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34.78% MHA: Stacked Cards / Chapter 8: Chapter eight: Class 1A

Chương 8: Chapter eight: Class 1A

(Midoriya POV)

I open the door, which if you didn't know, is around 15 feet high.

Immediately, time dilates.

Nezu's quirk, "High Spec", is in full swing as I scan the classroom. Everyone is seated, including gravity girl, I'm exactly on time.

My eyes see a multitude of people, some whos abilities I've already gotten, others who I have not; I've already gotten the "Engine on legs" Quirk, the "Bellybutton Laser" quirk, and the "Anti-gravity" Quirk, of which I haven't even tested any yet.

I've been too lenient on my training, I'll have to explore several new abilities after this. The Laser ability can melt through steel, which means I may be able to combine it with "Reflective body" Somehow. Though I only chose "Reflective body" to combat Laser weapons.

Even I didn't have the speed to avoid a lethal laser attack, never the less a high caliber bullet. If someone decided to use lasers or any radiation weapons against me, I would need a counter measure, I doubt my "Slime" regeneration would be able to heal me from that.

My eyes catch one particular face, Bakugo Katsuki. Nezu had informed me of him entering UA, seeing as how he was someone from my previous school. It didn't help that I despised him, but I had no right to take away his 'chance' at being a hero. I would rather tear him apart piece by piece, out matching everything he does; that would be better than stopping him from entering UA.

The door is fully open by the time my breathe is in tune, every motion of my body is Symmetrical. Mechanical.

"Morning!" I say softly, in the kindest tone possible. Waving to the entire class. They seemed decent from the minute information I've seen. Basically children.

A blue haired, the one with the "Engine on legs" quirk, is disturbing Bakugo already, a good sign from the start.

They were arguing on school rules, but both of their attention is redirected to me at the opening of the door.

I simply wave to Katsuki, to which he grits his teeth.

Pissing the bastard off would soothe my pain even slightly, and doing so for the rest of the year would make the wait worth it. But I can't deceive myself with meaningless things, I need to grow stronger.

For now, this is enough to make him angry; A kind smile can kill in many ways, it just needs to hit where it hurts.


I need to get to know my classmates well, Aizawa could arrive at any moment, so I'll just wave to the ones I know and sit in my reserved seat.

Two seats behind Katsuki, one seat behind a purple headed boy with several balls atop his scalp, and infront of a long haired girl.

Bakugo wants to say something, as did the blue haired leg engine boy, but I just warn the two, "Our homeroom teacher is arriving, best take your seat. Introductions can wait."

Immediately, the two lower their expressions, the second boy solidifying his as he moved instantly to his seat.

A few seconds later, a banana like object rolls its way through the door. Aizawa seemed to be incredibly exhausted.

"Good morning, Aizawa sensei. How was summer?" I look at the body bag of our teacher, Aizawa. Everyone starts making remarks in whispers, "That's our teacher?" "Really? He looks homeless."

He laid on his side, in a banana colored sleep bag, used for out door camping. Then unzipped the bag and crawled out.

"Not fun. Paperwork for the last three weeks has killed me emotionally. At least you all are organized. Good. We can start then." he starts speaking, first towards me, then to the others.

"In heroics, even a single second could affect the lives of others. If any of you want to take this seriously, know that every instance wasted is a dozen lives lost. If you all are going to be pro heroes, you have to use every second well."

He says in a so serious manner of speaking, though I'm more than aware of the importance of acting quickly.

I know the price of a hero missing the opportunity to save someone, I know it especially well.

I died because of there was no hero to save me. No one. It cost me my life, their inaction.

But we can save the depressive self reflection for after class. Orientation should start, but Aizawa isn't one to care for trivial things.

He probably prepared something.

"Put these on and follow me." He says he pulls out a few UA uniforms, made for each individual by their given sizes.

The others, Ochaco in particular, are confused by the sudden request.

'Shouldn't there be orientation now, why PE clothes?'

Something like that. Though I need to give him my slip from the principle, wouldn't want to miss that.

"Ah, I have permission to use my own costume, sensei."

I say with a smile on my face as I raise my hand; He walks towards my seat, and I pull out a slip.

Nezu gave permission to use my "Silk Production" instead of a uniform, so I didn't turn naked every time I used "Permeation" or any other quirk that enlarged my body.

Attention is drawn to me for a minute, then Aizawa nodded.

"... Alright. Everyone else then, take a uniform."



Out in the PE courtyard.

"What?! A quirk assessment test?" everyone speaks almost simultaneously.

