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46.15% A Fake Familiar Reborn / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: A Vampire?

Chương 12: Chapter 12: A Vampire?

Beta read by Shigiya and Paragon of Awesomeness





On the outskirts of Bucharest, one could find an ominous view of a massive gothic castle nestled in the heart of Romania, its dark silhouette standing tall and distinguished even against the night sky. The castle, historically belonging to none other than the infamous Vlad the Impaler, exuded an eerie aura, hinting at the horrors that rested within its ancient, blood-soaked walls.

To some, it stood as a monument of their nation's greatest hero who protected his country from threats within and without, while for others it was nothing but the long shadow of an ancient and terrible monster. 

The focus swiftly shifted to a large cavern attached to a series of hidden tunnels beneath the castle, painting a picture of devastation and despair. The ground was soaked in blood and held a stench that would have broken down even the most iron willed beings — a testament to the brutality that had unfolded here. 

A score of vampires remained upright, but were utterly lifeless — their bodies impaled upon large obsidian-colored stakes that jutted out from the earth, dyed crimson with their blood. It made for a most gruesome and macabre sight.

In the midst of this horrific tableau, Marius Tepes knelt, barely clinging to life when so many others had already fallen into the embrace of death. His body was covered in wounds, a testament to the fierce battle that has taken place which he'd survived.

…No, this could not be called a battle, for that would imply both sides had had similar odds of emerging victorious. Calling it a one-sided massacre would be far more appropriate. And he hadn't survived either, for that would mean he still lived due to his own merits. He'd been left alive.

Blood continued to pour from his torn flesh, staining the ground beneath him as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

"Haa… Haa… Haa…" Who was left alive? Every one of his soldiers that'd been present had been killed off in the blink of an eye. And if any did remain they were most likely too terrified to even come to their lord's aid.

"This… this can't be… happening." 

As Marius fought to stay alive, his mind raced, desperately trying to piece together the events that led to this nightmarish reality. 




Marius and his men delved into the newly-discovered depths beneath the castle, driven by the sole purpose of finding his half-breed half-sister Valerie; a girl who despite being utterly pathetic, he could not afford to lose no matter what. 

Not when her Sacred Gear represented the main pillar of his power and future plans for the Tepes faction — a most useful tool.

However, his quest to find her took an unexpected turn when he discovered the dhampir in the arms of a man whose features bore an unexpectedly striking familiarity.

"Release her at once!" He ordered, gesturing for his soldiers to surround the golden haired stranger. He did not feel like a human nor a Devil, so Marius' wariness only kept growing. "If you don't wish to die a most painful death, give her to me right now!" 

Regardless, this person needed to die, for not only daring to encroach upon his territory but having the audacity to disrespect the Tepes faction by laying his hands on their most valuable asset.

"Hm?" Yet, the stranger remained stoic, devoid of fear, "I see you bear striking resemblance to my Master. Are you perhaps a relative of hers?" He calmly inquired about Marius and his relationship with Valerie.

Anger filled the young vampire with the tone this man used. Appearing completely at ease looking down at him with those golden eyes as if he was a lower being. Marius, his voice strained and filled with fury, growled, "Who are you? What business do you have with Valerie? Release her now, or face the consequences!"

Honestly, he was tempted to just attack him right there, but the chances of the man killing Valerie or threatening her life was not a chance he was willing to take. 

"Lacking in both discipline and respect. And to speak in such a manner to a king, no less. But ignorance in itself is not a sin, thus I shall grant you leniency. However, do not make the mistake of thinking I shall do so a second time." The man's eyes flickered with an enigmatic gleam as he studied Marius. "You… are not human as well."

Frustration and anger coursed through Marius's veins. "Cut the nonsense! You'll regret making an enemy out of the Tepes faction for intruding onto our domain! No pantheon will be able to protect you if you make an enemy out of me!" A red aura started to surge around Marius and the surrounding vampires, creating a lingering stench of iron within the air itself. 



Intrigue and shock flashed within Lancer's eyes as he gazed at the young man before him. Upon manifesting, he could feel that he had been summoned into the heart of his homeland, where his castle had stood. And yet… despite his certainty in this, something about these lands felt different… odd, even.

There was no doubt that these were indeed the lands he had once ruled in life. Yet as he felt the leylines that would form the boundaries of his territory, their layout was far too different from what he distinctly recalled. Not only that, but the air itself had a strange feel to it; an incredible density of Mana could be felt to the point that if momentarily caught the king off guard as he registered this.

'What is going on here?' Despite his confusion though, Lancer did not allow a hint of his uncertainty to be expressed on his royal visage. Especially not when he appeared to be surrounded by enemies, though the resemblance their leader had to his Master made him reconsider simply slaughtering them all. Rather, he deigned to attempt a more diplomatic approach, for the young man could easily be his Master's family, worried about what looked to be a stranger having hold of her.

Then again, the way this young man looked at his Master did not resemble the expression of a concerned relative. 

But all of these thoughts vanished the moment this person called himself Tepes. At that moment, Lancer's body froze as he now paid more attention to both his Master and the man before him. 

"…Centuries have passed since my demise, that much is evident." He said before a soft, proud smile graced his lips. "It pleases me that the legacy I left behind has sprouted and given rise to new life, and that my line has remained strong such that not only does my blood endure, but so too does the family name. I sense no lies in your words; the blood of Tepes indeed runs through your veins and that of others here." At that he glanced down at the girl he held in his arms. "Including you, my little Master. Could it be our shared blood that allowed you to call upon me amongst the countless Heroic Spirits within the Throne, summoning me in the vessel of a Lancer?"

Lancer then returned his attention to the group before him, still openly displaying their hostility, though some were beginning to hesitate. "Yet that only begs the question of why you would point your blades at your own ancestor with the intent to kill. Has my death or the passage of time destroyed any semblance of discipline within our family?" 

At first, Marius barely paid any attention to the words of this fool. About to give his soldiers a signal to attack this man and take Valerie back. After extensively thinking about it, even if she lost a limb or suffered a deadly wound, her Sacred Gear would heal her like it did many times in the past. 

