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50% Fate/Noble Hero / Chapter 1: prologue
Fate/Noble Hero Fate/Noble Hero original

Fate/Noble Hero

Tác giả: Xander_Haris

© WebNovel

Chương 1: prologue

It was a cold night, Raizel as always was sitting looking out the window watching the landscape. The beauty of the freedom he could never have.

He kept looking out the window as if he was waiting for something, that something that didn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

Until he looked back towards the wall where a sword was hanging. It was a beautiful sword that had an aura of godliness about it.

As if the sword were a god unto itself! The air trembled around him as if the air itself recognized the sword's majesty! At the same time, the sword roared in power

As if her was holding back out of respect for something bigger than her as if the sword was waiting for permission for something.

Raizel sighed, and a slight smile formed on his face, "So you found someone special?"

The sword responded by releasing its power, giving the yes notice to Raizel who just nodded

"So go!" Raizel spoke, maintaining a calm sigh, "find your new master! Ragnarök"

The sword flashed floating and a mass of energy came out of it, forming a clone of the sword that took the place of the original.

Then a crack formed in the air and the sword entered the crack.

"Master!" Frankenstein yelled running into Raizel's room with a pained expression, "I felt a huge surge of power! Is everything okay?"

Raizel nodded to Frankenstein and looked into the void with kindness, "Only the legacy of a friend has found someone to fight for together"


"Is the sun watching my end?" the boy thought, falling to his knees in the rubble. He was dying and he knew it! There was nothing left to do!

The smoke entered his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe. Being so young, his lungs couldn't handle all the smoke.

A respiratory arrest was forming in his body. There was nothing he could do anymore but lie down and die.

No one could say that the boy gave up on life, no, he fought until his last strength. He continued walking for hours into the flames.

He didn't stop, he didn't give up, and he wasn't moved by the bodies on the ground. His will to survive made him continue to walk through hell without even blinking.

Until eventually his strength gave out and he fell into that pile of rubble. His lungs stopped, and the flames started to close in on him to take his life.

The cursed flames danced, approaching the boy, rejoicing in being able to lead another delicious innocent life.

The moment the flames touched the boy, a red light flashed above him, causing the flames to roar and retreat, showing dissatisfaction.

{You are not worthy to touch this boy, disgusting creature} A genderless voice declared in the glow of light and a sword appeared

the sword was a Zweihänder with a golden scabbard whose glow and the aura it cast were so powerful that the cursed flames paled in comparison.

{Eventually, everything will be mine!} The cursed flames roared in response to the sword's aura and began to disappear into the earth, leaving the sword and the boy alone!

The boy's dead eyes for the first time gleamed as if he was regaining life and he looked at the sword with a feeling of hope then he raised his hand to the sword and when his hand touched the sword, his body glowed and the sword disappeared. Then everything changed in the boy's eyes, which turned red.


"Someone? Please answer me! Is someone alive? Please!" Kiritsugu Emiya staggered through the flames, his mind shattered.

In a single night, he lost his wife, lost his ambition, and finally lost his will to live.

His actions caused so much destruction, his eyes showed the despair he had in his soul. It was his fault, he killed all those people around him.

The smell of burning bodies made him sick! The flames burned against his skin and he could still move despite the pain.

Kiritsugu no longer had the willpower to continue, his will was to fall there and be devoured by the flames. But something kept him on his feet.

A hope that there was still life he could still save. A saved life that would assuage his sins. All he needed was a sign, and the sign came.

It was a signal in the form of a sigh that made Kiritsugu's eyes widen, "You're alive!" He screamed, running with all his might as if his life depended on running.

What he saw when he got to where he heard the sigh was a red-haired boy with his arm raised as if asking for help. Before the boy's hands fell to the ground, Kiritsugu grabbed the young man's hand

"You're alive, thank god, you're alive" Kiritsugu cried rubbing his face in the young man's hand, and once again hope shone in his life

When the boy woke up, he found himself in a bed, observing everything around him, he realized it was something like a hospital.

He also realized that all he had in his memory was about the fire, there were no memories of his father or mother or anything about his life before the fire.

As much as he tried to remember, all he could visualize was the white wall of the hospital.

He didn't care much about the memories, to be honest. There was no need in his being to find out who he was before the fire.

The only touching memories he had were of the man who saved him and the sword that saved him from the flames, even though the memories of the sword were blurry and unclear to him.

The possibility he had envisioned didn't leave his mind, so he didn't pursue the idea of the sword.

There was also nothing to lead him to believe that in the future he would have anything. He was empty, even as something in his being screamed and filled him with life.

