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4.34% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 5: This is my new life

Chương 5: This is my new life

More than nine years later

On any given Saturday...

In a room located on a small island

A 9-year-old boy, but who was close to turning 10, named Fred slept peacefully like a baby



He slept peacefully like a possessed polar bear in heat with rabies...

When suddenly at 07:00 his father came to bring him out of hibernation




Wake up!

It's already morning!" Norman yelled from downstairs to his son, among other things to make the house reverberate with his snoring.

A few screams that finally got Fred out of hibernation



Just 69 more seconds please" Replied Fred, who was barely getting up from his bed against his own will.


If you didn't stay up so late studying, it wouldn't be so hard to wake up in the morning.

Come on, your favorite breakfast is getting cold!" Norman insisted, this time using another approach to achieve the same result.

An approach that turned out to be quite effective


I'm coming!" Fred yelled, who finally got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"It's about time!" Said Norman, who had started to spread the toast with butter and jam while he waited for his son


Bacon and eggs, great!" Fred said after finally seeing the origin of the delicious fragrance that he smelled on the stairs

"I know, your favorites" Norman agreed, while he saw with some discomfort how badly groomed his son was

'Good morning to everybody!

I'm Frederick Freed, although I prefer to be called Fred... or FrFr… although better not, it's difficult to pronounce and it's not very commercial...

Yes, there is no hidden D. in my last name, I wasn't born as one of the chosen ones of destiny or anything like that in case you were wondering...

And that's right, I'm the guy you're watching eating like he hasn't eaten in days.

A boy with very long red hair, brown eyes, neither handsome nor ugly for having inherited most of his father's appearance, athletic build, with extremely developed musculature for his age and measures approximately 1.59, which is pretty tall for that age... oh, and a cupcake-shaped birthmark on the ass that thankfully you can't see right now...

Almost ten years have passed since I arrived in the world of One Piece... which still doesn't have a specific name, which is somewhat strange considering that there are space pirates and Enel showed us that traveling to the Moon is not so complicated...

Well, I'm lost in my thoughts...

I live in exactly the same house where I was born almost 10 years ago, on a small, simple and peaceful island in the West Blue called Narhad

So small, isolated and abandoned that it only has a small village and it doesn't even have a real mayor's office, or police, or... almost nothing... but it is still an idyllic place to live if you value tranquillity' Fred thought, summarizing nearly ten years of his existence so far

"Let's see what kind of lies, half-truths and propaganda I can read in the newspaper today…" Said Fred, who after finishing breakfast began to read the more or less official newspaper of the World Government and the World Economy News Paper that the albatrosses distribute on each island and even ships from all over the world wherever they are

And while he read each and every one of the pages of the newspaper he continued with his internal narration 'Thanks to my stupidgraphic memory a natural ability that I had in my other life, which allows me to remember with extreme precision data of little relevance, especially about manga, anime, comics, films, series, novels, videogames or other geek things… and the newspapers, I have been able to know what year I am in regarding when Luffy started his adventure to find the One Piece

For the most expert in One Piece there are many famous events that it is possible to put on the calendar to know this important fact, however there are two that stand out from the rest

One is the beginning of the era of piracy with the public execution of Gold. Roger, 22 years before Luffy started his adventure, an event that happened about four years ago

However, there is another one that the average fan will identify better, the Ohara disaster, which happened 20 years before Luffy went out to sea, just when Nico Robin was 8 years old...

So if you are fairly good with mathematics you will have already deduced that I was born the same year as our dear Robin, who, like me, will now be new or ten years old

That's why there are 20 years left for Luffy to start his journey, even though he wasn't even born today. Which is good, since he gives me a lot of freedom and time to develop my plans'

"Has something interesting happened in the world son?" Asked Norman, who was still eating, since unlike Fred he ate calmly instead of gobbling like a duck

"The usual... pirates looting, killing and raping everywhere... marines catching only a few of them and being late everywhere... and the world government tries more to show that they do a good job than to do a good job...

And speaking of work, do you need me to help you with something?" Said Fred, who after his usual summary of the day offered his help to contribute to the family economy.

"You don't have to worry

Today you can enjoy Saturday, I'm just waiting for Mrs. Daylo and Mr. Smith and I already have their medicine ready

The… only thing that would require from you are four doses of your [Slow Down Super Aphrodisiac Mark 9] by Thursday.

Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Brush are delighted with your new... medicine..." Norman replied feeling a little awkward about the last part of the conversation

However, it was quite the opposite for Fred, who very proudly replied "Of course they are, you only need to give a small dose to make a 500 kg bull to impregnate 169 cows in one day

They become machines whose only goal in life is to fuck!

It's so effective that's scary"

"Yes... it's scary..." Norman replied, who didn't feel comfortable hearing his elementary school son speak in those terms and especially about something he had created "The only drawback is that before it takes effect the user completely loses libido for 4 hours... if you could remedy this it would be 100% perfect, but...


Why are you constantly creating such strange drugs?

"Because this is what a mad scientist does...

However, you won't deny me that it is useful, this drug can greatly improve the livestock business... and not only the livestock…

MUA HAHAHAHAHA..." Fred responded, laughing evilly for no apparent reason as he made the situation even more awkward for Norman

"Yes Yes...

Whatever you say, but she stops making that scary face... and it's your turn to wash the dishes

I should have explained the whole thing about flowers, bees and pollination to you later…" Said Norman, who got up from the table to fix some things around the house while his son cleaned up what he had cooked

And Fred, while cleaning the dishes and setting the table, continued with his narration 'In Narhad, my dear home, which is such a peripheral and abandoned island that there are hardly any children, they study general subjects at Professor Roxanne's house in the morning from Monday to Thursday

The rest of the time when we don't have free time we help our families in the family businesses, thus learning a practical job at an early age, something that seems more practical to me than the education I had on planet Earth if I have to be honest...

Obviously I help in my family's private hospital, the only one in town, where we treat people, diagnose them, perform operations and do their medicine... and not just people, we also take care of animals, especially livestock, currently the largest source of income on the island

When I started studying medicine at an early age I thought it would be extremely difficult to me, after all inside I am an older man who had studied a totally different career on planet Earth. However, I was surprised how easy and fun it was for me to learn everything Norman explained to me

I don't know if it's due to my parents genes, to some side effect of reincarnation that gives me better memory and mental power, because I don't have internet I study for hours every day... or whatever... but I'm glad to be learning this profession after all it is very useful no matter what world you find yourself in... and lays the groundwork for what I want to do in the future...'

"I'm done cleaning the dishes dad.

I'll make my [Super Invigorating Shake Mark 14] and go" Said Fred as he opened the fridge to get some bottles with a strange content that he prepared the night before.

A few bottles that he mixed one with another to complete the formula, giving the whole set a very unappetizing appearance... but possibly healthy

Certainly slightly worrying behavior for a nine year old and something that should concern any responsible parent...and this was the case with Norman, who tried to dissuade him from doing what he always did "Are you going to do the same thing again today?

At this rate you're going to…"

"Yes... yes... you know my routine...

Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, I'm a doctor" Fred answered without letting his father finish speaking in a respectful way, trying to prevent him from starting the same discussion they had almost every morning, especially since three days ago

However, Norman didn't stop the conversation despite knowing that his son wouldn't listen to him, at least not in this matter "Yes, I know, you are a doctor... something that I am beginning to regret...

Son... you don't have to go through with this, every time I see you do..."

"I don't have to, but I want to… and also must to" Fred interrupted once again as he continued to prepare his highly suspicious and probably illegal concoctions in various countries.

And Norman, completely defeated and even desperate to make his almost ten-year-old son see reason, asked with resignation "But...


Why are you subjecting yourself to this tort…"

"You know exactly why," Fred interrupted sharply once more with a higher than normal tone.

One last interruption that stopped the discussion in an extremely awkward way.



None of them said anything else and they didn't even move from their initial position

Norman was looking at the motionless back of Fred, who was still making the shakes in the sink, and Fred was looking at the wall, not turning to avoid making eye contact with Norman.

Father and son were in an impasse, in a very uncomfortable moment that both hoped that one of the two put an end to this situation in some way so that they could return to their usual routine

"Hello Norman, is the hospital open yet?"

Luckily, help came from outside, in the form of an elderly lady who had booked an appointment at the Freed family's medical office.

"Yes, one moment Mrs. Daylo!" Norman answered as he changed into his white coat to begin the workday and ushered his patient in. "Shall we continue this conversation later, Fred?"

"Of course dad have a nice day

Goodbye, Mrs. Daylo" Fred replied as he put his shakes and other things in his backpack and headed out the door

"You too son, you too...

See you at lunch time" Norman said as he guided Mrs. Daylo to his office and said goodbye to his son

And finally Fred opened the door of his house to head for the first time... that day... into the outside world of One Piece!

'And this boys, girls... and legendary pokemons... is Narhad Island, or rather, only the village.

