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98.26% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 113: Final struggle

Chương 113: Final struggle

Since a few minutes ago in the surroundings of Bege's old mansion, anyone nearby could hear a rather peculiar "soundtrack". A strident [soundtrack] that was only found in the most destructive and surreal war conflicts.

Sounds of machine guns, sounds of explosions, sounds of collapsing structures, sounds of blood splashing on the ground, sounds of chemical weapons being used and even science fiction sounds such as energy cuts and weaponized supersonic sounds.

However, now those apocalyptic sounds stopped and finally came the uncomfortable silence that usually precedes such destruction.

Now nothing could be heard, not even the sound of a sad bird or cricket.


Nothing could be heard except Laffitte, who was vomiting blood while kneeling on the ground near the large crater he had created...


Why was Laffitte vomiting so much blood and barely had the energy to stand? The answer was simple, he had surpassed many of his physical limits with these last attacks.

Not only had he broken his own record by creating his most powerful and demanding supersonic attack to date to take down Fred, he had done it moments after breaking that same record in order to gain the opportunity to take down Fred.

His body simply couldn't handle that stress and now he was suffering the consequences. Specifically, his throat was practically destroyed from inside.


However, that wasn't the only reason Laffitte was in such bad shape...

Despite having protected himself with Haki from many attacks that hit the body, he didn't emerge unscathed. His body was covered in bruises, lacerations and he had even suffered some internal injuries. Even with Haki, Fred's attacks were no joke and he had received many of them, especially on his back.

But above all…

'This's why I didn't want to take off the gas mask if I had no alternative...

That's why I didn't want to get close to you if I had no alternative...' Laffitte thought as he fought against his body and mind. 'But you didn't leave me any other alternative.'

This was the true terror of facing a poison user. You can win a fight and still die before you can taste victory. 

Although Laffitte tried as hard as possible not to breathe the poisonous gas that Fred unleashed that was an almost impossible task. That was especially impossible for Laffitte, who hadn't stopped screaming to attack and defend all time and… 

Also because not all of the gases that Fred spread are poisonous when breathed, some were spread through contact with the skin.


Small amounts of poison had reached his lungs and were beginning to affect him. It was getting harder to breathe, his vision was getting blurry, he really wanted to defecate and he was even getting a little horny.

Laffitte was identifying several quite abnormal symptoms in his body that couldn't be explained by simple fatigue. He had been poisoned by more than one poison and didn't know how much time he had left to live or at least stay awake.

Another person had probably already fallen. Maybe his superhumanly strong body, his strong will and his convenient Mythological Zoan Akuma No Mi were the only things that still kept him going and probably the only cards that could allow him to stay alive another day.

'I must get to Fred...' Laffitte thought as he tried to get up once again. 'I must get to where he's before it's too late'

It's well known that poison users often carry their own poison antidotes with them in case they poison themselves or others by mistake.

He didn't find this situation funny at all. Laffitte had to fly to Fred to try to find these antidotes, although he knew that it was very unlikely that he would succeed.

Fred was surely immune to his own poisons and if he carried the antidotes they would surely be transformed on other smaller items like the sound shields, his heavy gatlings or the practically infinite ammunition that had been used against him

The chances of obtaining the antidotes from Fred's bloodied and practically destroyed body were practically zero, but still Laffitte was still flying towards him. Whether he found the antidote or not, he still needed Fred's body and preferably he needed him alive.

Don't die...' Laffitte thought, trying to stay the course without falling or swerving 'Just stay half dead...'

In the event that Laffitte wasn't able to find the antidote, he would need Fred to negotiate with Stephen. Trading the life of his brother whom he loved and respected so much in exchange for the antidote, a deal he would surely accept.

And why should Laffitte be satisfied with just that?

He also must also demand something very important! Stephen and the others must allow him to escape in exchange for delivering Fred to them safe and sound!

Right now Laffitte was in very bad physical condition and could barely escape… much less fight.

Stephen is a monstrous marksman, Perona commands ghosts that ignore any defense, David seems to be able to increase the size of himself and the items within his reach and Hawky is a fucking flying fortress armed to the teeth.

Laffitte found impossible to escape their pursuit in his current situation, even if he got rid of the poisons that were slowly consuming his body.

'His arms have exploded and he's bleeding from his mouth, ears and eyes' Laffitte thought, who finally crossed the trail of destruction he had created and saw his enemy 'If he's alive it must be by the skin of his teeth...'

