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46.15% Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 30: Just a walk right? Nothing bad can happen

Chương 30: Just a walk right? Nothing bad can happen

Opening my eyes in the morning is always the same route. Getting up I looked around for the first time in a while, Kiri was not sleeping in my bed. I got used to her sleeping there.

Maybe she finally backed down from that or it could be because she was busy trying to help the people in her tribe.

Heading to the shower room I take a quick shower and head back into my little space.

After getting dressed I walked over to the little lab that I had been working in for the time I had been here. What Rick said had given me a minor scare. I'm not sure what to do now.

He did not say anything about me leaving and whatnot. So I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing which is fucking these Navi girls.

Yep, nothing to worry about at all everything will be fine. Anyway, I guess I should head on over to the mountain base in person.

After making myself a meal I walk outside of the cave. The tree was still providing an excellent cover from the sun over me. Whistling out to the sky after a couple of seconds a banshee comes out from the trees and lands in front of me.

Walking forward to her she moves her face to see me with both of her eyes. She then walked over to me still looking till she nudged her head onto my chest and made a purr sound like a cat.

Patting her on the side of her face. She lets out a happy screech as if she knows who I am without the avatar—moving along her side to where I would move to hop onto her back.

Trying to hop on however since it was made for Navi it was a bit hard to get onto her. Patting on her side she looks at me. I pointed toward the ground and she knew what I had wanted her to do.

She went to lay on the floor making it easier to get on top of her. After getting seated on her I grabbed the handle to the seat. I patted her neck and she opened her wings and started to flap her wings to get off the ground.

After a while of flying around the banshee brought me to the three mountains. She flies over to the spot for the other banshee. After landing on the ground I slid off her.

Landing on the ground I walked over to the front of the banshee and patted her on the side of her head for doing a good job. The banshee started to purr again. After a couple more seconds I walked away to a hut.

Opening the door I walk into the hut. To my surprise again a Familiar Navi girl was Curled up Against my avatar body.

She was one of the smallest ones in her family. Seems like the way she has been acting toward me recently does not match what she does when I'm gone.

A small chuckle comes out of my mouth. No matter how much she tries to hide it now I can see that is not how she feels.

Looking at my avatar body he lay there movement less. Like a corpse from the train yesterday except not bleeding and dead.

Walking out of the hut I looked around for a while just taking a look at things with my own eyes. It will be a different experience for sure.

Out of nowhere, I feel the weight of Navi on my body. Looking up the best I can with the extra pound on my body.

???: Well we'll see who finally showed up here.

Y/n: Good to see you again lo'ak

Feeling the weight being lifted off my body I turn around and see lo'ak there.

Y/n: What are you doing around here?

Lo'ak: me? Well, I'm just walking around bored out of my mind right now.

Y/n: Yea I'm with you that lo'ak

Lo'ak: Man I'm pissed that I was not able to do anything cool yesterday.

Y/n: I get it no one like to be put on the backside

Lo'ak: Next time I swear I'm going to go and look at some of the stuff and look for anything cool.

Y/n: I won't stop you but for legal reasons, I will still act like I did try to stop you.

Lo'ak let out a laugh.

Lo'ak: You know y/n.

Y/n: what up

Lo'ak: At first I was not too fond of you but you proved me wrong.

Y/n: I get it I'm not the best guy I know that but thanks for telling me this in person

A couple of minutes passed afterward we just talked about other things. We were both walking towards the hut that the two brothers lived in. loak opened the door walking in neteyam was passed out on his bed sleeping.

Loak had a smug smile on his face when looking at me. He slowly walked over to the sleeping boy. As he got close to his brother he climbed onto the edge of the bed. For some reason, the room got dark all of a sudden and his smug look became more smug.

(Image insert here)

(This is how he looked just to give you guys an image)

I walked to the side of the bed to get a better look at the event that was about to unfold before me.


He jumped at the last number on top of the sleeping neteyam who was scratching his stomach. Well, that was what he was doing before lo'ak jumped on top of him making him make a loud oof sound.

He looked like his soul left his body as he looked pale as a dead body.

He was swinging his arm on Loak's back telling him to get off the best that he could do anyway.

Loak on the other hand was laughing his balls off and killing neteyam his weight.

Neteyam: Please lo'ak get off of me.

He said that as dead less as possible. After Lo'ak got off him he slowly turned over his body. hanging half off his bed

y/n: How are you holding up neteyam?

He looks at me like he saw a ghost.

Neteyam: Never better.

He pulled his hand up and formed a thumbs-up that was shaking.

Y/n: I feel you neteyam I do.

Every time Kiri would come running at me knocking me down but she would headbut my ribs killing them.

Then out of nowhere he quickly popped up from the bed looking at me.

Neteyam: Oh y/n you are here.

Y/n: In the flesh or something like that.

Neteyam: You've never been here in your normal body. How come?

Y/n: just wanted to get some exercise and thought why not see this place in person?

Loak: So that's why you were not using your avatar body.

y/n: yep so I'm just walking around.

We were walking over to the door and preparing to head on out.

Neteyam: Are you planning to go see Kiri?

