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25% DxD: Reborn as Genshirou Saji / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: ReBorN
DxD: Reborn as Genshirou Saji DxD: Reborn as Genshirou Saji original

DxD: Reborn as Genshirou Saji

Tác giả: Feniurme

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1: ReBorN

The bustling metropolis.

A city filled to the brim with activity from its ever-growing resident population.

The lights of numerous buildings, billboards, and advertisement screens shine brightly all throughout the day. Even when the sun has long faded, the city never sleeps.

The concrete jungle, the place of dreams and possibilities, where anyone can make it anywhere...


Such was the jaded illusions many had before being corrupted by the darkness of the big city...


And one that a certain man couldn't even begin to understand why he once thought so in the past...

'What kind of CEO asks their secretary to stay behind after hours...when it's not even a task I should be doing...'

Sebastian Claude, a jaded man who once thought nothing was impossible, but now is a veteran in the throes of the cold truth of reality.

Sebastian was orphaned at a young age by parents who didn't want to take responsibility for their mistake, leaving him in the footsteps of a local orphanage, one which was already filled to the brim with orphaned children.

He wasn't much of a go-getter, not being socially active, and mostly kept to himself.

But though most would've described him as a quiet kid in the orphanage, he held passions in his heart that contradicted his reserved image.

"I wanna do it...I wanna become ultra-successful and live the good life!"

Sebastian was influenced to attain such a dream by the numerous shows he would secretly watch the television shows the caretakers of the orphanage would watch in their free time.

Wealth. Influence. Respect.

Sebastian wanted those things, not for personal greed...but to live his life without worries.

"I don't want corporate espionage or drama...I just want to retire early and enjoy my life!"

The orphanage he lived in was rather decrepit and run-down. The quality of his food was mundane at best. He couldn't enjoy the interesting pastime of toys or video games.

Sebastian wanted to live a life where he could simply have fun without worry...within reason of course.

'I don't want to become idiots like my "parents" who leave a child after having too much "fun"...'

So Sebastian immediately went to work.

He started ruthlessly studying to improve his grades, earn academic distinctions, and accrue a student record that will allow him to earn more opportunities.

He was at the top of his class at every level of his education, but not letting himself become the target of bullies or rumors, simply existing and not wanting to start any problems.

'Romance is too much work for me right now...same with being bullied...so I'll do my best to simply always remain neutral...channel my inner Switzerland"

Sebastian participated in numerous academic competitions, earning himself award after award. All of his efforts eventually paid off with being offered a full scholarship at a prestigious state university.

He had always earned scholarships for himself, refusing every offer to get adopted at the orphanage. He simply stayed there until he was of age, then moved into a school that offered a dormitory and scholarship.

'The people who wanted to adopt me were always those "rich families who pressure their children to succeed" types...I do want to push myself to succeed...but I can already feel the drama emanating from them...too much work to bother with'

Sebastian eventually graduated from university with distinction, earning a master's and then a doctorate after that.

He was naturally inundated with job opportunities.

'This is it!'

Seeing the future was bright for him, and the road to his easy life just ahead, Sebastian immediately threw himself into this work...

'Oh, how naive I was...'

Sebastian thought as he walked down the streets of the city.

The city that never slept was quiet at this time of day, most people would think it absurd for a person to finish his shift at such an ungodly hour, but such was the life of Sebastian.

'Well...at least the quiet helps me relax a little...every bit counts after all...'

Sebastian was still in his twenties, but his eyebags were prominent, his hair was slowly turning white, and his caffeine addiction...concerning, to say the least.

He immediately began distinguishing himself in his work and began to be entrusted with more responsibilities as he moved up the corporate ladder.

He was offered an administrative role but refused, such a position with entail the handling of an entire department and such a thing went against Sebastian's dream of an easy life.

Sebastian simply chose to work in assisting the leading figures, an assistant.

'I thought I would eventually work for an extremely competent boss if I made myself desirable as an assistant...but all I got...were always the unreasonable corporate elites...'

Sebastian grew a reputation for being extremely competent and reliable, but he never got offers to be hired from people who were known for their competence and compassion.

He was always left with the troublesome figures who constantly inundated the man with unreasonable requests at unreasonable times.

'The amount of time I had to stop a possible sexual harassment scandal cause my bosses got too drunk...even the women were feeling bad looking at me...'

One day, a coworker of his introduced Sebastian to the world of anime, mangas, manhwas, and light novels. Believing that some escapism from reality might serve the guy well.

It did...for the wrong reasons...