Laffitte landed a few steps away from Fred, who was still lying on the ground in the same position as before. He had to search the numerous pockets of his trench coat, belt, pants and even his shoulder bag right now, in no time to find the antidote, however...

He couldn't do it efficiently with his hands turned into wings, but he couldn't deactivate his transformation either.

Laffitte feared that after returning to his human form the poison would affect him faster, so he resorted to another alternative.

An alternative that he didn't like...

'Such a nuisance...'

In a controlled way, Laffitte transformed his entire body into his hybrid form but this time without transforming his arms into wings. Like Pell, the guardian of Alabasta known for surviving nuclear explosions in the fucking face, Laffitte was also capable of manifesting hands and wings at the same time.

Neither he nor Pell usually use this transformation all the time, since this form that could only be obtained after a long and difficult training uses a lot of stamina and reduces flight speed.

However, Laffitte had another, less practical reason for not using this ability all the time…

He basically transforms into a complete woman, with the typical chestiness of One Piece!

'They're so heavy…'

After all, Mermaids are half bird and half woman... and the vast majority of men didn't like to transform into women and Laffitte was one of them. That's why he avoided complete transformations like this one…

But now he had no choice, he really needed to have arms without deactivating his transformation.


Have the antidote' Laffitte thought a few centimeters from the most dangerous being he had ever faced. 'Proposing two deals at the same time is always inconvenient'

Laffitte's clawed left hand was only a few inches away from Fred. He… or now she… was tenths of a second away from grabbing him by de neck as she prepared her other hand to search for the antidote. 

She could almost feel Fred's body temperature 



Suddenly the ground around him transformed into several snakes that rushed towards him to grab him and bite him!

And they would have been able to fulfill their objective if it weren't for the fact that Laffitte still has few clumps of observation Haki left. The dying siren managed to escape from danger in time, but since she was mute she couldn't express her surprise and concern.

'How!?' Laffitte thought, almost on the verge of dehydration from all the cold sweat that oozed from his body. 'How's this possible?!'

It was more than evident that those snakes around Fred were created with his ability and the fact that they activated just now, when Laffitte was about to grab him, denoted that Fred guided their actions.

It was evident that Fred wasn't unconscious. Only in this way could he have created and coordinated this attack with the powers of his Akuma No Mi.

However, not even in her worst nightmare would Laffitte have expected this…

"Fucking Haki users…fucking Mythological Zoan users…I bet you can survive even a fucking atomic explosion" Fred grunted as he jumped up and did some stretches afterward "Oh, Lafitte…you have huge tits.


Not even in his biggest nightmare would Laffitte have imagined that Fred, who until a few seconds ago looked like a corpse with practically no heartbeat, would have jumped to his feet showing such great vigor.

His was very dirty, covered in his own blood and most of his hair and clothes had exploded just like his two arms but... aside from these missing limbs, under all that dried blood and dirt there wasn't a single other wound on his body.

Or at least that's the impression Laffitte had right now

'This is impossible!

His internal organs should be extremely damaged and he has lost too much blood!

IT'S IMPOSSIBLE THAT HE CAN STAND UP LIKE THIS!' Laffitte thought almost catatonic, but trying to slow down his heart rate to prevent the poison from spreading faster. 'Does he have the power of an awakened Zoan?

No...no...he has to have a paramecia.

But if so...


The answer was as simple as it was absurd.

Although Fred wasn't used to being wounded in combat, he had hard trained his resistance to all types of pain and damage.

Since he was little he had been exposed to all kinds of poisons to create resistance, to electric shocks, to extreme heat and cold, to the water pressure, to pinches, to vibrations, to hammer blows even on the testicles and recently to cuts and even amputations.

Pain and resistance are his middle names! He hadn't trained his tanking skills so much to fall to his enemy's only successful attack, much less after having put up so many organic barriers and sacrificed his arms!

Even so, that attack seriously damaged his internal organs, but that wasn't something that could stop him. After all, he had prepared for this type of scenario since he was little.

'He has forced me to use up a lot of my supplies during this fight' Fred thought, smiling maliciously to make Laffitte more uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable by looking at her chest 'I didn't expect anything less from a Haki user and a Mythological Zoan user…

You have pushed me to the limit…'

As a good One Piece fan, Fred had seen too many times how his heroes ran out of energy during, after or before a fight and to replenish this fatigue they needed enormous amounts of food that weren't always accessible.

That's why after being reborn into this world, Fred wanted to find a solution to this problem to avoid finding himself in the same situation!

