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81.96% GATE: Thus The Imperium of Man Fought There / Chapter 46: Chapter 13: The Grand Conspiracy pt 3

Chương 46: Chapter 13: The Grand Conspiracy pt 3

-M29. 671. Falmart. At the Edge of the Continent-

Around a dozen Thunderbird Mk IV soared at high speed towards the anomaly area, now the destination of their investigation. Upon reaching the intended area, Raias walked to the cockpit and witnessed an emptiness stretching as far as the eye could see. As they approached, Raias could feel the turbulence intensify in the Warp.

What he felt was the reality sinking deeper into the Empyrean Sea. Remembering the information he had received earlier, all of this was caused by the disturbance in the Webway connection by the false gods who now tyrannized Falmart.

"We will be landing in T-minus three minutes," the pilot announced.

Upon the announcement, Raias could see an Imperial research outpost standing just a few kilometers from the gaping void. As the Thunderbird landed, everyone inside immediately exited as instructed.

Beside him, Raias found Rory on the Thunderbird. However, contrary to what he knew of the Apostle, where her cheerful and playful demeanor had once been, now appeared to be completely gone, replaced by a seriousness resembling an incarnation of the perfection of mankind's vigilance itself.

Raias suspected the reason behind Rory's demeanor shift. Ever since the Apostle had her meeting with His Majesty, something changed drastically, and the difference became more apparent each day.

"Captain Raias, long time no see," Rory greeted the transhuman captain, a smile on her face.

"Quite an unusual remark, Rory. We just met a few months ago," the captain replied with a sigh.

"We did. But, I guess what His Majesty gave me changed my perception entirely, time included," she replied, smiling faintly.

"Also, I didn't expect you to be here, Rory. I heard only Lelei is the one who will accompany me," Raias said, genuinely surprised.

"It was an urgent matter for me. Besides, they requested my presence here to test something," she shrugged.

Raias only nodded before turning towards the outpost. With instructions in hand, he proceeded to enter, Rory walking right behind him.

The interior of the structure was made up of Warp-sensitive materials. Raias could feel the energy coursing over his skin, causing him to shiver slightly. It had been nearly a century since the War of Retribution, but the scars of the Warp would haunt him for eternity.

The sensation of burning still seared deep within his soul, causing him to flinch involuntarily. Fortunately, his helmet shielded his expression from the Apostle's scrutiny.

As they delved deeper, the Warp energy thickened, inducing a pounding headache in the Solar Guardian. He had grown accustomed to the Emperor's Anathematic power, which usually shielded him from such discomfort when exposed directly to raw Warp energy.

"I've heard about your past, Captain," Rory remarked, her words deliberate.

Raias halted, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Many tales from that war can be accessed in the Noosphere network. There is nothing particularly remarkable about it."

"I'm not referring to that. But according to the story and research paper, you are deemed worthy of becoming a Magistratus," she dropped the bombshell, a smirk playing on her lips.

Raias attempted to mask his emotions, subtly clenching his hand to steady himself. "I do not deem myself worthy becoming a Magistratus, Rory."

"The Emperor chose you to be one of his champions, a bearer of Anathematic power. I find your refusal unjustified, Captain," the Apostle countered, her eyes narrowing.

The Solar Guardian stood motionless, his gaze locked onto the Apostle. With just a glance, Raias could discern the presence of Anathematic energy entrenched deep within her very essence.

"You possess the same latent power as I do. You can feel it, can't you?"

"I do. But I have accepted it, embraced the blessing of His Majesty. I understand its weight. I feel it every day—the souls of those poor men and women, never to reunite with our Emperor's light, ensnared by that foul god," she hissed, her fingers tightening around her halberd.

Raias's gaze lingered on her for a moment, a surge of emotion coursing through him as he recalled the tragic fate of those who had seemingly found solace in his light, only to be mercilessly devoured by the Primordial Annihilators. The indifferent gods reveled in their macabre feast with cruel, mocking laughter.

"We must attend to our duty. We can discuss this matter later," Raias declared before proceeding deeper into the outpost.

A contingent of Magistratus awaited them at the heart of the building, including the young, blue-haired psyker.

"Lelei," Raias greeted.

