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21.73% MHA: Stacked Cards / Chapter 5: Chapter five: UA’s Exam.

Chương 5: Chapter five: UA’s Exam.

A summer had passed since the prior events.

Izuku Midoriya, no longer held by society or anyone for that matter, no longer constrained with dubious emotions, trained.

Midoriya had trained every single day for that summer. Almost every second.

Aizawa himself assisted in hand to hand combat, which took Midoriya two weeks to master with "High Spec". Another two weeks were trained for Weapon mastery and Programming, two skills that would no doubt benefit the boy further in the future.

Sleep was fairly unneeded, as Midoriya no longer had any dreams at night. It was utilized for emulating battle scenarios, as the time difference felt when asleep increased his mental capacities tenfold. He could train hours a day in combat while asleep, emulate problems he would solve, again and again and again.

But when he did dream, once or twice, he would see fantastical visions, reminders of the villain who had tried to take his body that day. He would awaken more determined each time.

Regular muscle training was effective, but only so much of it, as his entire body acted as a group of ever changeable nodes and cells. He took a more intense route. Nezu gave the boy a spot in UA's quirk gym, giving him the ability to train a multitude of quirks simultaneously; Midnights quirk, Nezu's, Cementoss's, Aizawa's, Inko's, all trained to their maximum.

Inko's quirk, with enough training, could pull objects between 70 - 170kg's of weight; He would train it with weights while activating Aizawa's quirk for prolonged periods of time.

Aizawa's quirk had the minor problem of causing dry eyes, which Midoriya quickly used his Slime quirk to forcefully stimulate the tear glands to produce continuous amounts of tears; He utilized his feet to control Cementoss quirk aswell, shifting the concrete repeatedly.

It wasn't enough. Sure he could use Midnights ability, to release sleeping gas, all while doing the training, but some weaknesses couldn't be removed easily. The effectiveness of the training lessened as his body adapted.

He chose to use his own ability when that happened.

Dry eyes is an issue? Water control quirk, electric stimulation quirk, any number of alternatives would solve the problem.

Damaged eyes? Regeneration, healing, turning the internal cells of his body into lip cells and using the healing quirk. By redirecting the quirk's trigger points of the quirk with his slime ability, it allowed him to bypass the need for specific activations like hand movement or gesturing.

Though he already adapted to Aizawa's ability by then, he could still grow.

He went further than just training. After the second month, when he was sure that HSPC wasn't targeting him anymore, he would sneak out of UA. His Practice for his "Tracelessness" quirk made sure no-one could find him, though the invisibility would be disrupted should he loose focus.

Every night, Izuku Midoriya would take a walk outside UA.

In the vilest alleys, the worst of streets, he was looking for a fight.

He got a fight almost every night, and many boons along with it; quirk after quirk, he had access to almost hundreds of abilities.


He was a picky eater, and wouldn't take something that would harm him in the long run.

Strong skin, Poison Saliva, Flexible bones, and "Heat manipulation", were of the chosen. Using his recent quirk, "Anatomy", he could analysis the benefits and by products of each quirk. He would use quirks like "Anatomy" Constantly, as "High Spec" Provided ample time to read through the information it provided.

The last one allowed you to cool or heat up to boiling or freezing temperatures of water.

"Sound Manipulation", allows the user to redirect sounds. Which a thief had used on him once to catch Izuku off guard; Izuku learned from the assassin to never be relaxed, it served him well to catch that one.

One good one Izuku got was "double punch", which double any attack he made to double the force.

Another was "Light field", which unironically helped with daily tasks.

"Light field" could generate solid objects of light, small ones like cups or tables. A small gang had donated these two quirks to Izuku, as tribute to his skill...

He beat them up.

Though that was the last of the good quirks, lower quality ones popped up, Izuku started to train in UA for the rest of the 3 weeks.

Not many good quirks existed for petty criminals; A shame since he had hoped the criminal underworld was much more expansive, which it sadly wasn't.

All Might must have scared the important ones into hiding. Izuku would find them sooner or later either way.

For now, the remaining month had past as he mastered his current quirks. The UA staff had began to return to campus.

And then the UA entrance exam came, Izuku would not let this chance go.

Nezu had already allowed the boy to stay in UA's class 1A, regardless of the exam, but both of the schemers knew the opportunity it would bring, an abundant amount of quirks.


Concealed to Izuku, he wouldn't be a participant in the event. He would be an enforcer.


(UA Training field)

Midoriya sat on a foldable chair made out of solid light, infront of the training field, waiting for the others to arrive. He was 13 minutes early, and unaware of the trial within the large gates. Nezu refused to inform him about that.

Izuku, unlike the participants, was given the task of intervening should any injury occur to the recruits. It was entirely unnecessary, as every probable choice was mapped out by Nezu as he watched the security camera's. But still, it would give Midoriya an excuse to step in, gaining a quirk, and offering outsiders reason for him joining UA's class 1A later.

He wore no shoes or gloves, only a tracksuit and sunglasses. The suit was especially designed for morphing his body, so He could do so without issue. The sunglasses was due to the sun. Go figure.


But Izuku was not resting as he sat.