As a good One Piece fan, Fred had seen too many times that there're miraculous methods capable of healing seriously injured characters in no time to allow them to continue fighting against powerful enemies. Methods such as Ivankov's invigorating hormones or the Mink tribe's medicine with which Zoro was practically resurrected after being blasted by the combined attack of Kaido and Big Mom

That's why after being reborn into this world, Fred decided to obtain one of those miraculous methods that would practically turn him into an undead if I ever needed it

The names of both solutions were called "Invigorating Shake" and "Wound Welder" respectively.

He hadn't yet found a way to compress both medications into convenient pills that were easy to carry and swallow at all times, nor had he managed to make the effect instantaneous, but those drawbacks were practically mitigated thanks to his Life Life No Mi and the Seimei Kikan.

With his Life Life No Mi was possible to compress litters of shake and medicine into fragments of compact, sticky and poorly digestible substances and leave them resting in the mouth or stomach until they were needed. At the moment when Fred needed to recover energy or heal, he only needed to return them to its normal form so that they would begin to take effect inside his body

However, there's the problem that the effect is not instantaneous. The extremely high nutritional value provided by the shakes wasn't instantly absorbed by the body. It takes time for these nutrients to be processed and transported to all the cells in the body and the same applies to the healing factor, especially when the wounds are deep and there're too many of them.

But that problem disappears with the Seimei Kikan!

As Kumadori demonstrated, with this technique you can digest all the food and most of your body fat in just one second and then absorb all the nutrients in just one second too.

And this is what Fred did to regain all his energy and heal his internal wounds quickly!

Fred absorbed a large amount of nutrients in a very short time and also guided his own healing with the Seimei Kikan so that his medicine would heal the most affected organs first instead of healing his entire body uniformly.

Healing this way was expensive, complicated and could be considered cheating... but none of that mattered to Fred. He loved having these kinds of advantages in combat.

"Disappointing right?" Said Fred, openly mocking Laffitte "Risking so much and getting so little...


Laffitte was shocked...

She couldn't believe her eyes, but Fred didn't seem to be faking it. Although it seemed impossible Fred really seemed to have the energy and health to continue fighting, meanwhile she was poisoned, voiceless and terribly exhausted.

'No no... this can't be...' Laffitte thought, almost about to throw in the towel. 'Is this guy human?'

Laffitte panicked, but only for a few moments. Soon after she was able to regain her usual composure to analyze the situation and realize that she hadn't lost yet.


I can still do it...' Laffitte thought as he looked Fred up and down, but without needing to look down much. 'He still has the powers of his Akuma No Mi, but... it's still possible to take him hostage.'

Fred was standing and seemed to be in good physical shape, but still...

His arms had exploded and his hair was very short. It could be said that he had lost his best weapons.

Laffitte couldn't speak nor had she gesticulated her thoughts with her lips, but that communication barrier meant nothing to Fred right now...



He understood him... or her! He understood his intentions! He understood her thoughts!

"Oh? Is it?




And Laffitte understood that... something was wrong...

Fred had lost both arms and to generate new ones with the help of his Life Life No Mi he needed to perform some quick and relatively simple surgical operations. Normally he would have made them with his hair, but now his hair was too short to use as a substitute for his hands.

He would probably need to curve his spine to use his feet in the operation to restore his arms and once he had arms, tear the skin off his head to replace it again with another one that has all his long hair

Just to repair his arms he would need to spend a lot of time and put himself in an extremely vulnerable position. At that moment Laffitte would launch his attack to prevent him from having arms and combat hair again and thus obtain his well-deserved victory and use him as hostage


Repair his arms using his feet's and rip the skin of his head to have large hair again…

Was that really necessary?

'What... what's this?

What's happening?'

Laffitte watched in confusion and horror as Fred's hair grew at a disproportionate speed in front of him...

"Thank you…" Fred said really grateful. Without any kind of sarcasm or ulterior motive "Thanks to you I have realized something essential…"

His hair, nails and teeth were part of him as a living being, but at the same time they're elements foreign enough to his body to be considered an external part of his body. That's why he could transform them into living beings or parts of living beings and even hybridize them as he had done with the spider web hair, even if they're stuck to his body.

But only now, after partially losing his hair, had Fred realized his true potential...

The true potential of life itself! Self-replication!!!



No matter how much his hair was cut, it could always easily grow back as long as it wasn't pulled out by the roots!

Fred only had to transform the tip of a hair fiber into that same hair fiber and so on to lengthen it infinitely!


If Fred could overlap his hair to make it longer why couldn't he overlap it to make it thicker?

