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Act 18: Scene 4

"Amasawa, didn't I already warn you about wearing no clothes around here?" he told her in a serious tone while turning his head away for obvious reasons.

This girl was now stepping on dangerous territory, more than anything she had done before; he could easily stop her right now by grabbing her wrists and preventing her from doing anything else, but the possible consequences of that action was keeping him from making a move. Would the system activate and prevent him from doing anything in the end?

"I don't recall you saying anything like that, senpai. I only remember that I'm not allowed to sleep on the bed while in the nude. You didn't say anything about wearing no clothes around you, especially in the bath~"

Kiyotaka rolled his eyes discreetly, not allowing the girl to see the growing annoyance on his face.

"Is there even any difference?"

"Well, isn't it normal for people to enter the bath with no clothes~?" Ichika teased him as she undid the last button on her top, before removing it and letting it fall to the floor."Besides, if it really makes you uncomfortable, then I'll keep my underwear on. I just really wanted to take a bath with you."

"Why do you even want this?" he sighed, turning his attention back to the girl while ignoring the fact that the only remaining garment she had above her waist was a purple bra.

"This is what I want as compensation, senpai~ For being quiet while you're talking with Horikita-senpai," she answered as her hands started to travel down to the hem of her pajama leggings...

That was the last straw.

Kiyotaka's hands shot out and grabbed Ichika's wrists, prohibiting her from continuing any further.

"Stop being silly. Does it really have to be this?"

"Would you prefer it if I asked you to do dirty things with me, senpai?" she continued to tease him, seemingly unaffected by him restraining her.

The young man didn't say anything. Instead, he only stared at her with the impassive look that he usually bore on his face, showing that he wasn't in the mood for her games at all.

However, in a flash, the teasing look on Amasawa's face fell apart. It was replaced with a pout, as if she was displeased about something. This change in her expression made Kiyotaka raise an eyebrow at her slightly, thinking that this could be another attempt at making him listen to her wiles like she did earlier.

"It honestly makes me jealous too... Horikita-senpai, Karuizawa-senpai Kushida-senpai, Shameless-senpai, and every other girl who's in your harem got to take a bath with you in an onsen... it must have been fun. I'm your roommate and I adore senpai so much but we've never done anything like that..."

Just as Kiyotaka narrowed his eyes so he could assess if Ichika was being truthful this time, the world around him lost its color and everything froze.

The brown-haired teen groaned to himself. He was trying to prevent this from happening this whole time and just when he thought that Amasawa was messing with him again, his 'dating sim' superpower does this.

...oh well, at least this was something he was used to already, compared to the other one. Going through the effects of the system's most powerful skill was something he could never and would never get used to.

A. [Are you done being annoying? Get out so I can take a bath, Amasawa.]

B. [Fine... I'll let you stay and take a bath with me. But you're not getting in the tub because I'll be using it.]

C. [You want to take a bath with me? Get in the tub.]

Kiyotaka groaned again; not because he didn't know what to pick among the three but because he knew what the answer was and was now dreading it.

Knowing Ichika's personality, the option that would make her happy is the third one. The first one is out of the question immediately, because it would automatically lead to the girl being sad from the apparent rejection. With how the system produced the three choices for him just now... oh, he didn't even want to figure out for himself what could happen if he went down this path.

The second one... is pretty plausible but still wasn't the right one. It might keep her satisfied, being in the bathroom just like him, but knowing how this girl acts and what she thinks of him... it wouldn't make her happy at all.

And that left... the third option. Despite the obvious implications of it (which involves him being put in another questionable situation), the end result would definitely make Amasawa happy. Even though it would give birth to a whole new set of headaches and problems, Kiyotaka set his eyes on this option.

"I'm gonna regret this..." the young man sighed in his thoughts before making his decision.

As the world returned to normal, Kiyotaka walked past his roommate and stood in front of the bathtub with his head low.

"Amasawa," he called out to her.

"Yes, senpai?" she asked, hiding her amusement to herself.