A village only has 17 houses made of wood... many of them abandoned... all located on unpaved streets where 20 people live and walk, of which there are 8 elderly 7 adults, some of them married and with children and 5 children under the age of 10, including myself...

And yes, I am the oldest child on the entire island...


This is an old mining island that years ago was completely empty of minerals to extract, the only thing that remains of that old mining island are the tunnels that are all over the island and small coastal village where few people who decided to stay after the mining activity ended lived,

A village with a small pier and some fertile land to graze and cultivate, situated near some coves and beaches along the coast and a forest where the wild animals lived' in the centre of the island' Fred thought as he mentally showed the small part of the village that was in his field of vision... which is almost 100% of the village...

"Good morning Fred" Said Mr. Daylo, who had accompanied his wife to the hospital

"Hello Fred, you will have a busy morning again" Greeted Mrs. Brush, carrying his fishing rod do the obvious thing on the beach in no time

"That's right youngsters, if I don't you'll outdo me at this rate," Fred answered, returning the greeting with a smile, as if he lived in a perfect neighbourhood from an old American movie.


Sure!" Mr. Daylo replied, flexing his limp arms to tease Fred back.


Take care of yourself big guy, see you at the beach" Mrs. Brush said as she rubbed Fred's head, something that made her regain energy, happiness and vitality…

"HEY FRED! Do you want me to notify you when the merchant ship comes?" Asked Mr Smith, that for once in a long time he wasn't reading his newspaper at that hour

"Of course Mr Smith, as always!" Fred answered, picking up his pace to make the most of his day.

And while Fred ran through the entire village in less than 14 seconds greeting everyone who passed by or looked out of the window, he was still lost in thought 'In short, an island so small that you can visit it in less than two hours, where there are more animals than people, where everyone knows each other, the average age is 56 years and where the little we know about the outside is from the newspapers and for the merchant ship that passes every two weeks to trade

Mmm… Actually the ship arrives this afternoon, so I'll have to be prepared...


It is an almost paradisiacal village with hardly any economic activity, where bartering is practiced and where almost only the elderly who have lived there all their lives remain'

Fred ran until he finally reached his destination, a house on the outskirts of the village, a fairly large one made mostly of metal, with a chimney that gave off thick smoke from morning to night.

"Well, here again, let's see if Stephen has already..." Fred said as he approached the door of the house when suddenly... "WOO!!"

He was tackled by surprise from behind...


BRO, I HEARD YOUR SNORING FROM HERE!" A boy the same age as Fred yelled, hugging him and clinging to him like a limpet



AND DON'T SCREAM SO MUCH IN THE MORNING!!" Fred shouted as he tried to get away from that nearly ten-year-old boy with pink hair, a rough but friendly face, a smile from ear to ear with some jagged teeth and arms too muscular for his young age with which he clung with all his strength to Fred's neck


STEEL! STEEL! STEEL!" Stephen yelled as he rubbed his face on Fred's cheek...until Fred managed to subdue him and apply a wrestling hold to subdue him to temper his morning enthusiasm "UOOHHH!!!"

And while Fred used the famous, practical and comic wrestling technique known as the Walls of Jericho to Stephen, he continued with his narration 'And now you may be wondering... those who didn't know him before, obviously...

Who is this amalgamation of optimism, joy, positive energy, and no respect for personal space in the form of a nine-year-old?

He's Stephen Steel, son of Marlon and Roxanne Steel and he's... my best friend in this world and maybe even in the other world too...

Yes, I know, you are surely thinking...

But Fred, counting the years of your previous life and the years of this one you are close to forty years old, how can you consider an almost ten year old boy your best friend?

Well, one of the factors is that the village is small, life is outside the home, our families are super friends, there is not much more to offer in this village

For all this we have had no choice but to see each other every day multiple times every day and at the end close contact breeds affection… but above all because he is a very cheerful boy, with a good heart, with an interesting personality, intelligent, competent and quite mature for his age...

Without a doubt, the little brother I always wanted and didn't have...]

A very beautiful and endearing narration that made him have small involuntary flashbacks of the joyful moments he had spent with Stephen in recent years, something that almost brought tears to his eyes... although at this very moment Stephen also saw his life flash before his eyes... and unlike with Fred his tears were very evident



I GIVE UP!!!" Stephen shouted, who tried by all means to escape from that Walls of Jericho, but without much success.