He just had to overlap the fibers of his hair horizontally, thus creating layers of themselves to make the hair thicker and stronger!

'This... this...' Laffitte thought, retracing his steps instinctively 'This is crazy...'

Before Laffitte's astonished eyes, in just a few moments, Fred's hair filled the same crater that he had created with his final attack and as if it were a living tide, that giant amalgam of supernatural hair rushed towards him.

'I must run away!' Laffite thought as he returned to his only wings tranformation. 'I must get out of here!'

Laffitte made the right decision.

He transformed back into his fastest form and flew at full speed to avoid being caught by the still growing hair!

However, to his horror, Laffitte noticed that Fred's reddish hair moved and grew at a speed similar to the speed he was fleeing.

If he didn't do something, sooner or later he would get caught!





Just like when he destroyed the soundproof shields, while flying at full speed Laffitte generated energy cuts with the bird claws on his feet to cut the hair under his feet


He could barely cut one or two threads despite all his efforts!

That hair was extremely hard, much more so than before!

The new hair that Fred generated with his Life Life No Mi and controlled with the Seimei Kikan inherited the maximum thickness that his scalp and pores allowed him and also came hybridized with a spider web of the same thickness.

The toughness of these new hairs was several orders of magnitude higher than the hair that Laffitte was recently able to cut with his energy slashes and volatilize with his supersonic sound laser. Right now this hair could stop several bullet trains without a problem just with its hair without making any effort, unlike a certain superhero.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg! Fred wasn't satisfied with just making his hair longer and thicker!


As if these hairs were the trunk of a tree, many branches began to grow from them!

From each hair new hairs grew and so on. In a fractal way, a crazy capillary expansion began. So crazy that the sky began to be covered with reddish hair

Fred's hair seemed to have turned into some kind of monstrous autumn tree that grew uncontrollably in all directions!

'DAMN!' Laffitte thought desperately as he flew and tried to cut the hair with his claws "I CAN'T PUSH IT BACK ENOUGH AND IT EXPANDS FASTER EVERY SECOND!'

Fred's hair expansion was reaching surreal limits even for the world of One Piece. However, this omnidirectional expansion that fascinated Fred so much was unfortunately neither efficient nor effective for this scenario.

The energy shakes that he consumed directly from his stomach were giving him the necessary nutrients to continue growing his hair, but unfortunately he wasn't trained to use the Semei keikan on so many hair fibres, neither so large and big at the same time.

Sooner or later it would be impossible for Fred to control so much hair at once, regardless of whether his nutritional shakes and Life Life No Mi abilities allowed him to expand his hair beyond the stratosphere.

Fred would be unable to control them all individually to hunt down Laffitte and not even all of them are necessary to catch him due to a mere spatial issue.


But instead of stopping the expansion, Fred chose to simplify it's control!

Fred manipulated each fractal hair and even several fractals to join them together and form hair cables

This way they would be stronger and easier to control, but...

Was this everything? Was there no more capacity for innovation?

"Yes... yes...


No! Fred still had more juice to squeeze out of his genius state!

'OH SHIT!!!'

Despite all attempts to avoid it, a few strands of hair managed to catch one of Laffitte's clawed feet.

Getting caught set off all his alarm bells, so much so that even time seemed to stop for Laffitte. His instincts were warning him. He was one step away from death and the decision he would make now would determine his destiny.

If that strand managed to hold him, even if it was only for a few moments, the remaining hair would manage to trap him completely in no time. He had to cut that strand of hair as soon as possible with his other grip and flee even harder.

This was more than obvious! 

But… not...

His sixth sense and a sudden pain in his leg told him that this obvious solution was the wrong one.


Without hesitation, Laffitte used his other leg covered with his meager Armor Haki to cut off the trapped leg!

And that was the right decision. At least he realized that was the case when he saw tenths of a second later how Fred's hair shredded his amputated leg and the few pieces that were half intact took on a greenish colour.

Laffitte had no idea what kind of witchcraft this was, but he understood that Fred's hair had become more dangerous than he previously suspected. It wasn't just its surreal length, which had covered tens of meters of the mansion's airspace, nor its incredible tenacity that allowed it to withstand his energy slashes extremely well, there was much more.

"HI HIA HIA! You don't realize how fucked up you are!"

Just like before, Fred's hair was hybridized with spider web. Now it was dozens of times thicker and therefore exponentially stronger than before, but the spider web wasn't the only thing hybridizing his hair.

