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53.84% The 100: Advanced Preparation / Chapter 7: Lincoln

Chương 7: Lincoln

______Space: The Ark_____

Back at the ark, it was only a matter of time before people began to realize the 100 were sent to the ground. Abby was worried about the constant increase of dark tiles, since yesterday night, which indicated a person's death, not knowing it was Bellamy's own doing. Abby was hanging on to the last thread of hope, hope that the earth was survivable.

As it was their last chance, or else more people will have to be killed off to give others more air to live.

______Earth: The Camp______

[Kids clamoring]

[Distant drums beating]

As wells finished burying the two kids Finn had been the cause for, Wells took their clothes and was about to leave when he was approached by Murphy and Atom, Wells tried to reason that they need to share based on need, but Bellamy had other thoughts.

Bellamy: "You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor? This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply"

With that, several delinquents began snatching and fighting over the clothes Wells had, it was Chaos.

Wells: "Is this what you want? Chaos?"

Bellamy: "What's wrong with a little chaos?"

Murphy then returned holding a girl by the hair.

[Girl screams]

[Girl whimpers]

Murphy smirked and said: "Bellamy. Check it out. We want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first.

Wells being the goody-two-shoes he is shouted: "Let her go! You can stop this!"

Bellamy: "Stop this? I'm just getting started."

With Murphy unwilling to let the girl go, Bellamy not caring and Wells unyielding, the situation quickly devolved into a fight, with the crowd not staying still either as they changed.



Despite what may appear at first glance, Wells was the chancellor's kid, so he knew a thing or two about fighting, and quickly held Murphy in a deadlock.

Clarke swooped in into the camp right at this moment and said, "Wells let him go!"

Bellamy, seeing his sister ran to her, "Octavia. Are you all right?"

Octavia: "Yeah. Thanks to Leon."

Bellamy was confused, he didn't know anyone named Leon, "Who the hell is Leon? And where's the food?"

Octavia, confused at her brother's question, looked behind her while saying, "What do you mean? He's right....there.."

Only then did Octavia realise Leon and Stella had disappeared. Disregarding the confusion, Finn replied.

Finn: "We didn't make it to Mount Weather."

Bellamy: "What the hell happened out there?"

Clarke, "We were attacked."

Wells, "Attacked? By what?"

Finn, "Not what. Who. It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder."

Clarke, "It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us."

Finn, "Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will. They even attacked Jasper."

It was then everyone's focus shifted to Jasper, who had thick bandages wrapped around one of his arms.

Jasper spoke with wide eyes, still shaken, "Yeah, if it weren't for Leon, I would have..I would have not been seriously injured and may be taken by the grounders or worse, I may have died."

Bellamy, "I keep hearing about this Leon, now could someone tell me who and where the hell he is?!"

Clarke,: "He was just here! He must have left just before we entered the camp, but he managed to save both Jasper and Octavia."

Clarke then placed her hand unconsciously on the black watch Leon gave her that had a small red button on the side that she could press to contact him.

Bellamy upon hearing Octavia needed saving, forgot about all that and threateningly spoke, "What happened to Octavia!"

Clarke: "Where is your wristband?"

Wells: "Ask him."

Clarke: "How many?"

Murphy: "Twenty-four and counting."

Clarke: "You idiots. Life support on the" Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!"

Bellamy: "We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!"

Delinquents: """Yeah! Yeah!"""

Bellamy, "Now, tell me what happened."

And so the group headed into a tent and began retelling their encounters since they left the camp.

Up at the Ark, Abby was trying to convince Jaha to stop the culling, but he argued the CO2 scrubbers were already failing. The symptoms of oxygen deprivation are everywhere, especially in children. Kane also arrived and informed Jaha about Bellamy Blake, his shooter.

At the tent...

Octavia sat there being interrogated by Bellamy.

Bellamy: "What the hell was it?"

Octavia: "I don't know. The others said it looked like a giant snake."

Bellamy: "You could have been killed."

Clarke: "She would have been if Leon didn't jump in to pull her out."

Bellamy has had enough, "Tell me about this Leon, who is he, where is he from"

Octavia then spoke before Clarke could with admiration evident in her voice, "When I was attacked by the Giant snake, he just came out of nowhere and pushed me out of the way! Then he...."

Octavia then retold everything from the lake to saving Jasper, even that he healed Jasper's wound and if it were not for him, Jasper could have died.

"His companion, Stella, is also very strong, she's the one that drove the grounders away on her own! Though I didn't see her face, her voice was very pleasant and sweet and she's even shorter than me!"