His mind was completely detached from any slightest feelings of attachment. He was dead and alive simultaneously, there was no will to live in his mind, but, his soul furiously screamed the will to live

As he looked up at the ceiling, the boy didn't realize that the door opened and the noise was what made him look towards the door.

What he saw was a poorly shaved, thin-looking man who looked slightly pale and did not appear to be in good health. The man's eyes were dull and sad.

Something deep in the boy's soul wondered, why did the man look so sad? why didn't the man have the beautiful smile he had when he saved the boy?

"Thanks for saving me" Was all the boy could say. He didn't know how to put into words what he was feeling, so he just thanked her.

But it was more than enough for the man who saved him to show a slight smile. He was truly done with the boy's words

"You're welcome. Saving you was all I could do after what I did!" The man with a kind and truly happy smile spoke, his gaze was sad and filled with regret.

But the boy looked at that smile as if it were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He thought to himself that having a smile as beautiful as hers would be the most wonderful thing that could happen in his life.

"I'm Kiristugu Emiya! It's truly a pleasure to meet you" Kiritsugu stated his name, approaching the boy, "Do you know anything about yourself? Parents? Name? Address?"

The boy shook his head in response, he had nothing to answer. All he had on his mind were memories of the fire and nothing more.

He then looked at the ceiling for a few seconds, leaving the man waiting for his answer, "My name is Shirou"

"Shirou? How white?" Kiritsugu questioned the boy curiously, "About name?"

"I do not remember anything!" Shirou replied shaking his head

"Oh, sorry for asking! I have a proposal for you! The doctors will look for you in the DNA registry, but if your parents or relatives are not found, do you want to go to an orphanage, or do you want to come with me?" Kiritsugu asked, but, he already knew the DNA answer.

Shirou's parents were dead. They died in the fire and there were no records of next of kin. It was obvious that those two choices were the only ones Shirou had

"I choose to go with you!" Shirou spoke without thinking twice. The man was the only link he had to humanity and the will to live.

Furthermore, Shirou thought that Kiritsugu was not capable of taking care of himself so he decided to go with him.


A few days passed and Shirou waited patiently in bed. Kiritsugu was arranging the adoption paperwork. so he can't stay in the hospital all the time

Leaving Shirou in the competent hands of doctors and nurses, who looked at him like a kind of lab rat.

"He's completely fine, when he got here he had several burns and damaged lungs" A nurse commented from the corner looking at Shirou

"Yes, with that recovery rate, he will be able to be discharged quickly" A nurse replied with relief "That way we will have room to put other children, some who will not be as lucky as him"

"Yes, he's already adopted!" Another nurse spoke leaning against the door, "it seems that the man who saved him adopted him the man lost his wife in the fire and is using the boy to cover the hole!"

"He had the misfortune of losing his parents, but at least he managed to be adopted, too bad the circumstances for the reason for the adoption were not good" The first nurse commented with a sad look

Shirou managed to ignore the nurses' conversation and decided to lie down to sleep. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in his mind, to where there was a desert, and in the center of the desert was a Zweihänder sheathed in a golden scabbard that seemed to glow and gave a positive feeling and the sword gave a chaotic feeling.

{You are not ready yet} A genderless voice spoke and Shirou woke up back in the hospital bed

Time passed and Shirou fully recovered. It also didn't take long for Kiritsugu to get the adoption papers.

It was less than a week, he was able to use some favors he had with the local yakuza to get the roles. Both Shirou and Kiritsugu left the hospital and headed toward Kiritsugu's house.

Upon arriving at the house, Shirou noticed that the house was huge. with its dojo and is well organized.


Time began to pass slowly. Kiritsugu noticed a few things about his adopted son. Shirou didn't show any feeling or desire to do anything.

The boy looked like a robot that followed Kiritsugu around and obeyed his orders. Worried about the boy, he decided to let the granddaughter of the yakuza leader who sold him the house into their lives.

Kiritsugu agreed to teach the girl how to fight with swords. That's how the lively girl started to play with Shirou and get some reactions out of Shirou

"Shiroou, come and play with Nessan" Taiga shouted, chasing Shirou who ran as fast as he could from her.

Kiritsugu watched and saw that the boy wasn't amused, but irritated at being tormented by the girl. Kiritsugu let out a slight smile at that.

at least his son was starting to show reactions, even if it was getting annoyed, it was worth it for him to bring the Taiga girl into their lives.


But Kiritsugu's joy ended when he coughed and realized that his hand was covered in blood. He had tried to keep his health as far away from Shirou as possible.

But it was true that the curse was running him from the inside out. He knew he didn't have much time to live and he had to find a way to save Illya from the Einzbern.

