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Chương 24: Chapter 24: Mirio!

Outside U.A.

"Hey, it's the small mammal you all love. The principle. Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. It's hard for me to take care of it. This is something you can say about humans too. Even if you have a balanced diet with zinc and vitamins, the most important thing has to be sleep." Principal Nezu started his speech in an interesting way. Everybody was bored and tired. Tired after a long day of class, tired of staying in the blazing sun, tired of listening to lectures. Regular students would've already left or fallen asleep, but this is the U.A., this school has no regular students, everybody here is somebody who will achieve great things in life. There are absolutely no slackers here...

Now let's take a look at Luffy. What is he doing? Sleeping? Getting tossed around from shoulder to shoulder because no one was in the mood to deal with him? Getting woken up after a spiky-haired boy blasted his face? A certain girl taking pity on him and letting him sleep on her shoulder? With two pervy guys cursing the heavens for his luck? Absolutely not...

"Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst way for you to ruin your fur. So, if you're trying to improve your health and hair quality, you should make sure to get enough sleep.

"What is he even talking about?" Kaminari asked Kirishima incredulously.

"The cause of the disturbance in lifestyle is incidents from the summer vacation. I'm sure you already know about the loss of a pillar."

All Might was deep in thought, about a meeting with Nezu he had before joining U.A., before finding Izuku and before giving up his power. They talked about finding potential successors at U.A. He wondered who the principal had in mind.

"The effect of that incident has appeared faster than I could have imagined. There will probably be great chaos in society in the near future. In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you in the HERO course. You must approach activities outside of school like the HERO work studies that mainly second and third years, participate in, with a greater sense of cautioning crisis than before.

"Hero work studies?" Mina asked.

"What's that?" Jiro asked with the same level curiousness.

"The air around always feels heavy when we talk about gloomy stuff like this. Huh? The adults are working hard to do something about that heaviness. We'd like you all to learn that hard work from them and develop into capable people. All of you in the business course, general studies support course, and of course, the HERO course. I don't want to forget that you're a successor of this society." Nezu's long speech finally ended.

"Thank you, Principal." Vlad said as he took to the podium. "And now, we have a few warnings from the non-curricular guidance teacher, Mr. Hound Dog."

"Grrr... Yesterday Grr.. At the dorms Woof! Woof! Growl, never! Arf! *Hooooooowls*" Mr. Hound Dog said in his professional opinion. Everybody just stared at him baffled, nobody could make a understand a word he just said, but they all knew what he talked about.

"Well, that was um... something. Let's see. There were students fighting last night. You might be unused to life at the dorms, but let's live a life of moderation is what he means." Vlad helpfully filled in the gaps.

"Is that what he was meant to say?!" Kaminari and Kirishima said with a flabbergasted expression.

"Is that what he's like when he's angry?" Mineta exclaimed.

"Midoriya and Bakugo being treated as problem child, aren't they?" Momo said with a disappointed expression. Making sure not to wake Luffy up.

"It's a good thing they fought, they had some stuff on their chests... obviously..." Luffy said in a drowsy voice, which only seemed to annoy Momo, seeing as how she was letting him rest on her shoulder.

With a swift bit of movement, she managed to make Luffy face-plant the dirt. Luffy didn't even seem annoyed, he went right back to sleep. The advantages of having rubber bones. It wouldn't be fair to say that that's the only reason she has for being mad at Luffy, but she isn't ready to open the I-know-we-made-up-but-im-still-not-100%-over-it can of worms. At least not right.

Oh, Bakugo and Midoriya fought? Big deal, Bakugo fights with everyone and it was only a matter of time 'till Deku fought back. Some of their classmates were surprised about it and even more were worried/mad about it, Momo definitely was, but most were like Luffy, glad they worked through their feelings.

"Alright, time to get back to your classes. Dismissed." Vlad said as everyone started to disperse. Luffy looked like he got hit with Iva's adrenaline hormones, revitalized and ready for more.

"Let's go-"

"So, first period is English, right?" Momo said which prompted Luffy to immediately return back to sleep. " *Inhale* Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi. *Inhale* mi, mi, mi, mi."

"Oh no you're not! You can't miss any more classes!" Momo said as she pulled Luffy by the arm, which seemed to extend for eternity.

"No! Please! I beg you! I will die of boredom!" Luffy said dramatically which prompted Momo to roll her eyes.