"We actually became friends, we talked about--"

"Ahem, thank you Octavia," Clarke stopped Octavia and continued in her place.

"They wore those high-tech suits that looked durable, the suit could act as a shocker like the stun batons on the ark"

"At first they were very quiet, but then they began talking to us in perfect English."

Clarke didn't mention his eyes, or the fact that he gave her a watch, only saying he was friendly and that they owed him.

"Hmmm. And where are they now?" Asked Bellamy.

The ground looked at each other in silence.

"We don't know"

"Yeah, they were just gone the moment we came here."

Bellamy, "Leon and Stella huh. I'll organise a search party and we'll go get them back, whether they want to or not."

Octavia's eyes widened and she shouted in disbelief, "What! Why!? I told you they saved me and Jasper and helped all of us return safely, They mean us no harm!"

Clarke also added, "Yeah, they're our friends now, we can't go after them."

Bellamy refuted, "And I'm grateful. But O' if they really have such advanced medicine and suits, it could help us against the grounders! And, we could get them to tell us where they got it from, surely they have a base somewhere if their stuff is in such high quality and condition. You even said they have you food and drinks, a resource we need. Besides, you don't even know them that well"

Clarke:"Oh yeah? As well as I know you?"

Octavia, "But--"

"No buts, I've already decided, we move in the morning."

"Grrraaa" Octavia huffed and groaned as she left the camp infuriated. If her brother will go after her savior, she just has to find him first.

And so, Octavia headed into the woods, alone.

________Leon POV_______

I was currently walking through the forest with the big ass water snake being dragged behind me. Where am I headed? To Lincoln's cave. He is the only grounder I can currently reason with, and he is strong enough for me to put in the effort to have his friendship.

Besides, I haven't got the faintest clue as to how to handle a snake such as this, I don't want to poison myself. While Stella could search the database, all signal antennas were destroyed, so she couldn't wirelessly connect to the servers in the bunker...and they were about forty floors underground.

The B-models are currently booting up a new antenna and putting together a large, military-grade radar and radio tower, till they do, we're are offline. The only reason they connected with the satellite was because the satellite was fitted with a laser radio.

[A/N: I don't want any nerds telling me that's wrong, I'm not an expert but my bullshit ability is top notch.]

Standing still, I activated the geoscan function of the ER-suit, metal spikes then extended for my boots. These were designed both to trek soft surfaces, and vibrate at high frequencies, sending vibrations through the earth, the feedback of which is read by the suit to determine the topography of the surrounding area.

Every few hundred metres, I would stop and activate geoscan in order to map out a complete topographic map of the area. As I moved further in, I came upon a sight that made me facepalm.

"Sigh, Stella, didn't I tell you to scout ahead for Lincoln's cave?"


"Then..why the hell are you PETTING A FREAKING BLACK PANTHER!!"

"HEHE, isn't he just a cutie~" Stella was kneeling beside a surprisingly docile black panther and rubbing its belly as it purred? The panther seemed to be a mutated variant too as it was as large as an average car, had pitch black, shiny fur and golden-yellow eyes.

"I didn't know you being part cat made all species related to cats friendly with you, already, chop, chop, we've got to move. Say goodbye to the, uh, panther and let's go."

Stella then asked, "Can I keep him?"

"No!" Without thinking about it I replied. Ain't no way this thing is becoming a pet.

Stella then used a dirty tactic on me, one that no human can withstand the power of. She removed her helmet, tilted her head, widened her now teary eyes and flopped down her cat ears.


"Ack!" Critical hit.

Finish him.

Stella's eyes teared up even more and she got closer to me delivering the final blow, "Fow me, pwease?~"



And that's how we got a black Panther, now named Patty, as a pet...god have mercy on my soul for I am too weak to temptation, in front of such divine cuteness I am but a mortal.

"I'll get you back for this!" I gritted my teeth and moved on, trying my best to ignore the new addition to the group.

Eventually, just when the sun was setting, they found the cave entrance, but before they could enter a scream attracted Stella's attention due to her hearing which is much stronger than Leon's.

"Honey, wait. I heard a scream just now, it seemed to be Octavia's!" Said Stella worriedly as she rushed to save her friend.

"Oi, wait up," I dashed behind her and began following her lead. What was Octavia doing out here? This is different from the show, since I saved Jasper, Clarke has no reason to leave to save him, and so Octavia shouldn't have fallen down a cliff and gotten injured and then kidnapped/saved by Lincoln.

Soon we arrived at the location where the sound was heard, but by then, there was no one there. Without talking, we both knew what to do. Pressing a button on our helmet, it scanned the surface of the ground and soon, glowing footprints began appearing in our vision.