But then… "Ancestor?" Now it was his turn to do a double take at this man's words. "What did you say?" He asked in disbelief, the others behind him sharing a similar reaction. 

Lancer scoffed, "Have your ears failed you, child? Then allow me to state things clearly." He shifted his Master such that he held her with only his left arm, manifesting his spear into his right hand and striking it upon the ground. 

"You stand in the presence of King Vlad Tepes III of Wallachia. Son of the Dragon — The Impaler." He spoke, his voice bearing down upon them with a heavy presence, his head held high with well-founded pride that reached into the realm of arrogance, though there was no conceit to be found. Marius couldn't describe this feeling from within his soul that whispered to his mind to run away… or kneel. 

Everyone who heard his name was dumbstruck at first, but soon their shock got replaced with anger and disbelief. "Pft!" Some even started to chuckle mockingly — Marius being one of them. "Hahahahaha!" 

The previous tense atmosphere bled away and was replaced with everyone looking at Lancer as if he was the biggest fool they'd ever seen. A joker, a madman, and a delusional fool worthy only of mockery. 

Lancer frowned at this. "Has time made my name lose its infamy? I fail to see what could be at all laughable about it." To be honest, he started to feel impatience creep into him. His Master who he held carefully on his arm still had yet to wake up from her slumber. A side effect of her energy being almost fully depleted by his summoning, and on top of that she was now responsible for his upkeep. A sense of guilt settled within his heart, for despite not having been responsible for her state, he still felt at fault here. 

Whether she was worthy to be his Master or not remained to be seen. 

Marius pointed a sharp finger with the nail elongating into a claw at Lancer, a twisted grin on his face. "Hah, Vlad? Are you mocking us? There is no way you can be Dracula Tepes!" He snarled, now fully looking down on Vlad. "You certainly have some gall to insult my ancestor. But to go so far as to claim you are him!? Don't make me laugh! You possess no traits of the great Dracula; your bloodlust is non-existent, I don't even smell the scent of blood on you like I would find on any Vampire." 

Vlad's eyes narrowed, his face darkening considerably. "The scent of blood on me… I am no monster, young man, nor do I shed blood for the sake of it." 

"Then you are not Dracula, so drop the act, human." Marius figured it out, this person couldn't be anything else but human. He sensed no demonic, holy, light energy or even Ki on him. Rather, a form of energy that resembled closely to what the human mages used. He was being too paranoid before and mistook him for another being from the Supernatural world. "I'll have your head on a spike, for daring to tarnish the name of Dracula and encroaching upon my territory!" 

With a snap of his fingers, a single soldier rushed to Vlad with his fangs and claws ready to tear him limb from limb. 

"For your sin of not only laying hands on valued property of the Tepes faction, you shall be reduced to a mere blood bag." This person wasn't even worth his attention, all Marius cared about was keeping the Sephiroth Graal away from any enemy faction's hand and to not lose it. 



His smirk vanished instantly at the sight before him. The soldier who rushed to attack the intruder who called himself Vlad froze in his step. The roar of hunger for human blood having abruptly ended, replaced by the sound of choking. Blood splashed on the ground as the vampire's hand slowly went to his heart where a hole had appeared, showing his still beating heart. 

They were speechless, what happened just now?

"A blood bag you say?" Vlad spoke calmly, having not moved from his spot and still holding onto Valerie, and his spear was unmoved and clean. This confused everyone as they struggled to imagine just how he could have harmed the soldier. His weapon had not been blooded, nor had they sensed any magic being activated. Meanwhile, Lancer gazed at the being before him, who despite having his heart partially destroyed had managed to stay alive — but barely. Crimson eyes, sharp fangs, pale skin and pointed ears all reflecting within the golden eyes.

A trace of distaste flashed over his face.

"Despite my certainty of being summoned into my homeland and confidence that it was through bonds of blood, I find myself having questions and concerns as to the circumstances of my surroundings. It is clear to me now that you are no ally, just another snake similar to those I have dealt with in the past. And to think, vampires… genuine vampires are what my descendants have become? I cannot cast the blame fully on you, as one does not choose the blood that flows within their veins. A father's sins cannot be passed down to his sons, as they say. But you have sinned by embracing this monstrous nature that should be spurned as a curse, choosing to act upon your vampirism by your own free will! And to also treat this young girl who is your own kin as property… I am thoroughly disappointed." 

"Shut up! A nobody like you has no right to speak of the Tepes faction, let alone me!" The blonde haired vampire shouted, incensed at Vlad's words that further rankled his pride for being treated as an inferior being. "You'll pay for this! Everyone! Kill him!" 

This time, every single one of them rushed forward, filling the area with palpable killing intent, their crimson eyes filling the cavern. Their victory was assured for a single being could not hope to defeat them, let alone one who was blinded by arrogance at his own meager power. 

Oh how wrong they were.


A tsunami of a power incomprehensible to all swept through the cave system, overpowering all of the vampires without meeting any resistance. The hands of a giant seemed to press down on their bodies whilst their skin burned from the nauseating blood red energy emanating from the Servant before them. 

They couldn't breath, their bodies refusing to listen out of a natural deeply ingrained fear within their very bloodline. For what they stood against represented a predator they had no hopes of equaling, the progenitor of their nature and power itself. The only being who they could see as nothing but a monster who they could either bow to, or be slaughtered. 

The air crackled with anticipation as Vlad's body became engulfed in a crimson energy sharing the appearance of blood itself raging around him. 

"Hell incarnate is the punishment for your depravity." With a solemn expression on his face, Vlad raised his head with resolve to end this nonsense once and for all. 

"Kazikli Bey!" 

The Magical Energy around him exploded outwards, surging through the earth, causing the soil to crack and churn. In an awe-inspiring display of power, towering spears of obsidian blackness burst forth from the ground, rising with an unyielding force. They formed a formidable fortress, their sharp tips glistening malevolently in the light.

The stakes, numbering in the hundreds, stretched high as if threatening to punch through the cavern's ceiling, their formation reaching far beyond the scope of human imagination. There, the vampires gawked in awe at the sentinels of darkness, casting a haunting shadow over the battlefield, their sheer presence instilling fear and awe in all who witnessed them.