"Ah, Captain," the young psyker responded politely.

"Milords," Raias acknowledged the Magistratus.

The Magistratus, clad in black ornamental armor, took a decisive step forward. Raias's keen eye discerned the significance of the color rankings within the Magistratus hierarchy. Black denoted membership in the Raython Shields, a cohort specializing in the mastery of the destructive aspect of Anathematic power. The Magistratus's presence signaled that this breach between realities is a subject for the Emperor's judgement for destruction.

"My name is Darius Vardun, Master of the fifth cohort of Raython Shields, guardian of Segmentum Solar," he proclaimed, his voice resounding with power and authority.

Despite Raias's own status as a transhuman, the dread and overwhelming pressure emanating from the third-ranking transhuman was enough to nearly force him to his knees. Even though only a single rank separated the two, the gap felt immense.

This was the full might of the Magistratus, yet Raias persisted, standing tall without flinching.

"Remarkable," Darius mused, his transhuman aura fading. "You managed to withstand the full force of my aura, Captain Raias Seloce Astratum. You truly show promise as a Magistratus."

"I am honored by your compliment, milord," Raias responded with gratitude, though he endeavored to conceal his genuine emotion.

"Let us address the main reason for our presence here," the Magistratus declared, turning away from the cogitator. With a mere mental command, the seemingly impossible machinery within the facility sprang to life, executing trillions of numerical calculations simultaneously.

The result materialized before them in an instant. Raias employed his transhuman intellect to decipher the cryptic data before him. The vast array of information revealed that the fractures would inevitably consume the entirety of Falmart.

"This is deeply alarming," Raias remarked, his eyes narrowing in apprehension.

"Indeed. That's why swift action is imperative," Darius concurred, shifting his gaze to the blue-haired mage. "And that, Lelei Lelena, is the purpose of your presence here."

"What is it that you require of me, milord?" the mage inquired, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Darius fixed his gaze on her for a moment before returning his attention to the cogitator. "We require you as the conduit for those false gods to manifest."

At this revelation, the atmosphere in the room grew heavier, laden with the weight of the gamble they were undertaking. The stakes were high, and even the slightest miscalculation could lead to catastrophic consequences, potentially spelling the end for them all.

"We won't know unless we try, right? Very well. I will do it," Lelei declared solemnly.

"Splendid. We shall commence shortly. The construction of the channeling chamber will be completed within the hour. Take your time to prepare," Darius instructed the mage and the Apostle before turning to the Solar Guardian. "I need you to accompany me, Captain."

Raias briefly glanced at the two Falmartians before redirecting his attention to the black-armored transhuman. "As you wish, milord."


Raias had never imagined himself reaching this juncture, standing before an actual master of destruction. He had heard countless legends regarding the soul guardians of Anathema. The Dominator Magistratus were indeed envisioned to be the stewards of mankind, born from the Emperor's essence.

Despite the veneer of utopian civil autonomy and service it provided its citizens, the Imperium of Man was a realm steeped in secrets and deception. Only the highest echelons comprehended the full scope of its impossibly complex bureaucracy. Among its myriad mysteries lay the true function of the Magistratus – shapers of the Emperor's will, utilizing His aspects to govern and safeguard humanity in both the spiritual and material realms.

They perceived the immaterial and material universe as energies to be manipulated, transformed, or obliterated, depending on the dictates of the order or shield they represented. The Raython Shields were infamous for their unconventional methods in harnessing Anathematic power to serve its destructive aspect.

He recalled the closing hours of the War of Retribution when, with a single psychic gesture, the breach in reality was sealed, and the daemonic horde incinerated in a blaze so intense that even their true forms were consumed.

As they arrived at a chamber adorned with adamantium and crystal, Darius approached a particular crystal at its center.

"The reports indicate your potential to join the ranks of the Magistratus. I intend to test that potential here," Darius announced, turning his gaze to the Solar Guardian.

"May I ask a question, milord?" Raias requested politely.

"Permission granted."

"I do not doubt His Majesty's judgment, but I feel unworthy of the mantle of Magistratus."

At Raias's admission, the third-ranked transhuman simply stared. Behind his black mask, Raias couldn't discern Darius's expression, yet the oppressive aura that often accompanied him was notably absent.