Fred realized that despite being hybridized with spider web, his hair was still a non-living material. 

Therefore he could still hybridize his hybridized hair with other non-living materials of living beings!

With this idea in mind, Fred made the hardest and sharpest material in the animal kingdom sprout on the surface of his hair, the limpet's teeth. Tiny, almost microscopic teeth that limpets have on their tongue and that they use to scrape rocks to the food stuck to them

Its incredible existence went unnoticed for many years until some scientists realized its surprising capabilities in relation to its size. After all they're so tiny, they can't cause great harm to other big living beings in few time.

But Fred was able to deny that limitation!

Fred modified the limpet teeth the same way he did his hair. Sobreponienolos was able to increase its size three-dimensionally but without losing its properties and thus increasing its lethality in non-microscopic beings.

In short, Fred made natural blades sprout from his already hard hair!

Now his hair could naturally be as sharp as a sword without using Stephen's metal accessories.

And that wasn't all!

Fred could sacrifice part of a hair to transform it into liters of a non-corrosive poison to bathe the rest of the hairs, thus creating a deadly combination without needing external tools.

'Oh my god!' Laffitte thought horrified. 'It has disintegrated my leg! Those hairs have transformed my leg into dust in a second!'

That's why the decision to cut off his leg was the right one!

The poisoned hair had already soaked his leg in poison the moment it was touched and the teeth of Fred's hair had already penetrated his skin devoid of Armor Haki.

Even if Laffitte had tried he wouldn't have been able to completely cut off the regenerative super hair trapping his leg in time, even if he had used Haki.

At least not before the other hairs had completely trapped and exfoliated him to death!

The only way to save his life was to give up his foot, which was already more dead than alive after been poisoned. He would have had to amputate it anyway if he wanted to prevent the poison from spreading to the rest of his body.

He was screwed... Laffitte knew it...

That hair was his nemesis... a nemesis that was becoming more dangerous with every passing second.


And that danger became even more threatening when another strand of hair managed to catch his last leg!


At a prodigious speed that could only be obtained in a true life or death situation, Laffitte transformed his body again to have arms and with his bird claws covered in Haki he amputated his last leg before it was too late.


After achieving his goal in record time, without losing a single tenth of a second, Laffitte continued flying upwards, as if he were trying to reach the moon, advancing at the highest speed he had ever achieved.

Deep down, Fred did him a favor by forcing him to amputate both of his legs. Thanks to that he had lost useless weight. That helped him escape faster from that mass of murderous hair that should never be touched.


He was able to leave it behind after flying at a height of 500 meters above the ground!

'Finally... am I safe?'

The expansion of Fred's hair had come to a standstill as he reached that gargantuan height. No matter how much he tried to organize them into cables, it was impossible for Fred to exert enough control over the new hair he created. He was simply unable to continue rising it and was falling due to the force of gravity.

"Uff… uff…"

Laffitte was safe at this distance...

The tentacles of deadly reddish hair that seemed to belong to a colossal Lovecraftian creature that generated unimaginable terror in his almost imperturbable heart had stopped his until now unstoppable growth.

Finally... he had come out alive from the biggest crisis he had ever had in his life, but...

'Ah... oh... I feel...' Laffite thought, his vision suddenly blurred 'I need to make a tourniquet first...'

The great rush of adrenaline had so far prevented him from feeling pain and many other negative symptoms, but now that its magical effects had worn off Laffitte realized how really screwed he was.

He had lost his legs, a lot of blood and the poison was still roaming freely through his wounded and tired body. It was only a matter of minutes before her body gave way even if he's a Zoan user…

'I need to get to the city' Laffitte thought, after making a tourniquet with part of his clothes 'I need to see a doctor and...'

Laffitte didn't know if he could find a competent doctor in time, but he realized he couldn't afford to have those thoughts right now.

Something... something was going extremely wrong again...

'WHAT?!' Laffitte thought after looking down at the hair monster and realizing that something was changing in him. 'WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW!!??'


When the tentacled cosmic horror made of hair was no longer able to trap his enemy, Fred simply transformed it into a swarm of fast-moving dragonflies hybridized with his own super hair.

Thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of extremely fast, flexible, though, sharp and poisonous dragonflies charged at Laffitte and began to surround him before he could fly away from there.

Before he could realize it, Laffitte was no longer able to see the sky.

Everything around him was infested with those dangerous dragonflies that he shouldn't touch for anything in the world!

'I MUST FLEE AT ALL COST!' Laffitte thought, trying to remember what the landscape was like before it was covered by insects. 'I MUST GET INTO THE FOREST.'