Not in the slightest.

His quirks were at full power as he computed every single thing he saw.

Maybe he wasn't allowed to peek behind the Large entrance or what it contained, but that didn't mean he didn't use "Anatomy" to replicate the schematics of its mechanisms. With the prior weeks, Computer engineering skills were mastered by the boy, as he mentally replicated his phone, traffic systems and other computer parts.

Hundreds of Safety features existed within UA, Midoriya would analyze the several different turrets and camera's, from every single transistor and mechanically replicate them in a simulated environment.

He recorded their weakpoints mentally, figuring out the best ways to disable them as he planned several times over on how he could bypass Nezu's security program; he would later provide these plans to Nezu, who will incorporate them into the upgraded designs implemented a week after the entrance exam. This was a game the two played to pass time.

Ever since the decapitation, Nezu and Midoriya had decided to analyze methods to avoid the reoccurrence of that event. Midoriya would seek out methods to bypass Nezu's systems, while Nezu would make further upgrades. This went on back and forth for 8 weeks, as the papers on the newer designs could fill an office.

So far, the tally between the two was even.

Studies on chemistry and material sciences would need to be done later, allowing Izuku to make defuncto replicas of his designs when needed. He wasn't wasting time. He was making progress.

It was 5 minutes later, around 3 to 4 hours for Izuku, that the first person arrived. Then the second. Then the rest. Hundreds. This was only one of

Everyone began to walk towards the entrance, each individual out of the hundreds had their own expressions, faces, quirks.

Fresh prey.

But once everyone began to gather around the entrance, not one had attempted to speak to Izuku, as they were informed not to disrupt his work. Which currently included reading on his phone. Then again, he was researching, so it was work by a technicality. The students were informed prior not to speak to Izuku unless regarding an emergency.

They all knew of Midoriya's position, even if some were skeptical; Not one would dare disturb the protector nor disrupt his uncaring attitude. But he did watch them, all of them, picking his meal out one by one. If someone here had a strong enough quirk, they would feel a sudden tap on their shoulder in the middle of the event.

Midoriya had been counting as he read. He counted for a while, selecting those he would target as he waited for the exam to start. Nezu was accurate with his work, So Midoriya just needed to count... Though, he could have just checked his phone...

Whelp. There goes an hour of counting.

3. 2. 1.

Then suddenly, Pro hero Present Mic's voice is heard from atop a rooftop far away. His voice spoke loudly, demonstrating the range of his voice; "And STAAAART!" he screamed.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER?! THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A COUNT DOWN IN A REAL BATTLE! RUN! RUUUUUN! CONSIDER THE BATON TOSSED!" And like that, the cattle ran. They ran like a bull rush, Izuku, a boulder infront of them, was unaffected by the stampede of students. He sat calmly waiting for the students to twist around him, as they began targeting robots.

"And so it begins!" Like that, Midoriya removed his sun-glasses and disappeared, like a ghost; His chair of light had faded as his steps no longer gave notice to anyone listening. Some students with sensory quirks tried to tell where the protector went, but they found no trace of the man.

Anyone who saw Izuku would wonder what happened, but no one saw him once the cattle rushed, as no one saw him after they passed.


And like that, the battle field was set!


(Uraraka Perspective)

The battle has been harsh; I've been pushing myself, but exhaustion is getting to me.

I can't stop here! Even though I'm- feeling very nauseous.


Ah- My stomach. No. You're fine Ochaco. You can do it!

Plus Ultra!

*Rumble- Crack

"What's that?" I hear from my side, a participant is looking at something behind me. I don't feel too good about this. The floor began to crack, splintering in almost every direction;

"RUN! It's the Zero Pointer!" I hear from another. The buildings have begun to fall, as pebbles fell.


The Zero pointer!?

Wher- Before I could finish that sentence, the answer appears behind me.


Just as I turn around, the ground trembles, making me trip. I need to get up- but the heat and dizziness is getting to me.

Just as I try.


Debris. Oh no. Debris! My legs! Oh- Damn it!

I try to move the boulder sized object from my legs. It doesn't budge. I would use my ability, but it's too heavy!

Someone.. Someone help!

I look around, maybe for the supervisor they mentioned. Nothing. He wasn't there. The students began scurrying away, the ground around be begins to crack as the large machine looms over me. What should I do? It's terrifying. I can't move away...

I can't help by let go a few tears.

In a desperate call, I cry out to someone. The person they told us to call. The one responsible for our safety.

"Help! Supervisor! Protector!"

Maybe my prayers won't be noticed. Maybe I won't get to be a hero; but someone please-!

"It's alright" I hear a voice infront of me, "Take my hand, I'll save you." He says in a soft voice. I look up to the figure obscured by the sun, his face and body are hidden. But I still reach for his hand, to which he grips mine, both of our grips equal in strength. The sudden burden on my legs removed, he coughs a few times as he pulls me up.

Like that, the boulder above me is lifted, tossed aside like a paperweight by the supervisor; he helps me stand as the pain suddenly hits my knees. I think I broke something

Like a prince from a fairytale, he suddenly picked me up, minding my injuries

"There. All better?"

