"He... died?" Sei asked in disbelief.
Chloe nodded apologetically and began to explain.
"It appears to have been a suicude. Neighbors reported the sound of a gunshot going off and we found him in the bathroom, already long gone."
Sei felt like she was being bombarded with more and more world shattering information.
First, the man who burned down the house where she and her daughter lived was her ex husband.
Next, it is revealed that not only did he burn her house down, but he killed himself afterwards as well.
"I-I don't understand... why did he do this?!" Sei asked as her tears finally began to fall.
Malachi immediately threw his arms around her and Sei held onto him for dear life, as if she was afraid that she might fall apart if he let her go.
Chloe could do nothing but slide the poor woman a box of tissues, and wait for her to become emotionally stable enough to hear more.
In real life, everyone is going to hurt you, be it big or small. Whether the hurt was intentional, or whether or not the person responsible is willing to apologize and change their actions, is what determines wheter or not a person is worthy of remaining by your side.
Also, my daughter shit on my lap as I was typing this... don't let that take away from the little nugget I just gave you.