Sebastian stopped walking once he reached the train platform for his commute home, a route he had always taken not because he couldn't drive...but because he didn't want to bother with the road rage of a constantly trafficked city.

'There's sometime before the train arrives...I guess I'll read a bit'

Sebastian pulled out a light novel from his bag, one which he had reread constantly as he waited for more releases from the author.

High School DxD.

Sebastian began reading and a smile immediately became plastered on his face,

Was it for eroticism? No. But he wouldn't deny he enjoyed it.

Was it to indulge in a harem fantasy? No. He was too drenched in reality to indulge in escapism.

It was for one reason only...

"What I would give to work under Sona Sitri...Saji has it good..."

He was enamored by characters that encompassed his ideal employer.

'Smart...cunning...competent...with compassion for her subordinates with good looks to match... she's my ideal employer...'

He was so tired of his unreasonable bosses that he soon unconsciously developed an attraction for such characters in fiction...Sona Sitri enamoring him the most.

'I also like her for appearance as well...medium is premium...and glasses are supreme'

Sebastian held pervertedness in his heart. But he was constantly surrounded by the rich elite who focused on appearances constantly, so he was less fazed by beauty than most other people.

'Just imagine...regular work shifts...a reasonable workload...'

Sebastian began to fantasize about his potential work-life had he been in Sona Sitri's peerage.

'Paid overtime...mandatory vacations...'

The thought of such wonderful things made Sebastian feel euphoric...

He hadn't realized that his dream to live a good life had bastardized itself into a dream of a reasonable work environment...

Had his younger self watched him now, he would no doubt be confused about how he would become such a pathetic mess.


As Sebastian creepily fantasized about being able to sleep a full seven hours without getting a call to immediately go to work, a drunk individual stepped onto the platform Sebastian was waiting on.


A train was soon coming into the station at high speed, it was merely a passing-by train, not the one Sebastian was waiting for.


The drunk individual, hearing the loud noises of the incoming train and the silhouette of Sebastian, thought he was starting a fight with him.

"I-Ill..show you who's a...James Corden..."

The drunken mess began approaching Sebastian. The train getting closer and closer...until.



Sebastian has now fallen onto the platform.

The train approached him, and the driver was horrified at what was happening.

"At least call me Jimmy Fallon!"

The drunk individual shouted at Sebastian, confusing him even more.

Sebastian stared into the headlights of the train...his vision began shifting..

The headlights of a train.


The headlights of an oncoming car.


The train station he would always commute from.


The car of his parents that he would always ride in.


'Huh? What-'


The visage of a man and woman appeared in his eyes...familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time...






Kuoh Town, on the mountain road that led to a nearby town.

A family of three was in a car traveling back to Kuoh from a certain business they had in the next town over.

A father and mother drove quietly in the night, their son, Genshirou Saji, sleeping soundly in the backseat.

Then tragedy struck...

A freight truck driver who had fallen asleep crashed into the Saji family's car, pushing it over the rails and tumbling the family down the mountain...

Emergency services immediately arrived on the scene...

The truck driver didn't survive the crash, a tree impaled the driver as it tumbled down...

The married couple didn't make it either, succumbing to blood loss...

Only a child survived...barely holding onto his life...Genshirou Saji.




'So I have awakened my past life's memories...in the crash that killed my parents'

Sebastian, now Saji, thought to himself pensively.

He was sitting in front of a casket which held the bodies of his mother and father...it was the honoring of his passed parents...he had been sitting quietly by himself for a long time now...

'I'm not crying as much...it isn't because I don't feel sad...I'm definitely hurting'

Saji reminisced on the memories he had with his parents. They were a normal couple that raised their family.

Though they were normal, normal was far better than what most people experienced in life.

Saji was feeling even more hurt than he should be, with the memories of his past life as an orphan, he treasured those precious moments even more.

'I know why I'm not crying...'

Saji knew deep in his heart why he didn't shed a tear. Not because he had the fortitude of an adult...most adults would cry at the loss of a beloved family member...

'It's because I can't afford to remain weak...I have people to protect...especially in a world like this...'

Saji knew his circumstances all too well.

He had two remaining younger sisters, both surviving as they were left in the care of his grandfather while they were away.

His grandfather took up the role to care for his grandchildren...but Saji knew his death would come soon after his parents' passing.

Lastly, he lived in Kuoh town...in the world of DxD...a place where superpowered maniacs and mythologies of various origins existed.

'I have to be strong for my family...I can't just run away with them...because of the sacred gear I possess...'

「Absorption Line: The Black Dragon's Pulse」

A sacred gear which was a fragment of the Black Dragon King...the Prison Dragon...the Enveloper...Vritra

'So long as I have this sacred gear...it will eventually mature and be detected by people far stronger than me...I would then put my family in danger...'