"What about the orientation?" Uraraka speaks first.

"If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on meaningless things like seminars. Students have the right to use their quirks as they please in UA, as teachers like me also have the right to teach how they please, I get to run my class as I see fit. You've all taken standardized tests before, but none of you have taken physical exams using your quirks." He pauses for an instant, not enough for anyone to notice.

"The government wants to maintain a fake sense equality by restricting those who are naturally stronger from exceeding, it's moronic. The ministry of education is going to find that out the hard way in time." He turns from everyone else to Bakugo.

"Katsuki, you got the highest amount of points in the entrance exam, tell me the farthest you've ever pitched a softball in your physical exams."

Aizawa spoke, looking at Izuku only for an instance when he spoke about the government.

The pause lasted a second, even less.

Enough time for Midoriya not to notice it much, not to be suspicious on it.

Katsuki answered a few seconds later.

"67 seven meters, I think" he said without his eager aggresiveness.

"Alright, try throwing it using your quirk. Use everything you've got."

Bakugo paused, wondering if Aizawa was serious. he was never allowed to use his ability in school, so it stuttered him, only briefly.

"What are you waiting for, throw the damn thing. Anything goes aslong as you stay in the circle." Aizawa said, irritated by the looks of it.

Bakugo grinned at the notice. He wound up his arm and threw it.

"DIE!" He screamed in anger, to which the ball rocketed at around a 48 degree angle. A puff of smoke and a trail of fire, and we could see the ball in the distance.

"702.8 meters" The class was surprised. Katsuki grinned, turning to see the dumfounded expressions of his classmates, but Izuku only smiled at him.

While everyone was amazed, Midoriya had a mocking grin on his face, as if to taunt Bakugo.

It perplexed the living pipe bomb.

'That little shit should be scared! Worried! Why is he smiling?'

Aizawa looks over to the class, gathering their attention; They may have been a bit too excited, speaking in whispers to the others.

"We need to know exactly what your made of. That is if your going to be pro heroes."

Aizawa said in a no-nonsense tone. Everyone finally responded to the throw.

"WOAHH" the class said almost collectively.

Izuku wondered if someone here had a Hive mind quirk, and immediately added the power in his countermeasure checklist.

There were far too many quirks that could do worse than kill. And this small thought was something to note.

"That was amazing!"

"It looks fun!"

"I want to try!"

Everyone had seemed to forget where they were.

They almost began chatting with each other.

"Fun?" Aizawa stopped their chatter.

They all straightened themselves from mild fear.

"Idiots. You have three years before you all become heroes." He chuckled.

Almost demonically.

"Alright, since it's so fun, lets do this. There are eight exercises in total and each student will be graded depending on how they do, the one who ranks last on all of them is expelled immediately." He said, Nezu's sadistic personality seemed to spread itself to Aizawa; He smiled at the fear and terror that spread through the students.

Another collective gasp, Midoriya had begun to believe he was schizophrenic from their ability to act so damn similarly.

Not minding the hive mind user that could potentially be hidden within their ranks, Izuku had to come up with a means of taking the quirk of whoever was expelled.

He would use Plan B in the worst case. Using his "Tracelessness" if he had to on extended tendons, making them invisible as he touched all the students.



"No Way!"

"Oh dear."

Many students were befuddled. Several were almost shaking. Fear had taken hold of them.

Izuku couldn't help but grin, this was entertaining.

Though whether Aizawa would expel anyone, he was unsure, Izuku found it promising to see who's abilities would be used in the best way.

Probably Aizawa's intent. To push the students to their maximum.

"If anyone has an issue with it, you know where the entrance is."

The hero points towards the entrance of UA's School Grounds, to which the others glance briefly.

Students protested, they seemed upset but undecided on what to do.

"That's unfair! Even if your teaching isn't it unfair that someone is going to be expelled on the first day?" Gravity girl said.

Aizawa responded immediately,

"The world is unfair. Villains are unfair. No one is going to play with rules when your out in the real world.

If you want to be heroes, all of you, you have to fight that unfairness, that inequality. When natural disasters happen, when villains run amuck in our cities, you can't just say 'its unfair'. You have to fight it! fight that injustice, the unfairness of the real world, its what it means to be a hero! Show the world and me how your going to combat it, why everyone here has been selected instead of the numerous others that could be.

Show me you have what it takes to be a hero, Plus Ultra style."

No one argued afterwards. They all got excited even, why would they suddenly switch? Izuku was unsure, but it seemed that he would get to glimpse into how they'd use their abilities.