Truth be told, Ichika really was just messing with him and didn't expect her senpai to actually listen to her 'request'. In fact, she was prepared for him to say no and tease him about it before leaving him alone so he can finally take a bath. It's always fun to tease her senpai like this and see if she could get a reaction of some kind from him.

Then again, it would be fun to take a bath with her favorite senpai and she definitely wouldn't hesitate to say yes if he invited her. However, Ichika also knew that he already had a lot on his plate at the moment with his classmate's ongoing case as well as his everyday struggles with his harem, as much as he liked to deny it.

"You want to take a bath with me? Get in the tub," he spoke as he began to remove his clothes.


That... definitely wasn't what she was expecting to hear from him.

"Did you hear anything else from my mouth?" he turned his head slightly to send her a look of confusion, before dropping his discarded shirt on the floor.

It's clear that she wasn't expecting him to actually agree, though. Or maybe she was just hearing things from him. She should ask him just to be sure.

"Really? You're not joking, senpai?"

Kiyotaka responded by removing his shorts along with his underwear, leaving him completely bare. This caused a full-blown blush to erupt on his kouhai's face as she watched him step inside the bathtub.

Naturally, her eyes were drawn to his lower body but she wasn't able to get a proper view because his arms were in the way.

"Get in before I change my mind, Amasawa."

To Ichika's credit, the girl managed to hide her disbelief and embarrassment behind her mischievous look. But the blush on her face was still clearly visible.

"Yay, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist your cute and adorable kouhai~!"

Ichika proceeded to take off the rest of her clothes; her pajama leggings, then her bra, followed by her panties. Now completely nude, she walked over towards the tub and even tried to tease her roommate by swaying her hips slowly as she moved towards him, all while Kiyotaka's eyes were on her.

"Like what you see, senpai~? I don't mind you staring~" the girl licked her lips as she struck a sexy pose.

"Get in already," his deadpan voice cut through her attempted teasing quite easily.

Somehow, the young man was able to keep his composure even though Ichika's naked body was right in front of him, save for a little blush on his face that was barely visible.

If he had to give his complete and honest opinion, Amasawa was no doubt beautiful and had a ton of appeal along with her. His male classmates weren't exaggerating with their reactions when they saw her for the first time. In fact, he was pretty sure that this girl could have any boy she wanted with no effort at all.

Unfortunately for her, this wasn't the first time that he had been subjected to this kind of situation. Amasawa should be aware of it already, since she knew that he went to the bathhouse with his heroines and had a relaxing time with them in that place.

She should also know that this isn't the first time that he's been close to a naked girl, unless she doesn't know the exact details of what happened at the bathhouse that day.

He also wasn't gonna let someone from the White Room break through his mental defenses in such a predictable way, even if she's one of his heroines.

Ichika felt a little disappointed at the lack of a good reaction from her senpai, but then she chuckled as another idea struck her mind.

Following his orders, she stepped into the bathtub and turned around so that her rear was facing him. Despite the growing blush across her cheeks, Ichika bent over and pushed out her butt towards him, inviting her senpai with an alluring smirk on her face.

However, Kiyotaka retained his impassive look in spite of her bold move. Even though he got a clear view of everything in front of him, all that appeared on his face was a small blush from a natural reaction.

No, she wasn't going to make him lose his composure, especially when he had gone through this before.

"What the hell are you doing?" he deadpanned, sending a clear message to this with just those words.

"Aw fine, you win this game, senpai..." she sighed in defeat and just sat down in front of him, realizing that she couldn't get through to the Masterpiece of the White Room. "I thought I'd be able to get a reaction from you, but I guess it takes a lot more than this to make senpai lose his cool, huh?"

"What game? I thought we were just going to take a bath together?"

"Never mind, never mind. I'll just be in your care then, senpai~" Ichika chuckled before she leaned against him, her back against Kiyotaka's bare chest. "I don't have any experience in bathing with someone else, but you do. So, you can take the lead if you want~"

"Just sit there and don't do anything," he shook his head and sighed.