Saji knew running away from Kuoh town was the worst possible choice...because there was only one way he knew of that he could gain the power necessary to protect his family from all the events that were to come...

'In my past life...I wished to simply live a good life by myself...but now that I have people to protect...'

Saji's eyes burned with determination. His past life's will was strong enough to reach the world of the elite from being an orphan...not that he had a clear goal? with stakes, he couldn't afford to lose?

'Genshirou Saji would always play second fiddle to Issei in the story...but with my experiences and knowledge of the story...I can go much farther than he ever could...I'll make sure of it'

"Genshirou...you alright?"

A hand was placed on Saji's shoulder as he continued to contemplate, sitting on the floor in seiza in front of his parent's caskets.

"Grandpa...I'm alright"

Saji wiped away the tense expression he wore previously to a gentle smile, wanting to not worry his grandfather.

But worried he did, it was natural considering he didn't see his grandson cry at all at the funeral.

"Saji... it's alright to cry you know...I'll be here to take care of you all...I promise"

Saji's heart grew heavier as he saw the determined will of his grandfather, but his body was too frail to match his determination to look after his grandchildren.

'His health most probably declined rapidly when he began working once more to provide for his family...'

'I may be young, but I still have the abilities of the most sought-after corporate assistant...I can make enough money to lessen the strain on grandpa...'

Saji resolved to secretly work to aid the finances of his family, though he would still need to figure out some of the finer details to keep his grandfather in the dark.

"Grandpa, I'm really alright. I already cried plenty while I was recovering in the hospital...now that mom and dad are gone, I have to be the one to look after my sisters! Maybe even you once I start working! hehe"

Saji flashed a bright smile to his grandfather.

Seeing his grandson be so mature and driven to do good...even in the face of tragedy...he was filled with emotion.

"Saji...your mother and father were always proud to have been blessed with a son like you...and I don't doubt they're even prouder with the strong person you have become..."

Saji's grandfather increased the strength in the grip he had on Saji's shoulders, his message was clear to him.

"I know grandpa...now hand over Kaho to me, your other arm must've been exhausted carrying "

Saji immediately noticed the exhaustion he was experiencing. Carrying his younger sister Kaho in his arm, while his other sister Gengo was strapped into a baby harness around his chest.

"Thank you Genshirou..."

Saji carefully picked up his little sister, immediately cradling the small life in his arms. She wasn't as young as Gengo, but was still young enough to be clueless about the world.


Kaho immediately brightened up with a smile seeing Saji's face, unaware of the tragedy which had fallen upon their family,

'So innocent...in a world as dangerous as this...'

He was all alone in his past life, but now with responsibilities outside of his well-being, the obsession and drive which drove him reached inhumane amounts of mental fortitude.

'Everyone in the story praised, feared, and revered the Red Dragon Emperor...but I'll make sure I won't become a second fiddle as I was originally supposed to be...'

The slumbering sacred gear within his soul began to stir. The fragmented consciousness that lay even deeper...responded to his call.

'The Black Dragon King will become a force none will attempt to mess with'




Genshirou Saji's life passed by as a blur to him.

At the top of his class in his past life, he easily attained the same achievement for himself in this one as well, if not a better performance overall.

Attaining academic awards and distinctions in every level of education he received.

But he no longer just focused on his studies, he branched out to extra-curricular activities to round out his overall abilities, joining many martial arts clubs or sports clubs which focused on weaponry like archery or kendo.

Each time he would obsessively train until he became a renowned figure across Japan by placing highly in major tournaments in his first year of picking up a sport.

Though Saji dabbled in many disciplines, he mainly focused on two.

The first was Mixed Martial Arts, a discipline he trained himself in after school. Constantly improving and honing his skills. Developing a toned and well-built body in the process.

He had long decided his path to power, and he wasn't blessed with the talents of immense strength like Issei and his boosted gear, so he would instead imitate the original Saji and excel in technique, but to a higher degree.

The second was the art of Chess. Something he started to improve via online chess matches and with the few physical chess matches he could play in Kuoh.

He trained even harder to perfect his chess skill, this was all in a ploy to ensure that his path to power would be guaranteed.

Saji was somewhat confident he could get his foot into the path he chose, but he decided to err on the side of caution.

'It's better to be overqualified in a job interview than to possibly be underqualified'

Something Saji learned in his robust professional work career under numerous enterprises and corporations.

Years and years continued to pass Saji by in a blur. He was deeply focused on his training to improve and assure his chance at strength.

