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88.53% DxD: Golden Peerage / Chapter 191: Training Camp

Chương 191: Training Camp

Draconic Deus Universe, The Underworld, Lucifuge Territory.

Perhaps the most difficult spot in this universe to invade. The Lucifuge Territory had become the main pillar of the underworld. The only territory that the Fallen God Faction didn't dare tread. With a gigantic magic golden barrier serving as a border, with immense difficulty would a God run rampant in this world without losing his or her head the next minute.

Morrighan, Albedo, Annette and Benneth had made sure that their master's home became a sacred ground worthy of worship. With overtime months ever since their master went on his journey; they had landed the Lucifuge Castle back into its original spot, awaiting his return.

Deep into the northlands which had previously served as the battlefield between the Golden Dragon God and the Maou Lucifer several golden domes were now known as the training grounds.


A spatial crack opened high above the skies, on the other side one could see a famous restaurant in Japan; the very spot where the meeting between the delegates of the Lucifuge Clan and the Shinto Faction had been taking place.

"Susanoo, take care of our guests Millicas and Ni Jie, I will be back in Takamagahara shortly" Amaterasu spoke to someone before entering the spatial crack, it was her brother.

"Understood" A voice resonated beside her, two dark eyes that apparently had been looking at everything from the shadows. Alas, what he didn't know was that the very shadows were also looking at him.

"Jie Fei you take care of Ni Jie, the boy and the little kitsune; roam every corner of this world, gather intel of anything worth my attention and then come back" Jie Yuan ordered her group.

"As you order, Devil Emperor".

It was a visage that made Li Suo sigh since she no longer had anyone to order, the myriad races she had created were nowhere to be seen and she didn't have a single worshipper.

'It seems me and master are going to have to work hard and create some new races... this time they shall be even more perfect'.


Benneth, Annette and Yasaka entered first. Richter then through the portal with Grayfia and Layla to one side, Jie Yuan and Li Suo on his other side; the Devil Emperor and Creation God were more like curious country bumpkins, coming to a world that was way weaker in strength yet technologically more advanced than their own.

"Who would have thought we would find each other together, so far from home, Jie Yuan".

"Indeed, fate is such an unpredictable thing".

"Even after endless wars, hatred and resentment between you and me because of Wanghu. Light against darkness... in the end, it didn't matter... we both now belong to the same dragon in soul and body".


"And yet, just like fate always willed it... and just like with Ni Xuan back then... he prefers me more and you're in the background".

"Inde- wait... that's not true!"

"Master may wield you as his sword, however... It is me that is inside him at all times as his personal spirit. I can feel Lord Richter's Primordial Gold with my whole being, can you do that, Jie Yuan? just like back then, you are the number two~"

"... Let's settle this matter right now, Li Suo... our hatred has gone for too long".

Both Devil Emperor and Creation Goddess started to bicker, Richter together with Layla and Grayfia paid attention beneath, ignoring the two and focusing on the several golden domes in the Lucifuge Territory. In front of them were Yasaka, Benneth and Annette who were still having a conversation about interesting topics related to the faction. It was not a secret that the Shinto Faction was perhaps the only true ally that the Lucifuge Clan had aside from the Smithing God Hephaestus.

"Any news about Rizevim?" Yasaka inquired, it was regular to exchange information periodically regarding their common foes. It was also like this that they managed to know Aphrodite's most recent crimes.

"He has disappeared without leaving a trace after slaughtering Hades... more than likely preparing a gigantic army with the use of Sephirot Graal... there is nothing to worry about" Annette dismissed him, forming a deadpan from her sister Benneth who once again felt anxious at her sister's careless nature.

She thought Annette's most recent boost of strength had made her overconfident. The previous her had managed to fight toe to toe against Ares, the God of War and one of the strongest gods out there. The current her, however... could have easily crushed Ares... just like she did to Indra.

"You should not underestimate him. They took Samael's soul from the river stick, and they have Crom Cruanch and Apophis with them, perhaps even more than the Fallen God Faction, Rizevim is a threat to reckon, not only that but he's also wise enough to know to not directly mess with Richter-sama... if he ever attacks, his methods will be underhanded and shameless" Yasaka was not an old being for nothing... her title as the priestess of Amaterasu wasn't unwarranted.