With a small twitch of his fingers, Vlad commanded the spears to action. As if guided by an unseen force, they began to move with lethal precision. Like a synchronized dance of death, they swayed and twirled through the air, their movements defying the laws of nature.

With a deafening roar, the spears spread over where Marius and the soldiers stood, moving at an incredible speed. They struck with a relentless fury, impaling their targets with unyielding force. The impact of their sharp tips meeting flesh sent shockwaves through the connecting tunnels, the sound of their penetration reverberating like a macabre symphony.

"R-Retreat!" The pure-blooded vampire prince ordered, his decision set in stone as regret and disbelief showed on his face. "Argh!" 

Pain assaulted his body, his red eyes looking down to find his foot impaled and his body locked down to this place. "A-AAAAAHHHH!!!!!" 

He screamed, a guttural cry of pain escaping his mouth as this hellish sensation nearly made him lose his consciousness. "DAMN YOU MONSTER!" 

He watched helplessly as the vampire soldiers before him died one by one. Their numbers dwindled at an unbelievable rate, from over a hundred to less than half of them still alive, though those too soon began succumbing to the terrifying stakes that swiftly ended their lives. Those who tried to fly away were too slow, as this… abomination of an attack moved faster than anything Marius had ever witnessed in his life, and it couldn't be predicted. Hounding them like Hell's bloodhounds, attracted by the stench of blood and fear. 

Each stake found its mark, skewering bodies and lifting them up from the ground. They stood as gruesome monuments of death, a chilling testament to the power of Vlad's Noble Phantasm. The impaled figures forming a grotesque landscape, a haunting reminder of the brutality that Vlad the Impaler was infamous for.

Blood dripped from the spears, pooling on the ground below, staining the earth crimson. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, mingling with the aroma of decay and death. The battlefield became a macabre tableau, a canvas painted with the horrors of war.

"Heurgh!" Marius' mind lacked the mental strength to witness such a carnage of those who had followed him for so long. Vomiting on the ground, retching as his senses kept getting overwhelmed by the chaos and agony. He wanted to lose consciousness and escape this nightmare, but something stopped him from doing so. 

Meanwhile, Vlad's expression remained resolute and unyielding, watching as Kazikli Bey exacted its wrath upon his enemies. His image awespiring and terrifying, a ruler who had unleashed the full extent of his power to protect his people by destroying any and all who would threaten them. That noble air and regal demeanor of his remained intact, even amidst the chaos and carnage surrounding him.

When the onslaught finally subsided, and the last of the stakes returned to the ground except for the ones that crucified the vampires, Vlad surveyed the aftermath. The impaled bodies stood as a testament to his might, a warning to any who dared challenge him. His deployment of his Noble Phantasm had left an indelible mark on the battlefield, once again etching his name into the annals of history.

Though one remained alive.

"Damn you, DAMN YOU! DAMNYOUDAMNYOUDAMNYOU!!!" Fear turned into rage and then finally insanity. Left with no path out of this but to face the enemy before him, Marius lost his rationality and became a feral dog. His features twisting into that of a horrendous bat-like beast, pointed ears becoming further elongated and his fangs growing in length. 

Clawed hands became coated in a dark shadow magic, as if he had brought his shadow to life. Marius charged towards the man. The desire to survive overpowered his agony coming from his wounds and the desire to see the perpetrator bleed for the offense. "RAAAWWRRGH!" 

"Commendable," Vlad nodded to the vampire before him. "I expected for you to attempt an escape and flee from the battlefield as your followers died around you. For you to instead come at me yourself in a final gambit, I find myself struggling to decide whether this is driven by pride or madness. Then again, it is said that even a rat may show its teeth when it has nowhere left to run. And just like a rat, your efforts are for naught." 

The entire time, Vlad hadn't moved, not even taking a step forward since he unleashed his Noble Phantasm. And he wasn't going to do so against this wretched creature either. 

"Furthermore, there are few crimes more grievous than making an attempt on a king's life!"


Another thin pair of stakes emerged from the ground and pierced Marius' palms where he was about to launch a spell attack. He screeched in torment as more stakes pierced his body. 

His feet, forearms, knees, thighs, stomach and lungs. 

In the end, he failed to even touch his foe's clothes as Vlad continued to hold Valerie in one arm and his spear in the opposing hand. The Servant, for the first time since Marius had arrived, took a step forward, his boots sending ripples through the various puddles of blood. The barely conscious Marius flinched the closer Vlad got. "Does death frighten you, brat?" 

"R-Rra-ra-mer-mercy…" he struggled to put out these words, no longer caring about Valerie or his image as the Tepes faction prince. All he wanted was to live to see another moonrise, to eventually exact vengeance upon this man who had brutalized and humiliated him, and killed so many of his men. 

"Mercy? Bold of you to ask me such a thing after trying to take my life. To mock this King so brazenly, you are fortunate that I have my hands too full to grant you a longer and more painful death." He looked Marius in the eyes, with neither rage or mockery — rather disappointment and pity. "Nevertheless, this ends he—hm?" 

Before he could end the boy's life, Vlad's expression stiffened when he felt a soft pair of hands grasp at his shoulder before weakly tugging the fabric. He glanced down to see Valerie, who had been unconscious this whole time, barely opened her eyes. Red just like Marius, but much warmer and gem-like than bloody.

"D-Don't… " she tried to talk, barely had the strength to utter another word, but he understood her nonetheless. 

"I may have just been summoned to this era, but even a blind man can tell that he harbors no goodwill towards you, child. There is no love, only greed and nefarious intent behind his actions. If you want to win the coming war and reach the Holy Grail, then you must be decisive and ruthless, striking down those who oppose you without hesitation. Upon my arrival, I have seen the state of your body, and it is nothing short of a canvas of a history of torture. And I suspect that the artist responsible for such is none other than this beast before me."


"Are you honestly telling me that you forgive him?" 

Rather than continue to speak, Valerie instead showed him a smile, which exuded such innocence and lacked any trace of resentment, that it perplexed Vlad momentarily. In the end, he looked around the cavern and the mayhem he had unleashed and sighed. "Then so be it." 

