It has been 3 days since Alex made his first deal with Ailas. During this time he had solely focused on making potions and planning for the future. It turns out that although the plants take 3 days to grow, the petals he picked for the potions only take 1 day to regrow. In these 3 days he was able to make 48 mana potions and 18 health potions.
The mana plants have 24 flowers and each flower has 5 petals, if he takes 2 petals from each flower every day then that's 48 petals a day. It takes 6 petal per potion, that mean every day he's able to make 8 mana potions while also keeping all the flowers healthy enough to regrow. If he picks to many petals from a flower then it will die. However he has two of both plants allowing him to double his production to 16 mana potions daily.
The health plants have only 6 flowers and each flower has 12 petals. Taking 5 petals from each makes 30 petals daily. It turns out the health potions take 10 petals to make, most likely due to these petals being smaller then the mana plant petals. Picking a total of 60 petals daily from his 2 health plants allowed for him to make 6 health potions every day.
Alex planned to finish the deal with Ailas today and get the gold. Tomorrow would be the last day the system payed for the inn room. Why did he wait this long to finish the deal with Ailas? Simple, he wanted the Elf to be addicted to his potions. Consistent use made people addicted like any drug. He also waited a few days so that Ailas had time to tell his mage friends about it as well, bringing in more potential buyers. Then after he made his money he would find someone who owned land in the nearby forest and try to rent out a cabin and some land.
After checking his storage to make sure he had all his potions and his cloak of shadows, he left the inn. Stopping in an alley near the bookstore to equip his cloak before entering the shop. The Elf man was sitting behind the countertop, however he looked like he hadn't gotten enough sleep. He was twitchy and kept looking around, when he spotted Alex he lept up with a wide smile.
"Ah just the person I wanted to see! Please tell me you have the potions." Ailas practically shouted.
"Be quiet you fool. Take me to your room and we can finish this deal." Alex responded.
Ailas nodded before turning and beckoning Alex to follow, the went to the same room as before. After entering Ailas reached under his bed to pull out a small chest, after opening it Alex could see it was full of gold.
"It will be 50 gold for 10 mana potions and 50 gold for 10 health potions." Alex told the man.
"WHAT! You changed the price! You said it was 5 per mana and 2.5 per health." The Elf shouted.
"Indeed I did, however the health potions take more resources and produce less the the mana. Normally I would charge 7 gold per health potion but I'm giving you a discount for this deal."
Ailas looked at him before grumbling and grabbing 100 gold, putting it in a pouch and handing it to Alex. Earlier Alex has spent 1 of his 5 gold to buy a large bag to put the potions in. A bag sitting in his inventory. Reaching into his cloak before removing it from his inventory and setting the bag on the Elf's bed. He removed all 20 potions and set them on the bed.
"You still have 3 more servings of the first potions I sold you correct?" Alex asked. The Elf started rubbing his neck, making Alex suspicious.
"We'll you see that same day I went out with my adventuring party and they wanted to try some so I gave away 3 servings. After that I decided I would have 2 servings a day so I had an excuse not to share. I ran out yesterday and my group has been pestering me for more."
Alex smiled under his hood, this was perfect. The man was addicted and more then likely so were 3 of his friends. He would have to find a way to get more of those growth pots soon. Luckily you can't die from overdosing on the potions, if you take to much you simply fall asleep until your mana or health stabilizes.
"Fine. Our deal is complete. Do you wish to order more?"
"Yes definitely. However not just for me. I think my party members will want some too. Can we set up a time to meet?" Ailas asked.
"Only this once. In the future if your party members want more they will make deals with me alone, not as a group. In 2 days, I will arrive at your shop sometime during the night. Now if that is all, goodbye for now." Saying this Alex quickly left. Stopping in an alley to put his cloak and gold in his inventory. He headed to the town hall where he could find the names of those who owned land in the forest. After arriving and asking one of the workers there for the list he came across a name that stood out to him.
Kognum Warheart. The Dwarf blacksmith of Everwinter. Quickly leaving the town hall and heading the to blacksmith, he entered to find a young Dwarf hammering away at a sword.
"Hello sir. Is Kognum in the shop currently? I wish to speak to him about renting or buying some land." Alex asked. The Dwarf sized him up for a minute before grunting and pointing at a back door with his hammer. Walking out he saw rows of shinning weapons and an old Dwarf, with an eye patch on his left eye, inspecting them.
"Kognum Warheart?" Alex asked loudly.
The Dwarf looked up at him. "Indeed boy. What do you want?" He asked gruffly.
"I wish to speak about purchasing or renting your forest land."
"Hmm. Fine. 650 gold to purchase. 30 gold a month to rent. It has a small cabin will running water and working magic fire pit, as well as 10 acres of land."
30 gold seemed a bit much per month but other then that it sounded exactly like what he needed.
"Very well I will pay 2 months rent in advance. Can I purchase it at a later date?"
"Fine but the price stays the same." The Dwarf responded. Before pulling out a magic contract from a nearby desk and signing it. He handed it to Alex who read and signed it, then he gave the dwarf 60 gold and left quickly with a map of the cabins location.
/ Current gold/ : 44
/ Current potions / : 38 mana, 8 health
So what do you all think so far? Is it decent? Trying to keep the info dumbs to a minimum but in a system story there will always be some. Was it to much info or was it okay? Anyways thanks for reading. Also I made a cover for the book, let me know if it’s decent. Made a discord as well.