"Oh, come on! It's not that serious."

"It is!"

"Plus, we might get some new information about the hero studies." This caught Luffy's interest. "Which might mean adventure."

"That's all you had to say!" Luffy said as he jumped back to life, literally. "Let' go!"

Class 1-A

Thankfully for Luffy, Aizawa was there to save the day. To make a long story short, Hero Studies are like the internships only closer to the real thing. Something Luffy was very excited about. Normally, this was a 2nd and 3rd year thing, but because of all of the villain activity that's been popping up due to All Might's retirement, 1st years are going to join in on the fun. Something Luffy was REALLY excited about. Only a couple of lucky students are going to get picked, something which made the entire class wary, everybody beside Izuku and Midoriya that is since they are suspended.

1-A Dorms.

Mineta and Sero were very closely examining the place where Bakugo cleaned. "Hmm? What's this dust, Bakugo?"

"Deku was supposed to clean that! Stop messing around!" Bakugo defended himself as Sero and Mineta laughed. "Hey! Can't you even clean properly?!" He reprimanded Izuku.

"I-I'm sorry!" Izuku quickly folded under pressure.

Everybody was coming back from a long and tiring day from school.

"Hey guys, if you put your trash in the halls, I'll take everything down in a second." Izuku said to the tired teens.

"Wow man, Mic's class today, huh?" Toru said with a bead of invisible sweat.

"Were you as lost as I was?" Kirishima said, with a look of despair on his face. He sat on the sofa, in the middle of the living room.

"Were we supposed to know all the grammar he was going over?" Toru said rhetorically.

"Oh yeah, that, I was like, is this even english?" Mina added, collapsing on the sofa from exhaustion.

"I don't know, it seemed pretty straightforward to me." "What english class?" Momo and Luffy said at the same time. Everybody looked at them weirdly for different reasons.

"Completely different sides on the spectrum." Kaminari said with a bead of sweat, in truth he found it hilarious.

"Two sides of the same coin, huh?" Tokoyami chimed in wisely, or at least he thought he was wise.

"The duality of a student." Toru said, with a bit of a mocking tone in her voice.

Izuku looked at them all in complete confusion. He didn't like being out of the loop.

"About those work studies, I wasn't scouted so I wonder if I'll get to participate in one." Jiro wondered aloud.

"Maybe we can go where we did our internships?" Toru suggested. Izuku was even more confused now. "I'd be totally down with doing that!"

"I'm totally going there!" Luffy said with a confident grin on his face.

"It's just one day! I've been completely left behind!" Izuku's inner thou- wait, did I say that out loud? "That's what you're thinking right, Mr. House arrest?" It seemed Iida somehow read his mind!

"WOW! You can read minds?! What am I thinking about?" Luffy said in excitement as he thought hard about some things.

"Food." "Straw hat." "Pirates." Momo, Kirishima and Kaminari answered with an amused look on their face.

"WOW! Can you ALL read minds?" Luffy said as he bounced up and down in excitement.

*So predictable...* They all thought.

"Umm, Iida? What's a work study?" Izuku asked Iida cautiously.

"Something I can't tell you about! The teachers have forbidden us from telling you. Sorry, you'll just have to experience the same shock we went through." Iida said with a very serious/mad expression.

"It's this thing where you can be a hero or something!" Luffy helpfully chimed in, while ignoring Iida's previous statement.

"Wow..." Izuku said, excited for more hero stuff.

"Class President! I must reprimand you for going against direct orders from the teachers! You know we are prohibited from sharing such information!" Iida said furious as he chopped the air in Luffy's direction.

"Don't care!" Luffy said as he twirled his straw hat.

"I-I can't believe this!" Iida said in shock.

*This happens every time, how are you still shocked?* Multiple classmates thought as they watched Iida fall into despair. Most of them laughed.

A couple of days later,


After a couple of days, Midoriya returned from being suspended, more eager to learn than ever, something Luffy will never understand. After, some quick hellos, an apology to Iida from Izuku and a reprimand from Aizawa, class was back in session. Bakugo was still in time out though.

"Now that Midoriya is back, I'll go into more details about the hero work studies. Go ahead and come in." Aizawa said as the door opened, and 3 3rd years entered the class. "I'll have people who experienced it first-hand explain. I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships."

Izuku and some of his classmates were surprised by who entered.