Y/n: yea I noticed she was not in her usual spot so I was thinking of seeing what she was up to.

Neteyam: She was pretty busy yesterday so she might not have left to go see you.

Y/n: Do you two know where I can find her?

Loak: Maybe the medical tent.

Neteyam: Yeah she's probably there.

y/n: Then let's head over to see her.

I open the door to their hut and walk out the door. Loak and Neteyam follow behind me. However, Neteyam stops walking.

Y/n: Why did you stop walking Neteyam?

Neteyam: I can't go with you.

Y/n: I knew you were dead this whole time. No, he was so young.

I get smack on the back of my head.

Neteyam: Stop being stupid

Y/n; Alright, alright I get it How come you can't go with us?

Neteyam: Dad wants to talk to me about something important about family he said.

Hmm, that was weird. For a moment there I thought I heard an older man say the family part. As if he was in a movie, probably nothing.

Somewhere in another time.

???: Anything is possible with family nothing is impossible

???: Why are you saying that Dom?

The man comes out of the shadows. He is the one and only Dominic Toretto.

Now let's launch this rocket. He enters a car and counts down start 5 ... .4 ... .3 ... .2…1 the car is launched into space.

???: were not going to make it Dom

Dominic Toretto turns his head. toward the scared person. Dom put his hand on the person's shoulder giving a reassuring smile

Dominic Toretto: Anything is possible with family.

The car then blasts off into space and deeper into the multiverse

Back on pandora

Me and Laok were approaching the hut that was deeper into the mountain. I am sure she will like the surprise after the probably a busy day yesterday. Maybe without lo'ak after what he just showed me what he did to poor Neteyam.

Y/n: Let me go first.

Loak: Why?

Y/n: Well because I'm sure she will be happy to see me. You on the other hand after what you did to sweat poor Neteyam.

Loak: Alright I see what you're getting at.

Y/n; Thank you lo'ak.

I ran ahead of him to the hut. I open the door a bit and see Kiri right there sleeping at a desk. Going inside the hut I make sure to close the door behind me. I walk over to the sleeping kiri.

Looking at her face she looks scared of something. Maybe she is having a nightmare of some kind. I shake her shoulder a bit to wake her up. She slowly opens her eyes. I looked around for minutes till her eyes landed on me.

She springs up from the chair and jumps towards me hugging me. Not expecting that to happen we fall onto the ground.

Kiri: Y/n!

She was rubbing her face into my neck kind of like a cat would do if they did not want to kill you. She had tears falling from her eyes.

Y/n: You alright Kiri? You're crying.

She moves one of her hands and swipes away any tears that are coming down her face.

Kiri: I'm alright just had a bad nightmare

Y/n: You want to talk about it?

She takes a moment to think about if she should tell me or not.

Kiri: I….you were there you looked like you are now. I see your body on the ground in a crushed tree of some kind or maybe it had something to do with wood. Anyway, you were not moving at all.

She looked scared of what she saw in the dream.

Kiri: That's where it stops, you woke me up before it got any worse.

Y/n: I see.

Taking a moment to think about what she told me. It could have been just a dream right? But there was that one thing a while ago in the cave. I'll think about this later for now. I should tell her it's alright.

Y/n: There is nothing to worry about Kiri, it was just a dream. Even if something like that happened I know That you will be by my side.

I embrace her in the hug that we have been in for a bit.

Y/n: Trust me Kiri nothing bad is going to happen to me or your family.

Kiri: Thank you Y/n.

Loak: Hey are you guys done tal-

Looking at the voice I saw lo'ak who was looking at me and Kiri. Kiri was still hugging me without looking at lo'ak.

Loak: Sorry for bothering you guys

He starts to close the door.

Y/n: wait lo'ak! It's not what it seems.

He comes back into the hutt laughing his leg off at what just happened. I get off the ground with Kiri still hugging me. After a bit, she stops holding onto me.

Kiri: Why are you guys here anyway?

Lo'ak: Y/n wanted to look around so we decided to come see you.

Kiri: Well it's good to see both of you especially after your guys left yesterday for the train attack.

Y/n: That was a pretty hard battle.

Lo'ak: At least you got action.

Y/n: come on lo'ak I'm sure you will get some eventually.

After spending some time talking about yesterday we head out to do some more walking after spending some time walking around. Neteyam comes running over us.

Neteyam: *heavy breathing* There you guys are.

Lo'ak: Is something wrong Neteyam?

Neteyam: What? Not everything is fine, just Dad wants to meet up with him and Mom.*heavy breathing*

Kiri: What for Neteyam?

Neteyam: I'm not sure he just told me he wants us all together. I already told Tuk.

Lo'ak: We should not keep him waiting then.

Kiri: You're probably right, lo'ak You know how strict he can be.

Y/n: You guys should get going then better not keep him waiting.

Turning around I walked a few feet before I stopped.

Neteyam: Where are you going y/n?

Y/n: I'm just going to walk around. As you guys go meet up with Jake.

Neteyam: he wants you there as well y/n.

Y/n: Really?

Neteyam: Yeah now let's get going then.