"Yasaka is right, you shouldn't lower your guard, Nephilim... Samael is known for his extremely wicked poison which is effective against Dragons" The Goddess Amaterasu remarked, standing proudly and visiting the underworld once again after thousands of years. She tried the best she could to stop the bickering from the two entities she considered as 'frightening'.

"It doesn't matter... the moment Rizevim makes a move, he will get crushed. You shouldn't underestimate master's Primordial Gold. Our main focus is to protect the Lucifuge Territory and those master cares about" Annette said proudly, looking to the side to see her master was standing with his arms crossed, talking to Grayfia and Layla, completely ignoring what she just said, all she could do was twitch her lips.

'Why are you trying so hard to get praised?' Bennet asked her privately.

'Shut up...'

Deep down, inside the golden domes, Richter had been expecting several rounds of consecutive battles taking place.


A woman covered in what resembled a body made of black crystals; was clashing heavily against a group of youngsters who she was literally 'thrashing'.


"UGH!" The blonde boy was blasted away with a single touch of the lady's sword-like arm. Morrighan knew no mercy when it came to training, just like her master knew no mercy when they trained.

They jumped on her one after the other.

"Not harsh enough, Koneko-chan".


The white-haired loli was also blasted away.


A barrage of destruction aura and lightning fell on her, but Morrighan merely brushed it aside as if they were sparkles of dust. Sending a wave that threw all of them to the ground. There wa also a boy with a red gauntlet watching everything aghast. When Morrighan saw him standing there, doing nothing, she started to walk towards him.

She dispersed her powers and showed up her exquisite and beautiful dark-haired form with a black-goldish halo and golden strands of hair.

"Why didn't you help your group, Issei-kun".

The boy in question lowered his gaze onto her chest and started to bleed from his nose.

That did it for Morrighan who sighed and kicked him on the balls.

"AAAAHHH!! T-That was merciless, Morrighan-sensei!"

He twisted on the ground back and forth, going through the nightmare of everyman.

"Not strong enough, not fast enough, not coordinated enough... from all the groups, yours is the one performing the worst, Rias" She said coldly; dispersing to the dome to show how there were many other groups, fighting against different individuals... from all of them, Rias' Peerage was the one that looked in the worst condition.



The Heirs of the Underworld were chosen to train and take part in the ten different teams that would protect the underworld in the future. They were pitifully unprepared.

Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, Seekvaira Agares, Sairaorg Bael, Riser Phenex, Diodora Astaroth, Zephyrdor Glaysa-Labolas.

Each with their own peers faced a single teacher who they were tasked to defeat as a team.

Satan Class Morrighan Belphegor, Satan Class Albedo Astaroth, Ultimate Class Venelana Gremory, Ultimate Class Lord Bael, Satan Class Ajuka Beelzebub, Ultimate Class Serafall Leviathan and Ultimate Class Diehauser Belial.

From all the groups, only Rias' peerage looked battered, she could only see these happenings in disbelief.

'Are we really this weak compared to the rest?!' She and her best friend Akeno didn't think they were so bad in terms of coordination. Instead, they thought Morrighan was too strong... nothing farther from the truth. In reality, none of the teachers was going all out... otherwise, it would be a massacre.

Rias thought they had gained an advantage over everyone else. Issei Hyodo, the boy Akeno saved during the incident with Ares, ended up being the possessor of a Longinus, the Boosted Gear belonging to the Red Dragon Emperor, however... his performance left a lot to be desired.


The Golden Dragon concealed in broad daylight. Richter regarded the Lucifuge territory where the heirs of the underworld were training in camps.

"You're using the same mode that I use to train you and the girls," He frowned and uttered to Layla and Grayfia, not taking his gaze away from the group.

"That is right master, there is no time so we're trying to push their limits like this" Layla said with a degree of disappointment. For devils, there was very little way for them to improve themselves other than to directly fight and gain control over their innate talents. It was a process that took time. Hoping that these youngsters could be prepared for the war in less than a year was nothing short of wishful thinking.

