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24.81% Gladiators of the Gridiron / Chapter 33: The Finishing Blow

Chương 33: The Finishing Blow

'The result of the previous play,' the head official said, 'is that the runner was downed by contact BEFORE crossing into the endzone.'

A collective groan came from the stands, before boos rained down on the official.

'Therefore,' the official continued, 'it is still the Dons' ball, and now 4th down from the 1-yard line.' The clock resumed counting down, as both the offensive and defensive coordinators for the Dons looked to Coach Long, waiting for his decision on what to do next.

He stayed silent for a few moments, thinking it over as he stared at the scoreboard. He then stepped up to the edge of the field and waved the offence over. 'Send out the kicking team, we're going for the field goal.'

'You heard him, boys!' Coach Norman called out, signalling the kicking team to get up off their asses and run out onto the field.

Most of the offence hurried back to the bench, JJ reminding them to keep their heads up as they went.

'My bad, my bad,' Chris said as he jogged alongside the others.

'Hey, don't say that,' JJ said. 'It's a team effort. The Pirates wanted it more, that's all stuff like that comes down to. We all needed to put in just a bit more effort and we would've got there.'

Jay shrugged. 'Oh well, we got the field goal at least, right? We'll just keep putting up points, no matter if it's three or seven.'

They all got to the bench and sat down to watch the proceeding field goal attempt.

There was a heavy push up front from the Pirates who were still bursting with enthusiasm, but some of their energy must've been drained from the hard-fought goalline struggle they'd just battled through.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't push through to block the kick, and with it being so close, it sailed through without issue. The score was now 26–10, and time was not on the Pirates' side.

After the kickoff that followed the Dons' score, the Pirates' returner elected to take a knee in the endzone and settle for a touchback instead of trying to run it out.

The Pirates came out again, starting from the 25-yard line. But even with the important stand their defence had just made, keeping the game within two possessions, there was still no life behind them, and they were quickly pushed to 3rd down after two failed pass attempts.

Still, they were ignoring Bastion and Patty, Ty even yawning quite exaggeratedly out there on the field, and even though for most of the game on 3rd down they'd always returned to the bubble screen, Kyle still refused to look their way even now.

Seeing this, the head coach called a timeout before they could snap the ball, and brought the offence back to the sideline.

His beard was already looking a bit saltier and less peppery as he addressed his team again. 'Come on, guys,' he said. 'You're looking like zombies out there.'

Patty was one of the only players that actually met the man's gaze at that moment.

'I can't do it for you, but I don't need to, I know you guys can do it yourselves, cause I believe in you. You need to believe as well. Believe in everything that we've practised, everything I've taught you, and everything you've done before. Don't let yourselves down.'

'Yeah, yeah he's right,' Patty spoke up, nodding his head. 'Just like practice. We've done this probably a thousand times, it's no different now. Don't you guys trust me?' He looked at Kyle and Bastion specifically. 'I trust you.'

Bastion looked at Patty, then Kyle, and back to Patty finally. He thought back to all the practices they'd been to over the years, every game they'd played. No matter if it was raining, or if they were playing in sweltering heat, Patty was always there for him, Patty ALWAYS had his back.

'I trust you.' Bastion said, smiling.

Patty grinned and then looked to Kyle, who was still quite nervous, unable to meet Patty's fiery gaze.

'Hey man. If you can't trust yourself, trust us, at least. When have we ever let you down?' Patty said, Bastion backing him up.

The ginger sighed and slowly brought his eyes to Bastion's face, and then Patty's. He opened his dry mouth, and let out a very quiet "Okay".

'That's more like it, guys. You're family out there, and family always has your back, don't forget it.' The coach was all smiles now. He stuck his hand out into the circle again. 'Win on 3. 1, 2, 3—'

'WIN!' This time the cheer was loud and full of heart.

The Pirates rushed out onto the field and took up their positions again, the Dons were already waiting for them.

The huddle by the Dons' sideline during the timeout had been far less animated. Coach Long and Hoang had much less to go over, only reminding their defence to keep on their toes and look out for any trick plays.