But he always made sure to keep time for his new family, something he found difficult to do with the habits he had built up in his past life.





Saji sighed into the cold air of the night as he walked down the street of Kuoh.

He had just clocked off from his managerial position at a local fast-food chain.

'As I expected...I'm really not cut out for administrative positions...'

Saji had applied to work at the fast-food chain when he entered middle school, and quickly rose through the ranks and even became the branch manager despite his age.

'It still bothers me when a customer asks to speak to a manager and is met with a teenager...but the pay is good so I can get over it...'

There were many people who had questioned the capabilities of Saji in such an important position at his age. But after admins from the food chain's office conducted an extensive investigation on him, they eventually relented and gave him the position, despite some of the worries.

'It even went to local news around Kuoh..."Local teen promoted to branch manager"...not that I'm not used to media coverage by now...'

Saji was covered multiple times in the media due to his many achievement and distinctions, mainly the ones he had achieved in the world of sports, with his academic distinctions further cementing his capabilities.

All of this turned Saji into a small-time local celebrity. Something he disdained quite a bit.

'Popularity seems very appealing at first...but when you're hounded at every corner...it begins to get tiresome...I wonder how Kiba deals with it?'

Saji over his many years of training and study, coupled with the habits of maintaining a professional appearance at all times from his past life, appeared much more handsome compared to his original counterpart.

Intelligent. Athletically gifted. Good looking. And a cordial personality to top it off.

Genshirou Saji was a target of pursuit by many young women in his middle school, but he had never received any confessions due to him always immediately leaving to either train harder or to spend time with his family. However, his strategies to avoid troublesome confessions only served to make more people fall for him.

'I'll admit...as a virgin who was too busy working to get laid in my past life...I would be remiss to say I didn't want to experience romance...but the cruel reminder that this is the world of DxD has managed to protect my chastity up till this point'

Saji constantly reminded himself to not indulge in the current comfort he had. This was merely a light breeze before he would have to tangle with the true problems that awaited him.

'Grandpa always nagged about how I should get a girlfriend...sorry about that...I hope you can rest easy knowing I can take care of myself...Kaho and Gengo already serve as my mind's resting haven'

Saji reminisced on his now-passed grandfather. As he expected, he was always fated to pass away.

Though he made sure to make his last years not be filled with worries about paying the bills of having food on the table.

Saji had plenty of experience in market trading due to many of his employers running hedge funds or trust funds. He was constantly absorbing knowledge of the profession as he acted as their assistant.

He didn't earn insane amounts of money, but just enough to not warrant his grandfather needing to go back to work in his old age.

He disguised the money he had accrued from trading as a lottery prize. Setting up an intricate web of shell companies, websites, and fake news articles to make it believable.

Something Saji regretted after his grandfather looked at the money, took one glance from a flyer he had made last minute to add to the story, and immediately became convinced.

'Had I known grandpa was that gullible...I wouldn't have taken a week to prepare such an extensive background...'

Though Saji complained about it, it was not a rather difficult task for him compared to his workload in the past, and seeing his grandfather be able to enjoy his last years of life with his family...it was a net positive for Saji. Something he would do again in a heartbeat.

'Working hard really does feel better when it's for someone else's sake...I never felt that much joy even in my past life...even when I naively thought my dream of a worry-free life was in reach...'

Saji happily thought in his head as he climbed up the stairs to his local train platform, a commute he needed to take from his workplace to his home.

Seeing the platform in his eyes...Saji instinctively stepped away from the ledge and kept his ears peeled for any drunkards that might arrive.

The PTSD of his past life's death still stuck with him after all this time.

"...I wonder when it will come...the light novel mentioned that Saji got in a train station in Kuoh...perhaps I'm not in the correct one? The original Saji didn't mention working at a fast-food chain before...'

Saji was pensively thinking about something he needed dearly. A vital connection that would lead him to the path he has long prepared for.

He had other ways to get in contact with the people he needed should he fail to attain the item he was looking for. But he chose to wait...it was still a few months before he would start his first year of high school...at Kuoh Academy.

"Kuoh Academy just announced it would begin accepting male students in the next school year, so there isn't a time discrepancy between myself and the events of the story...wait...when did Saji originally transfer to Kuoh?"

Saji began pondering on his memories of the story.

"The original Saji said he became a devil at the same time as Issei...that would be in his second year...so my plan is still a year away from fruition..."

"Heh- the number one secretary and corporate assistant messing up dates and schedules? Perhaps Kaho and Gengo have softened me up quite a bit"

Saji had made a blunder in the making of his plans. Although he thoroughly read through the entire story, he mainly reread and focused on the parts that had Sona Sitri play an active role, only vaguely remembering the rest of the plot.