Good. That would make it easier.

Then the fun part started. The first trial.

---The first exam, a 50 meter dash test.

Engine boy and frog girl went first. Tenya had succeeded within 3 seconds, Frog girl within 5. I had already taken Tenya's quirk during the entrance exam, but he seemed to use it better than me. I haven't trained with it much though, so I'll have to rectify that soon.

Frog girl seemed to have a flexible and fast body, "Anatomy" showed me her elastic tendons, as well as the hundreds of differences her body had, including the storage of fat within her cells.

Many frog species can Hibernate in freezing temperatures, even if their bodies seemed dead without a pulse, the glucose within their cells keeps them alive.

A necessary counter agent to cellular frost damage, one I had to get.

Soon enough, I would interact with her. Not yet. But soon.

Their abilities were all worth while, the most eye-catching was the long haired girl who sat behind me and the one with multiple arms. Both of their quirks allowed them to speed through the run. The girl seeming to form a bicycle out of thin air, right from her body, while the multi armed man turn his extra limbs into legs, speeding into the track.

The Octopi's quirk was something I could already do, but the amount of concentration needed to replicate a organ was large; Sure, I could do it. But it would automate the cellular conversion.

If the girl's ability was permanent, then it would be a game changer. She seemed to produce any substance she wanted, I checked the components of her ride, it wasn't biologically made. This would change everything.

... Whelp, My turn.

I had entered a prepared jumping position, horizontally tilted. The combination of quirks was tricky to manage, but I would use "Strong Jump" "Superhuman Strength" "Instantaneous acceleration" and "Bouncy body", it would make things interesting.

I was fast as hell. I'm sure I could rip through a dozen brick walls if I wanted.

The instance the machine said start, I jumped.

50 meters done in 0.3 seconds. I hadn't tried the combo yet, but this would really be fun.

"Instantaneous acceleration" Made me move Immediately, instantly of the ground in a large explosion, louder than Bakugo's.


In the next millisecond, I've passed the first quarter, keeping myself only slightly of the ground.

'I've gotten stronger.' The thought runs around in my head, as I've now tested my capabilities against other students; Initially, I expected UA's classes to be strong enough, difficult enough to outmatch me even while I used multiple quirks. But they didn't.

Their abilities were not as extreme as I had thought they were. Even looking through the list of students at UA with Nezu only glorified their powers. But no.

I was stronger.. The sound attracted everyone's attention.

...They stood in shock at the sight, Katsuki especially. Though I doubt the bastard would understand the amount I paid for this ability, he was always a superficial brat.

My power was my own, no one would tell me to not use it.

My score was revealed by Aizawa. Everyone, Bakugo especially listened in anticipation.

"Point three seconds..." Aizawa spoke briefly. Even he was shocked with the result, but not shocked enough to give more than a wide eyed glance.

Perhaps he expected this?

Either way.

No one would outmatch me in this trial.

I wouldn't hide my ability either. It was mine. No one would tell me to not to. At least, I wouldn't care if they did.

---The second exam, Grip strength.

Super human strength easily owned everyone.


I scored second.

The octopus like individual from before scored first. Mezo Shoji, as he introduced himself to me.

From me scanning his body, his additional limbs looked different than regular anatomical structures, their ends seemed to act as switcher cells, allowing both restructuring and change in cellular form; expected for someone who could switch their limbs out easily. The branches of veins and nerves could almost instantly change themselves to another component of his body.. good. An interesting ability.

He scored at 540 kilograms, I scored at 450.

It seems multiple arms out matches super human strength, both in versatility and in force.

I could do better with more strength quirks; his quirk seemed useful, as much as I expected.

Someone, a pink colored girl, asked about my quirk.

I avoided the several people wanting to question me, including Bakugo and his threats, so I just smiled and told her it was a secret.

This pissed Katsuki off as he heard me from afar, but he avoided doing anything while Aizawa was here.

She pouted for an instance, before introducing herself.

I got to know a few others, while moving the conversation away from my ability to theirs.

Her ability seemed to allow her to produce acid on her skin, pigmenting her body as a side effect of invulnerability acid.

Her name was Mina Ashido, she seemed nice. I would take her ability later, when the trials were done with.

She introduced me to her friend, Eijiro Kirishima, who held a hardening quirk that allowed his cells to strengthen themselves by clustering together. Several other people wanted to introduce themselves, but I could only keep my distance, avoiding the risk of someone touching me.