"I understand your nature better than you realize, Captain," the Magistratus spoke with an unexpected softness, prompting Raias to raise an eyebrow.

"Forgive me, but I fail to comprehend," Raias replied, puzzled.

Darius returned his focus to the crystal, raising his hand. A slow, harmonious wave of psychic energy emanated from him, causing the crystal to gleam with golden brilliance. Instantly recognizing the aura, Raias discerned the origin of the mysterious crystal.

"Is that the Imperus Crystal, milord?" Raias inquired for confirmation.

"Indeed, young Solar Guardian," Darius affirmed with a solemn nod. "This is an Alpha Grade Imperus Crystal."

The Imperus Crystal, a mystical substance derived from crystallized Anathematic power, was integral to virtually every psychic technology and advanced psychic practice within the Imperium. Mandated by the Emperor himself, its connection to His light ensured protection from the Primordial Annihilators. Echarius Heart and Vagras Kalexis, renowned creations of human mastery over biology and psi-science, were forged from the dust of this very crystal, conferring resistance to the corrupting influence of Chaos.

The designation of Alpha-grade Imperus crystal hinted at meticulously laid schemes and plans for this world. Raias had never personally witnessed an Alpha-grade crystal, but the legends surrounding its power were well known to him.

Its rarity spoke volumes of the awe-inspiring deeds that birthed its legends. Perhaps Raias had glimpsed a fraction of its potency during the War of Retribution, recalling the sensation of calmness and order it bestowed upon the Sea of Soul as it quelled chaotic turbulence in reality.

Furthermore, tales from the Helltide only served to reinforce the immense power held within the golden brilliance of this particular crystal.

"Returning to your earlier confusion, Captain," Darius spoke slowly. "I understand your essence more intimately than you may realize."

Raias listened intently, intrigued by the Magistratus's insight.

"As we are aware, the Magistratus are created from Solar Guardians who bear His Majesty's light within their souls. Yet, the light only manifests once the chosen one has proven their worth. However, the criteria for such qualification remain shrouded in mystery. But I believe I have discerned the truth," Darius continued, his tone carrying a distant reminiscence.

"I once served as a member of the Iron Warden Auxilia, tasked with watching over the Maelstrom. When daemons breached our home sector, two-fifths of the Iron Guardians were deployed to defend it. I was there," he recounted, channeling his psychic power into the crystal once more, feeling its harmonious presence.

"I heard that siege in my class when I was a mortal. Millions of Guardians, tens of thousands of Titans, and over seven thousand void ships stood against the relentless daemons. It was remembered as a siege of unparalleled brutality and attrition warfare. It was a relentless onslaught, marked by Warp flares burning entire systems and planets torn asunder. I never imagined you would be among the survivors, milord," Raias remarked, attempting to comprehend the revelation.

"Fate favored me in those dark times. The battle was unimaginably brutal. Even a hundred-meter Titan could be vanquished with ease. Chaos corruption ran rampant, laying waste to everything in its path. But it was then that His Majesty's light found me, as it has found you. We were chosen by His perfect judgment. And now, it is your duty to become the guardian of Anathema," Darius concluded, extending his arm.

Raias hesitated briefly, but realizing he had no other choice, he accepted. In that moment, the Ideal Truth descended upon him.


Preparations for Lelei's role as the conduit for the Falmartian gods were complete. The group assembled alongside a contingent of Magistratus from the Shields of Raython, accompanied by a squadron of psi automata armed with Warp-killing weaponry.

Lelei stepped into the center of the device, resembling an altar surrounded by four floating obelisks with Imperatus crystals at their cores.

With a gentle, wave-like hum signaling that everything was primed and ready to activate, Lelei nodded confidently.

Darius raised his hand, and a ripple of psychic energy surged throughout the chamber, resonating with the four crystals. Their luminous glow intensified in response to the Magistratus's call.

In that pivotal moment, an immense psychic force engulfed the entire room. They could sense it—the breach between realities forcibly torn open, and an overwhelming power emanated from the four crystals, pulling something from beyond the veil.

Rory felt it keenly, the essence of Hardy, being forcibly drawn from his own realm. Consumed by resentment towards the underworld gods, he could only watch helplessly as the once-mighty deity was reduced to the level of mortal beings.