"Whatever... it's better to be ahead of schedule, that just means I have an additional year to prepare...perhaps I should just make contact directly?..."

Saji began formulating his plans once more after he had learned his mistake in the timeline, but as he did so, the train came into the station. Bringing with it a great wind that swept across it.


Saji held his hair to not be ruffled up too much by the wind, but in the corner of his eyes, he saw it.


A brown parchment...with red marking drawn on it.

Saji immediately chased after the parchment which was flying in the air as a result of the winds produced by the train.

His trained body immediately complied with his desires, leaping off the ground with immense strength to catch the parchment which was high in the air.

Saji landed back on the ground, not recoiling much from his impressive jump. Simply staring in anticipation at the parchment in his hands.

"A summoning leaflet!-"

A summoning leaflet, a parchment that will allow a person to enter a contract with a devil to fulfill their desire...and the very thing Saji needed to start on his path to power...to be reincarnated as a devil.

"But...if my assumptions are correct...shouldn't this only appear a year later?... The original Saji reincarnated as a devil in his second year..."

The discrepancy naturally concerned Saji...being unsure if this was the correct location...and knowing he was a year early from the story...

"This could mean...that there's a chance this parchment might belong...to Rias Gremory's peerage..."

Saji grew pensive at the possibility of calling Rias or someone of her peerage.

"It's not like I don't like Rias... it's just that if I take a spot in her peerage as a pawn...that might mess up Issei's development..."

Saji resolved to become a force that even Issei cannot easily overcome, but he still accepted the fact that the Red Dragon Emperor was needed for the events he knew to play out.

One of Saji's main advantages was his knowledge of the future. It would trouble him if he purposefully made it useless.

"I also just simply don't want to take his role...the role of protagonist is simply too much trouble for me...even when I've resolved myself to become strong..."

Saji stared into the parchment for a few seconds, before choosing to use it tonight.

"If it's Rias or one of her peerage I'll simply ask for another request. I do want to meet with the characters I've read about...its something every reader would be curious enough to do"


With his course decided upon, the train doors opened in front of Saji.

Tonight has the possibility to become a defining turning point for him.


'The possible start of my path to power'





A rustic door cracked open, letting the cold air outside into the warm house.

It was old and decrepit, but the atmosphere it gave off was one of openness and kindness.

"I'm home~ Kaho, Gengo~ You guys up?"

Saji announced his arrival back home to his younger siblings, wanting to know if they were still awake.



Saji was immediately pounced on by his two younger siblings.

Kaho Saji, the middle child of the family. And Gengo Saji, the youngest of the family.

"Glad to see you guys are still so active"

Saji playfully said as he caught his two younger sisters.

"Brother! Did you buy snacks!?"

Kaho excitedly asked.

"Snacks! Snacks!"

The younger Gengo followed up her older sister's enthusiasm with the limited vocabulary she had.

"Honestly. Is that the only thing you can say to your brother who came back from work? I'm hurt-"

Saji acted heartbroken as he handed Kaho and Gengo a plastic bag displaying the name of a famous convenience store. Filled with various sweets and snacks of the favorite sweets of his younger siblings. Something he committed to heart early on.

Seeing the bag of snacks and sweets, the two sisters brightened in glee. Thanking Saji quickly before moving away to consume them.

"Thank chu- Brother!"

Gengo lisped as she hugged Saji.

"Thank you, brother! chu-"

Kaho pecked his cheek before leaving with Gengo following closely behind.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of his family, Saji felt immense satisfaction.

'Seeing the results of your hard work pay off really is the best motivator'

Saji began removing his coat and shoes before he entered his house, but before he went straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner, he went to his room before shouting to his sisters.

"Kaho! Gengo! Brothers gotta do something in a bit, so don't disturb me in my room alright?"

Saji waited for a bit before he heard a reply from the sisters' shared room.

"Got it~~"

With a smile at the confirmation, he went into his room with the parchment in his hand.

'It's time for me to summon a devil'




Along the premises of a mansion of western design and aesthetics.

Across the halls of storied history, displaying artifacts and decorations that no doubt contain much historical and monetary wealth.

In a room that was blocked off with a grand door that radiated faint traces of magical energy, there sat two beautiful women, engaging in the eloquent game of kings. A game of chess.


It was quiet all around, the only sounds made were those of the gentle wooden pieces touching the board.