"As you wish, senpai~"

The first thing Kiyotaka did was remove the ribbons on Ichika's head, allowing her hair to flow freely. He threw her ribbons on top of her discarded clothes, before splashing the girl herself with the soapy water.

Ichika giggled in delight as she got drenched in water. She helped him out by washing her face followed by her arms, as she noticed him taking the bottle of shampoo at the bottom of the tub.

Kiyotaka squeezed a sizable amount into his palm, before lathering it all over Ichika's scalp then the rest of her long scarlet locks. He followed it up by running his fingers through the strands of hair, making sure that everything was covered by the shampoo.

"Ahhh, it's quite nice being like this, senpai~ Your hands really know what to do, you know?" she moaned in delight, leaning back against the young man even more.

"Thanks," he muttered a quick word of gratitude before going back to work.

Ichika turned back to give the brown-haired teen a smile. "Do you want me to do the same to you after you're done, senpai? I think it would be fair if I wash your body in return."

He shook his head. "No need to. I can clean myself. I'm just doing this so you can finally stop bothering me about this issue."

"Hehe, if that's what you want, senpai~"

After about a minute, Kiyotaka began to rinse her hair while the girl just bore a look of satisfaction on her face. She never really thought that she would be in this situation, enjoying a bath with her beloved senpai, but she wasn't going to complain about it! Plus, Kiyotaka was taking good care of her and that's something that she was very happy about.

Things would take a major turn when she felt something poking her from behind, though. That particular feeling would cause her eyes to widen slightly and her cheeks to redden as a result.

"This is... senpai's..."

Ichika knew what it was and almost immediately, she saw it as an opportunity to tease her roommate. No way she would let a chance like this go to waste!

"Oooh, what could be this thing that's poking my back, senpai~?" she looked back and flashed a teasing grin at Kiyotaka, who didn't look amused at all.

"Stop distracting me or I'll kick you out of the bathroom right now and forget about doing this for you entirely," he told her in a matter-of-fact tone, which was enough to inform his younger roommate that he didn't want to deal with her jokes right now.

"Hehe, sorry~"

Despite the mischievous look that she bore on her face, Ichika was struggling to hide the growing embarrassment and curiosity that she felt regarding the appendage behind her.

"I can't believe it's this big... and I can't even see it for myself."

Another idea popped up in the girl's mind which involved grinding her rear against the young man behind her, but Ichika chose to keep quiet for now. She didn't want to push her teasing too far because she didn't want this to stop at all. She was enjoying this experience with her senpai way too much.

After he was done with her hair, Kiyotaka shifted his attention to her body. He splashed her with the water first, getting it over her shoulders, arms, and back. Ichika played along happily, shifting her body so that he would be able to get those parts easily.

Once he was done, Kiyotaka grabbed a piece of dry cloth from the nearby soap rack and drenched it in the water. After squeezing it in his grasp, he finally turned towards his kouhai's exposed skin.

As soon as the wet cloth touched her back, Ichika's eyes widened before letting out a soft gasp. It felt as if an electric shock traveled throughout her body, but in a good way. This was something that made her feel good and she wanted more of it, but what exactly did Kiyotaka do to her that made her like this, though? She had no idea.

Growing up in the White Room didn't really leave her any real knowledge of what these feelings were like, even if she joked about these things almost all the time. This was the first time that she was experiencing all of this at once.

"S-Senpai, what did you just do...?" she breathed out, her eyes half-lidded and her cheeks completely red.

"It was only a wet towel, Amasawa. Just relax and let me take care of everything," Kiyotaka told her as he grabbed her arm and slowly lifted it upwards.

"Eh?" The moment she felt the cloth against her armpit, her eyes widened even more and it caused her to let out a loud moan. "Ahhh~!"

Ichika continued to moan loudly while Kiyotaka guided the towel along her skin. She had no idea why, but with every movement he made, it continued to send waves of pleasure through every neuron in her body.

"S-Senpai, you must have done this before, haven't you?" she struggled to ask, letting her other arm be guided by the brown-haired teen.

