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18.18% Marvel: Horus, God of Evolution / Chapter 2: Wishes and Perks

Chương 2: Wishes and Perks

The god is sitting in the lotus position while closing his eyes. A bluish-grey aura surrounds the god as he's reviewing Horus's life.

This goes on for an indeterminable amount of time. Finally, the god opens his eyes and mutters, "So, that's how it is."

Turning his attention back to Horus, the god reveals with transpired in its life.

"You are correct when you said that you'd donated to Feed the Children, the ASPCA, and occasionally fed the homeless. But, the strange thing is, you inspired someone to invent the cure for cancer. That someone is known as Kim Se-Jeong; your old college fling.

She, being moved by the death of your younger brother losing his life to lung cancer, applied to the most prominent medical school and got accepted.

Once in, she excelled pretty quickly in her research and was able to catch the attention of other doctors who then jumped onto her project. Four years later, she had finally succeeded. Three months later, she got the patent for it and she tried to call but you did not pick up. You were too busy burning."

Smirking a bit and not speaking to let Horus digest the information just given to him, the god observes his reaction.

Horus is completely puzzled. How does his little brother's death play a part in her cure for cancer? And when did he tell her about his death?

In response to his thoughts, the god projects a screen in the air and shows a scene of Horus completely drunk. The soul had his head in the lap of Kim Se-Jeong, crying and muttering things such as "I should have had cancer" and "I love your little brother. I'll never for— *burp* forget you."

That's when he remembered that the night he got drunk was on his little brother's birthday. He had shown up to Se-jeong's dorm room drunk as a skunk.

As if hearing his thoughts again, the god continues to speak.

"As for the stopping genocide… it's the dumbest thing. The guy you stopped from committing genocide goes by the gamer tag of "Murica4Ever". A confederate-loving, crazy asshole who swore that if he lost to your camping ass again, he would "kill all n*ggers." Luckily, your finger was slick with chicken grease and slipped, missing the final shot to kill him.

The moral of the story, everyone hates campers. Including the confederates. So, no more CAMPING."

"Alright, on to your reincarnation progress. You can either transmigrate into a body or reincarnate as a baby. You get three wishes, three perks, and a body design. You cannot choose what world you go to nor can you choose what race you will be due to your karmic value being a bit lower," pausing to see if the soul understood, he continues.

"I will bring out two wheels of fortune. One is the world/universe you will be in. The second being the race you will be."

Two giant pie wheels split into so many different labels for worlds, Horus gave up on counting them.

"Spin the wheel."

Nodding, Horus steps forward and spins the first wheel of worlds as hard as he could. The wheel spins so fast and long that he manages to passes out due to how long it was spinning. After around three days, the wheel stops on a world with the marvel logo on it.

"Ah, how lucky. The Marvel universe is quite good. Depending on what race you are, you could become extremely powerful. Spin the next wheel."

Exasperated, Horus looks at the god fuming. "Hey, why the rush anyway? It's not like u got stuff to do. Can't you allow me to celebrate that I'm going to the Marvel universe?"

Responding indifferently, the god replies, "No. No, I don't think I will. I am bored and want to find more entertainment while my punishment is ongoing. Proceed before I throw you into the hell dimension."

Not trying to get further on the god's bad side, Horus spins the wheel of races. This, however, was instant.

"What the—" the god the stops mid-sentence, looking as though he's listening to someone in his head.

Nodding and smiling profusely, the god turns to Horus and speaks, "Alright, Horus. It's both your and my lucky day. Someone has chosen the suitable race for you after reading through your life."

Horus, the soul, is still thinking he's spinning the wheel of races. He hopes he can become a celestial or maybe he can be Blue Marvel. Could he transmigrate to Robert Reynold's body and become the Sentry?!?!

Just thinking about these possibilities, Horus could feel a brain-gasm coming on.


Scared sh*tless, Horus looks at the god.

"Damnit. Let me think about all the races I might be, you lousy kid of a god!"

Keeping his cool now that he knows who's watching, the god explains once again what has happened.

Horus is a bit disappointed. What if they put him as a member of Korg's race? Who wants to become a rock anyway?