Cracks started to form on the stakes around the field, every single one of them breaking down before disappearing within a few seconds. 

"Be grateful, curr, for it seems that at least one of my descendants still has a heart, and she has interceded on your behalf. In any event, it is clear that I have much work ahead of me if I am to restore the honor of the name Tepes. Wrong as some might say it is for the dead to lead the living, I cannot turn a blind eye to this disgrace."

He left those words to linger in the air, disappearing as he took Valerie and went deeper into the tunnels that would lead him up to the castle. Marius meanwhile was left in place, bleeding, before he finally fell unconscious. 


-Occult Research Club-

Archer found himself in the midst of a most… weird atmosphere within the Occult Research Club after his recent conversation with Akeno. 

At first he noticed their worried expressions, especially that of Rias whose darkened face told him that there was a lot of stress bearing down on her shoulders. But then he was met with a new addition: a young blonde girl wearing a nun outfit. 

But before he could ask for any context, the bowman felt a gentle touch on his shroud, causing him to turn around and discover the curious girl standing before him.

"S-Sei davvero un santo!" She said with great shock.

His sharp eyes narrowed as he observed the young blonde, her face filled with fascination as she delicately touched his red fabric. "Who is this blonde brat touching my shroud and calling me a Saint, Master?" he muttered, annoyance lacing his voice. He turned to Rias, his gaze demanding answers. "Care to explain who she is?"

Rias chuckled, thoroughly amused by Archer's irritated tone. She leaned closer to him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, Archer, don't be so grumpy. This is Asia Argento, the Occult Research Club's new guest."

Then she froze for a bit, surprise appearing on her face as she realized that he understood Asia. "You can speak Italian?" From what she understood, Archer didn't have a passive ability like Devils' Silver Tongue which allowed them to speak any human language in the world perfectly. 

"Hm? Have I neglected to mention this to you?" It was a minor piece of information, so he probably must have skipped it when explaining Servants to her. "Basically, when Servants are summoned to the world, we come preloaded with information about the general state of the world, its culture, history, and the ability to comprehend any language ever spoken or written by humans." Of course, that didn't fully apply if the Heroic Spirit in question had never learned to read in the first place, as he eventually found out.

Though he did learn a few languages in addition to English and Japanese when he was still alive, Archer didn't feel there was any need for that to be said. 

"Huh, neat. By the way, our guest is still fawning over you." 

Archer's gaze shifted back to the young nun, Asia, who continued to gaze up at him with wide eyes filled with stars. He let out a weary sigh, realizing that she had mistaken him for a saint due to the holy properties of his shroud. He attempted to dissuade her, his voice firm and somewhat exasperated. "Oi, listen. I'm not a saint. I'm a Servant."

"A servant of God!? P-Please accept my prayer!" However, Asia's enthusiasm remained unyielding. Her hands clasped together, she bowed her head and began praying fervently in front of him. "Oh, Saint-sama, bless me with your divine presence! I am forever grateful to be in your midst!"

Asia's prayers began to take their toll on the Devil members of the Occult Research Club. Rias, Koneko, Kiba, and Akeno winced, holding their heads in discomfort as the holy words invaded their senses, inducing a split-second migraine. Realizing her mistake, Asia quickly seized her prayers, her face turning red with embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause any discomfort with my prayers," Asia apologized, her voice filled with genuine remorse as she bowed deeply.

"Oh don't worry, we know you didn't do it intentionally." Rias said, comforting the nun with a kind smile.

Meanwhile, Archer's irritation grew with each passing moment to the point he facepalmed himself. He shot a sharp glare at Akeno, who couldn't help but wear a mischievous smile, clearly enjoying the situation. Clearly she was the mastermind behind this scenario, he turned to her, his voice laced with frustration. "Akeno…"

Akeno's eyes twinkled mischievously as she played innocent. "Oh, Archer, I have no idea what you're talking about~," she replied with a playful tone, her voice dripping with deceit. This was her plan to get revenge, he knew it! 




The tension in the room dissipated as Rias and the others reassured Asia that everything was alright. Archer, who wanted to keep as much distance between himself and the nun as possible for the time being, went inside the kitchen to prepare some tea before Akeno could. If he stayed there, even in his spiritual form, then it wouldn't last long before Rias would call him out to participate in the conversation just to see him uncomfortable around Asia. 

"She's an odd one, isn't she?" Archer didn't need to turn around to know who'd just entered the kitchen. 

"As a Queen, shouldn't you be by your King's side when she's speaking with a member of the Church?" He asked, paying no heed as the raven-haired girl sat on top of the counter next to him.

…Those skirts were really much too short, as they pretty much revealed everything with the slightest angle or breeze.

"I could say the same to you, Mr. Servant." There was still an edge to her voice, their previous conversation still on her mind. A somewhat contrast to the face she showed to the others, even Koneko was fooled by the mask she put on each day. and she possessed the sharpest intuition in the whole city according to Rias.

"You certainly are a skilled actress." He noted. "Even I couldn't find any faults in your behavior out there, despite the conversation we'd had just moments prior."

She gave him a narrowed side glance. "Did you think I was going to denounce you as a terrible man in front of everyone? Our conversation wasn't exactly the best but I wouldn't consider it bad enough to make me hate you."

"That's good to know." Honestly, he had trouble believing her in the first place. This matter could not be fully resolved in a span of a few hours, better for him to stay quiet and observe for the meantime. But for now, there wasn't much to worry about… except for one little thing. "I resent the fact that you unjustly fooled an innocent nun into believing that I am a saint." 

Akeno leaned too close for comfort, her hair obstructing his view as she watched how he made tea using the same ingredients as her. Perhaps trying to uncover his secret a bout the taste of something like that — not that he had any. 

"Fufufu~ one thing led to another and I happened to mention we have a caring saint proudly donning a holy shroud, it's an opportunity I couldn't miss. On top of that, she needed forgiveness, and who among us was better suited to the task but a revered Heroic Spirit to grant it to her?"