Laffitte could no longer afford to save the little Haki he had left to threaten Stephen and the others and flee after the negotiation.

That wasn't going to happen anymore!

He had to use everything he had left to strengthen his skin and thus prevent those dragonflies, probably cutting and exfoliating at the mere touch... and also poisonous... from being able to make a single scratch on his skin

Laffitte covered himself with Armor Haki to the core and flew down like a glider, in the direction where he remembered the dense pine forest was

However, no matter how fast he flew, all he could see was absolute darkness. The swarm of dragonflies that had surrounded him wasn't letting him see a single ray of sunlight no matter how much he flew.


However, even if he reached the forest to have some chance to fool that demonic plague, he couldn't do it under these conditions. If he entered the forest blindly, he risked crashing into the trees his Armor Haki was almost exhausted.

Laffitte needed to create a powerful, large-scale sound attack that could push back the swarm that was harassing him even for a second, but…

Could he really generate another supersonic sound attack?

He had already abused his abilities and surpassed his limits by generating two of those attacks in a row and he barely had the voice to speak, much less scream at the top of his lungs...


If he had already surpassed his limits by shouting for a second time… what was stopping him from doing it a third time?


Drawing energy from somewhere he didn't know and forcing his lungs, throat and vocal cords to an extreme never before explored, Laffitte generated a third supersonic scream before all his Haki was completely exhausted.

His wide, yet powerful cry of despair was accompanied by vomiting blood, but he still managed to exceed all of his expectations. Laffitte didn't know if he managed to exterminate many of the dragonflies that had been harassing him, but without a doubt he was able to push them away from him

Finally he was able to see the sky again and also the forest a few meters away and a lot more. Now he was flying towards him with greater speed than before because his supersonic scream eliminated some the air resistance that was slowing him down.


Laffitte had managed to escape from that terrifying swarm of insects, he had avoided a certain death once again


He was dry, completely dry. He didn't know where he got the strength to continue flying... 

All he felt was pain! 

Every cell in his body was crying blood but there was no blood left that could be cried. He didn't know how his body hadn't given up yet...

Staying awake for just one more second was being torture for Laffitte.

But it didn't matter...

He was about to enter the forest, where the dragonflies he had left behind would have a harder time locating and harassing him... and once he entered the city Fred would unsummon them.

Fred might be a sadist who wanted him dead, but he had compassion for innocent lives. He wouldn't risk releasing such a dangerous pest in such an urbanized area.

He just had to hold on a little longer! He could almost see his salvation!


The face that would accompany him from now on in his worst nightmares!


Fred, smiling at him with his most terrifying face, appeared in front of him just before passing through the first tree in the forest

Laffitte didn't know how Fred was able to fly, what he was doing there or how he had gotten there before him and… in fact he couldn't think about anything anymore.

His mind went blank just by seeing him and he could no longer change his direction.


Fred kicked him in the back and Laffitte fell down. Fred's kick caused him great pain but also woke him up from the state of panic that Fred had plunged him into with his mere presence.

Laffitte hadn't yet thrown in the towel!

'I can still do it' Laffitte thought, overheating his survival instinct. 'Before I fall I'll take out both arms to cushion my fall and then I'll continue flying'

The plan of using his least favorite transformation, although more useful in close and medium range combat, was wise and could undoubtedly help him buy time

His arms would surely break, but at this point they were as unnecessary as his legs, he only needed the wings that had just grown on his back to fly.


However, his new attempt to continue surviving became useless...

Laffitte didn't break his arms when he fell to the ground, since there was no ground to hit.


Salt water? 'Laffitte thought as he completely lost control of his body. 'Why is there so much seawater here?'

Laffitte fell into a small lake from which he was unable to escape and not only because he's an Akuma No Mi user.

His body was no longer responding. All the accumulated fatigue and pain had taken over her body. None of his muscles responded to the commands of his brain and his brain was about to shut down

Furthermore, he also noticed that something was enveloping him and restricting his remaining limbs...

It was Fred's hair, which brought him back to the surface, although only his head was able to leave the water. After all this was the only part of Laffitte body that Fred needed right now.

"Well, Laffitte…" Fred said, imitating Marlon Brando in his iconic role. "I'm going to make you an offer you won't be able to refuse."


"Ok, I understand that you don't have the strength to joke or even talk" Said Fred after a long pause "Nod your head if you're willing to obey me in everything from now on in exchange for saving your execrable life."



You'll be able to see 7 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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