The variety show "Rose and Child" had a total of six children from celebrity families. These six children each had their own problems. For example, they were arrogant, willful, conceited, and so on. They were like roses with thorns that could stab others.
However, in the face of such problematic children, the production team chose six ordinary people, people that could not suppress these children at all to take care of them.
The program team's original plan had a good meaning. They hoped that the children would be influenced and learn how to be diligent and understand the lives of ordinary people.
However, the result was the opposite of what the production team thought.
In the face of these six ordinary people, not only did the children not choose to learn from these parents, but they even despised them from all aspects. They even felt that these ordinary people were not worthy of living with them, let alone getting close to them.