"These 3 are 3rd years at U.A. They rank at the very top of the student body, you may know them as the Big 3." Aizawa announced as two boys and one girl entered the class. Among them was a tall guy with blonde hair and cartoonish eyes named Mirio Togata. Also present was a short but still tall girl with light blue hair named Nejire Hado. And last but not least, a guy with short dark hair, emitting very anti-social vibes, introduced as Tamaki Amajiki.

"Oh, Wow!" Mina and Luffy exclaimed in excitement.

"Of all of the talented students here, they are the ones at the top." Iida complimented them.

"They're on a different level, still in school but practically pro heroes." Momo added on.

"Ok, get to it. Introduce yourself quickly. Let start with Amajiki." Aizawa said as Amajiki prepared himself.

"..." After a couple of moments of silence, a suddenly intense pressure enveloped the class.

"!" *What's with that look?!* Kaminari thought.

*So much intensity in a single glance!* Iida thought.

*No way, h-haki?* Momo thought, surprised. A quick glance at Luffy dispelled that notion though, seeing as how he didn't react.

What Momo mistook as haki was just Amajiki's efforts at making everyone's heads into potatoes. "It's no good. Even if I imagine them as potatoes, I can still see their bodies. You 2 go ahead. My mind is blank. I can't say anything." Amajiki quickly panicked as he turned around in shame. "I just wanna go home."

"Are you really one of U.A's top heroes?" Ojiro asked baffled.

"Come on Amajiki! you have to have the heart of a lion not a kitten, you know, even though you're a human." Nejire said light-heartedly.

"This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki and I'm Nejire Hado." Nejire said, taking over Amajiki's role. " We were asked to talk to you guys about work studies. But wait... Hey, hey, why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? Trying to look cool." Nejire said as she basically jumped over to Shoji;s desk.

"This is because in the past-" Shoji started.

"Ohh my you must be Todoroki. You are? Right How did you get a burn there?" Nejire asked without regards to personal space.

"Ashido. If your horns break off, will you ones grow in? Can you move them?"

"Well, Mineta, are those balls of hair yours? How do you get a haircut?"

"Luffy! That's a pretty big scar! How did you get it when you're so young?" Nejire asked the one question Luffy wouldn't respond to immediately.

"Asui, you're tree frog, not a toad, right? There's so much I want to talk to you all about. It's so strange." She continued bombarding everyone with questions.

"She's got the whole airhead thing down." Kaminari said, not minding her invasion of privacy.

"She's like a kindergartener." Mina agreed.

"Hey, hey! Ojiro! Can you support you whole wight on that tail?" Nejire continued.

"Well, umm-" Ojiro said, taken aback.

"Tell me! Tell me!" Nejire pestered.

"Isn't this lacking rationality?" Aizawa said with a menacing look as he watched the big 3 waste his time.

"Don't worry erasure head, I'm going last so I can wrap things up, right?" Mirio said with an optimistic smile on his face.

"The future's gonna be...?" Mirio asked the class with his ear pointed at them.


"The future's gonna be what?" A student asked.

"Grim! That's what you were s'pposed to say!" Mirio said with a laugh. "All right! My call-and-response was a huge fail! Hahaha!"

"They are all a bunch of weirdos" Kaminari said in a whisper. "And that's saying something knowing us."

"Well, you guys look like you're not sure what's going on, right? We're 3rd years who suddenly appeared to explain about work studies that aren't even required. That's confusing, right? You guys got your provisional licenses as first years, right?" Mirio said with a curios look on his face.

"The first years are really... energetic, right? Besides, it looked like my jokes didn't work earlier, right?" he said as an ominous shadow fell on his face.

"Mirio?" Amajiki questioned.

"I know! Why don't you all fight me all at once?" He said as if he found the solution to end world hunger.

"W-What?" "Fight you out of the blue?" Kirishima and Sero wondered.

"All of us? Shouldn't be too much of a deal." Jiro said, not concerned at all.

"Oh no..." Momo whispered as she looked at Luffy who was getting excited.

"it's the most rational way to have you all experience our experience first-hand, right?" Mirio said excitedly. "How about it Erasurehead?"

"Do what you want." Aizawa seemed to comply without a second thought.


"Is what I would normally say, but I can't." Aizawa intervened.

"What?" Mirio asked. "Why? I won't go too hard on them, I promise!"

"You're not the one at fault here." Aizawa said as he cast a quick glance at Luffy who was very much enjoying the spectacle. "I will let you fight everyone here, besides Luffy."