"Stop your complaining. You've been allowed to be reincarnated as the Egyptian god, Horus. What are you crying for? Now, think about the wishes you'd like to make and your three perks."

Hearing this, Horus went bonkers. He started running around yelling and screaming "I'm going to be Horus!".

The god lets him get the excitement out and just slowly floats to the ground.

Eventually, Horus runs into the god and falls to the ground.

Facing away from the god while sitting cross-legged, Horus thinks about what would be the best things suitable for himself and plans.

'Hmmm. Horus is the god of light, the sky, and war. The sky and war are great divinities but the light is a bit too restrictive. I know!! I'll alter his light divinity and add the sun to it as well. He's already kinda like Superman, except that he can't use solar energy to permanently enhance his physique.

However, even that isn't enough. Especially with powerhouses like the Sentry and Celestials. I'll need to further improve. Okay, I got it.'

Turning back towards the god, Horus says his wishes.

"My first wish is to add a new divinity and alter Horus's light divinity."

The god nods.

"Okay, I want you to alter his light divinity and include the sun as part of that divinity."

Thinking a bit, the god nods affirming the wish. "That can be done but you can't add any more divinities. Too many divinities can lead to your soul and body breaking down."

Feeling let down, Horus thinks of a solution. "Oh, that won't matter because I have other wishes that'll help with that. As for the second part of my first wish, I also become the god of evolution. As I evolve, so do my other divinities and perks."

"Heh, okay. I see where you're going but that divinity will only be physical and you can evolve other beings to a certain extent and objects as well. You'll have to spend a wish on the soul though. Otherwise, you're f*cked as soon as you enter that universe." The god replies, while laughing at his "smarts".

One must know, he just reviewed Horus's past life and possible future life 3 days ago. He has seen Horus do a bunch of stupid sh*t that couldn't be put on paper. Therefore, the god knows Horus like a book. Who would've thought he could be so smart?

Shaking his head, Horus continues, "Are you making fun of me? I only thought I lost my phone because I was buzzed. Who knew my phone was in my hand? I thought it was my beer.

Anyways, as for my second wish, I want to have an evolving soul. Couldn't you just add soul evolution to the first wish?"

"No, you idiot! Why would I make your dumbass so OP with just one wish? Now, your third?"

Tapping his finger to his chin, Horus looks the god in the eyes and says, "I want absolute secrecy. Meaning I don't want to be spied on by any being no matter how powerful… including you. That also comes with my soul/mind and body being unreadable and me being able to let them see what I want them to see."

Pressure builds in the world and it starts to shake but it all stops moments later.

This was the god being upset but quickly suppressed it.

"Whew! It can be done but that's going to take up 5 million of your karmic points. You only have 4.8 million left."

Clapping his hands, the god forms multiple hand movements, and a sigil forms and heads towards Horus's soul body. Horus could feel himself being cutoff from the outside world. It's almost as if the world doesn't know he exists.

"You won't get the other wishes until you're actually in that universe. We can finally move on to your perks and body customization. Begin."

Surprised at this god's change of attitude, Horus talks to himself in his mind.

'Sheesh. This guy must be bipolar. We were just cool a minute ago. Now, he has an attitude? Whatever. I'll have to also go a bit further with my perks. I didn't get the wish I wanted but that's fine.

I can't go into the marvel universe with ADHD. I need my thoughts clear. So, intellect is a must. Though my divinity is evolution, I don't want to turn out like that bastard Doomsday. Healing is a must. They're gods but they can still die.

Lastly, I'll need a weapon capable of dealing damage and even killing beings such as Knull and the Beyonders. Alright, I'm ready!'

Sensing Horus is ready, the god asks, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am. For my first perk, I would like to have an IQ equivalent to the 13th-level intellect in DC."

Shaking his head, the god responds, "You wasted your perk on that? You have a god's brain. With your evolution divinity, you can just evolve that. Why waste it?"

Horus nods his head.

"You're right. I could but I'll just leave it to my divinity to evolve my brain beyond that of what Marvel could hold. I have plans. They're vague but I have them."

Shrugging, the god gestures for him to continue.