ARE YOU A HUMAN OR A KOALA!!??" Shouted Fred who was ready once and for all to make his little friend understand that hugs shouldn't be given treacherously, especially to antisocial people who hate people in general




HYPOCRITE!" Said Stephen, who was trying to use humor to make Fred lower his lair so he could escape and possibly kick him in the testicles as revenge.

However, such a desperate and hopeless stratagem wasn't necessary, because two people came to his aid... more or less


As energetic as ever dwarfs!" Marlon said, laughing as always at the interactions of his favorite comedy duo.

"Every day the same Stephen...

You can't hug every person you meet!

Especially the girls... I know you don't do it with bad intentions, but I've received complaints in class" Roxanne said, worried about how excessively affectionate and effusive her son is, she feared that this habit would continue when he grew up and could do the same with unknown people.

And luckily for Stephen, the appearance of his parents made Fred apply less force to greet them "Good morning Uncle Marlon, good morning Aunt Roxanne...

Sorry for the ruckus"

'And that you already know these two, they were there just the day I was born

My uncle Marlon Steel, the best and only blacksmith in the village and his wife, the beautiful Aunt Roxanne Daylight, the best and only teacher in the village and also the most beautiful woman on the island... not really my uncles though, but you understand, it's as if they were...

And obviously they are Stephen's parents, I don't think it's necessary to explain it, but there are very clueless people...' Fred thought, narrating once again everything that was happening around him for more information

"Uncle Marlon? You mean MAYOR Marlon "Replied Marlon, pretending to be somewhat offended by that disparagement as he proudly sported his mayor's bandana

To which Fred replied "With all due respect and no offense, but to everyone you are Marlon the blacksmith...

You're only the mayor because you were the only one who showed up... and you don't get paid as mayor, there's no town hall, you don't collect taxes, of course you don't do anything with those taxes... and you don't even do anything as mayor...

Hmm... maybe that's why you're such a good mayor"

"I wish Roxanne would praise me as much for doing nothing

STEEL! STEEL! STEEL!" Marlon said, laughing at his own joke... while trying to stop his wife from pinching him on the butt for obvious reasons "OUCH! DON'T PINCH THERE!

At least not in front of the kids"

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS!?" Said Roxanne, who intensified the quantity and quality of the pinches

And Fred, trying to avoid pretending that this wasn't happening, looked around until he found something that caught his attention, something that was in the cart that they always loaded with things to... play... on the beach in the mornings

"That's the new training suit?

Wow, that's so cool old man, you've outdone yourself" Said Fred holding to a strange child-size suit that was made of springs and other metal parts, which seemed very elaborate and difficult to make with the means of production that were handled on that island, something that only a very skilled craftsman could do.

"Don't flatter me, I didn't do this" Marlon said, pointing to the ground as he tried to pull his wife away from his red ass.

"That's right, I've done all of these

I've noticed that the old kit was a bit light and cramped for your current needs, but that's why your best friend made a new one without you asking...

And most importantly, made 100% with metals!


Praise me a little more...

OR AT LEAST GET OF ME!!" Stephen said proudly, even though he was pinned by Fred in the same awkward and painful position as before

Something that Fred forgot, so he let him go and apologized "Oops, sorry, I forgot you were under my ass..."

"Fuck you!" Said Stephen, who forgot the rancor he should feel in record time and headed for the beach "What are you waiting for?

Let's try my new invention!

The others must be waiting for us"

A good opportunity for Fred to continue narrating his life 'And I'm sure you're wondering too...

Fred, why do you think of all this as if you were explaining it to someone else?

Have you gone crazy and for that reason you think you are a kind of narrator of your own life?

No, not quite... the answer is simpler

I am aware that the god who brought me here is filming my life and therefore there's a possibility that he may be able to read my thoughts, including this introduction to the beginning of my day...

And since they are going to make a film of me at least I want it to be well presented... and who's better than myself to make my own presentation...

Yes, I know... there's no guarantee that Broly will use my narrations for his movie, much less this one in particular... but I don't lose anything by doing it either... and breaking the fourth wall seems funny to me'

"Fred, stop daydreaming!

At this rate it's going to be dark!" Stephen yelled at Fred, who had remained standing while looking at the horizon as if he were thinking about something moderately deep


I'M GOING!" Fred answered as he grabbed the wheelbarrow loaded with very heavy equipment and moved towards the hyperactive Stephen, who was running towards the nearest beach

'And viewers, this is how my day starts on a Saturday like any other'


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Patreon


Meralman Meralman

Tomorrow I will publish at least two more chapters, do not miss them

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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