The atmosphere was somber, with a fireplace and the moonlight shining down with snow being the only sources of light in the room. To many, it would appear majestic



A final gentle sound rang through the room, the match between the two beauties had come to an end. The result was as predicted by the two.

"Ha...Sona, do we really have to pass the time playing chess?...you keep beating me"

Tsubaki, lamenting her twentieth loss in a row, spoke Sona Sitri.

The two of them waited idly in the Sitri clan's house in the human world, waiting for any possible calls for request.

"I apologize Tsubaki...but outside of this I'm not really sure how to entertain myself..."

Sona replied to Tsubaki. She never really held much of an interest outside of chess and her responsibilities as a student and the heir to her clan.

"Though it may be tedious, we must stay focused for any possible calls. This is the busiest time of the year for us after all"


Sona took a sip of her nearby cup of tea as she further added to what she said. Rearranging the chess pieces back to their original positions for yet another game with her peerage's queen, Tsubaki.


"Hah...Sona...I fear you may never be able to marry at this point..."

Though she lamented the fact that she would be her king's punching bag in this board game, she helped in rearranging the pieces alongside Sona. But not before making a subtle jab at her trusted friend.

"Gh- If I fail to meet a partner who meets my standards...then that just means I've been fated to remain single..."


Getting a little defensive from the remark of her friend, Sona raised her voice a little to defend herself.

She took great pride in her intelligence and would not be satisfied with a partner that didn't challenge nor stimulate it. Her cunning mind was the main priority when it came to improving herself, taking up the game of Chess to improve her critical thinking and strategizing.


But Tsubaki was quick to reply, finding amusement at seeing her friend become so bashful.

"But what if you do meet that someone?... Will you be able to romance them into being yours? They might get bored of you, you know~"


Tsubaki was drawing fun from teasing her friend. Most of the time she was seen as a serious and competent peerage queen, but when she was alone with Sona, she allowed herself to become more lax and loose.

"I have nothing to fear Tsubaki...I heard from a few of the students that I'm considered the third most popular girl in our school...I have no doubts about my capability to draw in a partner. 𝘐𝘍 one even appeared in the first place..."


Sona places a reasonably made argument to Tsubaki. Besides her childhood friend Rias Germory and her peerage's queen Akeno Himejima, she was considered the most popular after them both...for certain 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 reasons.


"But do you believe a man with intelligence that matches or surpasses yours would be so easily swayed by physical appearances alone Sona? That doesn't seem quite intelligent behavior to me~"


A complete reversal of the argument. Something Sona couldn't refute logically. She would normally never lose to Tsubaki in a game of wits...but with the topic of romance which flustered her, and being alone with Tsubaki causing her to not have her guard up...she blundered immensely.



Sona became quiet as a faint flush appeared on her face.

"Let's just play already Tsubaki...:

Sona, unwilling to admit she had been bested, simply opted to change the topic and focus on something else.


Seeing her friend act so cute, Tsubaki couldn't help but giggle and comply.

'It's cute seeing Sona act so vulnerable...well, not that I'm one to talk. I'm just as inexperienced as her...'


With the board set to play once more, Tsubaki was about to make her first move as white...but...


A parchment with red symbols began to glow. A call for a devil.

"It appears a new call has been made. Do you want to take it Tsubaki?"

Immediately assuming her professional attitude, Sona asked if Tsubaki would take it.

"Hmm...I'm rather tired from having to match with your wits Sona, so how about you take it while I rest?"

Tsubaki truly was mentally exhausted trying to keep up with Sona, so Sona quickly acquiesced and stood up from the table to take the call.

"Alright. I'll be back in a bit Tsubaki"

"Take care, Sona"

Taking the parchment into her hands, a red glow began to emanate upon Sona...until...


She was now gone. Teleporting away using magic to answer the call.




In the room of Saji, sparsely filled with decorations, and mostly filled with stuff he needed for his training.

The summoning leaflet was placed on the floor before Saji activated it by calling for a devil to appear before him.

Responding to his desires, the parchment began stirring with magical energy, and the red symbols drawn upon it began glowing before emanating a red light that covered the entirety of the room.

'Damn that's bright!-'

Saji covered his eyes as the bright light irritated his eyes. But it wasn't long before it eventually faded away.


A gust of wind blew forth from the location of the summoning parchment.

Blowing away the curtains of Saji's room, bathing it in the moonlight of winter.


Saji stared in awe at what he was witnessing.

'Brilliant black hair...styled neatly and short... it's her'

Bringing out her devil wings elegantly, Sona Sitri gracefully lowered herself from the air onto the floor.

Readjusting her hair lightly, before meeting Sanji with a direct gaze.