"What makes you think that?" he asked in return, lifting Ichika's left arm so he could wash her armpit and then her sides.

"You're too good... at this... hyaa~"

"I like it better when you're not being annoying, Amasawa." The brown-haired teen then rinsed her arms with the water, before his eyes fell on the girl's back. "If I had to be honest with you, I'm starting to get used to having you around. It's not bad having a roommate, especially when she's a competent one who has a lot of potential."

"Aaahnn~!" she yelped in pleasure when the cloth touched her shoulders and upper back. The feeling of bliss that Ichika was experiencing grew as the seconds passed, and with every stroke that Kiyotaka did, it was taking over her whole body. "Y-You really think so, senpai...?"

"It's just a shame that she happens to be a bit of a troublemaker. I would like her better if she was more mellow and not as annoying."

Ichika's only response was one of embarrassment; her cheeks turned into an even deeper shade of red and her head was hung low, like she was trying to hide her expression even though there was nobody else around to see her like this.

For someone who always seemed like she could never be caught off guard or embarrassed by anything, the girl was helpless while she was under Kiyotaka's care, which is completely different to how she was expecting this whole thing to go.

Ichika had thought this would be an enjoyable and fun experience for her. Although both points were true, she didn't account for 'embarrassing' to be part of them. What's worse is that she didn't even know why she was embarrassed like this!

Still, the girl continued to enjoy the feeling of being washed by her senpai. Her moans grew louder as the seconds passed because of the mind-numbing ecstasy that Kiyotaka's actions brought to her. Every part of her body was in a state of pleasure, most especially the region down there.

She had no idea how he was capable of doing this when he was only washing her body... maybe it's just because he was really good with his hands? Such a thing would be expected from the Masterpiece, after all.

Because of that, Ichika was easily reduced to a moaning mess, not unlike the girls who were in the same state when Kiyotaka also washed their backs during their time in the onsen.

"This feels really good, senpaaaiiii~" the younger girl panted, her mind and body being easily overwhelmed by the growing pleasure that she could only show her joy by crying out her senpai's name. The blissful feeling in her private region continued to build up as well, and it was starting to get the better of her.

"Maybe if you behave yourself, then I can consider doing this again with you, Amasawa..." Kiyotaka shrugged, bringing the wet towel to her front, starting with her chest.

That was the turning point.

"Senpaaaiiii~!" Ichika cried out as the feeling in her loins reached its climax, making her arch her back off him in response. Her eyes rolled up and her mouth fell open, putting on an expression that perfectly displayed satisfaction from having an orgasmic release.

Kiyotaka only watched the girl with his usual impassive look, before catching her in his arms after her climax had subsided.

Ichika was breathing heavily, and her tongue was hanging from her mouth. She was still fully conscious, but seemingly unable to move her body for now because of exhaustion.

"Are you okay?" he asked, throwing his younger roommate a look of concern.

"I'm okay, senpai... I just need... a little breather," she muttered, taking several deep breaths as she moved closer to the young man. "Can... Can I lean on you like this for a while, senpai?"

"Go ahead," he nodded, grabbing the bottle of shampoo nearby as he can now focus on himself.

"Thank you for letting me take a bath with you..." Ichika leaned against his bare chest while tracing circles on his skin. She looked up at the young man and smiled warmly. "...love you, senpai~"

[You gained 40 Affection Points with Amasawa Ichika!]

[You managed to tame an annoying brat! You gained +10 in Wisdom!]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement: 'Something's Itchy Down There'! You gained +20 in Aura!]

Kiyotaka heaved a deep sigh of relief before dismissing those three notifications. It was probably safe to shift back into his normal demeanor, now that the situation was over.

"To think that this is all it takes to make her stop annoying me," he thought to himself while applying some shampoo on his own hair. "At least we only took a bath and nothing more. Anything else would have been more troublesome to handle."

The young man didn't even want to think of what else could have happened.

LanceSennin LanceSennin

I wonder what would it take for readers to leave a proper comment. What if I leave again for months?

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