Terin stalked the Templars from the shadows, he had joined the Mafia a month ago. Before that he was a member of the thieves guild, however the pay was much better in the Mafia. Currently he and his partner Eliot are tasked with observing their unwelcome guests. He watched as the men came out of the church and started searching the crowds, the spotted a group of their soldiers walking by. Quickly the Templars sprinted towards the group of 5, this would not end well for their soldiers. The small group has 2 dwarves who noticed the charging, and them being fools pulled out their weapons, not even thinking about sending the flare signal. Terin himself doesn't have access to Magic to send the flare, but his partner does, nodding to the other man who raised his hand before a large fireball shot into the sky and exploded. The Templars and soldiers didn't seem to notice as they are already fight, the two dwarves hacking away at the Templars legs while the other soldiers attempt to pierce the magic armor with bullets. At first there is no damage being done, but after a dozen shot are fired into one of the breastplates, a bullet finally makes it through the magical enchantment and flies through the armor hitting the Templar in the heart and killing him instantly.
The fight briefly calms down as the Templar look to be in shock that one of theirs died so quickly, mean while the other 3 soldiers are reloading. The dwarves being dwarves don't even notices and just keep hacking away. A second later though the Templars seem pissed off and start fighting with their anger burning. The fight doesn't last though, soon Mafia soldiers flood into the town center, many of them with ARs. The Templar captain seeing he and his men surrounded by people wielding the odd looking weapons, called for his men to stop. The 3 gunners from the original squad quickly pull back their dwarf comrades to the Allie's now surrounding the Templars. At this moment one of the 100 cloaked figures step forward, Terin realized who it is right away…The Don.
"Templars! You come into our peaceful town, attacking my faction member unprovoked in broad daylight. You demand answers from the citizens of Everwinter, knowing full well they aren't required to answer you. You have proven you aren't here peacefully. I will give you this one chance to leave our town. If you do not, then I and my faction will defend our home from invaders." The Don shouted for all the citizens, who had come back out, to hear.
"We will not leave until we find our priest and kill the Lich in this town. Tell me where they are and we will leave." Rodrick yells back.
"Haha your little priestess left during the elections, when she realized we would now have a mayor she couldn't bribe and corrupt to do you churches bidding. Isn't that what you people are all about? Taking over kingdoms using the excuse of "religion" all while preaching about being incorruptible? As for your Lich, he was never in the town. Sure he was outside however we killed him weeks ago."
"Do you have proof of killing the undead?" Rodrick asked. Terin could tell that the Templar captain was pissed after hearing the Don call his faction corrupt.
"Hahaha….proof. Why would I keep anything of that monster. No we killed it and it's undead before burning it all. I'm sure you've been by the cemetery, surely you saw the area where we had the bone fire. Go home Templars. Clearly we don't need your false protection." The Don shouted.
His words seemed to stir the crowd who began shouting at the Templars to leave "their" town. It seemed as if the Templar captain was sad hearing the shouts for them to do that. He looked towards the Dons cloaked face before screaming at the top of his lungs.
"I'm afraid we won't be leaving. HERETICS MUST BE CLEANSED!"
He and his Templars then charges in all directions hoping to take and many people down as possible. The crowd screamed and ran, over it all though you could hear the cold calm voice of the Don yell one word.
Suddenly the magical pressure in the town square increased 10 fold, and then hundreds if not thousands of bullets were being fired into the now close 15 templars. One by one the Templars fell, Terin saw why the magic increases. The Mafia had erected a barrier to prevent crossfire but allowed the bullets to enter, it also kept the Templars inside. Soon all of the Templars lay on the ground slaughtered like cattle, except the captain who is on his knees rasping for breath. The Don, now hold an AR, spoke to the captain on the other side of the barrier.
"Foolish man. Did you really expect to win this fight?"
"I may have lost the battle. But the church will win the war. I've already called for reinforcements, soon a legion will march on this corrupt town. They will cleanse your souls." The man said through the blood coming out of his mouth.
"We both know your church has far bigger issues to deal with then some town in the middle of fucking now where. Like the gates opening again after 500 years of being closed. I predicted your moves from the start Templar. Thank you for aiding me in my goals, now die."
The Don said before lifting his AR and unloading an entire magically extended mag into the man's already broken armor. The bullets bunched through armor, flesh and guts, filling the man with holes. The barrier was then dropped and Mafia members started checking to make sure the 15 are actually dead before looting everything from the bodies. Another group ran off to collect the Templars belongings from the inn. Soon the citizens started coming out from hiding again, looking at the bloody scene. Terin could see an almost proud look in many if not most of the citizens.
"CITIZENS OF EVERWINTER. THE MAFIA HAS DEFENDED YOU FROM INVADERS. WE ONLY ASK FOR YOU TO ACCEPT OUR FACTION INTO THIS GREAT TOWN." The Don yelled before turning and walking off. The man was smart, making it seem like he hadn't planned all this. Instead they are seen as heroes and in return he only asked for acceptance, something most would do. They didn't realize they had given up all the power in the town to one man.
(Author's Note: so has was the second bonus chapter? Really the first major action scene. Did I write it alright? Anyways I just want to thank everyone who's voting for my story. We got to 50 power stones way faster then I thought we would lol. I hope you all have a great rest of your day. Vote and leave a review if you enjoy! Comment if you liked the chapter, hated it or just want to say hi! Also join the discord for the story.)
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