"The two of us won't ever happen, Zephirin. I accept it, " it took all of me to voice out this simple statement. To take the first step to letting Zephirin go.
The doors swung open, I looked up to give Sezian my response, inform him of my decision to give him a chance. All of my froze on the spot, the whole evil squad was standing by the door.
Zephirin, Ywain, Xerek, Dyrk, Aarox, Eilif, and Sezian looked panicked as they raced into the room. I felt my blood ran cold. The last conversation I had with the group wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Having all of them storm into the room, had me feeling outnumbered and weak.
Dyrk hurried up to me and spoke, "Are you alright, little bird?"
The others joined him, they looked onto me waiting for my response. I blankly blinked my eyes at the confusing scene playing out before my eyes.
"We should give him some room to breath. It doesn't help to have all of us surround him," Zephirin spoke up.
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá