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6.42% DxD: Golden Peerage / Chapter 12: Second Encounter II

Chương 12: Second Encounter II

[Richter's POV]

"Could you cover your crotch, please?" She requested me, still flustered.

This woman was odd, but I can't deny her company was entertaining, moreover... she's so easy to tease, I couldn't help but smirk each time.

My body began to transform as golden scales formed in my body, adopting a hybrid form. My legs, crotch and arms formed golden shining scales that overshadowed the torch she was using for lighting.

Two big horns and two gigantic wings protruded from my back together with a tail, everything made out of the purest gold.

Her gaze marvelled all the way but she made no comments, apparently copying my lack of response.

She had decided to clean and sort my treasures, and I... didn't know what to say about that. For one I'm grateful since this place has really become a shithole with all the treasures and corpses scattered all around, Monique used to keep it clean... but since she passed, nobody has done it.

On the other side, tidying up the piles of treasures would make my treasure stove look less voluminous and glorious!

'How complicated...' I scratched one of my horns as she followed me to the next cave.

"Is there any reason why you lower your guard with me?" she asked me suddenly, bending slightly in a cute manner as we walked.

I don't know what she's talking about, I haven't loosened my guard with her, my senses are on her at all times. Anything funny and she will become a gorgeous golden sculpture.

"Why would I tell you?" There was a reason indeed, Eneva, but she didn't need to know.

"So you did lower your guard indeed?~" She giggled, earning an eye roll from me, there were many questions I wanted to ask her.

We reached the next cave soon enough.

"I'm trying to be your friend, Richter-sama. Allow me to introduce myself again, my name is Grayfia Lucifuge, heiress of the Underworld's Lucifige Clan" she bowed down to me once again, I couldn't feel her title due to her feeble aura.

"Underworld's Lucifige Clan? I have never heard of it. I'm Richter Golden-Haze" I introduced myself, even when she should already know who I am or who this realm belongs to, we were past formalities and she also gives me a foreign feeling; like she doesn't belong to this world.

She remained silent for a few seconds as if she was looking at something before a smile sprouted on her luscious lips.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Richter-sama~ so… do we have a deal?" She asked, standing upright and awaiting whatever my answer would be. Truth be told, I liked it more when she was not covering herself.

"Before I decide, let me ask you a few questions, Grayfia?" I said, standing in a corner with my arms crossed and a gentle smile.

"Y-Yes" She grew noticeably nervous as if knowing exactly what questions I'm going to ask" even then as if stubbornly, she remained upright.

'This woman loves to act strong and keep a facade' I thought amusingly.

"Why are you immune to my gold corrosion?"

My first question seemed to be devastating enough if her slight quivering was anything to go by.

"I don't know, I appeared in this world out of nowhere from mine and even since I arrived, my clothes turned into gold, but I didn't" She managed to speak without stuttering.

"I see, then how are you alive? I recalled turning you into a sculpture"

She exhaled a breath before answering.

"I remember that as well, Richter-sama, that was so mean of you, I was just introducing myself" A small smile appeared in her delicate countenance.

"..." My silence and frown made it clear that I wasn't joking and didn't expect her to joke either.

"My race has as many lives as wings we have," she said suddenly, evading my gaze.

Her answer made me stop for a moment to look at her wings, indirectly looking at her body, "Huh hu? so there should be no problem if I kill you right now, no? you still have seven lives anyway".


The toughest quivering came at that moment, to the point I was expecting her to give away and fall on her knees, but she didn't.

"T-That" Grayfia began, not finishing, I didn't allow her to regain her bearings.

"Next question, what is that '-sama' that you keep saying?" I approached her; seeing how she visibly exhaled in relaxation upon hearing this question, I took it as if she was trying to calm herself down. A failed endeavour now that I was approaching.

"It is the way... we address someone respectfully from where I come, me adding '-sama' beside your name, means that I respect you and consider you as somebody above me" Her answer was smooth.