"Noooo!" Jiro was the first to panic, soon everybody followed. "Please no!" "I don't want to visit the nurse!" "Again.." "That's not fair!"

"Oh maaaan..." Luffy said with a huff.

*Probably for the best.* Momo thought with a relieved sigh.

"Why not, though?" Mirio wondered. "I'm confident in my quirk, and it wouldn't be fair to not have all of them against me."

"That's not the problem." Aizawa firmly refused.

"Then what is?" Mirio asked.

"Yeah, Yeah! Tell us! Please!" Nejire was dying to know, even Amajiki was invested.

"...hold on." Aizawa said as the whole class was enveloped in silence. Aizawa wasn't sure how many of them knew why, he figured more than he thought, with Luffy's blabber mouth. So, why not turn this to his advantage? "...After some reconsideration, sure. You can fight them."

"Thank you, sir!" Mirio said happily and naively.

"YES!" Most of the kids in the class, including Luffy, exploded with happiness and relief.

"Now go change, quickly." Aizawa said as everyone got out of their suits and quickly ran to the locker, with Luffy Infront. "Not you, I need to have a talk with you." He said as he caught Luffy in his scarf. "Everybody else, feel free to go ahead."


Soon, everyone left, with only Momo staying a bit behind, but with a quick glare from Aizawa, she also left.

Luffy, looking as confused as ever, said. "What's the big idea?"

"Look, I'm not going to sit here and just pretend I didn't know what you were about to do then." Aizawa said as his voice got more and more serious.

"What?" Luffy asked, confused.

"The exam." Aizawa said, to which Luffy's head perked up.

"Oh! Oh... You still remember that?" Luffy said as some sweat built up on his forehead.

"Think of this as a warning, your last warning. If you do anything like that again, now with Mirio or anybody else, Momo's going to be expelled." Aizawa said in a calm but nerve-wracking voice. Choosing to call her by her first name to really drive home the fact that he's serious, also because he didn't know if Luffy knew her last name

"What?! Why her?!" Luffy asked, suddenly very on edge.

"I have a feeling you care more about her status in U.A. than yours, I think that if I expelled you right now, you wouldn't even think twice about it. But it's different with Momo, isn't it? She actually wants to be a hero, unlike you. So, her future is in your hands." Aizawa explained as Luffy squirmed in place, knowing he can't punch his way out of this problem, which he wouldn't do anyways, not after his promise with Momo, but he still didn't like that she was getting threatened.

As for Aizawa, there are actually multiple reasons he chose to go after Momo, the fact that he can't technically expel Luffy is one of them. Another one is this way he punishes Momo for breaking her promise, the one she made when Luffy lost his spirits, which doesn't really make sense, since Momo doesn't know she's being punished, but the big one is the one he told Luffy.

"I know you have a tendency to let loose, so no more of that, got it?" Aizawa further reprimanded him.

"Okay! Okay! I got it! Geez, i can take a hint okay?" He can't. "Not everybody has to say it!" Luffy said, annoyed.

"Everybody?" Aizawa asked?

"Yeah, Momo made me promise the same thing. Not my fault everybody here is so weak..." Luffy muttered the last line under his breath, but Aizawa still heard it.

"That's good to hear, but now you have a bigger motivation not to do it." Aizawa said with a sadistic smile at which Luffy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll go easy on cartoon eyes." Luffy reassured him as he left.

"Him and everybody else, right?" Aizawa asked as Luffy walked out the door.

"I got it!" Luffy loudly said as he ran to the lockers, annoyance quickly getting replaced by excitement. He understands that he may have gotten a bit aggressive, and that he maybe, probably shouldn't have almost killed a pro-hero in front of ever of everyone, but it was all to protect Momo, his last family. Everybody makes mistakes, the part that makes him human is that he can learn from them. Slower than most, but he can.

Gym Gamma.

Mirio was seen doing stretches by Class 1-A, which were grouped up in the middle of the warehouse. Most of them were anxious, some were excited, and others just wanted this to be over.

"Mirio, you probably shouldn't." Amakiji said as he stared at the wall, trying his best to avoid eye contact. "For the work studies, it would've been enough to give them a quick rundown of the process, not everyone is filled with ambition like you. We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this."

"Huh?" Mineta anxiously said.