At that, he struggled to hold back his sneer. Him granting someone forgiveness? …What a joke.

"Humph, I am not in the mood for another lengthy conversation. Just change her into a Devil and we can be done with this matter." 

"Eh? You're not opposed to Buchou turning Asia into a Devil? I was waiting for you to comment on how this is a stupid idea and that she is risking her safety to invite the enemy into our ranks, or something like that." Akeno said, having believed to have gotten a basic understanding of Archer's character. "Or you could have mentioned how she was too weak to be one of Buchou's peerage members, especially given how you were against the idea of Hyoudou Issei-kun joining." 

A complicated expression appeared on his face, "In a great many instances I would have that exact opinion, rather I just dislike the existence of the Evil Piece themselves… Looking past that, Asia's case is very different from Issei's. Right now, what the peerage lacks is a dedicated support member, someone who specializes in healing when others get injured. Your group is leaning too much towards pure offense without proper defense and support roles, making the lot of you no different than a glass cannon. And the fact that Asia is an excommunicated nun with the Twilight Healing Sacred Gear who has no connection to the Church anymore, nor is she a creepy pervert, helps her case." 

Why Rias persistently shielded the Perverted Trio's actions from having them get expelled or reported to the local authorities baffled him to this day.

"You're making it sound like a video game raid party." 

Oh, he wasn't expecting Akeno to make such a comparison, but it did sound like one when he thought about it. "It is what it is." 

"Can't you use healing spells?" She asked. 

"Not really, my Magecraft is very limited, much more so than both you and my Master seem to believe. I bet even Koneko knows a wider range of spells than me." Even if he invested decades worth of his time to attempt at learning another branch of Magecraft, the progress would be so minute that it just wouldn't be worth it. Not to mention he could just use his Tracing to get around that problem, bringing forth a weapon with the ability to heal its wielder, summon fire, or manipulate any given element.

"Says the guy who easily took on Grayfia and managed to injure her." Her tone couldn't be any dryer.

Hah, he knew she was going to bring that point up. Though surprisingly Rias hadn't done so first. 

"That is a terribly false assumption you Devils have." He shook his head, pouring hot water into the tea kettle, filling the room with a soothing herbal scent. "She went easy on me and was basically responsible for injuring herself when she misjudged the nature of my projectiles. If she fought seriously from the beginning, then I doubt I'd come out unscathed. But of course, I'm still a Servant at the end of the day, I've battled my fair share of enemies who were far more powerful than myself and emerged victorious and unfortunately for Grayfia, she has not reached that level yet." 

"A simple, 'I'm stronger than her' would have sufficed." Akeno commented with a dry tone.

"Your words, not mine." She went silent, keeping her attention on his actions. Once again Archer questioned who the hell designed these school uniforms. "Also, can you give me some space here?"

 For a split second, the corner of Akeno's lips twitched upwards before returning to a blank expression. "Ara ara, is mister Archer here uncomfortable standing so close to a 'little' girl? My… how deviant of you~"


She was definitely still pissed about their previous conversation. 


Back in the main room, he and Akeno returned with the latter serving the cup of tea to their guest and offering her a slice of cake.

"Here, Asia. Have some tea and cake. This was made specifically by our dear resident saint." Akeno said softly near her ears. "Just enjoy the moment, alright?"

Asia's eyes widened, and tears of joy welled up as she looked at the saintly figure before her. She couldn't believe that a saint had offered her food and drink. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she began to cry, unable to contain her emotions.

"Oh, Saint-sama… I-I can't believe you're so kind to me," Asia sobbed, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming happiness.

"Oh for the love of…! Hah, forget it." Archer let out a tired sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. He was too exhausted to argue further or convince her otherwise. He whispered to himself, "I'm not a damn saint," before silently moving to stand behind Rias, wanting to get done with whatever plan she had with Asia quickly. The scene continued as Asia, still teary-eyed, savored the tea and cake, her heart overflowing with joy and disbelief that a saint had bestowed such kindness upon her. 

This sight melted everyone's heart with how adorable she looked. Even Koneko willingly shared her prized snacks.

Archer on the other hand found this whole scene quite amusing. 'Is this what they mean to be lured in with the Devil's temptations?'

'Oh hush you, There's nothing remotely nefarious happening here.' Rias chided him through their Master/Servant connection. 'I am going to give her the option to choose whether or not to join my peerage.' 

'Right… I'd rather not get involved with this, if you don't mind.' Rias flinched at Archer's unexpected edge to his voice. As if reading her emotions, her Servant sighed and continued to talk. 'Let's just say that when dealing with permanently binding contracts, especially ones like these, it is not something I enjoy seeing — at all.'

'Archer?' She turned around to see the frown on his face having turned worse for a split second before returning to his stoic face. She felt like encroaching on a territory unfamiliar to her knowledge, one linked to her Servant's mysterious past which he kept quiet about so far. Rias was scared, worried even that she might have brought up a sore subject. 'I-I'm sorry, I didn't mea—'

'It's fine,' he cut her off, clearly not wanting to discuss this matter any further. 'I despise such contracts, but I'm not a fool who isn't able to look past a personal bias. Just… just do what you want.'

At this moment Rias heavily started to reconsider her choice. Her logical side was at war with her heart over which path to take. 'Archer… do you perhaps hate being a Servant?' 

Hugh! Rias nearly slapped herself for asking such a stupid question! Of course he wouldn't like being at the beck and call of what was essentially a random stranger who could force him to do anything with the Command Seals! If… If he hated being here, then…

Her thoughts were interrupted by a chuckle. 'Master, if I was unsatisfied with our contract, then trust me when I say this: I would have been gone a long time ago. I have far more tricks up my sleeves than shooting ordinary arrows and half-decent swordsmanship. No, my grievances on this matter is… something completely unrelated to the Master/Servant contract.' 

What was he thinking… this wasn't like that moment. Rias wasn't that entity and Asia did not strive to become a Hero. 'Forget about it, I let my emotions get the better of me. Though the only request I have is for you to be honest with her about what this means, no matter how appalling it may be. She needs to know what new life is being offered to her. Don't try to trick her with pointless facts about a Devil's longevity or various riches to attract her interest.'

'You thought I was going to trick her and not give her a choice?' Rias felt somewhat hurt by that remark.

'Yes,' he answered bluntly. 'You are unquestionably eager to have this girl in your peerage, and I know you have a way of letting your own eagerness get the better of you, and you might present the girl a rose-tinted image as a result. But this is not my world nor my business to meddle in, so the decision of how you convince her is ultimately yours. As for what her choice may be… I don't think we can honestly say she has one here. A choice in formality alone is no real choice at all, Master. What viable alternative does the girl have? She was cast out from all she ever knew and has no friends, family, money, or any other resources or connections she can rely on. If she were to refuse, where else could she possibly go?' 


'Don't get me wrong, Master, I'm not implying you're a bad person for doing this, but it's better to see things for what they are rather than believing a self-serving biased viewpoint that paints yourself in the best light possible. The sooner you acknowledge this and be honest with Asia, the more at peace your mind will be in the future. It is not an evil plan in my eyes, it's just how life operates, and I know you are a good King who will see to her happiness just like the rest of your servants.'

'…Are you certain this doesn't make me a bad person?'

Archer shrugged, 'You'd be surprised at how often the difference between a hero and a villain is simply a matter of perspective. Even with someone like the legendary saint Jeanne d'Arc, the English whom she fought against saw her as a deceitful witch to be burned at the stake. And let me remind you that your intentions for Asia Argento are far kinder than what Raynare had planned for the girl. While it could be argued you are villainous that your offer to help comes with strings attached — namely the servitude and such — it is just as heroic that you would make the offer to help her in the first place when no one else would.'

Eternal servitude… given everything he'd learned about Devils so far, there would be no way for Asia to return to being a human once she accepted. Yes, he still hated this idea regardless of how he tried to sugarcoat it, simply because of how much it reminded him of his own past. Even if it was with someone he could trust, Archer's entire being just rejected any form of acceptance with this. 'Just discuss this matter with her rather than me. I might change my stance the longer I stay here.'

With that, Archer dematerialized and left the room, keeping a close enough distance to hear their conversation but far enough to not feel affected by the atmosphere. 

Meanwhile Rias was carefully thinking over Archer's advice, making sure to have his words engraved in her heart. Taking a deep sigh, she finally addressed Asia. "Asia Argento, I'm sure you are wondering about everything that happened so far and about your future in Kuoh." 

"Y-Yes," stuttered the shy nun. "Miss Hi-Himejima has mentioned w-what happened with R-Raynare-san and their plan for m-m-me…" It still gave her chills to think about how she would have died and had her gift from God ripped from her if Devils of all people hadn't intervened. 

A determined gaze settled on the redheaded heiress's face. "Good, then I'll make it short. Asia, I know this is sudden, but I have an offer for you." 

"An offer?" 


The moon cast its gentle glow into the luxurious confines of Rias's opulent bedroom, its soft light dancing across the ornate furniture and exquisite tapestries. Restless and consumed by her thoughts, she found some solace by staring out the window, drawn to the ethereal beauty of the moonlit night. Standing there, her delicate features illuminated by the moon's luminous touch, her mind nonetheless remained filled with a swirling tempest of emotions.

Beside Rias, a shimmering light caught her attention, and she turned, only to find the figure of her precious Servant with his ever present frown appearing before her. With his arms crossed and a stoic expression etched upon his face, he observed her silently. Those piercing eyes of his seemed to gaze into the very depths of her soul.

Ever vigilant and perceptive, he spoke up, his voice calm and even just hearing his voice proved somewhat soothing to the young heiress. "What troubles you, Master?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine interest and a desire to understand the turmoil that plagued her.

Caught off guard by his question, Rias attempted to regain her composure, offering a smile that failed to reach her eyes. "It's nothing, Archer," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, a reflection of the internal battle raging within her.

Archer's eyes remained locked on hers, his penetrating gaze piercing through the walls she had built around herself. "You need not hide your troubles from me," he reassured her, his voice gentle yet firm. "As your Servant, it is my duty to support you and aid you in overcoming any challenge that arises. I have told you that many times in the past, have you forgotten? Unless you are not willing to share with me the conversation you had with the maid this morning."

She should have known, despite her best efforts to remain calm and secretive, Archer immediately guessed the source of her worries. Chuckling, the girl couldn't stop a smile from gracing her face. "I really can't hide anything from my dear Servant. You're too sharp." 

He shrugged, "It comes with the job." 

"I thought you didn't like being mistaken as a butler?"

"True, but I've more or less been forced to take up that role since I've been summoned by you, so I might as well go with it. I know better than to go against my Devil of a Master when she wants something bad enough, and I'd rather not see you use a Command Seal on something so frivolous."

Their smalltalk ended up easing up some of the tension within her, and Rias let her shoulders relax slightly, the weight over her getting more bearable just from talking with Archer, and so she found the confidence to address the issue at hand. 

"Yes, it is about what I discussed with Grayfia," she confessed, her voice heavy with a mixture of frustration and concern. "She came when you and Yuuto were still training to drop off a letter from my mother and father. It seems that the date of my… wedding has been moved forward, and it looms ever closer."

Archer's brows furrowed as he absorbed her words, his analytical mind working to understand the implications of this sudden change given Rias mentioned that they had agreed to postpone this matter until she finished her studies at Kuoh Academy. "When is the wedding scheduled to take place?" he asked, his voice steady.

Taking a deep breath, the girl mustered the strength to face the harsh reality that awaited her. "It is likely to occur within the next month. Two tops." she revealed, her voice tinged with exhaustion from a matter that had been weighing on her for years. As she spoke, her gaze dropped to the floor, her mind consumed by the impending marriage that threatened to shackle her freedom to a man she had no desire to even be associated with.

Archer nodded, his expression grave, fully comprehending the gravity of the situation. "You have shared little about this Riser Phenex with me," he noted, his voice neutral yet inquisitive. "What can you tell me about his character?"

