— 10 Minutes Before the Attack —
10,000 meters above the Kim Estate, an Atlantean carryall circled, as if waiting. It had been doing so for hours.
Inside the luxurious lounge, stocked with drinks and food, the bartender prepared drinks, and the chef cooked for their guests. This Atlantean carryall had been modified, stripped of military equipment except for a portable teleportation gate, communication, detection and the system for optimum flight. Daniel had added rooms and amenities for entertaining guests.
"You certainly know how to enjoy life," remarked the Kim patriarch, sipping his tea as his granddaughter enjoyed pancakes.
"What's the point of life if we don't enjoy it?" Daniel replied. "Patriarch Kim, the rumors might give you the wrong idea, but I'd rather live and enjoy my life with my family than sit on a high throne as the chairman of a mage's organization."