Touching people was something that triggered my quirk, it couldn't be turned off.

Avoiding physical contact with them, I said my introductions aswell.

"Greetings, my name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you." I said solemnly.

I had to ask questions to avoid the risk of the formal ones touching me, a hand shake or otherwise.

I learned about the engine boy, Ida Tenya.

He introduced himself in a formal manner. He mentioned his school for some reason, I acted curious and asked about his quirk.

Information was always useful, as Tenya told me the details of his quirk; he had engine pipes on his legs, mufflers, which allowed him to increase his speed.

He could switch between gears or speeds like an actual vehicle, which was interesting.

Why did quirks copy the real world, I wasn't too sure.

But his would be useful if I scattered his engines across my body.

I'll try it later.

Now, collection was going slow.

I couldn't risk anyone knowing about my quirk, though I was going to keep doing good eitherway.

If they knew about my ability, they could fear me, which wasn't the standard I wanted to set for myself. If they feared me, their abilities would have to be taken in a less heroic way, which I didn't want to do. I would if I had to, but I didn't want to. That heroic part of me.. it felt like all I had left.

I promised myself, no one would hold me back again, even if I had to die.

I would never ever not give my all. Even if I didn't tell them, I would still do better than the others.


---Third exam, Standing Long Jump

Same combo as the first test with an added "Flight" for the first few seconds. I jumped 80 meters, so yeah.

I got first.


---Fourth exam, Repeated side steps.

"reflex enhancement" "Strong Jump" "Superhuman Strength" "Instantaneous acceleration" "Bouncy body" "Stampede"

The last of which allowed me to increase my tempo and amplify my power depending on my kinetic energy.

I may have damaged the floor. Cementoss would probably use his quirk on it.... If his quirk worked on regular dirt.


Did it?

.. Nope. Floors totaled. Destroyed. Cracked all around...

Aizawa is staring daggers at me. Probably not a good thing.


---Fifth exam, Ball throw.

This one was fun.

"Anti-Gravity" "Double targeting" "Superhuman strength" and reworked muscles made my throw a bullet; A fifty caliber.

I wounded up my arm, and threw in an instant, sending the zero gravity ball flying.

I calculated its trajectory, and turned around to my classmates and teacher, giving them a grin; The ball moved in an upward arc, as I activated "Double targeting" To hit it again as it flew. It started moving almost vertically.


I tied with Uraraka.

Questions started flying my way again, but I answered none.

Opting to quietly and suddenly disappear.

"Tracelessness" worked very well with escaping responsibilities.


---Sixth exam, Distance run.

Did 40 laps, had to stop because Aizawa said so. My "Stampede" worked effectively at wearing down the track.


---Seventh exam, Sit ups

Did 600 sit-ups, had to stop because Aizawa said so... May have used my "Slime" to move more flexibly. Stamina needs more work.


---Eighth exam, Seated toe touch.

Did 450 toe touches, Aizawa stopped caring. Again, "Slime" helped tremendously. "Flexible Bones" Made my body easily rigid and flexible on command, which didn't interfere with its strength.

A good note on that, I can compress my bones to a degree, making them denser and more compact. Due to my mutation quirks, my bones are already 8 times denser than regular humans. Which is good, since if they weren't strong enough, I would have had to loose a limb.

Otherwise the exam carried on like regular. People asking me about my quirk, me refusing to speak on it; Ochaco helped keep some time busy, we talked about the impression of the class.

Nothing more than a five minute talk.

Wasn't really that exciting.

I kept having to disappear due to the constant bombarding questions. People were very social sometimes, a bit too social.

Though I did introduce myself to a few others. Mainly Yuga Aoyama, the stomach laser guy and Ochaco Uraraka. Gravity girl.

She seemed cute.



Scores are in:

Overall, I ranked first.

A girl named Toru Hagakure ranked last.

She had an invisibility mutation, so I didn't care much for the ability. But her almost crying made me slightly sad.

Only slightly.

But Aizawa decided to change his mind last second.

"Oh yeah. That expulsion trick was just a rational ruse to get all of you at your best." He spoke out off the blue. Now a smile on his face.

I could hear the fear leave the invisible girl as she sighed for several seconds. Almost collapsing.

"WHAT?!" the class screamed, as annoying as they were.

I swear, if this continues for the rest of the year, I'm going to use "Sound Manipulation" to shut them up.

"It was a bit obvious? Didn't you all notice?" The girl named Momo spoke. I scanned her quirk while she used it before, it was a game changer indeed.