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Rias' lips as she settled back into the plush chair in her room, her gaze distant as she recalled the tumultuous nature of her unwanted fiancé. "To put it mildly, Riser is far from the ideal husband I would have hoped for," she replied, her tone tinged with bitterness. "Given the opportunity, he would openly engage in amorous activities with the members of his Peerage, right in front of me. He'll even try to add the girls in my own peerage to his harem if given the chance, I'm sure. I've told you that harems are common among Devils, and I'm honestly fine with that. But still, there's something to be said about showing respect to one's own spouse."

At those words, the Servant's expression hardened, a flicker of disdain crossing his features. "I see," he murmured, his voice laced with a touch of distaste. "Riser Phenex is not someone who embodies the qualities one would expect from a loving and honorable partner. What plans have you formulated to escape this undesirable engagement?"

Rias sighed, her gaze sharpening as determination welled up within her. "We still have the Rating Game like we talked about before," she explained, her voice firm and resolute. "By defeating Riser in a Rating Game, we can nullify the engagement and secure the freedom I so desperately seek."

His interest was piqued, he carefully thought about the viability of her proposed strategy. "Victory in a Rating Game would likely be the ideal solution." he mused, his voice thoughtful. "I should be able to participate as well, given Servants are just glorified familiars… Albeit powerful ones. However," he paused, his piercing gaze fixing itself upon Rias again, "I sense there is something else weighing upon your mind, since you already know you'll win this with myself being a participant. What is it?"

Rias hesitated for a moment, a flush of crimson spreading across her cheeks and neck as an audacious thought crossed her mind. She shook her head vehemently, 'No, I'm not that desperate and I have Archer with me… so there is no need to risk that path.' A part of her felt relieved that she had someone to lean on, someone who could win her the freedom she so desired without any hidden plans backing his actions. 

As both a King and heiress to a Pillar household, she felt a mind-numbing amount of responsibility towards the safety and future of her peerage members, and didn't want to make them worry too much. 

"…" She felt cold, so without much thought, Rias stripped her clothes and sat on the bed, patting the space next to her while looking at Archer. Her intentions were clear as she even pleaded through her expression for him to join her. 

Archer didn't mind it, so he indulged his Master and sat right next to Rias. 

"Are you feeling cold, Master?" He asked, looking over at the naked girl next to him. By now, he had gotten used to her exhibitionist tendencies given she would often even walk downstairs in her birthday suit without any shame while still half asleep. 

"A bit… Can you hold me?" She wanted to feel that sense of comfort and warmth he brought, assuring her that everything was going to be alright as long as he existed as her Servant. 

He hummed, "Good grief, I have a very needy Master who requires a lot of attention. Worrying about pointless issues when she has the 'strongest' Servant by her own words. Overthinking the simplest things for no reason and ignoring the solution when it literally presents itself openly to her." 

She expected Archer to talk his way out of her request, but to her surprise, he circled his arm around her back and nestled her body close to his — even dismissing his armor and leaving himself bare from the waist up. A large warm blanket he Traced enveloped both of them, and she felt at peace after a long day. 

"But just this once, I don't mind tending to your needs if it'll give you some peace."

A small voice inside her head tried to push her to ask her Servant to tend to some of her more personal needs — she once again pushed that indecent thought to the deepest corner of her mind.

'But his body does feel nice… I wouldn't mind if he—No! Stop that! I'm not Akeno…' Damn it, asking Archer to hug her brought another source of mental conflict to the forefront of her mind. 

"You're not having indecent thoughts, are you, Master?" 

"…N-No?" She cursed herself for stuttering, Rias could already imagine a large smirk on his face. 

"Are you sure? You tend to talk a lot in your sleep, and some of the scenarios you mention about me would make an Angel become a Fallen on the spot." He said with an amused voice, enjoying her flustered reaction. 

Rias weakly threw a fist at his chiseled chest, "Stop teasing me, that's an order. Or else I'll really use the Command Seals." She said with a pout. Yet despite his teasing, Rias enjoyed the closeness of this moment. She didn't want to move from this spot, she wanted to stay like this forever, was the thought that ran through her as her eyes slowly closed, and her tired mind finally allowed itself to rest for the night. 

Archer on the other hand stayed awake, given he didn't require any sleep. 

"Riser Phenex…" 


The next morning, everyone came to the club with a heavy atmosphere. Even Issei could feel that something wasn't right here, but was too preoccupied by the sight of the cute blonde girl who had just been reincarnated into a Bishop, and was holding her hands together next to that Archer guy before flinching as she felt a major headache strike her for attempting to pray again. Archer kept massaging his temples whilst sighing heavily as she even tried to kneel, but he swiftly put a stop to that for her own good.

"Why is she still worshiping that damned bastard!?" Issei exclaimed, appalled at the envious sight before him. "He even told her that he isn't a saint and she still prays to him…" 

"Archer is a saint." Koneko commented while munching on some snacks. "A cooking saint."

"…" He had no comeback for that, given that after having tasted what the man could cook, he'd found that it was nothing less than divine to his palette. Most of the food he now ate from anywhere else just tasted so bland by comparison, a fact he desperately tried to hide from his mom.

"Can I have a piece?" He asked the girl, seeing she had one of that bastard's handmade cookies.

"Buzz off, Pervert-senpai." 

"Koneko-chan is mean…" While wallowing in his misery, Issei started to wonder what was up with everyone today. They all looked very tense, especially his King who absentmindedly tapped her pen on the wooden table. "Is it just me or is everyone worried about something?" He asked discreetly to Kiba, the latter also having a similar aura as the rest. 

"We are going to meet Buchou's fiancé," answered the blonde with an ugly expression. "And let's just say… no one likes him." Was all he said before going quiet.

Ah, now he understood what was going on. To be honest, it was a bit of a surprise to know that she was en— "BUCHOU HAS A FIANCÉ!?!? SINCE WHEN!?!?"




"A-Ano… what is this?" Asia asked while gazing at the piece of red cloth before her on the table. "I-Is this a blessing!?" 

"No!" Archer quickly answered, not wanting to worsen the misunderstanding. "This is a copy of my shroud. I got it from someone long ago, so long that I can't even remember what her name was aside from the fact that she liked eating curry. Anyways, the point is that this shroud is not originally mine, it's only a gift. I didn't have the Christian God bless it for me or have my blood soak in it like a true saint would. It's merely a piece of armor for me, nothing more." 

"Oh…" her shoulders slumped slightly, making Archer sigh in relief as he hoped that the girl finally understood the truth. But to his dismay, Asia regained that same bright fascination from before. "I u-understand, Archer-san must have been a great individual in the past to have earned a blessed relic from the Lord!"


Archer just gave up in the end, having no desire to risk his mental health any longer. This was all Akeno's fault, and he was going to teach that girl a lesson one way or another. 

"Hm?" Thankfully, he had his attention drawn to the center of the room where a red magic teleportation circle formed. From it emerged a familiar silver haired maid, wearing the same costume as last time and her cold face which betrayed little to no emotion.

They locked eyes, each knowing what the purpose of her visit was today. "Welcome back, Grayfia. Might I interest you in some tea?" 

An ever so slight smile formed on her face. "Of course, I'll gladly have some later, Archer-sama. But for now, I have brought an important guest with me."

Just as she said that, the temperature in the room went up several degrees as flames erupted from the magic circle.

The silhouette of a man was visible from inside the fire. When he swung his arm across to the side, the flames disappeared and the heat receded from the flamboyant display.

"Fuu, it's been quite a while since I last came to the human world." He said, with arrogance dripping from his tone. "Rias my dear, I have come for your hand at long last!" 

And already Archer could tell what kind of person this Riser was, he sounded too similar to a certain arrogant golden King — though this one carried not an ounce of his presence. 

'Hum, this honestly might be easier than I thought.' 

After all, people like these were ridiculously easy to taunt and rile up to some extent, in turn making manipulating them a simple endeavor. Maybe he should take this opportunity to gain an advantage before the Rating Game even began, and apply some psychological warfare.



Sona Sitri, the ever stoic and disciplined heiress of the Sitri clan, found herself standing outside her sister's room, an air of wariness surrounding her. She hesitated for a moment before mustering the resolve to enter. Pushing open the door, she stepped into the vibrant and whimsical room of her overly affectionate sister, Serafall Leviathan.

Despite being one of the four Satans, her sister's office failed to showcase any of the dignity that her station carried. It being just a place chalk-full of magical girl figurines and cosplays everywhere she looked. 

'Even now I feel overwhelmed with second-hand embarrassment.' 

As soon as Sona crossed the threshold, a shadow practically launched itself towards her, arms outstretched for a crushing hug. "Waah!!! So-tan finally came to visit her loving big sister! I missed you so much, give me a kiss~!" 

Anticipating her sister's exuberant nature, Sona deftly sidestepped the embrace, evading the collision with practiced ease. This led to Serafall getting her face smacked against the doors and shattering them in the process. 

Again, how this person was a legit Satan worried the bespectacled girl about the future of the Underworld. 

"Onee-sama," Sona began, her voice laced with a touch of impatience. "I didn't come here to waste time. I need to return to Kuoh for my studies and other responsibilities, and I require the promised item right now."

Serafall pouted, her playful expression faltering for a moment. "Aww, Sona, you didn't want a hug from your dear sister? That's the least you can do for your sister who went above and beyond to retrieve that item from the dumpster!" she whined, although she complied with Sona's request. With a mischievous grin, she made her way to her ornate table, retrieving a small decorative wooden box from its surface and bringing it over to Sona.

Opening the box with an air of ceremony, Serafall revealed a pristine white feather nestled within. "This Pegasus feather," she began, her voice taking on a distasteful tone, "was an old 'present' I received from Gabriel. She got it from one of the Greek gods who was trying to court her back then, before they got themselves beaten to near death by Michael." Serafall's eyes sparkled with annoyance as she recalled the old story. What kind of airhead brings a gift to her lifelong nemesis!? "I'm not sure who that particular god was… Poseidon, I think? Anyways, why did you want such a thing in the first place?"

Sona's eyes narrowed slightly, attempting to hide her intrigue. "It's a valuable item, and it holds significance for a particular purpose," she replied, her voice guarded. Sensing that she had revealed more than intended, she swiftly excused herself from her sister's room, clutching the box tightly. "I just wanted to prepare a gift for Rias' upcoming birthday in advance, that's all. I'll call you later, I have to leave in an hour!" 

She ran outside, unable to hide the excited look on her face. She quickly contacted Tsubaki with a single message on her phone, "Start preparing the ritual for the Command Seals, I got the feather."




After hearing those parting words, a large, mischievous smirk appeared on Serafall's face as Sona made her hasty exit. She couldn't help but be intrigued by her sister's secretive actions. It was clear that there was something more to this request than met the eye.

Though she already had an idea.

Humming a tune, she moved to the phone at her desk and dialed a number, her fingers dancing mischievously across the buttons. The call connected, and she spoke in a playful yet knowing tone. "Ajuka, have you made any progress on learning more about the Servant summoning spell origin? I believe my dear So-tan may have some plans of her own in motion."


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, Harry Potter and my 3 other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post monthly commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

(So as you'll see, Vlad has also been summoned in a more powerful state than usual. But unlike Archer, Vlad's base stats have stayed the same. Instead he's getting the extra skills Tactics, Battle Continuation, and Protection of the Faith from his warrior-Lancer variant. This is not because of the abundance of Mana in DxD, his Master, or anything like that though, as some might expect. The actual cause of this shall be revealed later on, as there *is* a specific reason behind it and no, it has nothing to do with Zeltrech trolling or having fun, that's part of him is fanon.)


Name: Vlad Tepes III

Class: Lancer

Master: Valerie Tepes

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: A

Mana: A

Luck: D

Noble Phantasm: A

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: B

Personal Skills

Demonic Defender of the State: EX

Protection of the Faith: A

Battle Continuation: A

Tactics: B

Noble Phantasms

Kazikli Bey (Anti-Army): B

Legend of Dracula (Anti-Unit, Self): A+ 

NimtheWriter NimtheWriter

Huh, the whole app got a major change. Runs smoothly now, at least for me. Nice.

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