Nothing had to be said to Deshaun and Ty, Coach Hoang only gave them a look and nod. He had complete trust in the two that they were now able to handle anything thrown their way.

When the two WRs lined up in front of Ty and Deshaun again, Deshaun grinned, while Ty was back to his stoic focus.

'Y'all better not pussy out again after all that,' Deshaun said. 'If this ball ain't thrown our way, I might as well stay on the bench, cause it's clear y'all can't beat us.'

Patty didn't rise to the taunting. He and Bastion exchanged a look, and Bastion put out a shaky fist.

Instead of bumping his own against it, Patty grabbed Bastion and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tight and holding him close until the shorter boy stopped shivering.

When they separated again, both were laser-focused, and stared down their rivals coldly.

Deshaun scoffed and shook his head, muttering that he'd wipe those stupid looks right off their damn faces before he put his mouthguard in and hunched down into his stance.

Ty loved this moment. Where everything was standing still, and he could feel every breath spread through his body right down to his fingertips and toes.

His heart was so calm and still as well, it was nearly perfect. It was almost his favourite moment—not just in football, but in life … almost.

The ball was finally snapped.

Ty stepped back, Patty was surprised when his lunge forward met nothing but air, and he was even more surprised when Deshaun slammed into him, knocking him to the ground.

The two had been at each other's throats the whole game, and Ty knew how agitated a CB could get when the ball wasn't being thrown his way, especially when there was so much trash-talking involved.

He'd let Deshaun do the dirty work for him, like he knew the older boy would.

That left only Bastion for Ty to worry about.

Bastion tried to cut inside seeing as Ty was positioned closer to the boundary, and Deshaun had left his mark to go after Patty instead.

A panicked Kyle flicked the ball out early, seeing the small opening and going for it. Bastion probably wouldn't have gotten a first down even if he caught it, but he just wanted a completion at that point. Anything but another pick.

Ty was all over it, however. He didn't worry about getting in front of Bastion, the Receiver was already twisting back to reach out for the pass that was behind him anyway.

Ty simply undercut the improvised route, stepping around Bastion and into the flight path of the ball, his long arms stretched out, easily meeting the ball first.

Ty intercepted the pass as Bastion lost his balance and slipped over.

The Pirates RB had been flattened while trying to protect the pocket against the rushing defence, and Patty was still being shoved down by Deshaun, meaning no one was in Ty's path to stop him … except the QB Kyle.

Kyle cried out when his pass was intercepted AGAIN, his anxiety already had him sprinting towards where he threw it, even before the ball had been caught by anyone, so he was at least close enough to stop Ty this time. He wouldn't let it be another pick-6. Or so he hoped.

He desperately threw himself at Ty.

Ty stuck one of those long, spear-like arms out, and swatted down the inexperienced tackle. In Kyle's paranoid desperation, it was as if he'd forgotten everything he'd been taught about laying a tackle—if the scrawny QB had been taught anything at all on the subject.

Kyle's helmet impacted Ty's hand, and then was shoved down into the grass, earning Kyle a faceful of dirt for his troubles. Ty freely sprinted away towards the endzone once more.

Even this euphoric feeling wasn't quite the best thing that Ty could look forward to in his life, though it was so close to being his favourite.

Even as he was crossing into the endzone for the third time that game, he thought, "Not yet."

It was only when he turned back, laid his eyes upon his shattered enemies, and saw their utter defeat underneath his superiority did he succumb to the greatest ecstasy this world could offer.

Ty knew the game was over then. The Pirates' offence knew it was over, he bet even the bench and the defence of his enemies finally understood that it was over.

The Pirates' coaches had little to say when their offence finally dragged themselves back to the bench, merely muttering a few encouraging words, telling them that they had done their best and it would be okay, that it would be better next time and it was still early in the season.

Hollow sentiments that did next to nothing to soften this crushing blow.

The extra point being kicked through made little difference to Ty, but it solidified the Dons' lead at 33–10, a near insurmountable margin this late in the 4th, even in the best of circumstances. With how demoralised the Pirates were, there was no hope.