But the number of devils left that could participate was scarce and they were honest with the highest potential.

"I understand, Layla. However… the method is right, but the timing is wrong" Richter scratched his head and pointed out, starting to land on his own from the skies in the middle of the domes.

"Eh?" Layla and Grayfia were left confused, they merely followed behind him together with Yasaka, Annette and Benneth.

As for Jie Yuan and Li Suo? they were mysteriously gone... wherever they were, only Richter knew. He only hoped they wouldn't go too rampant in the dimensional gap and destroy this universe by mistake.

His body fell down from the skies like the descent of a golden god, the first to notice him was Morrighan and Albedo. The former had enough decorum to know not to make a scene... the latter didn't.

She threw herself on him and hugged her beloved, "I missed you mastah!~"

"I missed you too, Albedo, it seems you have been behaving" Richter kissed her forehead, his gaze then drifted towards Ajuka who bowed down in respect, recalling his savour, he didn't doubt for even a second that Richter would return to the underworld.

"I have been a good girl... so, do I get my baby in my belly like big sis?"

"We will talk about that later" After giving the Nephilim's forehead a slight flick, the beauty could do nothing but pout and behave. Standing to the side together with Annette and Benneth.

The strongest being in the universe was back. Almost every individual here knelt down regardless of faction. Even Diehauser Belial, a member of the Devil Supremacy, had to kneel in front of Richter.

"It is good to know you have returned, Lord Golden Dragon" Venelana spoke first.

"Ricchan!~" Serafall didn't give a fart.

"Onee-sama! kneel down!" Sona tried to pull her down fruitlessly.

Richter laughed amusedly, it seemed like these people never changed regardless of circumstances. He fixed his gaze on Rias for a moment, the girl evaded him, and then he did so on the one whose countenance seemed to have aged and changed the most. Seekvaira Agares.

The girl who lost her father and pillar during the fallen god faction's invasion, her whole territory was gone, her Agares Family was gone... aside from the maids, she was the only survivor.

"Seekvaira… it is good to see you're thriving".

"Regardless of day or night, I haven't forgotten yours or my father's words, Richter-sama... thank you for remembering my name" She spoke politely, resolutely, but her former enthusiastic self was gone. What remained was a broken girl who couldn't even thrive for vengeance.

Hades had killed her father, and then... Hades had been murdered by Rizevim. For the death of her beloved father, for the destruction of her agares family and agares territory; she had no one to turn her spear against and sadly, she wasn't even strong enough to do it. And even then Richter felt in her gaze resolution to at least keep standing.

'Let me see more, Seekvaira'.

"You can all stand up... I'm aware of you and the devil's situation. I have only one thing to say. It is not my concern".

Lips were bitten, hands clenched... there was only powerlessness. The opinions regarding the Golden Dragon were divided. Some thought he was generous enough to not get involved; others thought he was coldhearted for not getting involved. Regardless, he had the power to end everything and bring peace, yet he didn't.

"That said... my mates are concerned over the matter of the underworld and the devil's survival, which means that I can't ignore this topic forever... I won't be training all of you, that is not my responsibility... but... I will help you get stronger".


"How, Richter-sama?" Venelana held her chest, she still recalled that promise for tea that wasn't fulfilled and how she had requested for her daughter's wellbeing, she thought perhaps the reason he was doing this was because of that promise but didn't hold much hope on it, especially seeing Grayfia's belly. He was unpredictable.

"Giving you treasures? resources? no... that's not how it is going to be, at least not now... you're all going to have to show me that you're worth my time, kids".

"A-Ah?" Confusion and disbelief portrayed their expressions.

"Benneth... I want you to release your aura on them, I shall then regulate it. Those that can't stand back up, be gone".


"Richter-sama, that is-"

"Are you going to deny my methods, Venelana?"

"I would never... please continue" Under that pressured gaze, there was little Venelana could do other than look down and accept whatever he had to do. Richter saw that and he smirked.

