The Saint frowned when Zane didn't open the book like he said. The god possessing the Saint opened his mouth and whispered to Zane once again, he didn't care how hearing his words would affect Zane, he only wanted to see the book.
Zane heard the voice in his head once again when the Saint moved his mouth for the second time. When Zane didn't hear him again, the Saint began gnashing his teeth together, creating a jarring sound.
He widened his third eye and unleashed a wave from it, encapsulating the whole of Arcturus in a thin domain. The skies above Arcturus began burning red after this, and the cracks on the Saint's body began glowing brighter with crackling sounds coming out of it.
He snatched the book from Zane's hand and tried to open it, but it did not budge even one bit. He squinted his three eyes and examined the book for a second.
Zane gritted his teeth and tried his best to stay awake. The Saint choking his neck, his pressure, and the voice in his head made him lose all his energy. He couldn't even use his <Arcane> to struggle from the Saint's hold. His drowsy eyes moved towards the Saint's hand, which was holding the book.
'No.... Give it back...' He thought inside his head as he couldn't speak.
Like he could hear his thoughts, the Saint turned his head towards Zane and smiled, showing off all of his sharp teeth. He moved the diary below his charred hand, which was still choking Zane. Then with a swift movement of his charred hand's thumb, he inserted the sharp nail of the thumb and slit Zane's throat cleanly.
Zane widened his eyes when blood came gushing out from his throat and dripped down on the diary of Szal.
"Ghhh..." He grabbed the Saint's charred hand with both of his hands and swung his legs back and forth, struggling to loosen the Saint's grip. But the Saint smiled and tightened his grip further, crushing Zane's neck.
Zane coughed up a mouthful of blood when the Saint crushed his neck, and his vision started to fade away. He felt his thoughts fading away slowly, and in a desperate attempt to stay awake, he bit down on his tongue. The jolt of pain helped him stay conscious and he immediately focused inside himself. He sent his essence towards the slug in his body, which was almost fully absorbed.
His essence activated the slug, creating a nearly invisible black barrier around his body. The Saint suddenly felt Zane's neck getting harder, but it didn't matter to him. The difference it made for him was miniscule, like an ant wearing an armor made out of paper.
In contrast, the difference it made for Zane was huge. This thin paper armor helped him stay alive. Although not by a lot, it lessened the pressure on his neck by distributing it all over his body.
The Saint moved his eyes from Zane and looked at the blood soaked book with expectation in his eyes. He pulled the book towards him and tried to open it, but failed once again. This seemed to anger him as his forehead popped with red glowing veins.
He was about to grip Zane's neck even tighter but he felt another domain appear inside of his. The surrounding red skies vanished and a black night sky came into existence.
Although Zane was struggling to think and keep himself awake, the appearance of the black night sky surprised him.
'I'm back?'
He thought as he looked at the night sky which was familiar to him. It had been too long since he had seen a black sky as ever since he was born into this world, he had seen violet nights.
He couldn't hold his thoughts for long as blood was still gushing out from his throat. Using the opportunity while the Saint was distracted and had loosened his grip, Zane focused his essence and moved the black shell like layer around his neck, pressing on the wound and nearly stopping his bleeding.
The Saint stopped focusing on Zane and the book and looked around him. Suddenly, the stars hanging on the black sky suddenly moved. They shot towards each other to create a giant white hand, which then moved towards Zane and the Saint.
The giant white hand left white streaks behind it, looking majestic as it approached the Saint. With a light snort, the Saint just moved his hand which was still holding the book. When he moved his hand, a bright red wave struck the giant hand.
If one looked closely, the red wave contained small sparks of red flames, as many as the stars that made up the hand. When the sparks moved together towards the hand, it looked like a red wave. Each spark precisely struck a star which made up the hand, creating an explosion.
The giant hand disappeared as fast as it had appeared. When the last explosion died down, the night skies became silent and serene.
"God of Mayhem.. What was so important for you to possess a Saint's body and appear by yourself?"
A charming voice of a middle-aged woman rang out from a distance. Moving his head, the Saint saw a figure floating right where the giant hand from before ended. The one who just spoke was a beautiful lady with black hair flowing down up to her waist. She had a small nose and red lips, and she stared at the Saint with her charming black eyes. She also had a small beauty mark below her lips, towards the right.
She was wearing a beautiful black and white sleeveless outfit underneath a long baggy coat. The coat had a symbol of the Church of Goddess Nox on the right chest.
"Stop with the possession of the body and go away. Your Saint has harmed a city of Nox enough." Her powerful voice reverberated through the air, affecting even the body of the Saint the God of Mayhem was possessing, which made him frown. Unlike the Quasi-Saint he was possessing, this was a real Saint. She was the current Saint of the Goddess Nox.