But therein lied the utter cruelty of the game, even with no hope of victory, the Pirates were forced back out onto the field.

The kickoff after the touchdown resulted in another touchback, the returner didn't even bother catching the ball this time.

Though Ty's grin only grew when he stepped out onto the field and saw fresh faces lining up opposite he and Deshaun.

His dark eyes quickly scanned the Pirates' bench, and saw both Patty and Bastion sitting along it, their downcast expressions devoid of any joy.

The ball didn't come anywhere close to Ty for the quick 3 plays that the Pirates were back out on offence, but Ty expected nothing less, he had already proven his point—these people were no match.

Even the Pirates' punter was over the game by this point, and his kick didn't travel far before it wobbled out of bounds.

The defence had finally run out of gas as well, maybe they were protesting their offence's miserable performance, but whatever it was, they couldn't stand up against a gentle breeze, now.

But the Dons didn't lay the pain on any thicker. There was barely any time left, and they had already secured a massive lead, they were content draining the clock as much as possible with consecutive rushes, slowly progressing ever closer to the endzone.

And eventually, before time was about to expire, they kicked one last field goal, sending it straight through the uprights, and making the final score 36–10.

With the game officially over, the two teams lined up and shook each other's hands one by one, led by the coaches at the forefront.

Ty didn't offer his hand to a single one of his defeated foes, nor did they offer their hands to him, they couldn't even meet his sneering gaze. But that was more satisfactory for him than any meaningless handshake could've been.

When the Dons made it to their locker room, that was when the celebration could truly begin.

As Ty was grabbing his things from his locker, he heard a soft voice clear their throat behind him.

He turned around, pulling out an earphone, though when he saw Bella standing there, he almost pushed the earphone straight back in. But, he saw the ball she was cradling in her hands, and turned to face her fully.

'I think it's pretty obvious that this belongs to you … again,' she said as she handed over the game ball.

He took the ball from her and looked it over, slowly spinning it in his hands. He looked up at her again and quietly said: 'Thanks.'

Bella didn't move away just yet. 'You know, you're not too bad when you stop being so stubborn about proving how good you are.'

'Huh?' Ty's brow furrowed, his lips turning down into a scowl.

'Ugh.' Bella rolled her eyes. 'I'm just saying that if you use that stupid head of yours, instead of worrying about your ego you'll probably end up with so many of those you won't know where to put them!' She pointed at the game ball before turning away and storming off.

Ty's frown deepened as he watched Bella sulk off. He was shortly approached by another, their voice drawing away his attention.

'Man, don't worry about Coach Short, she ain't called that just cause she's a little version of Coach Long,' Deshaun said, planting himself down next to Ty.

Ty stared at the older boy, not saying anything. It's not like they were friends all of a sudden, they hadn't even worked together properly out there.

'Look… I know we still ain't gonna get along, but I don't give a shit about that right now. You did good out there … for a freshy.' Deshaun wasn't looking at Ty as he spoke to him. 'Just… keep that shit up, and let's stay out of each other's way. We cool?' He held a hand out to Ty.

Ty looked down at the hand for a while before smacking the palm with one of his own, grabbing it firmly. 'We're cool.'

Deshaun lightly bumped his shoulder against Ty's and flashed him a smile. 'Alright man. Good game out there today.' He got up and left the younger boy be.

Ty was glad Deshaun was beginning to understand that just because he was a freshman, didn't mean he was under the seniors on the team.

'Alright everybody, great game out there, boys,' Coach Long said, clapping his hands together to grab everyone's attention. 'Of course, the star of the show was Tyrese once again, but the rest of y'all did great as well. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Head on home, enjoy the rest of your weekend, but most importantly, go and get some rest!'

As everyone began to file out of the locker room into the night, Ty was still sitting at his locker, waiting for the others to clear out first.

Luke watched Ty, staying behind as well. As he looked that young boy over—who already had two spectacular performances under his belt in just as many games of high school football—he wondered just how far this young star could go.

SeipoltMP SeipoltMP

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See you next week for the next chapter!

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