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20% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 10: No Turning back

Chương 10: No Turning back

From the moment he opened his mouth he knew there was no turning back. Words kept spilling from his mouth like water in a broken tap.

The unstoppable words kept pouring from his mouth no matter how hard he tried to stop them but it was too late. The damn had been broken and now the once tiny hole had crumbled way letting the ocean of emotion being pushed out in a heavy crushing wave.

Each word ate away at his mind. Each sentence burning away at his dark tainted heart. There was no turning back. No stopping and changing his mind.

He cried and cried and cried. His tears would never run out. Not after all the pain and suffering, he had put them through.

And now there was Uraraka. A girl so sweet and pure at heart, tainted by his own miss comings. He had shown her the dark side of the world they called home. The pain and suffering no one but wise old men should have to endure.

And now he was dragging her down into the pits of hell with him.

Midoriya has kept his eyes glued to the ground for the entire time as he wept, feeling too guilty and shameful to even look into Uraraka eyes.

She had bore witness to the cruelty his victims had suffered and now she truly knows how much of a monster he was.

A monster with a trail of death and disparate lingering in his shadows.

"It's like you said I'm a monster. I'i never be human.

Midoriya could never have imagined what would take place that night.

The sudden shock of been held paralysis him as he was unwillingly pulled into her chest. The unnatural feeling of human touch made him freeze. As her body hit into his the oxygen in his lungs was knocked out leaving him breathless.

This felt so wrong. Why was she willing to touch such a revolting creature as himself.

"'I'm sorry! I'm sorry for causing you so much more suffering and pain. your human...! I swear, your human!"

No she was wrong. Bringing him a false hope.

Lying to his face. The tears poured down faster at the betrayal but he couldn't bring himself to move away from her comforting embrace which loosened up the bricks in his walls further. Was she suicidal, staying so close to the monster who had already ended so many lives.

He didn't deserve her kindness.

In his mind, He deserved to be caught.

He deserved to taken away.

He deserved to be put in prison

He deserved to be punished.

He deserved to die.

There was no doubt in his mind. He believed his words with all of his might.

He deserved to die.

"Have you ever thought about committing suicide?"

"Yes. Everyday."

The words left his mouth before he had time to even registered what had been said. Her embrace tightened considerably and he felt the drips of tears pour from her face into the top of his head.

No it was never her who was suicidal...

It was him.

For the greater good.

"It's going to be ok.

Nothing about this would ever be ok.

"Your not alone anymore. "

He would always be alone. No one would ever help him.

"We will work this out together because whether you want me to or not I want to help you.'

Stop. There was no turning back.

"I'm going to save you..."

His eyes shot open wide. He had waited 11 month of endless pain and suffering. Praying for some kind of release. From attempted suicide to villainous vigilantism nothing came close to giving Izuku hope of gaining freedom from the anguish he had endured. For 11 months no one had hear his silent cries for help and yet here she was...

Izuku Midoriya slowly lifted his shame and guilt-ridden filled eyes toward the girl in front of him in shock. He searched desperately for the signs of anger, hate, disgust and lies yet her face held nothing but pure honesty.

Pure honesty and a symbol of hope.

A simple smile.

"It's going to be ok.. because I am here...!"

This time, he didn't bother dampening his tears for these, for the first time in months, were tears of pure unfiltered relief and hope.

Maybe his cliff wasn't so high after all.

After all this time, He had finally found the right side to fall down.

And at the bottom of the longs slope was the freedom he had been searching for all This time.

A freedom locked far away with a single key.

A key called Ochako Uraraka.

Uraraka and Midoriya stayed laced in each other's arms. Taking comfort and warmth from each other for hours. The seemingly endless stream of tears pouring from midoriyas eyes had long since stopped, leaving only the occasional sniffle To be heard.

Uraraka had stopped crying much earlier and spent the hours which followed gently comforting the boy in front of her. Giving him the much needed human contact he had been craving for months by pulling his body into hers and resting her head gently upon his, while rubbing in a circular motion on his back.

Midoriya leaned into the touch's with little thought, unconsciously taking in the warmth and comfort he was receiving gratefully. It had been a long time since he had voluntarily allowed someone to hold him like this, including his own mother but the weight and strain on his mind from the last few day had left him exhausted. Too tired to push her away.

Hours had passed and the sky had turned dark.

