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45.85% Illusion Is Reality: Gravity Falls / Chapter 83: -Ahem-

Chương 83: -Ahem-

(Comment something funny here because I'm bored)


Earth was coming along well. I feel like I say this every time but it's how it is.

Humans invented bread before they invented farming. Weird. I wandered throughout the planet, heading from continent to continent for years and years. Various villages have sprung up. The planet grows warmer. Lots of large animals go extinct. Villages grow larger, they develop agriculture…

And of course one of the first things they do after cultivating wheat was to make alcohol. I'm not even surprised. Bread before farming and alcohol before bread. I really loved humans sometimes.

Oh hey, is that Mesopotamia? Well...it DOES look like a really big city, not a village. I wandered through and scanned everyone. Glorious. Villages that grow and grow until they become a city, with its own rules and the beginning of organized government. I watched them plant and grow crops in the fertile soil. I watched the first kings take leadership. I watched them begin telling stories, first of me and then of the world around them, making up their own reasons for why everything exists. Their delightful little imaginations making up magical gods that created the land, sky and everything else they couldn't understand or explain.


Well, as much fun as I was having with this whole...watching people thing. I should probably leave before they started worshipping ME as one of their gods. As cool as that would be, I don't think I remember the Babylonians having any triangle gods and wasn't sure if I would be messing with history or not?

I watched them and wondered about giving them my summoning ritual as well. It was important that I do so, right? The first few who summoned me only did so to see if it worked. Typical. I pulled them to sleep and materialized before them.

The person stared at me. "By the gods. You're real!" They cried. I laughed. "Yup! Real as anyone else here, I guess?" they blinked at me. "This is amazing."

I waited but they just kept staring. "Um...don't you have anything you want to ask me?" I finally asked. They broke out of their stupor. "Oh right. Um...are you made of real gold?"


"....sorta?" I mumbled. I COULD in fact, form my vessel out of pure gold. I just prefer Carbon because its easier. I see no problem with actually being gold though. Might be cool. I made a mental note to create a new default Triangle vessel made of organic gold.

The person, Allamu, opened their mouth and stared at me with wide eyes. "Gold! How glorious! What manner of Rabisu are you? I have never heard of one made from gold!"

"Who're you callin' an Rabisu? Do I look like a hideous monster to you?" I cried in an offended tone, even if I AM a demon, doesn't mean I like being called out on it. Seriously. Calling me an ugly monster so hideous that looking at me causes nightmares…

How rude.

Allamu rubbed their arm. "Apologies. You are merely, quite odd to look at. Why do you only have one eye?"

This damn kid.

"Because binocular vision is overrated." I huffed and folded my arms. Allamu laughed. "You are a funny one, little spirit." They looked me up and down. "I have never seen gold of such a lovely color."

I giggled and batted my large eye at them. "Well, this is much better. Keep with the compliments kid." they laughed. "You are radiant like the sun. Are you perhaps some sort of spirit of light?"

I blushed and giggled. "Something like that, do go on~" I waved a hand at them. They grinned "As if a ray of sunlight were brought unto this world in a solid form so that we may appreciate it's glory without the fear of blindness."

"You sure know how to flatter a gal." I tittered and leaned against my cane. "But seriously kid, you summoned me. What do you want?" I peered at them. The kid looked confused. "Want?" They asked.

"Yeah. You summoned me, a little ol' piece of sunshine, so you get to make a request, and then I tell you the price you'll have to pay to make that request come true. If you and I come to an agreement, we shake hands, it's a Deal and boom, you get your request granted! And of course, I get paid."

Allamu pressed their eyebrows together in thought. "So...you grant wishes?"

"Deals. I grant Deals." I clarified. "Wishes don't get me paid. I don't like working for free….usually." I leaned up close to them. "Since you seem like a nice kid, I'll give you a discount. Tell me your request and I'll calculate what my price will be." Allamu shrugged. "What would it cost to become the ruler?"

"Oh~? An ambitious one huh?" I grinned at them. "Well...since I like you, just place my image along the palace walls and those of your citizens. That is my price."

"Are you...actually a god?" Allamu asked. I giggled. "Perhaps~well, either way, I make you the ruler and you place my image around your kingdom. Deal?"

Allamu considered my terms and grinned. "Deal!" We shook and my fire overtook the Dreamscape. I had some work to do.


It took many leading dreams, visions and other Deals to get Allamu on the throne. I spread the rumor that they were secretly one of the Gods' avatars sent down to earth to walk among them. That started some rumor about Demi gods and other such things. Some stuff about how the ruler has the blood of the gods or something?

Either way, I got my side of the Deal done and Allamu, unlike a certain frog asshole, carried through with their side of the deal. I was very glad for that. Would have sucked after all the work I went through. Especially since my powers were so limited in the 3rd dimension.

I grinned as each image of me carved into the walls and streets granted me just a tiny bit more power over the 3rd dimension. My power flowed easier. I didn't have to struggle as much. Of course, the change was minute. Tiny. Like, instead of needing 2/3rds of my energy to cause a change in the physical world after HOURS of concentration, it costs 3.9/6s of my power instead.

It's a start.

If I can make the humans depict me more and more...perhaps…


I haven't seen Facey for a while now. Well, they seemed alright whenever I checked up on them so I let it go. They can do what they want. I don't really have a job for them at the moment. I see the interview I did with Pynelope go up on the news. It got taken down by Federation censors almost half an hour later but I knew a bunch of people across the multiverse had downloaded the video.

I found more people drawing my image into subtle places, hiding triangles in various different locations. This was fun. This was great. The Deals poured in, of course, a lot of them were given "Hello, the demon god you have attempted to summon is unavailable right now. Please leave a message and he will get back to you within a future nightmare. Thank you and have a nice day." messages since I wasn't going to do too many Deals at once.

I got plenty of Favors as my price, a little something to be cashed in at a later date. Some more people attempted to capture or kill me, I had too much fun tearing them apart or capturing them to keep Johan company down in the dungeons.

It's what they get for trying to harm me.

I was humming with energy. Felt giddy and restless. I needed to use this up.

Dammit. What to do? I didn't have any pressing matters to deal with right now right? I racked my brain and felt like there should be something but I don't remember anything important I needed to do? Erm...my friends are fine, Pyrone's fine, Quackers is fine, Pynelope is fine…

Oh right! Hauntfest!

I giggled (only slightly unhinged) and Blinked away to find Time Baby. Time (hah!) to see if Hauntfest worked. I had plenty of energy to spare for the ritual…

A small part of me held a glimmer of hope.



Time Baby grumbled as he and I drew the circle together. I managed to finally convince him for this when I mentioned this will only be once a decade, it doesn't disrupt the time stream and I would leave him alone next Crimbo. I think it was the promise of a Crimbo without my 'gifts' that finally convinced him.

"Wkurxjk Wlph dqg Plqg iru doo pruwdo nlqg, eulqj iruwk wkh rqhv zh'yh orvw. Iru rq wklv gdb zlwk rxu glvsodb, dv zh sdb wklv frvw…"

We poured our power into the circle. All across the multiverse, numerous other circles began to glow. People knelt by their circles, focusing on the memories of who they wished to summon. A shade that would appear for only one night.

I thought of Will. My sweet, baby brother. The only light I had back in that world full of derision, scorn and loneliness.


Even if it was only a shade.


I felt the energy draining from me. I was the power source for this ritual. I gathered a lot. I even got my image spread through the 3rd dimension to give even just that much more of a power boost.

I had plenty to spare. I should have enough power for this. I cried out as the energy was sucked out of me and into the circle. I felt light headed. Much like I used to after having my blood taken at the doctor's back when I was human.

It was still draining from me. I sank to the ground on my hands and knees and groaned. Fuck. How much power did this stupid ritual take? I was beginning to tremble as the energy continued to pour out of me. Even Time Baby looked concerned.

"DO YOU WISH TO STOP?" He asked. I squeezed my eye shut and groaned. "No...I...can do this!" I whimpered as I fell face first on the ground, too tired to hold myself up. I stretched out my senses to all Minds nearby, the other Time Police, the Federation workers, everyone. I opened myself to absorb their emotions, anything to give myself even just a little more power. We were so close. Please. Just a little more power…

My constructed vessel crumbled away as I was forced to consume it to get a last ditch boost of energy.

I blacked out.


Gotta say, waking up to Time Baby's face was almost nightmare inducing. Even if he couldn't properly see me.

"Aaaaaaah!!!" I scrambled away from his fat face. "Geez! The heck?!" I held a hand to my chest and blinked blearily. I was exhausted. What happened? I noticed I was in my energy form, glowing and held together through nothing more than my own consciousness. I quickly formed a vessel (contain myself, compress myself, it allowed me to relax, being inside a vessel meant I didn't have to worry about scattering if I lost focus on holding myself together) and tried to get my bearings, I was using my gold form now, it was a surprisingly comfortable vessel.

I blinked. The memories came back. I shot up and looked around wildly. "Will?! Did it…"

Time Baby nodded once he saw me. "THE RITUAL WORKED." I glanced around the empty room. "But...where is…"

"THE RITUAL ONLY SUMMONED A SHADE FOR A SINGLE NIGHT." Time Baby said solemnly. I blinked in confusion. He clarified. "YOU'VE BEEN UNCONSCIOUS FOR THREE MONTHS."

A hollow feeling went through me and I let out a sob. I dropped to the ground and wept, my colors fading to a dull grayish yellow. Time Baby looked uncomfortable as I cried. He floated down awkwardly and coughed. "YOU CAN TRY AGAIN A DECADE FROM NOW?"


I blinked at him. Was he really suggesting…

"SO...I WOULD NOT MIND PERFORMING THIS RITUAL WITH YOU AGAIN NEXT TIME." Time Baby rumbled. He squeaked when I flew up and hugged him, sinking several inches into his cheek fat. "Thank you."


I wiped my tears and grinned. "Aww~sure you won't miss me?" I teased. He scoffed. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, CIPHER."

I gave him another hug and flew off. I'm going to try again next time. Until then, I had to start stockpiling more energy. I had to be stronger. Much stronger. I can't faint again. I just wanted to see Will again. For that, I needed power.

More power.


"Bill? Are you...alright?" 8-Ball wasn't the most observant of ogres but I suppose I wasn't being all that subtle. The empty fuel canister dropped to the ground and I slumped over against the table. I gagged. "Ugh…"

"Bill? I'm not sure what's going on but I'm going to have to cut you off here…" 8-Ball pulled the other canister away from my limp hand. "I mean…" he scratched at his ears "I don't think drinking ship fuel is good for you?" I whimpered. "It tastes disgusting!"

"Well. Even more reason why you shouldn't drink it." 8-Ball gently picked me up by my corner and carried me over to the bathroom. "No offense Bill, you look like you're gonna vomit." I moaned as he laid me down in a sink. "Why were you drinking fuel?" 8-Ball asked as he turned on the warm water to wash some of the slimy blue fluid off from around my eye.

I closed my eye and let him bathe me. 8-Ball was always more gentle than I expected. I could feel his claws coming close to my eye but he wasn't holding me down so I didn't have any issues. I didn't understand what the difference was. Why did holding down my arms and legs cause me to panic when having sharp objects trailing near my eye didn't even get a flinch out of me? Ugh. Feelings are weird.

Still, I groaned softly as 8-Ball cleaned me off. It felt nice. "I realized that I need more power…" I mumbled quietly. 8-Ball made a confused sound. "More? But...you've never cared about power before?"

"I…" should I tell him about this? "I found a ritual that might let me see my brother again...but I didn't have enough power to get the spell to work and stay conscious for it." I sighed as I relaxed under 8-Ball's gentle scrubbing. "Calling back the Souls of the long dead is something impossible. But if I can call back a Shade of them instead, if I can perfect this spell, I would be able to do Deals where I can summon forth any of the dead I want." He paused before he continued cleaning my bricks off. "Oh. And what does drinking fuel have to do with it?"

"Long carbon chains, lots of energy. I'm also going to try and get some more Deals in so I can raise my limit for how much I can store. If this was a Zelda game, I'm increasing my max amount of hearts." I mumbled. 8-Ball chuckled. "I don't get the reference but, ok."

He turned off the water and carefully wiped me dry. "I would like to meet your brother." I opened my eye to see him smiling. His teeth made it look quite intimidating but I knew that this was his 'genuinely happy' expression. "I'm sure he'd love to meet you too." I sighed before hugging his thick arm. "I know I shouldn't rush it. I'm just...so excited for the idea of seeing him again...even just a fragment of him…"

8-Ball carefully, slowly, pet my bricks. "I don't think your brother would like you drinking until you made yourself sick for him." I snorted. "No. He wouldn't." He'd probably cry and make me lie down before I hurt myself. Ah...Will…

I relaxed into 8-Ball's half-hug. I really wanted to be ok with my friends. I can hug THEM just fine. But...I suppose it was about my arms. If their hug ended up trapping my arms I start to get uncomfortable. It was quite annoying. Luckily they can easily avoid this by simply hugging me in a way that left my hands free. Ammy was being more affectionate lately. 8-Ball always seemed hesitant. I think he's afraid to hurt me by hugging back too hard. I'm not that fragile!

I floated up to press myself against his chest. He liked how warm my bricks were, most of my friends did. Something about how it was soothing. 8-Ball slowly brought a clawed hand up to place on my back. "Bill?" He asked.

Despite the buzzing inside me as my body digested, I felt somewhat exhausted. "I'm going to take a nap, stay with me?" I asked, looking up at him. 8-Ball nodded. "Sure. I'm gonna go play with the Eyebats though." I nodded. That was fine. I felt his hand along my back and I made myself relax. 8-Ball was my friend. 8-Ball was safe. It was something I kept telling myself in hopes that my stupid feelings would finally take the hint and stop making me apprehensive around people.

I slumped in his arms with my own wrapped loosely around his neck and shoulders. My bricks were buzzing and I wanted to sleep…


I sat up in my Mindscape and sighed. I pulled my teddy bear closer to me and wondered at the irony that my personal Mindscape was a bedroom. I sat on the bed for a bit before looking over at my Exit door.

I check on it often. Some...foreboding feeling making me worried and anxious about it.

And yet I couldn't help but want to go check it out. I turned to another area of my Mindscape where my False Dreamscape was. A large shimmering bubble filled with only pleasant images. I could go to sleep...or…

As if pulled by some unseen force, I found my gaze drifting back to my Exit door. I couldn't help it. I was curious. I wanted to explore. I wanted to find Seb and Blue again. Was it wrong? Ax would be upset. But I was going to be careful.

I was just going to go find Blue or Seb. They were my friends and even if I could sometimes pass a message to Blue, his connection didn't seem all that stable. I wouldn't hear from him for months and years before a bunch of updates suddenly pop up. And I had no way of contacting Seb. I was worried about him and his brothers. Did those idiots survive in space for however long it took?

Well I fixed Seb's portal for him so...13 years? Oh, I could probably get to Seb's dimension if I built a portal in my 3rd dimension...but it's not like humanity has the know how or technology needed to make that yet anyway. I floated closer to my Exit. Ok, just a quick search for Seb or Blue.

I paused when I felt a nudge from my vessel. I glanced up before shrugging and deciding to leave the Exit door alone for now. I should see what 8-Ball wanted. I blinked as I settled back into the physical realm. 8-Ball looked relieved when I got up. "Wha?" I yawned.

"Sorry for waking you. Um…" he rubbed his arm sheepishly. "Your Com was ringing…" he said. I looked over. Miz's Com. Oh. "Thanks 8-Ball." I chirped before shifting into Miz and picking up "Wai?"

"Miz! Oh thank goodness!"

I blinked. "Tina? What's up?" she sounded...not quite worried but…

"I just…" she sighed. "Are you alright? Are you doing ok?" I walked up to my room so I could talk privately. "I'm fine Tina. What brought this on?" I tried to think of what might have happened. "How long have you been in contact with Bill Cipher? How much power does he have over you?" She asked. I nearly tripped on the stairs. "What?!"

"I...no offense Miz, you're my friend and I care about you and obviously the Oracle knew as well and she's fine with letting it be since you seem to be doing well and Cipher's gang seem to be decent people, all things considered…"

"Tina, breathe. What's going on?"

"Mother's been reading through all sorts of reports. She talks to me about her work sometimes but I could tell something was worrying her." I could practically taste Tina's worry over the Com-link. "She found records of Deals. Hundreds upon thousands of Deals. The Federation was built on a foundation of under the table deals with a demon god. A demon god who can cash in a favor from practically any seated member of the Council at any time…"

"What's the issue here?" I asked, flopping onto my bed and rolling around. Tina groaned. "There's so much about the Federation that is a liability and mother wants to fix it. But that would mean going against councilmen who are corrupt enough to summon a demon god and sell their souls to him-"

"Ok. Gonna stop you right there, Bill Cipher does not take Souls. Sorry, that's a pretty big deal, the Soul versus not Soul thing." I sighed. Tina let out a bit of incredulous laughter "You really do know more about him than is normal."

"I simply don't accept every piece of Federation propaganda as fact." I responded. Tina was quiet for a bit. "Are you one of Cipher's henchmen?" Tina finally asked quietly. I make an offended sound. "What? No! I don't serve him. I won't deny that we know each other but Bill Cipher does not command me to do things against my will."

She let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. I was worried about your safety. Even if you're immortal...um. Miz? How are you immortal? Did you make a Deal with Cipher?"

"I can honestly say that I did not gain immortality via a Deal with Bill Cipher. Look, let's get back on topic, your mom found out about how most Federation officials are corrupt, power hungry, greedy and terrible at the jobs they were voted into?"

I could practically see Tina nodding on her side of the Com. "That...is an accurate summary of my worries, yes." I rubbed my face and sighed. "Tina. I'm gonna be straight with you. Your mom is like...one out of four Federation Council members who's actually a good person. Everyone else are kinda shit."

"B-but...there are several hundred council members...how...can they all be terrible people?" I heard her voice waver. "They're our leaders...they're in charge of our laws! What...does it mean for us, if the Council can't be trusted?"

I sighed. "Welcome to politics. There are civil wars and rebellions on all sorts of planets. People fighting against Federation rule, plenty of people are unhappy with what the Federation does." I rolled onto my side. "Also, you better be sure the Federation doesn't find out you know this. Daughter of a high council member or not, the corrupt members in power don't like their dirty secrets known."

"Miz…" Tina sounded scared. "What do I do if Bill Cipher goes after my mom and corrupts her?" I let out a bark of laughter. "Tina, you're misunderstanding something here. Bill doesn't corrupt the officials he makes Deals with, only corrupt officials make Deals with Bill." I laughed pretty hard. "Bill is SUMMONED. If those officials didn't WANT something from the demon, they wouldn't have summoned him!"

"So...mom is safe?" Tina ask hopefully. I nodded, though she wouldn't be able to see it since we were on Audio only. "Yeah. As long as she doesn't go around drawing Bill's intricate summoning circle, chanting his name, discussing a Deal and shaking his hand, I think you're good." I cackled. "Seriously, it's very difficult to summon him by ACCIDENT. If Bill made a Deal with someone, it's because they ACTIVELY sought him out. Your mother is safe so long as she doesn't go through all those steps on purpose."

I could almost taste her Relief. "Oh...that's good...wait, so this means several hundred other people...in positions of power in our government, have willingly made a deal with the demon?!"

"And you wonder why rebellions happen? Look, I can hear you're upset. This is some pretty big news, but the point is, the Federation being shit has nothing to do with Bill. He doesn't care about politics, usually, he actually likes your mom because she HASN'T summoned him and he is hoping more good people like her get into positions of power." I sighed. "Bill would actually like it if the Federation wasn't a den of corruption and selfishness. He's a much nicer guy than the propaganda says."

Also, I should cash in a few of those Favors owed to me. Councilman Berlins has been embezzling money, that money would go to much better use building another refugee shelter. Now, I would want to use the Favors to do things like...make the Federation less shit, but aside from forcing them to make a new law or reform...which would still need to be voted on by the other members in order to pass through, I couldn't ask them for anything outrageous. I've already cashed in a bunch of favors to get some laws changed, which required favors from multiple council members at once. It's all very annoying.

Tina was quiet before she let out a laugh. "You really know a lot about Bill Cipher. What are you to him? I heard rumors you had been captured as his Pet. But you denied that." she still sounded worried, but less so. As if she was fascinated to know more about me and Bill. Tina loved my stories and I guess this was just more of the same.

"Eh, it's not all that interesting. We're on amicable terms. I get along with his friends and he let me take in one of his adopted children to keep her safe from his enemies. Keep that a secret." I told her.

Tina hummed for a bit before asking "Are you his lover?" I sputtered. "What?! No! Geez! Where did you get such a weird idea?!" Oh great, and now I was thinking about it. Erugh…

She laughed over the Com. "Sorry. Oh my~you're denying it pretty hard~" she giggled. I was flushed with embarrassed horror. "Because that's wildly incorrect!" I whined. "I don't have any interest in such relations!" Least of which with myself...though pairing up Bill and Jan might be kinda hot...NOPE! NOT GOING TO THINK ABOUT THIS!

I wailed in embarrassment as I rolled around on my bed. Tina, the little troll, laughed at me. "Sorry Miz. I couldn't resist. But I'm glad you're not being used by Cipher for such things."

"Don't say it like that! Bill wouldn't...he...ugh!" I moaned. Tina continued laughing. "I have half the mind to hang up." I muttered. "Don't. I'll stop!" Tina snorted. I buried my face in a pillow as my stupid brain sent me images of Xin and Jan doing some pretty hot stuff together.

Auuuugh! Why did I have to make my guy forms so sexy?!

Great. Now I'm all hot and bothered. Ugh…

"Dammit Tina!" I whined. She continued laughing at me, like an asshole~ "But seriously. No. I am not Bill's lover." She cleared her throat. "Right. Sorry. Just had to be sure."

"Yeah, sure~" I rolled my eyes. "Hey Miz?" She asked. I buried my head under a pillow. "What?"

"Are you a god?"

I paused. Well. "Sorta. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Is the fact that you're a god the reason why you and Bill Cipher get along?" she sounded legitimately interested in the topic. I laughed. "Naw. Just being a god is no indicator of how well people get along. In fact most gods hate each other."

Religious turf wars were some of the most brutal, bloody and cruel things ever. So, no. Being gods would not make me get along better with anyone else. Actually….

"Most other gods hate Bill. They're jealous that he's doing well for himself despite not having as many worshipers." I comment lightly. Perhaps, I could use Tina as a way of giving good information about me to her mother and thus, the Federation. "He normally just wants to be left in peace and if you are a good, polite person, he's generally very kind in return."

"But what of the cities he's destroyed? The people who he goes and kills for no good reason?" Tina whispered. I sighed. Fuck Time Baby and his damn jobs. "Bill was essentially hired to do that. He can be summoned by ANYONE to ask for a Deal you know? So if some awful person wants someone dead…" I trailed off and let Tina fill in the blanks. She gasped. "People...really ask Cipher for such a thing?"

"Yup." I turned to grab one of my pillows. "Bill doesn't like to kill people for no reason. Attacking and destroying people who haven't done him any wrong is pointless you know? So whenever Bill seems to just kill people for no discernible reason, he was probably Dealed to do so." Maybe if I can get people to understand that they would stop giving so much shit about it. Chaos is great, I love messing with people, but killing people randomly isn't really my thing. And if people stopped messing with me then I wouldn't have to kill them. Tina made a sound of understanding. "So...Cipher is simply obeying orders?"

"Pfth. Orders shmorders. He doesn't take a Deal unless they offer him something in return. And Bill doesn't like killing, so if he takes a job for that, he's gonna be getting something real nice in return."

Tina hissed. "A killer for hire is still a killer. Even if you like him, Cipher is still an awful criminal." I paused. Well, she's not wrong? "What if they make him an offer he couldn't refuse?" I asked, not really trying to defend myself, but curious about how Tina feels. She huffed. "Oh please, it's not like they can threaten him. What can they even offer him? What is worth the lives of all those he killed for them?"

"The lives of his friends and family." I answered quietly. Tina went quiet. I continued "Bill is an immortal god, his friends aren't. He can heal and strengthen their cells to stop them from aging but...they can still get hurt or die. He...doesn't want that. Because he loves them more than life itself...and if a bunch of strangers need to die just so they can stay safe and happy...he'll do it. Even if he doesn't want to."

I bit my lip, worried about Tina's continued silence. "Tina?"

"How pitiful."

I blinked. "What?"

"How pitiful is he? That he would make himself the monster...just to save a handful of people…" she sighed. "I pity him." I closed my eyes. Didn't really know how to feel about that statement. "How do you know so much, Miz? Are you sure you're not dating him?"

"Ugh! Tina!" I whined. She laughed, it was a little strained. "Would you do that too?"

"You mean kill people to ensure you and the others are safe? Yes. I would. If it would protect you and everyone else, I would do it." I told her seriously. I hear a sniffle from her line of the phone. "But you shouldn't. Killing is wrong. No matter what reason there is for it."

"Then what do you call the Federation soldiers? What do do call every single war that happens throughout the multiverse?" I pressed. "What do you call euthanasia? What do you call all the people fighting to survive every single day? The multiverse is a kill or be killed place. The only truly non-violent world is Jessie's dimension."

Tina sniffled. "That's awful...killing isn't right...no matter the reason…" I sighed. "But it happens. And it happens for all sorts of reasons. The Federation has soldiers for a reason, they also have executions. People can choose to kill for all sorts of selfish or unselfish reasons...and for me, if it meant keeping you and all our friends safe, I would do it."

I already did. The Curse I placed around Dimension 52 would repel any with malicious intentions from even entering the world. The worse their intentions, the more violently they are repelled. There was someone who intended to pretend to be a refugee and kidnap some maidens for a slave trade. He was incinerated against the edge of the dimension by my Curse. I have already killed to protect Tina, Jessie, Quillia and all the others.

And I'm not afraid to kill again.

Tina sighed. "But...you shouldn't have to. Miz, you're like a little sister to me and I don't want to see you dirty your Soul with murder."

"It's too late for that…" I mumbled. I heard a sharp intake of breath from the other line. "Tina, in the time you were living at the temple, did you know how many assassins came after you?" I wasn't even sure if I should tell her. Tina sounded horrified. "Did you-?!"

"I didn't kill them personally. I simply set up a barrier. If anyone tried to enter with the intention of violating the 'No violence' rule, they would be repelled. Of course, you can probably guess what happened to some of them."

Tina began to cry softly. I frowned. I hope I hadn't made her hate me...or not want to be my friend anymore. "Tina? I'm sorry. But please understand I just wanted to keep you all safe."

"T-that's not it! I'm sorry you were forced to hurt others just to try and help me...I'm sorry I forced you into doing something so horrid…" she sobbed. I held my Com tightly. "It's not your fault! You didn't force me into anything. You're my friend and protecting you is what I wanted to do!"

"B-but why did you have to kill them? Wouldn't just pushing them away have been enough?" She cried. I rubbed my face and curled up on my bed. "There are some people in this world who enjoy hurting others. They think it's fun. They find joy in killing people who are helpless. They are awful, terrible people who have killed and will kill again. If I let them live, they will just go and hurt other people. I can't let that go."

"But you could have captured them and turned them in to the Federation!" Tina insisted. "They could be in jail. Then they wouldn't be able to hurt anyone."

I sighed. "Tina, the assassins I killed were HIRED by the Federation." I mean, I could jail them myself in a little dungeon but then I'd have to take care of them and ugh.

I gave her a few seconds to process that. She finally whispered a broken "Why?" She sobbed "I knew they hired kidnappers...to try and force mother to drop out of the elections...but...killing me would accomplish nothing. If I was dead, mother would be sad but she would just go through the elections with more vigor!"

"Because some of your mom's enemies didn't actually care about making her drop out of the elections. They just wanted to hurt her by hurting you." I told her. She continued to cry. "It's not your fault! It's their fault for being awful people!" I protested. I didn't want her to cry.

"That's not it...I'm...sorry that you felt you could only help by killing people...that's not right...I'm sorry you had to kill people…"

"It's not your fault Tina…" I wanted to Blink away to where she was...I wanted to comfort her. "Look, can we...not talk about this anymore? What's done is done, just...don't go putting yourself in situations where I have to kill to protect you anymore and it's all good, right?" I hear her strained laughter. "I shall try my best then."

We chatted for hours, she commented that she would be returning to the Temple for a visit in a few weeks. Of course, I would be there. We had so much fun talking about all sorts of inane things I entirely forgot about going through my Exit Door again.


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