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20.54% Astral Flow / Chapter 15: Chapter 14

Chương 15: Chapter 14

The following days seemed to fly by as Aranea and Ryder began the training program.

Those who wished to participate were kept at the now empty fort, while everyone else was allowed to return to the village, either to help any solos that arrived or simply go about their days how they wished.

Many volunteered to scout for more dungeons and villages, only a handful were sent though, as to try and not overextend their resources.

Most everyone Ryder knew stayed at the fort, hoping to further increase their skills, as well as hone their own tactics.

Ryder stood on a platform overlooking the courtyard, taking a momentary break as he watched everyone train.

Oto and Feros were in charge of basic combat, teaching better techniques with most weapons, so that hopefully those that stayed could better defend themselves and each other.

Radogan was in charge of tactics and group combat, his lessons were much slower but far more effective, even getting some of the more reckless members to slow down and think.

By far he was truly the scariest member here, brains and brawn neatly packed into one amazing strategist who's been reading everyone like an open book.

Then there was Lily, who was teaching everyone the more advanced movement options she'd been using.

Though how she was able to freely backflip around, parkour, and hang from walls was beyond most people… her tips did let people move faster and more fluidly though.

Lastly there was Demea and Laurence, teaching everyone to properly combat magic and showing that it wasn't just a ranged option.

It was far more versatile than one would think, able to even catch Radogan off guard at points.

"What are you doing up here on your own?" Aranea's voice called out to him as she reached the top of the stairs, a softer and more relaxed smile on her face. "Skipping out on training today?"

"No, not really, just clearing my head before I inevitably get beaten by everyone again." Ryder lets out a slightly awkward laugh at his own joke. "So how's it going for you? Noticing any improvements in your skills or the group?"

"So far? I've noticed small improvements here and there for myself… I'm actually able to somewhat keep up with Radogan now, our match history is still heavily one sided.'' She quietly walks over and stands next to him. "How about you?"

Ryder sighs a little and shrugs. "While I have gotten slightly better with magic I'm still not the best at fighting anyone normally." he focuses on Lily, who's cheering on a crowd of people attempting a rather dangerous looking obstacle course. "Still can't even last ten seconds against a pro like Lily."

"Well you're not the best in a fair fight, but from what I've heard you're pretty good in an actual fight." she looks down at Lily as well now, following the movements she's making. "Besides, no one here is really better than anyone else, all we're doing is covering one another's weaknesses."

"Yeah, that's true, I just want to be able to contribute more than some out of the box tricks here and there-" Ryder is cut off as suddenly a fragment of a wooden blade flies past his head, only barely missing them.

Following the direction it came from the two of them see Radogan and Oto standing there waving at them.

"Are you two lovebirds done chatting yet?!" Radogan calls out, not caring who's listening. "Or are you going to burn more daylight just being lazy?!"

Ryder pauses for a moment before looking at Aranea. "Is he always like this?"

The paladin has to stifle back a laugh as she rolls her eyes. "Oh you don't know the half of it, let's get going before that big oaf gets any more impatient." She quickly moves down the stairs, making her way to the duo awaiting them.

"Welp, guess it's time to get acquainted with the ground again…" Ryder slowly follows behind Aranea, eventually making his way to both Radogan and Oto who seem to already be lost in another conversation.

"-yeah right, like that'd happen." Oto bluntly remarks while looking at the duo approaching. "Isn't that right?"

"What?" Ryder replies, very confused and unsure what they were talking about.

"This shrimp here" Radogan says while motioning to Oto "doesn't think that more guardians exist or that they'd willingly make pacts with someone."

"You're the only one who's actually met and made a pact with one, so we figured you'd have the best opinion on it." Oto retorts with a slight annoyed look in his eyes, likely from the shrimp comment.

"Ah, well that's kinda complicated cause I don't know if more exist." Ryder thinks for a moment. "And I don't think they'd all willingly make pacts… I think the only reason Omen, the guardian of darkness, agreed was because I saw them just as darkness, not an embodiment of evil." he pauses and tilts his head a bit. "So if there are, they'd probably be other element types, and would probably have different personalities as well."

"So that means it's a fifty-fifty chance either one of you is wrong." Aranea smiles at the two of them who just groan in response.

"Oh well… guess there's not much we can do until more evidence pops up." Oto shrugs. "So, are you two ready for a little sparring?"

"I guess so, not much else to do right now, the recon groups are still exploring the last village and scouting out the two remaining dungeons." Aranea stretches a bit, preparing for the battle. "Then after that it's onto the story dungeon, The Port Town."

"Oh yeah, what's with that place? I've heard people loosely talk about it but I still don't know a lot." Ryder asks while following her example.