The pair had yet to move from their spot on the floor in the middle of the midoryia family's living room both content with the situation they were in and giving little thought to it.

Suddenly, the lock on the front door unlocked and the pair snapped wide awake. Alerted by the door suddenly opening, Uraraka and Midoriya quickly pulled apart and stared in shock at the door at the living room entrance.

A small figure walked in thought the door.

"Izuku! I'm home- Oh!"

Inko Midoriya looked down at the scene in the middle for her living room in surprise.

"Oh hello dear, I didn't know Izuku was having friends around and I don't think I've met you before…..If I had known I would have brought more food since luku always seems to get his own these days!"

Uraraka got out of her surprise first and took ahold of the conversation.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Uraraka Ochako! It's a pleasure to meet you. I can leave if you would like-?" She said, surprising herself with the leave headed tone she was using.

"Oh it's ok-"

lzuku cut his mother off.

"N-no! Wait! I mean, we can carry On talking in my room if you want." Midoriya asked quickly.

Uraraka looked at her friend with a questioning eyes. From an outsiders point of view he seemed as timid and happy as normal, as if he was asking a regular question but she could see the slight desperation in his eyes.

"Umm sure! If that's alright with..?" Uraraka turned around to face who seemed to be Midoriyas mother.

"Oh yes! Of course dear! You're more than welcome to stay. I'm Midoryia Inko, Izukus mother." She said with a wide smile, clearly very excited at the new friend her son had brought home.

"Ok then, it's nice to meet you" Uraraka said cheerfully before following after Izuku to his room, waking at his mother as she left the room. Once they made it into Izukus bedroom he closed the door before turning to look at ochako.

"U-umm, is it ok if I lock the door..? I don't want my mother walking In while we are talking...

Uraraka hesitated before slowly nodding, watching as Midoryia locked his bedroom door sure before turning to look at her.

The pair stood in a silence before Uraraka spoke up.

"Your mother, she doesn't know does she."

Izuku cringed before slowly shaking his head.

"I don't know what I would do if she found out... she would be so disappointed. I don't know if I could live with that...

Uraraka cringed at the depressing answer, she hadn't meant to make him feel worse. Even though she had just spent the last 3 and a half hours just holding him she was still very apprehensive about being Locked in the same room as him. As if he could feel her discomfort, Midoryia spoke up.

"You can leave if you want. I can understand why you wouldn't want to be near me. I won't stop you." He said with honesty pouring out of his eyes.

Uraraka took a deep breath In before sighing and looking directly at him.

"No, it's ok, I won't leave. I'm still getting used to all of this but I promise I won't leave. But I have questions.

Izuku nodded with a slight sigh of relief Before moving to sit on top of his bed, Uraraka moving to sit on the edge.

"Well umm, I'll answer everything I can but I don't know much about everything myself..."

Uraraka took this as a sign to ask him a question.

"H-how,why umm."

Izuku looked at he with his head tilted confusion.

"How much do you have to eat?" He asked in her place. She looked st him in shock at how easily he could say it.

As if reading her mind, he said sadly.

"I've been doing this for 11 months now. The guilt never leaves but the shock has just about...

He sighed deeply before answering her unspoken question.

"I have to umm... eat my whole body weight worth of 'food' each month...

Uraraka furrowed her brows," then whey did kill two people last night"

Izuku flinched at her unmeaningly hash words.

Realizing her mistake she quickly backtracked.

"Oh I'm sorry I should-"

"No, it's ok" Midoriya interrupted. " I need to learn to deal with the consequences. What I do is wrong, no matter what way you look at it. If I can't take responsibility for my actions more people then necessary will get hurt."

He sighed deeply before looking down at his hands.

" to be honest I don't to know why I ate two yesterday. I have an theory though but I can't tell you about that."

Uraraka frowned but nodded reluctantly in understanding. That sat in silence for a while before Uraraka scooted closer to Midoriya, surprising the latter at the action. They sat there close to each other as Uraraka slowly brought up her hand to his face and gently rubbed her thumb under his eye.

"…. can I see it..."


"Your eye... please"

Midoriya stayed still for a few moments, seemingly contemplating her request before slowly closing his eyes and reopening them.