I walked in circles around her, coming closer each time as her eyes looked at me whenever she had the opportunity, refusing to let go of my eyes.

"I see..." I stood in front of her and grasped one of the wings that was covering her body.

She flinched and looked down, biting her lips before the wing loosened and allowed me to move it aside, I did the same with the other three until her body was exposed to me in its glory.

'Delicious' I thought, taking the time to explore every detail.

She clumsily covered herself and I allowed her, but her breasts were too big for her slender arms to cover, her other hand covered her crotch which had a slight silver patch on top. Her hair was natural silver.

Her heart couldn't palpitate any faster than this, it was problematic.

I then walked behind her and traced a line on her back with my claw, careful not to pierce her... her body was so fragile, that the slightest strength I applied could be dangerous for her.

My finger traced the base of her eight wings and I felt her body quiver in pleasure and slight pain, my claw was still scratching her skin, leaving a delicate swollen line that began healing in front of my eyes.

'Curious, even demons don't regenerate this fast, although their skins are tougher'.

"Next question," I said, smirking.


My finger reached the crevice between her two fat and toned white buttcheeks, but I didn't move further. It was like a weapon pointing at her core. Upon hearing my words, she became a cluster of disarray.

"Why did you lie twice, Grayfia?~"



She looked like she wanted to cry, but I didn't allow her... my tail began coiling around her waist in a possessive manner, keeping her in place as I erased the distance between our bodies, my crotch meeting her bottom.

"Answer me, Grayfia... why did you lie to me twice?"

I licked one of her wings slightly.

"Hmn~" She suppressed a moan, still conflicted about what to answer me.

Her wings were... exquisite... she's indeed not a demoness, I have tasted a demoness' wings and they're not this delicious.

"Answer me honestly" I decided to give her a chance, depending on her answers. Killing her would be such a pity.

"B-Because..." She began, trailing and evading my face, utterly hopeless. Her wing was in my mouth, scratched by my teeth while my tail coiled around her waist, my two wings began wrapping around her other seven wings and in less than a minute she was completely in my grasp for me to do whatever I desired.

"Answer me" I began to get upset with her silence.

"I don't want to die".


"I don't want to die, Richter-sama" She wept, clearly having reached her limit, her facade of strength was gone and in front of me was a lady afraid for her life.

"Why can you resist my corrosion?"

"W-When I arrived here... a mysterious entity gave me a blessing which allows me to resist it, I don't know who this entity is, please... that's the truth" She said, still weeping but I wrapped my arms around the underside of her breasts and her whole weight fell on me as if she gave up in standing.

I frowned, so she was indeed sent here by someone, she was telling the truth this time.

"How did you survive when I killed you?"

"This entity saved me, I was given another chance to live. I don't have any more chances".

"Is that so...? now tell me, why do you say this '-sama' thing, beside my name?"

She gasped when I said that and turned to look at me stupefied as if forsaking the position we were in. I smirked as a result -she noticed.

Myriad thoughts went through her mind as her lips shivered, "Y-You couldn't tell... if I was lying or not, were you?"

"Of course not, Grayfia... I can read your palpitations to know this... but yours have been in disarray ever since I appeared before you, I can't tell the difference like this, so no... from the beginning I didn't know if you were lying or not" I shrugged my shoulders, did she expect me to believe everything that came out of her mouth?

"Then how did you know I lied twice!?"

"I didn't know, I said 'twice' figuring at least one of your answers was the truth: the one where you said you have as many lives as wings sounded quite believable to me, after all... I have never seen anyone with as many wings as you, it doesn't make sense to me what is the use of those many wings"

Having her confirmation I felt rather disappointed, if they're not extra lives what is the use of having those many feeble wings? it must be quite uncomfortable to fly with them. My wings flapped slightly, creating a big gust of wind, feeling comfortable.

"... that's so unfair" she complained with a visual pout, tears still coming out of her eyes.

My tail tightened around her slender waist before it moved to her bustline, making her moan a little, keeping her close to my body as I took a slightly harder bite out of her wing and pressed her waist against my abdomen.