"Good evening dear human. I ask of you, are you the one who was asked for my summoning?"

Her voice was gentle but carried a grandiose exuberance to it...something that Saji felt more clearly face-to-face rather than through a screen.

"...yes, I have called for you"

Saji tried his best to push away his awe as much as he can...this was going to be a defining moment for him...whether or not he could follow the path he had so longingly prepared for.

Hearing his confirmation, Sona smiled lightly, something she performed when conducting business with humans.

"Then I, a devil of most honorable house Sitri, do hereby ask. What do you wish of me? and what are you willing to pay in exchange?"

She assumed a pose that exuded her confident radiance. She has long been experienced with how to deal with calls for devils.

Sona has encountered all manner of desires, through which her confident poise would allow her to keep constant control of the dealings, never letting the other party take her by surprise.

'Hm...How curious, it feels as though this human is...familiar?...'

Sona couldn't help but feel that Saji could be found somewhere in the recesses of her memory.

Unknown to her, it was due to his appearance multiple times on television on the news or on talk shows based in Kuoh. But it was so minor of an event in Sona's mind that she couldn't place her finger on it.

'This is it Saji...all you have to do is get recruited by Sona into her peerage...'

This was the goal that Saji had wanted to achieve...reincarnate as a devil...and serve in Sona's peerage...training all the while to become powerful enough to defend his family.

'If power was all that I wanted...I could've easily gone to Rias given her desire to find enough talented members for her peerage to dissuade her engagement to Riser Phenex in a rating game...but there's also one more thing I need'

That was wealth. Though Saji can easily afford a standard quality of living for himself and his sisters, he wanted nothing more than the absolute best for them, quickly growing fond of his younger siblings with his past life memories of having no family.

'The original Saji mentioned that as part of his joining Sona's peerage, his younger siblings were able to stay at a high-class apartment and enroll in Kuoh Academy...Rias is rather broke at the moment, so I would be too worried about my siblings to fully focus on my training...'

Saji definitely needed to join Sona's peerage.

'I should express my desire in a way to consider recruiting me...but not so blatant as to rouse her suspicion...in her eyes, I'm a human that has no knowledge of the supernatural...'

Saji needed to choose his words carefully, but thankfully he had a way to express his desires in such a manner. Something he had been building up for years.


Sona was busy trying to recall where she remembered Saji, but then all of a sudden-

'...he's bowing?...'

Sona was about to question why he was bowing, but Saji cut her off by speaking first.

"My name is Genshirou Saji! I'm an incoming first-year high school student! Please find me a well-paying and reasonable job!!"


Saji's desire to not work in an unreasonable environment. His dream employer and position. This was how he would express his desire to Sona indirectly.

"My qualifications! I'm the top student in my class and school at every level of education up till now! Earning academic and athletic distinctions at every point! I have won competitions in Judo, Kendo, and Archery, along with academic competitions such as the annual Kuoh Essay Contest and Kuoh Math Olympiad!"

Saji intended to lambast Sona with every possible perspective of his qualifications. He knew that the Sitri heiress was a competent individual who valued ability and work ethic highly.

"I am also the number one rated student in the prefecture! Receiving offers of scholarships from Tokyo University and even overseas from Harvard! I also have experience in managerial positions, but am much more suited to assistant-related work!"


'What the hell is happening?-'

Sona stood silent in the confusion about what just happened to her while she was making a contract with a human.

'He...just gave me a resume...'

In all her years of performing contracts...this was a genuine first for the hard-working devil heiress.

'Genshioru Saji...I remember him now...he was quite popular among the teachers and students...'

Sona perfectly recalled who Saji was. She was currently slated to become the student council president in the next school year, the first school year where the prestigious Kuoh Academy would shift into a co-ed system.

Thus, in order to ease the transition, the student council and faculty began discussing possible candidates to invite to their school. Male students who would be able to break the ice that may form between male and female students.

'He was highly sought after for his numerous achievements...he's quite impressive as an individual'

Sona Sitri was naturally impressed with Saji but fell out of her mind as she had numerous other tasks to take care of. Mainly her dealings with the supernatural world and hunting down stray supernatural entities.

'Looking for a job?...but he should be qualified enough to secure a position or even a paid internship at any company...so why-'

As Saji noticed Sona began to ponder on what he had just said, he then moved to do something.

'Time to wake up a little...Vritra'

Saji roused his sacred gear a little, catching the attention of Sona who immediately became wide-eyed.

Saji had long detected where in his soul his sacred gear was located. Though he didn't rouse it much due to not wanting to be caught. Now that his ideal employer was in front of him, it was the perfect chance to catch her attention by rousing it a little.