"The Port Town is where the lord of this island resides, making sure no one gets in or out." she replies with a bit of annoyance in her tone. "He's the only reason we can't just skip right to the main island, and if he's anything like his beta counterpart… well it's going to be an annoying fight."

"A pirate with level draining magic, a hand cannon and an incredibly strong greatsword, it could cleave buildings apart with one swing." Radogan shakes his head as he remembers the battles against it. "Seriously, that boss was a pain in the ass…"

"Got it, so we'll have to really be careful then, especially with that level draining part…" Ryder replies, significantly more worried now. "So we'll definitely need to focus on leveling up and upgrading our equipment."

"Don't forget about training." Oto says while twirling his wooden dagger. "I'm not going to let you get away without a little bit of training."

"Right, right… don't worry I wasn't going to run away." Ryder grabs a wooden sword leaning against a nearby wall and walks back to the group, taking up his own fighting stance. "Are you only going to fight me with one dagger this time?"

"Oh yeah, I only need the one, in fact these things have been holding me back the entire time." he casually states while flipping it around now, surprising both Ryder and Aranea.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Ryder shouts in surprise, recounting all the times he got beat by the small assassin.

"He's not joking, you know." Radogan chimes in, crossing his arms. "He's actually better fighting hand to hand than with any weapons, but we haven't found anything like a cestus yet."

"And unfortunately you can't craft a weapon type without having seen it first." Oto shrugs before catching the dagger in a reverse grip. "So this time I'll be fighting you with one handicap instead of two."

"Well that's great, so I really am going to be tasting the ground now…" the champion sighs while adjusting his stance. "Alright, bring it on…"

With a smile Oto dashes forward, much faster than Ryder anticipated as in an instant a wooden dagger is striking him across the chest, stinging quite a bit and pushing him back a bit much to everyone's surprise.

"I probably should've warned you, I've been going a bit easy on you and the others, to help ease you into actual hardcore combat." Oto states while twirling his dagger with a sly grin. "I figured it was about time we amped it up a notch, show me what you got champion!"

Ryder grits his teeth a bit, tightening his grip on the wooden sword before charging back in, going for a thrust right to the shoulder.

Without much effort, Oto leans out of the way, easily avoiding the attack and locking eyes with a shocked Ryder.

Moving quickly Ryder swings, unleashing a rapid series of slashes, attempting to catch Oto off guard. Unfortunately the small assassin seems much too fast and very easily avoids every single one.

"So fast…" Aranea comments, surprised by the speed at which Oto was moving, easily avoiding each and every attack.

"I'd hope so, considering all he used to do is run." Feros states as he walks up to Aranea and Radogan, a small crowd forming around them to watch the duel going on.

"So the runt was actually an athlete this entire time?" Radogan asks, looking over at the ashen haired swordsman who nods in response.

"Something like that, it was mainly a hobby though, free running and parkour… along with some martial arts courses for self defense purposes." he sighs and shakes his head a bit. "He really wants to test that theory though…"

"Huh? What theory?" Aranea looks over curiously now, taking her eyes off the very one sided match happening now.

"It's just something we noticed with Ryder's fighting in particular, he's grown far stronger and faster than anyone else, honestly it seems like he's gaining strength and learning as he fights." Feros crosses his arms and narrows his eyes. "Even during this fight, look."

Curiously Aranea and Radogan look back, surprised at the change that's happened in such a short amount of time.

It's subtle but clear to those paying attention, Oto is having a harder time avoiding the attacks now.

Each swing of the sword from Ryder seems to be getting faster, more accurate and deadly, aiming to surprise Oto and catch him off guard.

His eyes razor focused and filled with a burning determination to land one single hit.

One more swing, just barely missing Oto by an inch, before the assassin retaliates with a barrage of his own, each swing pushing Ryder further and further back.

Suddenly a loud thud is heard, silence fills the arena as everyone stares in awe as the wooden dagger flies through the air.

Ryder stands there, blade raised from striking in an upward arc, colliding with Oto's wrist and knocking the blade from his hand.

"He actually did it…" Aranea mutters to herself.

The small crowd cheers, snapping Ryder out of his trance as he looks over in surprise at them, unaware that a crowd had formed to watch the sparring session.

"Impressive, I didn't think you actually had it in you." Oto speaks up, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Neither did I…" Ryder quietly says while looking at his sword in surprise. "I was just kind of going with the flow there."

"It was a splendid fight!" Yuria's voice practically booms from the platform he was on earlier, her face wearing its usual mischievous smile. "You ended it at the perfect time as well, for I have come bearing useful information!"

"You did?" Aranea chimes in, a bit of excitement filling her voice before she runs past Ryder up to the stairs.

With a shrug Ryder places the sword back against the wall before making his way up stairs to the two of them.