"What does he mean 'unable to recover'?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Nejire said, more than happy to offer a bit of knowledge. She was also more than happy to play with Mina's horns, which is what she was doing right now. "In the past there was a student who got so frustrated that he quit being a hero, and that caused all sorts of problems. You should probably be careful, Togata."

"Please stop." Mina squirmed as Nejire did things she would've thought of as inappropriate.

"Well, there's a handicap in place, but we have experience." Tokoyami said, not looking too worried, all things considered.

"Yeah, dude, we've fought villains before. Do we look like such weak small fry to you that you need to worry about us?" Kirishima said, looking more confident than ever.

"Right, you can come at me anytime, anywhere." Mirio said as he was done stretching. "Who's first?"

"I'll-" Kirishima said, ready for a challenge, only to be interrupted by Izuku.

"Here I come!" Izuku said. He was ready to redeem himself and move forward from the whole debacle with Bakugo.

"Oh! Look who's energetic. That's good!" Mirio complimented as Izuku got ready to strike.

*The student at the top of U.A., this is probably the best person I could ask to spar with! Outside of Luffy, that is, but I'd rather not add any more broken bones to my body's total.* Izuku thought as he took a pose similar to one that Bakugo would take. One ready for a jump.

"Close-quarters fighters should surround him all at once!" Momo said, subconsciously taking charge.

Kirishima hardened, Momo made a bat, Jiro got her earplugs out, Tokoyami activated his quirk, Asui extended her tongue, and Luffy, well, Luffy didn't even move. This went unnoticed by most of his classmates as they prepared for combat.

Izuku was the closest to Mirio and the fastest, after Luffy, so he went in first. Filled with determination, he got ready to kick him in the face. Unfortunately, all that determination vanished into thin air as Mirio's clothes simply fell off of him. He didn't remove them—they just fell down, passing through him, as if he had become a ghost.

"Huh?" Izuku was the first to notice.

"AAAAAHH!" The rest noticed. Jiro was just a little bit more surprised than the others.

"His clothes came off!" Sero stated the obvious.

"Oops! Sorry, the fine-tuning is a bit tricky." Mirio said as he quickly put his pants back on.

Izuku saw this as an opening and proceeded to take advantage of it. He kicked Mirio right in the face, only for his feet to pass right through him.

*As I thought, he got a quirk that let's things pass right through him! That's awesome! Wait, now's not the time to fanboy! What should I do? * Izuku thought and not a second later, Mirio got assaulted with a barrage of long-range attacks, but they all passed through him.

"Logia?" Luffy said out loud. They didn't hear him since he was so far back though. He didn't think there were any logia fruit-users in this universe. Luffy decided to let his classmates fight this battle, not only because of Aizawa but because he wanted to know how strong his faux-crew got.

"Wait! He's gone!" Iida alarmed everybody as he noticed his absence.

"I'll start with the long-distance fighters!" Mirio said as he appeared out of ground, right behind Jiro. Who, unfortunately, got flashed once again.

Not wasting any time, he knocked down Jiro and all of the students close to her.

"He can warp?! What kind of strong quirk is that?!" Kirishima said as he hardened his body and went after him.

As Amakiji muttered something about not his quirk being more of a curse and hard-work and all that other stuff, Mirio was mowing through them like grass. That stopped when he got face to face with Momo.

Mirio went for his signature elbow to the stomach to knock out Momo like the rest.

*If he can phase through object like that, then he wouldn't be able to hit anything, which means that at the last second, he makes his fist reappear!* Momo thought very quickly as she made a piece of metal appear on her stomach. *Which means I can hit him!*

*This is interesting!* Through Mirio's short history of sparing, only a few managed to figure out his quirk, and fewerdeveloped a countermeasure. *This might not be as easy as I thought.*

Not wasting any time, Mirio phased completely through Momo, did a quick spin which turned into a kick aimed at the back of her head. Momo's faint observation Haki kicked in which made her duck under his foot. Momo swung her bat straight at his leg. Unfortunately, it phased through.

"Wow! Nice dodge!" Mirio complimented. "It's like you have eyes in the back of your head or something like that."

"Something like that." Momo said as she threw her bat at him, phasing through. *The bat's too bulky, I need something swifter!*

Making a dull dagger and hiding it, she rushed at him. *Any attack I throw at him, he's just going to phase through it, so i need to attack him where he can't phase.*

Arriving face-to-face, she immediately ducked. Not to dodge, but to attack. A quick slash aimed at his foot, the blade phasing through it.