Y/n: Alright then.

I ran and caught up with the group as we walked over to Jake and Neytiri's hut.

Speaking of Neytiri even though I don't have a reason to go and try to make her my girl anymore. She is still really hot so the plan does not change for going after her.

However, I was thinking of forcing her but after doing some thinking about the last time when we had a somewhat sexual interaction in the bathroom.

She did not mention anything after the bath, however, I thought she might have been kind into it. It was kind of hard to tell because of the water.

I'm pretty sure she was wet and not counting the times when she was training with me.

I stopped walking and turned around to the science building. My focus was on the corner of the building

There was nothing there that could have given me that feeling of being watched.

Kiri: Is something wrong Y/n?

Y/n: uh No I don't think so.

Maybe that was my imagination.

After walking for a bit more we were at the hut. Neteyam knocked on the door and backed up.

A male voice could be heard from the other side. The door swings open with Jake in the doorway

Jake: Hey kids come on in.

He heads back into his home. We all enter after him. Looking around the hut I see there are two beds and the bow of Neytiri's father.

Neytiri was sitting down on a chair as Luk was close to her and Jake gose over and sat next to her. Jake's face changes from his serious look to a more fathered look.

Jake: I'm sure you all are probably wondering why I had Neteyam come to get you.

Neytiri tapped on his arm and told him to be more like a father and less serious. Jake took a few minutes to collect his thoughts.

Jake: I had your brother come get you because I want us to do something as a family and as for you Y/n I needed your help with it.

Y/n: Happy to help then

After some more talking, I ended up zoning out on what they were saying.

We started to walk outside the hut. We end up walking for a good while. We ended up on the outside of the mountain but still on the mountain.

We looked for a good spot for this family activity. The spot that we ended up at was not too far from the opening to the base on the side of the mountain.

Jake: y/n I want you to be right.

Going to the spot that he pointed out. Jake gave me an old-school camera.

Jake: When I tell you I want you to take a photo alright?

Y/n: Don't worry I got this.

Jake: Thank you y/n.

Y/n: No problem.

Looking forward they were all standing around Jake walking over to them.

Jake: Come on everyone, we are going to take a picture.

Tuk: A picture I love taking pictures

Lo'ak: A photo? Sounds boring to me.

Neteyam: What's wrong with you baby brother not having fun?

Lo'ak: Shut up Neteyam

Neteyam: *chuckling*

Kiri: ugh I don't want to take a photo

Neytiri: Come here, Kiri

Kiri: ugh

Everyone was either next to each other or below them. One of the hits could be seen in the background with light coming out.

After they all are set up for the photo Jake looks over at me and nods his head.

Bring the camera up to my head to look through it to see what the picture would look like before it captures this moment.

Deciding that the way they were set up was good enough I clicked on the camera and it went off taking the photo.

The family gets out of the pose that they were in. Jake walks over to me. The picture came out from the bottom of it. Taking a look at it they looked like a nice family.

(Image inserted here)

Giving the photo to Jake he looks at it with a smile on his face. Afterwards, we head back into the mountain

We make it back to Jake's hut we give our goodbyes as we spit off from Jake and Neytiri

Y/n: Man I'm tired of this.

Lo'ak: Me too man.

Y/n: Also thank goodness that I can grab new air close by or else I would have died.

Neteyam: So what are you guys going to do next?

Y/n: I'm going to watch the sunset before heading back to my base.

Kiri: I'll join you then.

Y/n: Not this time Kiri. I just want to be alone and have some stuff to think about.

Kiri: Oh alright then

Y/n: I'm going to head out now then. See you guys later.

We say our goodbyes as I head off to get a good view of the sunset.

Kiri pov

There he goes once again, not even a kiss to me. But that is what I like about him being hard to get.

Neteyam: So what are the rest of you guys doing?

Lo'ak: I'm heading to bed. I'm tired after all this walking and talking.

Neteyam: Pretty sure you're just lazy

Kiri: I'm just going to wait and see if y/n comes back down.

Looking at my little sister has been acting a bit differently recently. She keeps staring at y/n could she be into him?

No, I'm probably just overthinking it.

Kiri: What about your tuk?

Tuk: I'm going to go play around.

Neteyam: Then I guess this is where we split off. See you guys later.

We say goodbye as we go off to do our own thing.

I Walked around for a while. Stopping in my tracks as I feel eywa. It feels like she is trying to warn me of something.

Feels like something bad is about to happen but what?

Getting lost in thought I heard a loud bang while looking around. I don't see anything till the hut I was next to gets destroyed by something.

Running over to the hut that was destroyed there was a person. There was a bullet shot close to his chest.

Using what I was taught I put two fingers on his neck. There was a pulse but it was slowing down.

Moving my fingers to his chin I push his face towards me.

Fear takes over my body and my body collapses on itself.

I-iiiii thought it was a dream this should not have happened.

Word count 3440

Biggest chapter ever in my opinion. I hope that this was as good as I hoped.

I've been thinking of expanding my website or app where I post my story but I'm not sure where to go. Any recommendations?

Anyway hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter and how some movie stuff is finally showing up.

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