I can't utter a word. Th-This is too embarrassing!

Though there is little time for emotions here, as I see a shadow cover us.

Quickly, I realize the Zero Pointer is still looming on us, I can't help but say "-Run! Quickly! It's going to-". He pauses for a second, almost shocked by what I said, repeating it thee times in murmurs, which he just laughs.


Like it was the funniest Joke ever.. "Don't worry. I'll deal with it."





Now, Now the fun part. Supposedly.

In an instant, I activate Cementoss's quirk, an ability which can shift existing cement, using my feet. Still holding the girl, it was the best option.

Including the asphalt, the ability shifted several buildings as rubble started to move into the ground.

The buildings and roads shifted beneath me as the Zero pointers affect on the surrounding environment was reverted.

Any trapped students are pushed to the surface as the stone shifts around them, eliminating the risk of anyone getting pulled along by the quirk. Cracks across and around the streets and walls repaired themselves; Buildings void of any inhabitants meshed into the ground as they joined the several ever climbing pillars of cement, aimed with precision directly at the Executor.

'This is harder than I thought'

What Midoriya lacked in strength with the ability, he would make up in precision. Nezu's ability allowed all the control he could use, and with enough control, he could topple the Zero Pointer without much effort.

Pillars of stone aimed for the machine's joints and face; sharper pillars targeted soft internal wiring while flatter sided hammers move the body away from the students. The pillars rose instantly, like an arrow, the tendon like stones speared to their targets almost instantly.

A scan of the machine showed it's internal generator, along with the central circuits controlling movement; I could easily target it's inners and disable it without a fight. I have a feeling I may be graded aswell

The pillars hit it's joints, knees and waist, then several others pushed against its head and chest. The first ones had ripped through it's joints, molded themselves around the circuits and motors; stopping any and all movements of the lower body after. The second ones had pushed back the machine, stopping it's march and avoiding and more damage.

Cement flooded the Zero pointer's inner core.

It submerged necessary circuits regulating movement, thereafter disabling it's energy source, safely submerging it's central power lines.

Like that, the machine died; Silently and peacefully.

Now without the machine interfering, Izuku made a throne like chair of cement and placed Ochaco down gently.

"Better?" Izuku asked the girl, with little emotion on his face. Only the innocent smile on his face was any indicator of him reacting to what happened.

'Her quirk was amazing. Anti gravity from the looks of it, activated upon contact, which came handy with that boulder. So many possible meals'

Ochaco had no response, she looked at the boy in silently amazement, her face flushed.

"Ah, wait. You're still injured." The boy said. "Wait for the head nurse, she should pass by soon.

As he spoke, the concrete around him shaped itself to make a walkway to Ochaco.

"If you excuse me, I have to check on the others. See you soon." He had counted the number of machines she killed, and from just an overview, she was likely to get into UA.

Thus, In an instant, Izuku disappeared, he was already gone by the time she wanted to say anything of thanks, no trace at all was left.

He Just Vanished.


"THE TEST IS OVER!" Present Mic spoke as the remaining machines stopped moving.

This was the annoying part, squabbling. It was Izuku's job to ensure no fights broke out, and he would have to stop them one by one. But how many morons would go berserk because of their lack of training? That would have two be found out.

"You stole my kill Asshole!" One muscular teen said, his body and face was tinted red and his hair colored black. Strength enhancement.

A neat ability, but there are better ones.

"The fuck are you saying? Steal your kill? Bitch-" The other one was no better, he was covered in several striped shadows. Otherwise, he didn't reveal any interesting ability. Maybe he could make hallucinations, cause dizziness; Probably not. Probably just environmental cloaking.

Guy number two stepped forward and Izuku appeared infront of them.

"Any fighting will result in immediate disqualification." He spoke with fake anger on his face, the type designed to inflict the greatest amounts of fear, an socially engineered rage.

With sound manipulation, the two heard the threat especially well. None would dare attempt to attack the 'Protector' anyway, they were warned about the result.

"Am. I. Understood." A far more emotionless, strict and quiet tone settled itself in their ears, as if the 'Protector' was scolding a couple of grade students.

A moment later, after the two had their seconds of silence, they nodded; Izuku disappeared the instant after to go to the remaining idiots.

It would be a pain to deal with them all, so he would improvise.

The two morons looked at each other, wide-eyed at the sudden interference, they both gulped in awe.



Izuku Midoriya had jumped rooftop to rooftop.

He used sound manipulation to direct his voice at groups of people, appearing after infront of them if they escalated.

For any injured, he would use his quirk or take them to the nursing station.

No one had tried anything violent afterwards; in the end, they were all teens who wanted to pass. Some misfits however, well, they had suddenly disappeared...

They didn't die obviously.

But "Tracelessness" could be used on other people or objects so long as physical contact was made.

It was rare enough for fights to occur more than once, and even then, the fear of suddenly disappearing competitors would stop the violent attitudes of the misfits.

Within 30 minutes, the exam had properly ended and the students had left the scene. Izuku cleaned the area up of any wreckages, piling them neatly on the walls.

All in All, it was a fairly easy day of work.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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