"Woah!" Mirio exclaimed, as he's now balancing on only one foot.

Momo didn't waste any time, as she slashed the other one. Same thing happened, but now he's falling in the ground.

"That was awesome, Yaomomo!" Ochako congratulated as Mirio retreated.

*If I don't act quickly, this is going to become a battle of stamina.* Momo and Mirio thought at the same time.

Mirio resurfaced and charged at Momo. Momo, ready for any attack, took a battle stance.

Mirio went in for a punch to the gut. Momo shielded herself with a spiky piece of metal, but his goal was never to punch her in the gut. Phasing his fist through her, Mirio stopped as his fist came out on the other end.

By the time Momo realized what was happening, it was too late. Mirio was holding her in place with his free hand and the only thing she could do was watch his face. Weirdly enough, his smiling face reminded her of Luffy.

Mirio, now making his fist touchable, quickly retracted it, hitting Momo where her kidney was, a weak spot, and knocking her out with his almost superhuman strength. "Poweeeeer!" (Damn, I really wrote this like she was about to die, huh?)

"You were magnificent, Momo, I shall never forget you for as long as I live." Mirio gave his (not his) quick compliments as he went for the rest of the students.

"Wow, he took down almost half of them in an instant." Todoroki said, surprised at his power. "I didn't know we had a student that strong besides Luffy."

"Well, he is the closest to the number one spot, including the pros." Aizawa informed Todoroki. "Aren't you going to fight? It's not like you aren't interested in being number one, right?"

"I'd rather watch the fight and not get any more broken bones." Todoroki said with a small chill in his back as thought back to the training camp.

*Seriously... Just how much did Luffy traumatize these kids?* Aizawa thought, seemingly tired of Luffy's shenanigans.

He took everybody down one by one, naked, Deku caused him a little trouble, but not even Kirishima's hardening could protect him. Iida? Couldn't outrun him. Hakagure? Couldn't hide from him. It really seemed like he was an unstoppable force. He took all of them down. All of them except one, that is.

Meet the unmovable object, Luffy. Mirio wondered why he was so far back, almost missing him entirely, but he didn't waste any time as he went underground.

*I'll take down the class president from the back!* Mirio thought as he reappeared behind Luffy.

"Don't forget what I told you!" Aizawa yelled out to Luffy.

"I said I got it!" Luffy said in annoyance as he turned around faster than the eye could see.

Mirio wasn't surprised at this, seeing as how he had encountered this counterattack multiple times before.

What surprised him was a long, blackened hand extending out to him, stopping just an inch from his face. Mirio quickly phased his head, thinking it would pass through him. He was very surprised when it didn't.

Luffy, trying to hold back as much as possible, imitated Izuku of all people. He flicked Mirio's forehead with such force, that Mirio was sent flying back.



"...WHAT?" Nejire was the first to break the silence. Flying at top speeds to Luffy. Amakiji following after her, worried sick.

"No way. Haki can do that?" Todoroki muttered under his breath.

"Just how overpowered is haki?" Aizawa said with a sweat drop.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" Mirio yelped in pain as he clutched his forehead. "Oh god, I have a headache. How did he do that?!"

"What was THAT?" Nejire spoke in pure excitement as she approached Luffy. "How did you do that?! It looked like a shiny black, is it a hardening quirk?! But wait, I thought your quick is rubber-body, do you have multiple quirks? How is that possible?! Even so, you shouldn't be able to hit Mirio, can you please, please, please tell me more!"

Nejire bombarded Luffy with a bunch of questions, most of which flew over his head. She took his arm. "Make it black again!"

Thankfully, Aizawa was to the rescue. "Calm down, I can explain."

"Please tell me!" Nejire said with stars of excitement in her eyes.

"It's a long story." Aizawa said, clearly not having thought how to explain the fact that Luffy can touch Mirio.

"I have time!" Nejire restlessly said.

While Aizawa was trying to lie his way out of this one, Amakiji was checking up on his best friend.

"Mirio! Are you okay?" Amakiji said as he helped Mirio get up.

"I think so, it sure knocked the marbles out of me though." Mirio said, thankful for his friend. "Is it bad?"

"I'm pretty sure it's dented." *There's not even a mark.* Amakiji said and thought.