Her fat cells had converted themselves into raw energy, only for a brief moment, I saw the very atoms reassemble themselves into newer structures. It was fascinating.

I had to get it.

None of them know my quirk yet, it's only a matter of time before they start fearing me and what I can do..

Best get their quirks early.


Katsuki POV

'HOW?' I screamed in my head.

Everyone here was strong, most weaker than me, but others...

...and fourth place?

How did I get that? I should be greater than everyone here!

And that DEKU!

He had a fucking quirk? How the did he get a quirk?!

How did he get a higher score than me?

How did he get first place?!

I'm going to beat the shit out of him!

I hear at the end of the room his name being spoken, I can't help but get angry.

Some people.. that fucking deku!


General POV

"Did you guys see Midoriya? He was wicked! He jumped 80 meters! What quirk do you think he has?" Kaminari spoke.

"No clue, he said it was a secret." Mina said as she puffed her cheeks, "But he managed to jump super high! and did almost every exercise with accuracy!" She said suddenly upbeat.

"He even managed to tie with Uraraka! She literally negated gravity!" Sero spoke out loud. Much more interested in Izuku's ability than anything else.

"It has to be something really stron-" Mina and the group of students forming their circle continued to gossip.

Momo however, had some suspicions of Izuku's ability.

How could someone be that fast? That strong? Disappear multiple times instantly?

Jiro and Mineta looked at her briefly, but she gave them no mind.

'No. It's odd.' She thought.

Izuku must have some sort of emitter type, how could he be so capable?


.. No clue. Not one could tell what Izuku's quirk was.

She couldn't say. He was really strong.

All she could do was wait to see what his quirk is, he didn't seem to want to say; it would have to be brought up privately if he was uncomfortable.

the students could only guess what his power was. Even she had wanted to join the conversation, finding no real information available for her assumptions.

Just as she was about to join, Bakugo blew. His jaw clenched, he whimpered. Like a brat.


He roared, startling the class. They all wondered what was his issue. Though even phycologists wouldn't crack that.


Bakugo searched all around, but found no trace of the boy. He disappeared again; with that stupid smile!

Izuku was right behind him though. Smiling.

Like he was watching an entertaining show, or having a nice dinner, he was without a care for the sudden anger, he smiled happily.


"If you want to talk to me so badly, Bakugo, all you had to do was ask for a convers-"

The boy launched an explosion point blank into Izuku's face. Everyone was as shocked as Aizawa was.

He knew Izuku wouldn't be harmed by the sudden impact, but Katsuki had attacked another student.

"Izuku!" Ochaco yelled out. Worried on Izuku's safety, her face contorted visibly, her eyes widened. She was afraid as was the rest of the class.

They panicked as some opted to move to restrain Bakugo. Tenya was ready to charge the boy.

But, that didn't matter.

It was the sudden laughter, the quiet type, that got everyone's attention.

A few seconds of smoke clearing and Izuku seemed fine.

His face was contorted briefly in the dust, no one saw it revert back to its normal shape, he kept smiling. He lowered his eyes, emotion visible disappearing from his face. His smile and chin were the only indicators of reaction, still smiling, but tenser.

He only looked at Katsuki unfazed by the sudden damage, as if it was just a blow of wind.

"Now now, Bakugo. Don't you think its rude to interrupt someone while they're speaking."

Suddenly, Bakugo took several steps back, he seemed like he was afraid. Shaken.

He sweated more than before, it was visibly apparent that he was slightly scared. Who wouldn't be after the "terrify enemy" was in full swing. That small surprise and fear became larger as Bakugo now saw Izuku as something of a monster.

Izuku gripped Katsuki's hands. Tightly holding them as the boy sweated more.

Aizawa's ability was used, and Bakugo suddenly couldn't use his quirk.

Terror is all he felt. Terror was what he would feel.

"Bakugo, don't you think you should apologize?"

Izuku started before he let go of the boy.

He felt it immediately. The sudden gasp for air. The sudden itch, no, not an itch, it was a sensation indescribable to anyone who didn't feel it.

Like running sandpaper down your windpipe, electrocuted simultaneously.

It wasn't pleasant, Izuku got too riled up.

..He could only stand a few steps back from Bakugo. Which confused the boy and everyone else.

Then he coughed.

Bloodied drops pit from his mouth, it scared everyone slightly.

Even Katsuki was shaken a bit.

"Midoriya!" "Are you alright?" "Shit."

The students rushed to him, Uraraka stood infront of Bakugo arms opened. She wouldn't let the one who saved her get hurt.