Feros, Radogan and Oto quickly followed behind, not wanting to be left out of this.

"So? What is it? What did you find?" Aranea asks desperately, while also grabbing Yuria by the shoulders and lightly shaking her. "Please, please, please tell me it's something good for once!"

"It is! I promise it is! Now stop shaking me already, you're going to give me a headache!" Yuria proclaims, a bit of dizziness clear in her voice.

Aranea lets her go, realizing what she was doing finally. "Oh, right, sorry about that…"

"It's fine, now that we're all here, gather around, allow me to tell you about the secrets the stars held." a playful tone hangs in her voice as she speaks, reaching into her cloak to produce a leather scroll. "This holds the location of a certain lost dungeon, one no one would be able to find normally."

With a simple movement the scroll flies open, revealing a map of the island, rather skillfully crafted as well.

Though it's clear this map was from ages ago as it still marked the temple as an actual place… not only that but everything drawn looked better, more maintained.

"What are we looking at exactly?" Oto asks, crossing his arms. "It looks like an old map-"

"That's exactly what it is, a map of the island before it fell into this state!" Yuria happily exclaims. "This will let us find things long forgotten… such as the true archive of the forgotten."

"Woah woah, hold up, I thought the library was the archive?" Ryder asks, now clearly confused as he studies the map, finding the location of the last village and dungeon.

"Oh no, not at all… that library holds surface level stuff, the archive is where all the dangerous stuff rests." Yuria points out the dungeon on the map to everyone else. "In this place is information, weapons, armor and spells so powerful that I doubt any of you could properly use them yet."

"Meaning it's going to be incredibly dangerous too… likely filled with tough enemies." Radogan comments, thinking for a moment before a smile crosses his face. "And that's exactly why you're telling us."

"I don't get it." Oto looks over to the forger, now more confused than ever. "Shouldn't we wait until later then?"

As if reading Radogan's mind, Feros chimes in to clarify the situation for them. "It might actually be best to slowly move through the dungeon now, if the enemies are as strong as we're thinking then one alone will yield high amounts of EXP… not only that but if valuable info really is stored in there it'd be nice to have it."

"So we're not going for the equipment and treasure, but rather the EXP and books…" Oto looks a bit worried. "I still don't like it, if it's an end game enemy it could one shot us if we're not careful."

"True, but it might be worth the risk…" Aranea mutters while getting lost in thought. "After all, if the mainland is as deadly as I remember then we're going to need as many advantages as possible…"

"You can't be serious right now!" Oto looks at her in a mixture of surprise and fear. "We almost died to that last boss!"

"Which is exactly why any levels we can get now would be useful, especially to those lagging behind." the ashen haired swordsman states while stepping forward. "If no one else will, then I shall at least go scout the dungeon as best I can."

"I'll join as well." Ryder steps forward, next to Feros' side with a smile and a fire in his eyes. "If this is even as remotely important as we think it is, I want- no I need to be on the frontlines."

"In that case I shall join you two." Yuria states, her smile turning to a more sincere one. "I believe this time around you will need my expertise more than ever."

Aranea places her hand on her chin in thought for a moment, thinking about this carefully before nodding. "Right, then a three man team should be perfect, the smaller number could equal more danger… but it also means an easier time escaping or sneaking past traps."

"I agree, and so long as we fight single enemies at a time it should be relatively simple." Feros remarks while looking at his two companions. "You both had better rest up then, we'll have a long day ahead of us."

"Right, you three are dismissed, the rest of us will remain here and train, then once we're ready we can march to the last village if it hasn't been captured yet." Aranea smiles a bit. "Do take care of yourselves though, we'll be waiting for your safe return."

With a nod from Ryder the three of them set off from the group, heading for their own resting spots in the fort.

Though it hadn't been a particularly tough day, Ryder felt oddly tired, as if something was sapping away at him.

The darkness within seemed to rumble a bit, giving him just a bit more energy to move around, had he unlocked a new ability without realizing it? Was the darkness sapping away at him? He couldn't tell.

After finding a nice quiet and isolated part of the fort behind some crates, the champion sits down, his back firmly against the wall and his sword resting beside him.

Though his tired eyes begin to close he still reaches for his journal, just to check his stats one last time.

Just barely he makes it to the skills page where he can see two new abilities had popped up, passive ones that he can't make out correctly.

For he was too tired.

So very tired.

With heavy reluctance his eyes drooped closed, the journal falling out of his hand onto his lap.

The last clear thing he could make out was a pitch black ember forming in his hand, glowing with a calming darkness.

It was an oddly soothing feeling in the palm of his hand, as if someone was comforting him.

Letting him know it was alright to rest, that nothing would happen.

Everyone would be safe.

They weren't alone anymore.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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