"You devils are all pitiful and pathetic beings that reaped what you sow and yet decline to responsibly take on your promised fate... obliteration. If not for me, you wouldn't exist by now... Nyx, Azrael and the rest of the Fallen God Faction would have obliterated every single one of you until not even dust was left, taking over the underworld and the work of your ancestors".


Of them all, the satans and Diehauser Belial were the ones that took the most offence, yet they were unable to say anything.

As for Layla and Grayfia, they didn't understand why their master was saying those words, they were mean and true, but what would that change?


Benneth aura was released just as he desired, and white draconic scales belonging to the Bune family's innate body resurfaced all around her skin, it was a crushing aura that brought everyone under the ultimate class to their knees. Benneth was a Satan Class bordering on the realm of a Super Devil. The only reason her power hadn't been confirmed on that level was that, unlike Annette, she hadn't faced a foe to confirm her status.

The teachers felt a mountain weight on them, and the students? they felt a planet's weight on them.

They all fell pitifully to their knees with folks like Issei Hyodo and a part of Sona and Riser's peerage directly falling head first on the ground.




Rias was on her knees and she couldn't believe it. Looking all around to see the ground cracking, all of this power with her mere aura... she then placed her gaze on Morrighan to realise that the Nephilim hadn't even been playing with them!

"The training I have used with you won't work with them... and that is because the premise of that method is that you have already realised what your strength is, your motivation, your flaws, your advantages, the fundamentals of your power... you have already discarded what makes you weak and held onto what makes you strong... Do you wish for these kids to fight in groups? what is the point if they're so pitifully weak individually".

Richter extended his hand forward and the ridiculous happened, the aura that had already been shatteringly harsh, increased by ten times!


Benneth gasped and looked at her master in disbelief, he had been manipulating her aura! He wasn't releasing his own aura, he was manipulating hers!

Those who hadn't kneeled... knelt. Those that had knelt, fell face-first onto the ground.


"Richter-sama! no one will pass this test!" Grayfia held onto his wrist, as far as she was concerned, this was impossible. Was Richter kind enough to protect them from the aura? no... the same pressure was falling on them as well and they felt just how tyrannical it was.

"Let me do my thing, Grayfia".


"You want to shoulder the responsibility of saving your whole race... when you can't even take on this much aura?"

Richter laughed mockingly, sure enough, the teachers managed to stand up one by one... resisting the aura.

"Get this in your heads, kids... this is not a difference of power. This is a difference between will and perseverance. If you're not ready to show me that you can stand up... disappear from my face" His gaze held pure contempt.

In a battle of wills, even a strong-willed ant would be able to stand up.



Among the kids, there were such... those that hadn't been spoiled, those that had to thrive with everything they got to reach the spot they were at.


Sairaorg Bael was the first.

Like a fearless lion, he punched the ground, going against the odds to stand up regardless of anything, Richter was fixed in his gaze... the ideal he desired to be. Even Lord Bael was astonished to see Sairaorg start to stand up like that.

"Worthy of a Lion... although beneath a dragon, the claws and fangs are sharp".


The boy, formerly the broken illegitimate son of the Bael Clan, stood up proudly, growling like a lion and emitting a golden aura that was second to Richter's.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Richter nodded with a smirk, training this boy was going to be worthwhile, his gaze drifted around to see who else looked like they had a strong enough will to resist this aura.

The next one that gave a sign was someone that he didn't expect.

Seekvaira was struggling, but she was now on her knees, trying to stand up as hard as she could, whatever was in her mind he didn't know.



Richter gasped, he didn't expect this at all... an extremely clear aura released her body and for a second, it was as if she glitched. As if time around her wasn't working properly.

'Time laws... this girl has control over the time laws...' If anyone knew how difficult that was, it was him.

Seekvaira's eyes shone she grit her teeth so hard that they almost cracked and in front of Rias and Sona's astonished gazes, she flickered in time and phased from a kneeling state, to a standing state as if she had cut time.

"UGH!!" Even then, after standing up... she looked at Richter with a victorious gaze as if asking for praise and rest, however... he whistled and shook his head.