He made many trips, collected favors, and even tried to kidnap his daughter, but nothing worked! If he continued like this, he would end up dying without being able to save the daughter, who would be used for that evil family's evil experiments.


realizing his end was near, Kiritsugu made up his mind. He was very sorry about it, but it was what he felt he had to do.

Shirou didn't have a reason to live! He hasn't yet! Even after Kiritsugu adopted him, and even after he brought Taiga into the family's grasp.

All that came out of Shirou were small reactions that couldn't even be counted as realistic for someone alive.

Shirou's reactions were at the peak of someone with depression who had a slight reaction to a new environment before sinking back down again.


Shirou was taking care of all the household chores. he noticed that Kiritsugu was weak and so he made it as easy as possible for the man to recover.

Shirou wasn't sure about Kiritsugu's state of health and he didn't ask either because he knew he wouldn't receive an answer.

All he could do was help the man without expecting anything and hope that Kiritsugu recovered quickly. What was worse was that Shirou still had to deal with Taiga who chased him around day and night to play with.

Shirou didn't hate her, but he didn't see the point in the high school girl's excitement. He was even intrigued to learn how she saw the world, and one day he wished he could discover and see the world as she did.


"Shirou come here!" Kiritsugu sat at the door of his house watching the garden and called Shirou

"Old man, did something happen?" Shirou ran to Kiritsugu, he still had his dishwashing apron on.

"Change and sit here with me" Kiritsugu smiled at Shirou who waved

Shirou changed and sat next to Kiritsugu and the two started talking.

"Shirou, I am a mage!"


It had been a while since Shirou learned about magic from Kiritsugu who offered to teach him the basics. And it was the basics he taught Shirou.

Nothing more and nothing less, just projection magic and structural analysis, that's all Kiristugu taught him and he still hasn't even released Shirou's magic circuits properly.

Just making sure the boy wouldn't kill himself in exchange for that, he intensified Shirou's physical training. Teaching the boy not to depend on magic and fight for himself

It took two years of physical training and the basics of magic for Shirou to finally start to develop his body and for Kiritsugu's health to degrade more and more.


That particular night was cold and filled with a strange feelings for Shirou. He noticed something strange and went to talk to his father, sitting in the same place as usual

"You know, when I was a kid, I dreamed of being a hero of justice" Kiritsugu stated with a calm smile.

"No more?" Shirou asked, looking at his father

"no! but my dream has changed since I met you, I wanted to be your hero and my other daughter's hero" Kiritsugu spoke with an air of sadness

"Another daughter?" Shirou asked carefully

"Her name is Illya and she is a little older than you, unfortunately, she was taken from me" Kiritsugu lamented, lowering his head "I didn't have the strength to save her!"

"I'll do it" Shirou stated with determination drawing Kiritsugu's attention to Shirou's strong reaction "I'll become a hero in your place and save Illya, and I'll become her hero!"

"Thank you!" Kiritsugu thanked him from all his heart with a beautiful smile appearing once more, he could finally rest

His son would take care of everything. He was sure Shirou would make it and Illya would be saved. He believed in it. He also believed that everything was going to be alright

'IRI is waiting for me' He struggled before his mind blacked out and at that moment Kiritsugu Emiya died

"Father?" Shirou asked and saw the man didn't answer so he touched the man's shoulder who fell into his lap. Ali Shirou already knew that his father passed away, and a tear fell from his eyes.

{Now you are ready} The genderless voice spoke in Shirou's mind and Shirou's eyes flashed red


"Ooh, how could I not see that?" An old man widened his eyes commenting something, he had red eyes and a very strong body for someone old, "A soul weapon? They should only exist in dimensions 346888788 to 456778896 and not in this one! But, even so, it came? How? That's it Ragnarök? It makes sense, this Soul Weapon is extremely powerful, and it is capable of that! It even turned the wielder into a noble! that's interesting! and the wielder is him? Hahahahaha! Alaya and Gaia will love this! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

The moonlit world was thrown into chaos when the news broke. The kaleidoscope itself heralded a new unknown ancestor of the dead apostles.

Also, his name was scary, Ragnarök the end of the world! Such a vampire must be mighty, some mages tried to ask the kaleidoscope for answers, but, he didn't answer and just laughed.

A new hunt began after the mysterious vampire, some out of curiosity and others as a pure precaution to eliminate the threat before it caused too much trouble.


Hey guys this is the author, I've always wanted to write about fate, so here's my first fate story, hope you like it The first heroine will be Caster! and Saber will also be Shirou's! since she is ultimate waifu

Comment what you think, I'm open to constructive criticism!

Comment what you think, I'm open to constructive criticism!

Comment what you think, I'm open to constructive criticism!

Comment what you think, I'm open to constructive criticism!

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