"Ahn~" This time she didn't suppress her moan, my wings had her useless wings in check as I cupped a feel of her butt, I wasn't gentle, taking her butt tightly, it was springy and big, not fitting in my claw.

She bit her lips either resisting the pain or the pleasure.

"I could kill you just for lying to me, Grayfia"

"I-I'm sorry, Richter-sama! please forgive me. I have no ill intentions with you, I promise!"

"You just lied to me, do you think your promises are worth anything?" My claws switched into hands and one of them went to her mound where I caressed that patch of silver grass.

One of my wings took both of her hands and pinned them up in the air as I inhaled a deep breath of her silver hair.

"Please, believe me... I wouldn't harm you, master, I can't even harm you!"

"Master?" My head tilted in curiosity, resisting the urge to chuckle.


"I-I mean, Richter-sama, I can't harm you even if I wanted" She evaded my face, but that was the only thing she had control of, the rest of her body was under my grasp. And well, I was enjoying it.

It had been thousands of years before I held a woman this helplessly and... enjoyed it.

"Answer me a few more questions, no lies." I embraced her waist and flushed her body against mine, deciding to stop my mischievousness for now but feeling how she instinctively stuck out her butt, meeting my crotch.

A delicious smell entered my nostrils.

"H-Hmn..." She nodded, her eyes closed.

"Do you want to take my treasures?"

"I don't... I would never, I'm not interested in them!"

"Then what do you want?"

"You... I mean... I want to get to know you, Richter-sama"


"I'm interested... I want to be your friend".

"Friend? I don't need friends", I frowned, that word couldn't be any more foreign to me.

"We won't know about that... until we become friends".

"Do you think we can be friends in this position?~" I pressed my crotch further against her bottom and that delicious smell she was exuding became stronger.

"If Richter-sama wants to be more than friends... that can be arranged" Her eyes finally looked my way again, I could feel the determination in her voice, but such a proposal I wasn't willing to comply with yet.

My thoughts about Grayfia were complicated, the fact that some entity, possibly one of those primordial bastards, had sent her, concerned me. Even if she was this weak, there could be a trap somewhere.

But then again, her intentions looked pristine and pure. I think she's not telling me the complete truth, but there is major truth in her words.

Her palpitations had loosened by now as I kept her in my embrace, quiet and steady, I now know she was telling me the truth for certain.

"If I give you one of my treasures and allow you to leave, will you leave?"


"What will it take for you to leave?" I frowned, she was too insistent.

"T-That... if Richter-sama wants me to leave, then... please take me to the nearest planet where I could live, but... I really hope that you will allow me to stay" Her voice sounded resigned, she wasn't forcing me to keep her.

I remained silent, thinking... who could this entity she was talking about be? I couldn't think of a reason why some Primordials would send a weakling like her to do anything to me. She couldn't harm me, or steal my treasures... even if I grew fond of her, she still wouldn't be able to manipulate me.

So why send her of all people?

"What is your race?"

"I'm a devil".

"Devil? what's a devil?"

"Have you never heard of a devil?" This time she sounded surprised, flabbergasted even.

"Never... I thought you were a demon".

"Demons and Devils are very different, they're hideous evil creatures that live for bloodshed and dissension." Her gaze contained disgust at being compared with a Demon, interesting.

"And devils?"

She remained quiet for a moment as if thinking or dwelling in her memories before a sad smile appeared on her expression, "Sorry, now that I think about it... we devils might not be that different".

Making my decision, I released her completely and Grayfia's legs gave away, she fell on top of my treasures while I walked away, not sparing her another glance.

"Very well, it is a deal, Grayfia Lucifuge"

I would stay with her for a while and see how things went, for now... I was interested in what she had to offer.

Her quivering gaze was fixed on me to the very end until I disappeared from the cave; something had changed in her.



[Task Completed: Meet the Golden Dragon God]

[Golden Dragon God's affection +1]

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