" Marcell.. Marcell.. wake uppp.." A man was shaking a young boy to wake him up.
The boy opened his eyes to see a man smiling at him while holding him with both hands as the boy was confused as to why he was being lifted up.
" Ohhh he is awakee.. Well Good morning sleepy head.." The man asked before running his nose with the nose of the boy.
It was the parents of Marcell Vermont the Nephew of Pierre Vermont who was currently in front of Marcell.
For Marcell this seemed like a nightmare due to this happening before and this was the last time he had seen his parents before their untimely death.
" Marcell, Take care of your sister Yves okay.." The man said while patting the young lad's head.
" Aww, I'll miss you son.. but it's just a day as we will be returning at night.. don't cry, okay baby.." A Lady said while smiling as she leaned down beside the man looking down on Marcell.
Marcell lifted both his arms as pointing towards them while they were walking away as tears began to fall down from his eye profusely as he could only utter 3 words.
" Please don't leave..." His voice wasn't heard as they left and the next thing he sees is the corpses of his parents layed on the floor inside 2 bags.
Bandit attacked, they say, on the most well guarded route towards the capital which his parents used as it felt like lies.
Their bodies were chopped and diced to the point where it was difficult to identify who was who as the bandits showed no mercy as the family had to put it all together and placed it in a bag before burying them in the family cemetery.
Pierre Vermont was seen emotionless as his attire was all messed up as if he got into a fight as blood was dripping from his lips due to him biting hard on it to prevent him from screaming to let the sorrow out as he just lost his brother.
Suddenly Marcell woke up as he looked down on his hands and realized he was inside a train on the way to Vermont Household at Paris.
Panting heavily he looked out through the windows as he realized he was inside the Rhodes territory as he was traveling unannounced so the enemies to Vermont won't know that he is returning without any protection.
He drank some water while slowly slowly calming himself down as it was a nightmare of his family's curse.
It is said that Vermonts were cursed as they family members one by one were killed off in accidents.
Pierre Vermonts' parents were said to have drowned in the seas due to a bandit attack which resulted in their ship being destroyed and sinking as this made him and his brother the last remaining of the Vermonts.
Pierre lost his wife as after his wife passed away, Pierre lost any idea of having a heir of his own as he decided he wasn't fated to have a partner.
But his brother had 3 children as he was proud and overprotective of his brother as ensuring his brothers family remains alive but even with all his precaution and measures to protect his brother, death still came.
Pierre vowed to protect his brothers' 3 children but later on the Eldest son of his brother was killed by the Rebels.
But there was something off, the Vermonts weren't killed inside their land but whenever they left their land to venture outside it was like someone was waiting for them to leave just to attack and kill them.
After investigating, Pierre figured out that the Rhodes were responsible for sending bandits to kill his family.
But what made it reveal that it was Rhodes was the fact that his brother was called to the capital as soon as possible which made his brother to not take the guards as preparing for an envoy escort would take time as his brother was taking a well protected roadway directly towards the capital.
But Rhodes were the ones who guard the pathway hence why it was very clear that Rhodes had a hand in the murder.
The Rhodes clearly hated the Vermont family since Vermont was an obstacle for the dream of united France under the banner of Rhodes and the fact that Vermont was the richest household which focuses on trade.
But the Vermonts' hesitation to have more influence in the central decision making caused them to lose out favors of many.
Rhodes were already sowing the seeds to finish off the Vermonts but it'll evidently take time as you cannot take down a mammoth alone as you have to weaken it by minor yet effective strikes and when it is tired and closer to death, strike it hard with a final attack to finish it off.
But politics is important to ensure the citizens won't hate the Rhodes for the fall of Vermonts since Vermont was more liked than Rhodes.
Both houses weren't angelic as both do nefarious things to make money as Rhodes use their military and Vermont use their businesses as Vermont families tend to give loans and once you are unable to pay them back then Vermont will force you to work for them till the debt is over.
They'll force the common citizens to do whatever they want till the debt is over and sometimes things can get cruel.
Perhaps such cruelties is what made Vermonts be such a cursed family as now only 3 are left whole Rhodes have all of their family members alive as it was very much clear who was winning and who was losing.
At such a dire time, Pierre realized politics must be used for the sake of survival but it was just too late as Rhodes influence has penetrated deep inside the bureaucracy.
A coalition of households were planned but the lower houses who were willing to side with Vermonts, were all murdered by Rhodes under pretext of them being traitors to the Empire as it reached a point where everyone was sure, Fall of House Vermont were closing in.
Meanwhile on Sicily another household was brainstorming to get rid of the Rhodes who now is an existential crisis for many.
" Michael...." From the shadows a woman rose up as she spoke the name of the man who was present in the room in which she appeared.
" Michaella, my sister is that you.." The man turned around, fixing his gaze on the woman to realize that his sister had come home.
" Yes it is me, my little brother.." She replied to his words in a softer and caring tone.
" Finally, You came.... We all missed you so much.." The man rushed towards his sister as embracing her to feel the warmth and comfort she gave in her presence.
" Wait, where is father... " He broke the hug and looked at his sister all but worried.
" You know the reason for my arrival right.." She replied to him.
" Sister, I cannot take his place... You are not fit to be the head of this family.." Michael walked back as he spoke to his sister.
" The church in Roma wouldn't like the idea of the powerful family which represents this peninsula to have a female head as in a matriarchy.." She told her brother calmly.
" The church is the reason why I cannot be the head... You already know how they wouldn't entertain the idea of having a guy who loves another guy to be sat as the head.." Michael replied with concern.
" Maybe. But brother, remember the family is with you, You can marry the person you love as gender is irrelevant here for love is more important than something like gender... You love him and he loves you, for us that's enough and you are capable of representing the family... I'll take the decisions from the shadows while keeping an eye on the capital and our enemies..." Michaella told Michael to ensure that his reluctance is unnecessary.
" I am indeed too lucky to have you, my sister and this family but such a task of being the head of this family... Such a heavy weight upon my shoulders.." Michael looked down on his shaking hands.
" I am with you, the whole family is around you to help you carry the weight as you can always rely on us.." Michaella replied as she held his hand to show that he isn't alone and his family will always be there for him.
" Prepare a meeting, we must prepare as our enemies are already ready to lunge their teeth on our throats.." Michaella said as she hugged her brother and caressed his hair while there was no smile on her face but her eyes were filled with rage which could burn any one who dares to threaten her family's existence.