'He...has a sacred gear!... Let's probe him for more information...'

"Interesting request...you seem rather accomplished. I doubt you would find trouble finding opportunities...so why did you turn to a devil?"

Sona asked. She was a little suspicious of why such an accomplished human would turn to a devil for a mundane task such as job hunting...especially since he has a sacred gear.


Saji stayed silent for a few seconds. He couldn't lie to Sona Sitri. She was too intelligent to fool with lie...so Saji decided to lie by using a truth.

'My real goal is to become reincarnated as a devil and become stronger...but-'

"I want to provide the best for my little sisters, but I can't achieve what I want through internships and jobs for a highschooler like myself"

Sona continued listening quietly to Saji.

"My parents died in a car accident when I was young...only I was able to survive... I and my sisters were cared for by our grandfather...but he recently passed away as well"

Saji spoke in a tone that truthfully expressed his sorrow.

'A familial tragedy'

Sona, upon knowing Saji was speaking the truth, softened her gaze in sympathy to the human. She was mostly serious and expressionless, but she wasn't devoid of emotions.

"So I'm now the guardian of them both...I can start working and get decent pay...but it won't be enough for what the both of them deserve Miss devil..."

"The best schools...the best house...gifts of whatever they want...trips to wherever they want to go..."

"They saved me, Miss devil...had it not been for them...I wouldn't have a reason to try so hard...they're the reason I have accomplished so much. Their happiness is my pride and joy!"

Saji spoke the truth and only the truth. Had he not been left with a family to care for...he might not have turned out the way he is right now.

"That's why I turned to you Miss devil. I don't care if it's unfair in how I get it. I want a position that will allow me to give my sisters the life they deserve! I'll work my ass off harder than anyone else. I'll put up with annoyance after annoyance. So please...find me a reasonable and well-paying job!"

Saji became lost in his emotions as he spoke that last declaration, and unknown to him, his sacred gear began responding greatly to his will, stirring more and more.


Sona looked pensive as if deliberating seriously but in her mind...

'He's perfect'

She had long decided to recruit the human into her peerage...

'What piece should I give him though?... He seems quite capable in terms of mental and athletic ability...'

'But it doesn't seem as if he has any talent in magic...'

Sona thought as she deeply analyzed Saji. She had become skilled enough to roughly estimate a person's potential through her sight and clues are given by their personality.

'I can't figure out which piece best fits him...he's a general all-rounder in natural ability...and I'm not sure what his sacred gear is...'

Saji rounded out his skills to be prepared for any situation, as such, Sona was having difficulty deciding which piece to give him.

'Pawn... it's rather weak but it's the best option for him...'

'It's rather risky...but something is telling me that it would be worth it'

Sona smile lightly as she prepared to offer Saji to become part of her peerage.

"Human, Genshirou Saji, raise yourself to meet my gaze"

Saji slowly raised himself back from his bow to meet Sona's eyes.

'Oh...he's quite handsome now that I'm looking at him...wait-'

Sona quickly removed that thought from her head and went back to focus on recruiting Saji.

"Tell me. How far are you willing to go for your request?"

Saji, hearing that question, immediately replied.


Sona then continued.

"Even if you were to become a devil in the process?"



"Even if I became the enemy of heaven itself"

Saji replied, his gaze piercing deeply into Sona.

'...today has really been fortunate for me'

Sona now smiled widely rather than lightly.

"Then discard your humanity Genshirou Saji. Swear upon my name of Sona Sitri, of noble house Sitri! Serve me as part of my peerage, obey my will to the best of your capability, and I will grant your sisters a life of splendor beyond all others!"

Sona extended her hand to Saji


Saji remained quiet, but his atmosphere indicated his acceptance.

To tread on a path of no return.

He kneeled before the noble devil heiress and took her hand into his grasp, kissing it lightly in a show of his acceptance and obedience.

"I hereby swear, to serve you, Sona Sitri...faithfully...until fate do us part"

Thus...in the grace of moonlight...under the snow of winter...an oath of the souls was made...

...and Saji ceased to be human.


Hello and thank you for reading this chapter.

I have made this fanfic in order to keep my creative juices running as I write my other fanfic.

I cant say if this will be updated as frequently as the other one, but I will definitely continue to work on this in the back ground.

Do give me your thoughts on how this chapter was. Did I get any lore details of the DxD world wrong? I'm not as familiar with it as something like Danmachi, so I might get some details wrong.

Anyways, I hope you look forward to the next chapter, and consider looking at my other work!

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