This is a nifty little trick I added to the suits, never thought I'll use it so soon.

Following the set of prints, we arrived at a cave that I recognized. It was a wide cave with a metal-bared entrance, it was the place Octavia was being held at in the show.

"Stella, wait outside, I'll handle this one." Without waiting for a reply, I headed down to the cave, seeing the door made of iron bars, I simply do a front kick, sending it flying with an audible clang.


As I walked inside, my cybernetic eyes auto-adjusted to the light intensity so I saw perfectly without the need for night vision. There she was, tied to the wall with some bandages made of leaves around her right leg. She looked up and saw me.

"L-leon? How did you find m--Leon watch OUT!"


A heavy strike landed on the back of my head, making my head tilt forward slightly. If any other person was there, he would have been knocked out instantly.

Apparently surprised I was still standing , my attacker took two rapid steps back and held a sword in his hand. Not wanting this misunderstanding to escalate, I said.

"Hey! Stop! I'm not here to attack you!" But apparently, someone barging in while covering his face isn't exactly convincing.

Lincoln charged and barred his sword to my neck, I took out a folded baton from my suit and with a flex, it straightened out into a two-meter long steel Rod.


Lincoln then bent down without pause and sought to injure my legs, I swirled the rod around expertly and blocked the blow, then counter-attacked at his exposed head with the other end.


With that, Lincoln was knocked out. Sigh, I wished he'd listen to me more. I signaled Stella to come in, upon doing so she frees Octavia of her chains.

"What were you doing out here all on your own Octavia?"

I asked as her leg was being treated by Stella.

"I was looking for you! Bellamy is organising a group to come after you!"

At her warning, I smiled, tsk, tsk, Bellamy Bellamy Bellamy. You are so predictable. Welp, I'm sure some of your me will get picked off by the grounders, hope that puts the responsibility you hold into greater perspective. Hmm, maybe taking Octavia with me will give him enough shock for him to come back to his senses.

While Stella carried Octavia, I carried Lincoln and we headed toward his cave. Unfortunately, Stella wouldn't let us switch no matter how much I secretly messaged her. Traitor !

___Lincoln's Cave___

Me and Stella were sitting quietly like any polite guests while Octavia rummaged through everything that can be. She stopped upon a drawing of a mushroom cloud, and asked.

"What is that?"

I took the lead in explaining, "That is what ended the world. Praimfaya, as the Grounders call it. In truth, it was a nuclear apocalypse, a catastrophic event which took place in 2052, 97 years ago. Nuclear missiles launched from all over the world, killing around 11 billion people in its aftermath."

"This left the earth a radiation-soaked planet, the only reason your skin is not melting is because you grew up in space absorbing solar radiation. And why the grounders are still alive is because their ancestors had nightblood, which some still inherit. This blood grants them resistance to radiation."

Octavia was silent, absorbing the radiation. She was never told of such history on the Ark, only that the ground wasn't survivable. She was awed at what happened.

"How do you know all of this?"


Seeing me silent, she knew I wouldn't respond so she switched the topic.

"Why did you leave all of a sudden," asked Octavia.

"We needed to return" I answered vaguely.

"Return where?"

I remained silent, Octavia approached me and sat on my lap.

"Being mysterious? I think it's hot~"


"ah, sorry Stella." Said a flustered Octavia.

Stella, "It's okay and all, but the grounder is waking up."

Upon hearing this, they all looked toward Lincoln who was slowly beginning to open his eyes. And as soon as they opened, he retreated back rapidly against the wall, not forgetting to grab one of the small knives on the wall.

Octavia shouted, "We just want to talk, I know you tried to help me, sorry I misunderstood!"

Still unrelenting, I spoke up in trigedaslang,

"Ai advise yu kom chil yo daun Lincoln, taim ai wanted kom kill yu ai would don already odon so. O nou yu find em weird yu're nou even tied up"

(I advise you to stand down Lincoln, If I wanted to kill you I would have already done so. Or don't you find it weird you're not even tied up)

Lincoln's eyes widened as he let down his gaurd a bit, "Yu speak ai sleng, yu know ai name, chon yu bilaik?"

(You speak my language, you know my name, who are you)

"My name is Leon, this is Stella, and this here is Octavia. Sorry we intruded." I gestured to each of the girls introducing them.

"It's fine, I was the one who attacked you first,...What do you want." He nodded.

"I'm here to talk, let's have a good long discussion, over some food of course." After I finished, I pointed to the massive snake resting at the cave's entrance.

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