"I'm pretty sure you mixed up your words." Mirio said as he held his forehead in pain. "Oh man! I can't believe I lost today!" Mirio said with a laugh.

"I don't think that's something to laugh about." Amakiji said with a deadpan expression.

"Of course it is! Now I have a huge motivation to keep training." Mirio said as they approached Aizawa, Luffy and Nejire.

"So, in short, that's what happened." Aizawa said as he finished lying.

"Wow, so you got experimented on so now you have a quirk that lets you touch untouchable people." Nejire said, unknowingly answering Mirio's questions.

"Well, actually-" Luffy said but Aizawa's hand stopped him from saying something potentially detrimental.

"Yes, that's the short of it, but this is a secret, so I ask you to keep it that way." Aizawa said at which Nejire quickly nodded.

"You got it boss!" Nejire said before noticing Mirio and Amakiji. "Oh guys! Did you know that this guy got experimented on as a child?! How crazy is that."

*Well, I'm doomed.* Aizawa thought as he face-palmed.

"Yeah, we heard." Mirio said before turning to Luffy. "That was amazing! I can't remember the last time I took a hit like that! We should spar more often!"


"No, now let's wake everybody up, we still have to explain to them what a work study is." Aizawa quickly silenced Luffy and started walking back to the group of knocked out children. Todoroki already started tending to them, so nice of him.

Sometime later.

"Oh man, that sure was embarrassing hahahaha!" Mirio laughed as everybody looked at him in confusion and nausea. "Your president is one tough student."

"Wow, so you really beat him?" Mineta asked in surprise.

"Pfft, I wasn't worried." Kaminari said with an air of arrogance.

"Good job, Lu." Momo proudly said with a gentle pat on the back. Luffy blushed at all of the comments.

"I had no doubt that you could beat him, but don't you think you could've stepped in sooner?" Jiro said as he was trying to fight off vomit.

"Sorry, sorry, guys. I just wanted to know how strong you all have gotten." Luffy said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well? What do you think?" Kirishima asked, dying to know the answer.

"Disappointing." Luffy said dead faced.

"Ah! So honest!" Multiple students recoiled in surprise. This made Luffy laugh.

"Ok, ok, enough. We've wasted enough time already." Aizawa said, annoyed by their antics. "Can you start already."

"Ok so, My quirk's permeation! What you guys call warp was an application of that." Mirio helpfully told the secrets of his quirk.

"How exactly does that work?" Momo asked, wanting to know as much as possible.

"If I activate my quark through my entire body, then my body can go through everything. Everything. That means the ground too."

"Ohh, then that was you falling into the ground." Ochako said.

"That's right, I fell underground and then when I released my quark on while falling, something strange happens. Apparently things that have mass can't overlap. In other words, I get repelled to the surface in an instant. That's how my warp works. By changing the angle based on the direction of my body or pose, I can aim where I get repelled to." Mirio explained his trick.

"Sounds like a buggy game." Mina deadpanned.

"You could say that." Mirio laughed.

"So, you can avoid all attacks and move wherever you want in an instant. It really is a very strong quirk." Tsuyu admired his quirk.

"No, I made it into a strong quirk. While my quirk is activated, my lungs can't take in oxygen. Even if I breathe in, air just passes through me, vibrations go through my eardrums and light goes through my retinas. I can go through everything. That means I can't feel anything. I just fall even while I have mass. That's all it is. Does that make sense?" Mirio explained the downside of his quirk.

"That's why if I want to go through a wall, I activate everything but one leg. Then I release it on the other leg and land on it, activate my other leg and go through. Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of steps involved, right?" Mirio further explained.

"If it were me, I'd mess that up if I were in a hurry." Kaminari sympathized.

"Besides, I can't feel anything. I wouldn't be able to move." Mineta thanked the gods he didn't have this quirk.

"That's right. As expected, I was always behind. In no time, I dropped to dead last. I dropped my clothes too, in order to get to the top. I couldn't just stay behind. Predictions, I had think faster than those around me. Sometimes I had to be tricky. Above all, I had to be able to predict what would happen, and what made those predictions possible was experience. I built my predictions on what I knew. It ended up being a kind of a long fight, but that's why I wanted to fight you all. I want to show you through experience rather than words. In our work studies, we are not guests. We are treated as one of the sidekicks and as pros. That's really scary. Pros will sometimes end up watching people die, but those scary and painful things we go through. All of them are first-rate experiences you wouldn't be able to have at school. I changed the experience I got during my work study into power and took the top spot. That's why I think it's something you should do even if you're scared first years." Mirio's long winded speech ended up inspiring everyone and motivating them to join a work study.

