgrade it it'll be the easiest.

[Name: Ethan Shaw

Title: Traveler

Class: Rogue (1/5)

MP: 100


Dexterity: 10 - 12

Perception: 10 - 11]

"Each level up shows me only what stat progressed instead of the whole." I hummed, that was useful. I looked at my hands, flexing my fingers. I didn't feel anymore dexterous but maybe that was because the increase was too little? Even though that was 20% of my previous score added. I was probably just not used to it. Or didn't have any experiences that tested my dexterity before.

I'll have to-

A knock sounded at my door. "Ethan are you up? It's your turn for kitchen duty!"

Ah. That was the caretaker of the orphanage, Ms. Cole. AKA the hag who was hated by pretty much everyone for her bedside manners. Not that it helped that she always sounded irritated.

"I'm up!"

"Good. Hurry up, and I better not have to come back!"

See? Horrible bedside manners.

As I heard her footsteps fade away, I sighed, better to make my bed and go to work.

I went downstairs and took a sharp right at the end of the corridor to the dining room and to the door at the end into the kitchen. In there was a bleary-eyed teenage caretaker for the holidays. Holy something. Apparently, she was caught in bed with an unknown boy so they sent her here to work and think about what she did under the watchful eye of Ms. Cole.

Unfortunate for her but I have better things to do than pity her. Like making the morning oatmeal.

As I went about my tasks, the other kids shuffled in one by one. I was the youngest right now and the oldest was fourteen without taking account of Holy. I stayed quiet and went about my work while the others sent me glances sometimes but I ignored them no matter how much it made me curious.

Making enough food for a small army was a chore but we made it work. We had to unless we wanted the hag to ruin our morning. Definitely didn't want to hear any screeching about ungrateful brats.

It was as I was finishing up making the last portion which was the kitchen portion that I decided I didn't want to eat tasteless muck. So, I added a little bit a salt, a bit of fruit and little things here and there. It won't be a five-star meal that's for sure, especially all mashed as it is, but it's better than nothing.

[Congratulations! Through your previous experiences as a cook, you earned a new skill: Cooking (Common). You won't have to eat mud this morning, how nice!]

I stared at the notification for a moment before willing it away, putting the oatmeal in the bowls and taking them to the dining room.

So, experience influences the chances to get a skill, hmm?

I couldn't help the smile on my lips.

As I washed up after breakfast, I contemplated. The children looked at me weird when I smiled so I had to smother it up but the acquisition of a skill as I had done gave me many hints.

First, previous experience obviously influences acquisition rates and probably upgrades too. Second, theory is not everything. I have to put it in practice to get a skill. Third, difficulty may have an effect on the acquisition of a skill and its resulting rarity but the last bit was all speculation.

Still, that was a good start for now.

As I dried myself off, I thought about what to do. Today wasn't a school day so I had a good portion of free time apart from chores. I still didn't want to think about the sheer boredom I will have to go through because of school but maybe it is for the best. I could slowly pass myself for a bored genius that hadn't had any reason to apply himself before. Not that I had bad grades before Awakening but they weren't that good either.

So, pass myself for a genius, finish school in record time and level as much as I can.

Sounds like a plan.

I was just thinking, it's good and all to have a plan but it has a small... hic shall we say.

I had no Idea how to level up.


Indeed. A magnificent, idiotic, dumbass.

So, since there isn't any enemy I could reliably take out and no dungeon in view- and yes no I.D- I'll have to content myself with leveling up stealth and cooking for now. Maybe I can unlock a chef class if I level up my cooking skill.

Which is why I found myself stalking a twelve-year-old.

You know, I never thought I would do something like this but here I am.

Thinking about it, it isn't even difficult. A kid doesn't have the best situational awareness even if they could be surprisingly insightful at times. However, what is important is the effect of the skill.

As I followed the boy through the building, taking care to not be noticed, I felt how the skill corrected my movement until I was subconsciously doing them completely naturally. How to distribute weight, how to reduce my breathing noises...

And it was completely bonkers how bad I was at it before, like I was not doing it that often or at all, but there so much more to stealth that I hadn't known before. I'm still no ninja, but I definitely am a halfway decent stalker. Maybe even a fraction as good as Hinata-sama!

But yes, it's quite something to say the least.

[Stealth (C) has leveled up! (7/20)]

Thank you, system-chan.

The level system for skills was curious too. For a skill to have only twenty level was nice and not as well. Could a skill evolve once it hit max level? Does it have any requirements for evolving? Are there any ways to speed up leveling skills?

The floor groaned, damn those old as dirt planks.


I quickly turned back to the corner, stopped and walked back there as if everything was completely normal.

The kid almost ran into me with how fast he went. I just raised an eyebrow.

"Did you see someone running?" I could tell he was suspicious of me because of his frown. Or he was trying to be intimidating. That I couldn't tell but I just pointed behind me towards the doors leading outside and just barrelled past me, pushing me.


A colourful wrapper on the floor caught my eye.

'Hmm?' I bent to pick it up, 'Candy? Wait was he stealing sweets?'

Heh, I just pocketed it and went to find another test subject.

[Stealth (C) has leveled up!]

Let's go!

Load failed, please RETRY

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