There it was in its full form. Glowing brightly against its pitch back background. This close up she could clearly see the different gradients and variants of red which all intertwined into each other to make up the glowing center of the Iris She could also see the crimson veins which traveled thought the dark eye and through to the surrounding skin. Something she hadn't noticed before.

Uraraka took a sharp breath in at the sight of it finally coming to terms with, yes - Midoriya was really the man behind so many of the recent murders in the city. Being this close to such a symbol of terror in the city made her gut instincts scream at her, yelling at her to getaway. Yet being this close made it draw her in closer.

She hadn't realized before that something so symbolically evil could be so...


She felt Midoriya tense under her hand which still rested under his eye before flinching in shock. He looked wide-eyed at her trying to work out if he had heard her correctly. She pulled back and offered him a small heartwarming smile.

"Your eyes beautiful..."

Uraraka heard him gasp in shock as she confirmed her words. She looked him in the eyes as tears began to build up and drop from his eyes.

She pulled her hands away and brought them back to her lap, not noticing the small saddened sigh at the lack of touch come from her friend. He reach up and placed his hand over where her own hand had been resting.

"Thank you..." He said softly.

"It's ok don't worry about it."

Midoriya lowers his hand and looked up at her determinedly.

"No... really, thank you, for everything. I can't ever thank you enough for what you have done... for trusting me so much. "

The tears continued to pour. Midoriya sniffed and wiped his face with the back of his jacket. Uraraka began to tear up too.

"It's ok, we will work this out together.."

Midoriya looked up at her with a strange look on his face before taking a deep breath.

"I wish you would let me do this on my own. If you are caught with me like that you will get into serious trouble..."

"It's fine, no matter what happens I'll help you.

That's a promise." She replied determinedly.

"No turning back..?"

"No turning back."

And like all good Midoriyas do, he cried heavily as a second wave of relief flew over him.

And for the second time, Uraraka pulled him into a hug.

He might be a villain to the rest of the world but to her he was just a boy with a will so strong and a heart of gold, suffering with a fate he did not choose.

"Uraraka... I need you to make me a promise."


"If i ever go missing... Don't come after me... I don't

want to hurt you..


I never want to hurt you again...

Day of USJ Attack. Teachers aftermath.

Present mic was known for his chill and relaxed nature and his ability to keep people surprisingly calm in stressful situations. However the US] incident and shock him to his core.

No one had seen it coming. The hero's at UA had been blissfully oblivious to the traumatic experience that had been happening simultaneously only a ten-minute drive away.

And now, because of there late response, not only two members of staff but a student as well in the intensive care unit.

However If someone was to ask him for his opinion about the situation he would say that they, no matter how Morbid it may seem, came off extremely lucky.

No one had died.

The same could not be said for the villains.

There he stood, in the ground floor of a building in one of the zones starring at the field of bloodshed.

Present mic felt himself dry heaving at the smell of metallic blood hit his nostrils.

Villains of all shapes and sizes sliced and left to die. Bleeding out on the cold hard floor in puddles of their own blood.

What the hell had happened here.

Nezu has instructed all the staff at the US to go through and make sure no villain was left unattended and Make sure none could escape.

There was villains left lying in pain all of the USJ each with there own injures from frostbite to concussion. Yet this was something different.

Something much more sinister.

Surely this couldn't be the work of a student.

He picked up his phone out of his pocket and dialed Nezu.

"Yes hello, Yamada? Is something wrong."

"Yes... I think you would get down here and see this..."

After a few minutes of waiting, Nezu arrived at the scene.

"Oh my... this is worrying."

The pair stood witness to the carnage left behind by a villain they knew nothing about.

"Whoever caused this was either very careless or cunning enough to believe they could get away with something like this. Student or villain alike.

We cannot allow this to happen again. "

Present mic looked down as his boss in surprise.

"Yov don't seriously believe this was a student?"

"However, Much I hate to think of such an idea. We can't just ignore the possibility's. It wouldn't make sense for the villain to attack his own so recklessly.

The pools of blood area already starting to dry into the floor meaning this happened during the attack. Which leaves whoever did this a villain who's still here,in the building. A villain who escaped with the villains in charge. Or a student, someone who's already left thought the front door."

Nezu looked around the room with a uncomfortable calm.

"And if this does happen to be the work of a student. It means one of them is hiding something because no registered quirk on our records of class 1-a could ever make such carnage as this."