"I think you know something about what I'm talking about." Mirio said with a grin as he pointed at Luffy. "Isn't that right, class president?"

"...Honestly, I stopped listening to your speech after you said permanent."


"Permeation." Luffy corrected himself with the help of Momo.

"That's all right, I have a feeling you don't need this speech anyway, you and I are a lot alike in some aspects, aren't we?" Mirio said which confused Luffy. "We both have seemingly terrible quirks, but with experience, we managed to climb to the top!"

"Wow, you're right! When I got my powers, my brothers made fun of me. It took me years before I learned how to throw an actual punch." Luffy said with a smile, unknowingly helping Mirio's case.

"Exactly! So don't get discouraged. If we can do it, so can you!" Mirio's speech ended with a round of applause. Everybody was feeling amped and more than ready to take on whatever challenge would come their way. That's good because their next big challenge would be something that will change hero society as a whole, and it isn't what you might expect.


Living room.


"I wanna go!" Luffy whined for the billionth time.

"Nobody's stopping you, though." Izuku said, feeling sorry for Luffy antics.

"Yeah, but I don't know where to go!" Luffy said, a sentiment everybody present could relate to.

"I'm having the same issue." Kirishima said. "It also doesn't help that I have way less offers than Luffy."

"It is tricky, isn't it?" Momo chimed in. "This isn't like the internships, you have to meet the requirements first and pass an interview, and you also don't want to go to an agency that doesn't do anything."

"It's all about reaching that balance, isn't it?" Kaminari said a lot and nothing at the same time.

"Ah! It's worse than I thought!" Mina said, reaching Luffy levels of dramatics. "It's like getting a job."

"You could always ask for a recommendation." Izuku said. "For example, I'm going to ask All-Might to introduce me to his sidekick."

"Wow! That's awesome Midoriya!" Kirishima said, happy for his friend. "Maybe I could ask that Amajiki guy."

"That sounds awesome, Greenie! Do you think, maybe you could introduce me!" Luffy said, seemingly closing the gap between them in a second.

"W-Well, I'd like to but..." Izuku said trying to find an excuse.

"Yeah?" Luffy said unrelentingly.

"The thing is..."

"Uh huh?" Luffy had stars in his eyes. Izuku looked into those eyes, those begging eyes and he just couldn't say no

"...sure." Izuku said deflated.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Luffy said as he hugged Izuku till he couldn't breathe anymore. It's not like Izuku didn't like Luffy or anything, but it's more like, Luffy stealing the spotlight. Which normally wouldn't be a problem for Izuku, but he needed the spotlight this time around, and he felt like having Luffy there would be like taking care of a problem than actual hero work.

"Hey man, do you think you could recommend me too?" Kaminari asked, but after taking a closer look at Izuku's broken body from Luffy's thanks. "On second thought, nevermind."

"What about you Ochako?" Momo asked her with a level of cautiousness, after their last big interaction.

"Hmm, I'm thinking about asking that girl, Nejire I think it was. Maybe she could help me out." Ochako said, truthfully, she forgot and forgave her.

"That's not a bad idea." Momo said. "Maybe I could follow your lead."

"Sure!" Ochako was more than glad to help.

A random warehouse, away from civilization.


The young master of the Yakuza, Overhaul, was following Twice through the thick of night.

"cough cough. It looks unsanitary. Is this your base?" Overhaul asked Twice.

"Huh. Like we'd bring you to the main base right away!? This is like the interview location." Twice rudely responded.

"Give me a break. It's so dusty. I feel like I'll get sick." Overhaul said, thankfully he had a mask on, so he shouldn't be too worried.

"Don't worry, the guys inside have been sick for a while." Twice jokingly said as he opened the doors.

"Guys! hey guys, I'm back." Twice said to the League. "And I brought that dude, he's quiet but he's pretty cool. He seems like a real creep."

"Well, now. You've brought us a pretty big catch, huh Twice." Shigaraki said as he examined the young master of the Yakuza.

As the heroes made their move, so too the villains plot under the blanket of the night. The symbol of freedom and hope. A school of heroes. The league of villains, the yakuza and a little girl, trapped by all these heathens. I wonder what will happen.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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