'Show me more... Seekvaira, you resemble her so much, Destiny...'

"You have to keep standing for ten minutes, those that are not standing by then, bye-bye..."


Basically, those that stood up first were at a disadvantage... they now had to resist. Seekvaira couldn't believe it, her aggrieved gaze lasted but only for a second just like Sairaorg's.


One by one, the members showed their will.

Akeno Himejima managed to stand up, she looked back towards her president as if to reassure her, but Rias' feelings were different... she couldn't stand up no matter how hard she tried. Kiba Yuuto managed to stand up. Koneko Toujo managed to stand up.

Rias saw her peerage members all standing up one by one and yet... she couldn't.

'This can't be...'


Even Issei managed to stand up!

Sona stood up with difficulty and behind her was a black-haired beauty named Tsubaki and two other members of her peerage, Momo Hanakai a silver-haired beauty and Saji Genjirou a blonde boy.

"Buchou, you can do it!"

"Go buchou!"

To Rias' disbelief, even Gasper managed to stand up, but no matter how she tried, she simply couldn't do it. Venelana saw Rias and wanted to intercede, but a gaze from Richter stopped her in her tracks.

From Sairaorg's peerage, Kuisha Abaddon stood up and Coriana Andrealphus stood up. Ladora Bune stood up... the majority of his peerage... soon after, all of them managed to pass the test. No doubt the strongest team.

From Zephyrdor's peerage, only he managed to stand up.

From Diodora's peerage... no one managed to stand up... not even him.

From Riser Phenex, he stood up together with Ravel Phenex, but Richter managed to see something interesting going on. There were two girls from his peerage with will strong enough to stand up, but... they choose not to.

Yubelluna and Karlamine.

Soon enough the losers were already decided with one minute to go, there was a single person that should be standing yet she didn't, Rias.

She was sweating, releasing a powerful aura that soon lost momentum.

"Is this all you can do, Rias?"

She lifted up her gaze to see Richter looking down at her with a gaze filled with contempt, "All of your peerages have strong enough wills and yet you are unable to stand up? and with this much perseverance, you desired to go against your family?"

Nearby, someone was laughing even as he struggled to keep standing, Riser.

Venelana grit her teeth so hard they cracked, her hands bleeding, seeing her daughter like this caused her so much sadness, she couldn't understand why Rias wasn't able to overcome this challenge, 'Did we spoil her too much?'

Rias' gaze was filled with shame and depression... she wasn't strong enough, no... willed enough?

"If you don't manage to pass this test, then it doesn't even make sense for your peerage to be here, they will be thrown away as well... in fact..."

He pointed a finger towards Akeno and much to everyone's disbelief, the girl started to turn into gold!



A crimson aura started to release from Rias' hair, however, soon she found herself back on the ground, "STOP! DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HER, PLEASE!"

"If you can't even pass this test, then your race is doomed... what is the point of you to keep living? I may as well end you and your peerage right here..."

Rias grit her teeth, and with tears in her eyes she saw how Akeno started to turn into gold, everyone was looking at Richter in disbelief, not understanding this sudden cruelty... Grayfia and Layla were the most baffled.

Rias' gaze fixed on Richter... her eyes shivering as she saw how one by one her peerage started to turn into gold... just like Hades had.

"N-No... not my peerage".

"Then stop me..."


She tried and tried, but she couldn't stand up!

She couldn't stand up, however... Rias' eyes turned completely crimson and she managed, struggling... to raise up one of her hands.

The hand was then coated with an aggressive aura of destruction that she smashed against one of Richter's legs that had been standing in front of her.



Her punch clashed against Richter's uncovered leg. Creating a huge crater of destruction under his foot, however... his flesh was intact. Destruction at its purest... everything beneath his feet was turned into dust, Rias' body crashed into the big crater she just created and it was then that Richter smiled, floating as if nothing had happened.

"You passed..."

He then released the aura he had been pressing on Rias, which was fifty times harsher than what he was putting on everyone else.

Rias passed out there and then as her peers' bodies returned to normal.

"The ten minutes are finished... those that didn't manage to stand up, begone".

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