As a piercing scream reverberated through space and time, signaling the god's arrival in the mortal realm, Hardy's essence was now trapped within Lelei's body.

With a sudden transformation, Lelei's appearance changed, her once blue hair now long and flowing. Anger laced her voice as she shouted, "How dare you. How dare you!" The girl was no longer Lelei, but Hardy, now manifested in flesh and blood.

"We summoned you here for interrogation, heretic," Darius interjected sharply.

"Heretic? You are the ones who obliterated all forms of worship in Falmart, eradicating traditions that have endured for thousands of years. You are the heretics, and it's ironic that you claim to bring enlightenment," Hardy retorted with biting sarcasm.

"Religion is a lie, false god. And we are not here for you to lecture us on matters of faith," Darius declared sternly, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. With a forceful slam of his scepter, a burst of Anathemic power enveloped the so-called god, rendering all of Hardy's abilities useless—a revelation that left the deity visibly shocked.

"What? How are you mortals capable of wielding this power?!" Hardy roared in disbelief, sensing not only the strain emanating from the crystals but also from the vessel that currently contained her essence.

"You insolent mortal!" she hissed, feeling her power wane faster than anticipated. To add insult to injury, Rory's smirk only served to exacerbate her frustration.

The once-mighty ruler of the underworld now stood defenseless and powerless, her authority stripped away by the overwhelming might of the Anathemic power.

"Now, you will talk," Raias asserted, taking a decisive step forward. "We demand to know the whereabouts of the nexus you were safeguarding."

At the mention of the nexus, Hardy's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing sharply before she responded in a venomous tone. "That is none of your mortal business, abomination."

Her insolent words carried a weight of disrespect that, in the Imperium, would warrant inevitable execution. To insult the design of any transhuman was to insult the hard work of the Emperor and every single human who had bled for the advancement of humanity's ascension.

But in this unique circumstance, Raias found Hardy's accusation intriguing. "You dare call me an abomination, yet you are nothing more than a parasite, feeding off the faith of those who worship you."

"Silence!" Hardy barked, but before she could finish her retort, sparks of lightning struck her essence, causing the master of the Underworld to shriek in agony.

"It will take time to extract anything of value from her. Captain, this task falls to you to carry out," Darius instructed, his voice carrying a deeper tone of understanding.

"I understand, milord," the Solar Guardian responded solemnly, taking a moment to center himself. Raias delved deep into his soul, seeking the radiant gift of the Emperor within him.

After a few moments of introspection, Raias found the light. He had witnessed it once before, when Darius revealed to him the Ideal Truth, and now, the beauty of the Emperor's light illuminated his soul once more, exacerbating the metaphorical wound within him.

The weight of the burden and the enormity of the responsibility threatened to overwhelm him. Yet, he knew he must persevere.

Darius had revealed to him his purpose within the ranks of the Golden Wardens—to bear witness to the truth of reality in its purest form. He was to be a shield, protecting the sanity of others and serving as guardian of the scales.

He was the Shield of Aegis.

"No! What is this blasphemy?!" the god shrieked in terror, unable to deny the revelation of the Ideal Truth that Raias had bestowed upon her.

As Raias delved deeper into the god's essence, he uncovered her origin, meaning, essence, and even her deepest secrets. He glimpsed an ancient structure buried within the planet's core, defying reality itself. The more he delved, the clearer he understood the true nature of the nexus device.

"I believe that's enough," Raias stated, withdrawing from the depths of the god's mind.

"Lies... All of this is lies," the god protested, fear creeping into her trembling voice.

"Face the light, parasite," Darius commanded sternly, before turning his gaze to the Solar Guardian. "What did you discover, Captain?"

"I located the nexus. However, it's intricate. The nexus serves to anchor this world to various realities, enabling connections to multiple universes. But its greatest strength in preventing this world from descending into the abyss is also its greatest weakness. It causes the timeline to unravel, dragging this reality down with it," Raias explained, receiving a nod of acknowledgment from the Magistratus. "What shall we do with her then?"

"The interrogation must continue. While Lelei's psychic and biological signs remain stable, we must delve deeper," Darius concluded decisively.

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