"For my second perk, I would like for my body to have the Evo virus from The First series by Kipjo K. Ewers."

{A/N: Mannnn, if y'all haven't read that book series, you need to. 10/10 recommend. The EVO virus is alien-made to unlock the potential of humans. It's a virus that helps the infected heal and become stronger than what killed it. It's Doomsday but on steroids. No matter if it's energy-based or metal, you will heal.}

Eyes full of shock, the god jumps up into the air taken aback.

"When did you read that book series? Damnit. You're going to become one strong bastard. You'd be unkillable if given time for the virus to react which is almost instant. We saw when that b*tch Peace was thrown into a black hole and survived. Okay, okay. That can happen but that takes up 2 million of your points. Cool?"

Hearing the answer he wanted, Horus pumps his fist into the air, happy to have this perk. All he needed to make him OP was the Evo virus, soul evolution, and his weapon. Just the Evo virus alone, if given time to evolve, would make him as strong as Sentry, Knull, and anyone else.

He wouldn't need to eat or sleep whenever he acquired a powerful energy source for his body to absorb. Unless he was completely drained of energy, and the body would go into stasis mode in order to preserve it. The infected person is unkillable. Literally.

Calming down, Horus states his last perk…

"I want the Blades of Chaos as my soul-bound weapon perk. And they could be upgraded correctly?"

The god is smiling this time. Not from mockery but from the sheer impression Horus left on him after concluding his wishes and perks.

'This guy made a lot of bad choices but is this smart? Now I see why mother took an interest in him. Maybe he can join the war at some point.'

Not continuing further into his thoughts, the god then places some kind of device on Horus's temple and explains to him what it is; a simulator to help build his new body for when he's born.

After making his customizations, especially to his reproductive systems, Horus hits 'finalize' on the simulator. He did not make many changes but changed his eye color, musculature development system, and a bit of facial structure moving and that's it. The EVO virus and his godhood will perfect his body on their own.

After confirming everything is ready, the god raised his head saying, "Mainframe, initiate Protocol: RE-Marvel 616 on target Horus Prime."

Some weird computing noises sounded aloud throughout the whole white world. Making Horus very skittish.

"PROTOCOL: RE-Marvel 616 accepted. Prepare for initiation, Horus Prime." A computerized female voice says, making Horus look every which way.

"What the hell is that? Is this world a damn computer? Who's Horus Prime?" Horus asks the god.

"No. That's just Mainframe receiving my orders to have you reincarnated to the MCU. Also, you are Horus Prime."

Confused, Horus asks another question.

"I thought you said I could pick between transmigration or reincarnation. What happened?"

Just smiling at Horus, the god simply answers, "A certain being already made that call when they selected what race you'd be. It's out of my hands and pay grade."

"Bruh, you get paid? What do they pay you in? More burning people to laugh at?" Horus says, laughing happily.

The god-kid snorts.

"No, they pay me with Joema."

"With what?" asks Horus.

"With Joe Mama." Now, it's the God's turn to laugh.

"Gottem!" the god is now pointing and laughing at Horus who fell for his joke.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. At least I won't be stuck in th—"

Then, more computing noises sound aloud.

"Protocol initiation starts in 10 seconds," the computer says as it starts the countdown.

"Well, looks like this is it. I hope you have fun and fulfilling second life," the god says while turning away.

"Huh? You're being nice? No funny quip about my mama?"

"AHH, MY BODY," Horus exclaims in shock as he notices his body start to fade away.

"Wow, this one is quicker. Looks like Motherboard wants to go there too. Haha. Well, good luck, p*ssy!!" the god-kid jokes.

Ignoring this guy's insult, Horus looks up, he sees that his body is almost faded.

"Hey, what's your name by the way?"

Surprised, the god subconsciously answers, "Mike".

Hearing that name, Horus bursts out with laughter. "A god named Mike. Who named him?" Horus says while throwing up the peace sign.

That's the last thing the god hears from Horus as a tear falls down his cheek. A small golden orb the size of a pea appears on the top of the God's finger. He secretly used the last remaining karmic points to give Horus something a little extra before he reincarnates.

He quietly whispers, "Our #*#* did."

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