"Don't you get near him!" Uraraka said to Bakugo, with little fear in her eyes. Izuku only raised his hand as a response to the various students, telling everyone not to get near.

He hand was straight, as humanly possible, and no one attempted to inch nearer.

She looked back as Midoriya stopped grinning.

"We need to take him to a nurse! Quickly!" Tenya said as he looked at Aizawa for an instant, then at Bakugo a second time after, in utter disgust.

"Everyone stop. There's no need for that. Izuku is fine. he just needs a minute." Aizawa said calmly.

After a second, Mineta spoke up, "Shouldn't we help him?" in a worried tone.


"No need. It's a side effect of his quirk." Aizawa replied, noticing the boy's intent.

Izuku had to say it one way or another.

Might aswell reveal it now. Aizawa could tell at a glance.

If Midoriya didn't want to reveal it, he would have never grabbed Bakugo's hand and risked him being exposed.

Besides, he couldn't keep up with the excuses forever.

'Tch. The boy's schemes are on par with that sadistic principle. I'll have to punish him after this for disturbing the class.'

Aizawa thought as his eyebrows contorted in an odd form.

He was tired of Izuku's ploys, but truly, he wouldn't hold it against the boy.

After all, collecting quirks is the only thing that made Izuku smile.

Aizawa knew of what happened that night, and the paranoia it set into Izuku. After that assassination, he saw the kid train like crazy, an extreme amount. He wouldn't punish him truly.

Bakugo however... His parents would need to be contacted. Expulsion would be considered.

.. Izuku stopped coughing.

".. I apologize for the mess, everyone." He said as his teeth sharpened unnaturally.

"Are you alright Izuku?" Aizawa spoke, cautious on the boy's mental state.

He couldn't tell if Izuku felt pain or not due to the slime quirk, but the kid certainly never showed it;

Even in combat, Izuku would fight until told to stop. He wouldn't back down no matter how many blows he took.

But if he did feel pain, perhaps it drove him to a protective mechanism..


Perhaps he needs counseling, a therapist.. Nezu would have to be informed of this either way, he'll decide.

"I'm fine." Izuku calmed down, his expression lowering visibly, no longer carrying much emotion. "I just got worked up."

"Wait a second, no one just vomits blood because they got worked up! Are you sure your okay? What kind of quirk does that?"

Mina spoke, definitely worried.



Bakugo no longer knew what to do. Did he do that? Izuku never vomited blood when he fought him.

Did he go too far?


What was he going to do. Aizawa looked at him with mild anger, not good.


"Yes. It's a side effect of my quirk. A powerful one." Izuku said to the class, he wouldn't bother to delay this any more.

A moments pause, no one said anything as Izuku cleared his throat, fixing his shirt.

"I suppose your all curious, about my quirk..." Izuku spoke with tension,

".. I'll tell you then."

Now he was serious, everyone stood on their proverbial toes, wondering what type of quirk Izuku had.

Bakugo anticipated it aswell, almost ignoring the stares his classmates gave him. He needed to know.

".. Could I have a volunteer? You. Could I have your hand."

Izuku had to prioritize on the long haired girl; she nodded and moved towards him. Maybe he was being immoral, but this quirk was a good one.

"Could you introduce yourself?" Midoriya asked patiently.

"Ah, yes. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu." She spoke in a soft but strong tone, etiquette in perfect form.

"And your quirk?" Izuku asked for everyone's sake, he already knew. He had been watching the process on an almost chemical level, sadly his quirk didn't help show the physics behind the breaking of atomic nuclei.

Shame. "Anatomy" worked well otherwise.

"My quirk is 'Creation', it allows me to produce objects from my skin using body fat."

Izuku held his hands out, to which she touched his palm.

His grin widened, scaring a few of the students; Aizawa sighed. The girl watched as he started to cough blood into his palm again. She was worried immensely.

"hehe.. Now watch." Izuku said to everyone. They paid their full attention.

Suddenly, Several spheres of pure gold and silver was ejected out of Midoriya's hand.

Everyone realized it.

Momo did. His quirk.

"Is that a copy quirk!? How the hell did he do that?" Kirishima spoke surprised. A copy quirk was rare enough, but the blood was off-putting for most, not for Izuku though.

Bakugo could only widen his eyes as he realized why Izuku coughed blood. His dentist would need to fix the cracks in his teeth by how much he grit.

Midoriya looked at everyone. He smiled, "This is my quirk! Integration! " He said happy.

His face was smiling sincerely.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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