Present mic watched the unnerving principal walk away from the scene before calling out.

"This is going to have to be investigated further, isn't it?"

There was a momentary pause before a reply was heard.

"Yes, we will have to find out what happened here.

Unfortunately I feel the worst may come out of this situation. "

Nezu pulled out his phone out of his pocket before diaing an unknown number.

"Hello Tsukauchi, I need your assistance. Would it be possible for you to come to the USJ facility now? l'll explain everything when you get here..

To say Tsukauchi was stressed would be an understatement.

Tonight was the expected date of the bloody stains next victims and he was working in overdrive.

For this reason he was more than thankful when the mysterious call from Nezu came thought.

When he put tHe phone down he quickly packed up his thing before making his way toward the car.

He wondered what the principal of such a school as UA would need his assistance with.

Curious to see if he could get some earlier insight he dialed up Toshinori to see what was going on.

Unfortunately the call when straight to answer phone. The detective pulled the phone away from his ear and looked down at it with a concerned frown.

One of the few things he knew about his friends was that he never had his phone off. Worry dripped into his veins as he unconsciously sped up towards the Usj Facility.

Once he arrived he was shocked at the amount of ambulances and police cars scattered around the building. He quickly parked up his car and rushed towards the front entrance. Thankfully, Nezu was already stood outside the building.

"Nezu! What the hells going on here!"

Nezu turned to face the detective before answering.

"Villains attacked our facility seemingly with the aim of killing all might. Thankfully few people have be injured and are now being taken to hospital and are expected to make. A full recovery.

Unfortunately I have some more pressing issues must show you and get your insight."

Tsukauchi followed the rat-bear thought the facility. As they paced quickly thought he caught sight of some of the remanence of battles Which had taken place only a few hours ago.

When they arrived he smelt it before he saw it. As he stepped around the corner the detective froze at the horribly familiar sight.

Blood spattered all the walls. Villains long since removed but stains of blood still lay evidence to the massacre which had happened only hours ago.


Nezu took this opportunity to speak up.

"Almost all the villains found here had received large gash wounds across multiple parts of the body. We had them removed and taken to a hospital however unfortunately we recently received word that one of the villains in custody died on the way to the hospital with severe blood loss. Police have already taken photos of the evidence while the villains where being removed which I can show to you later however I thought it would be a good idea to bring you to the scene."

The detective remained in silence at the scene before him. This couldn't be happening. He wasn't meant to strike till later today yet all the signs of his present proved him wrong.

Nezu looked up at the detective from the side.

"Do you know anything which could help identify the villain responsible for this carnage?"

The detective didn't respond for a few moments before slowly replying, dread filling his voice.

"A case I'm currently working on, a villain known for destroying and eating its victims bodies most of the facts are being withheld from the public but you've probably heard of it. The bloody stain... all their attacks over the last 10 months have left crime scenes all identical to this..."

The pair stood I. Silence as the facts began to sink in.

"He only attacks once a month on a timed schedule, a bit like the hero killer, but he only attacks villains. However he wasn't meant to attack till tonight..

Nezu took his time to order his thoughts before replying.

"It seems as if my previous theories are more likely to be true now l've gotten your confirmation...

The detective looked down concerned at the tone of voice the principal was giving off.

Theory?" He questioned.

Nezu sighed before continuing.

"I had a theory that whoever cause this to these villains could only have been a villain who was here from the start or a student who's lying about their quirk but now if what your suggesting is true, it's safe to assume this was the act of a student, not a villain who came here to attack All Might."

"If it's a student we need to go through them immediately and find out which area they were in."

"No, if it's a student we should wait and think this thought carefully."

Tsukauchi looked down at the school principal with utter disbelief.

"This is serious Nezu if a student really is this serial killer we need to act now or more people will die.

Someone will die tonight and we need whatever we can to prevent such a thing from happening!"

Nezu remained unnerving calm as he gave out his explanation.

"As horrible as it seems I fear that if we push whoever this villain maybe to hard more then a few people will die. It's unfortunate that such sacrifices must be made but it seems unavoidable.

We must wait and in time, whoever this villain is, with any luck the villain will come to us."

Nezu turned to face the detective.

"Tsukauchi I would like to ask if it would be possible to add me to the case."

A/N sorry for not uploading yesterday I was to tired I will update the other fanfic later today

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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